Adding and Removing Projects in the Timesheet

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The first task a user must perform when starting a new timesheet is to add one or more projects. The Timesheet solution allows the user to add any number of projects to the timesheet but allows the user to add a particular project only once because there is no need to have two different entries for the same project on the same day. This solution dynamically generates the list of projects based on the contents of the Projects table in the database, and you can enable additional projects by simply adding rows to that table.

The Mysterious Missing Percent

When I first wrote this example, I used "50%" as the width value for each of the Chart controls. I expected this to keep both Chart controls on the same horizontal line, sizing their width to half the width of the document. I noticed however that at certain window sizes, Internet Explorer wrapped the second chart to the next line of the document, even though the charts' sizes should have been exactly half the width.

I surmised that this mysterious behavior was the result of rounding errors that occurred when the document size was not an even number. However, I could not confirm this and eventually found that setting the first Chart control's width to "49%" seemed to fix the problem.

Let's first look at how I populate that drop-down list of projects. The following HTML and ASP script fragment is taken from the Timesheet.asp file:

 <td>Project:&nbsp;     <select id=cbxProject> <% Set m_rs = m_cn.Execute("select ProjectID, ProjectName from Projects" & _     " where Active = True")     While Not m_rs.EOF         Response.Write "<option value=" & m_rs("ProjectID") & ">" & _             m_rs("ProjectName") & "</option>"         m_rs.MoveNext     Wend     m_rs.Close     Set m_rs = nothing %>     </select> </td> 

The code starts by emitting some HTML for the table in which the project's drop-down list and the Add Project To Timesheet and Remove Project From Timesheet buttons reside. It also emits the beginning of the <select> tag, giving it an ID of cbxProject, which I will use later in the client-side script.

Next, the code jumps back into ASP script and executes a query to retrieve the list of active projects. (As any ASP programmer knows, the <% and %> symbols demarcate ASP script.) The code then loops through the Recordset and emits an <option> tag for each project. After the last project, the code closes and releases the Recordset and emits the closing </select> tag.

My use of where Active = True in the SQL statement is worth noting. I designed the timesheet database so that it has referential integrity between the Projects table and the WorkHours table—meaning you cannot delete a project from the Projects table if any work hours are associated with that project. For reporting reasons, you would want to keep records of hours worked on projects that are no longer active, but you would not want those projects to appear in the list of available projects in the timesheet system. By setting the project's Active column to False (0), you can hide a project from the user while keeping it for reporting and analysis purposes.

Now that the Project drop-down list is loaded with all the active projects, let's turn our attention to what happens when the user clicks the Add Project To Timesheet button. The click is caught in the button's onClick event handler as shown below.

 Sub btnAddProj_onClick()     Dim rng            ' Temporary Range reference     Dim sProj          ' Project name          ' Get the name of the selected project     sProj = cbxProject.children(cbxProject.selectedIndex).Text          ' Check whether the project ID is already in the timesheet     ' The project ID is in the hidden B column     Set rng = ssTimesheet.Range("B2")     While Len(Trim(rng.Text)) > 0         If rng.Text = cbxProject.value Then             MsgBbox "The project '" & sProj & _                 "' is already in your timesheet!", _                 vbCritical, "Timesheet Demo"             Exit Sub         End If         Set rng = rng.Offset(1)     Wend     ' Turn off screen updating to avoid flashing     ssTimesheet.ScreenUpdating = False     ' We either hit a blank row, or we went into the Totals row     ' (which is one less than number of visible rows)     If rng.Row >= _         (ssTimesheet.Range(ssTimesheet.ViewableRange).Rows.Count - 1) then             ' Not within viewable range             ' Need to add a row and fix up the summary functions             Set rng = ssTimesheet.Range("A" & _                 ssTimesheet.Range(ssTimesheet.ViewableRange).Rows.Count - 1)             ' Turn off the Allow Inserting Rows protection option             ' while we insert a row programmatically             ssTimesheet.ActiveSheet.Protection.Enabled = False             rng.InsertRows(1)             ssTimesheet.ActiveSheet.Protection.Enabled = True                      ' Move back to the newly inserted row,             ' and move to the Project ID column             Set rng = rng.Offset(-1,1)                      ' Fix up formulas             FixupFormulas ssTimesheet     End If     ' Set the current cell to the project ID and      ' one cell left to the project name     rng.Locked = False     rng.Value = cbxProject.value      rng.Locked = True     Set rng = rng.Offset(0,-1)     rng.Locked = False     rng.Font.Color = "Black"     rng.Value = sProj     rng.Locked = True     ' Do autofit on the first column to make sure      ' the project name is fully visible     ssTimesheet.Range("a1:a" & _         ssTimesheet.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count).AutofitColumns     ' Turn the screen updating back on to force a redraw     ssTimesheet.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub 'btnAddProj_onClick() 

This event handler begins by getting the name of the project selected in the drop-down list. It then scans through the list of projects in the timesheet to see whether the project has already been added. If it finds the project in the timesheet, it displays an error message and exits the handler. If it does not find the project in the timesheet, it continues executing the code to insert the project.

Before performing any row insertions, I set the ScreenUpdating property to False. The Spreadsheet control will redraw itself by default when you make changes to its content. If you plan on making a few changes at once, it's often beneficial to turn ScreenUpdating off while doing so and then turn it back on when you are done. The spreadsheet will wait to redraw itself until you turn ScreenUpdating back on, preventing the flashing that can occur when you make many changes at once. Just be sure you remember to turn ScreenUpdating back on—if you do not, the spreadsheet will appear frozen and unresponsive.

The code continues by checking whether it encountered a blank row (which happens when you have no projects in the timesheet) or the Totals row on its journey through the timesheet's current projects. If it encountered the Totals row, I need to insert a new row in the spreadsheet and fix up the summary formulas at the bottom and on the right side of the timesheet so that they include the newly inserted row. Because the spreadsheet is protected, I must disable protection by setting the Protection object's Enabled property to False before I can insert the new row. I then immediately turn protection back on so that the user cannot modify the spreadsheet.

The code continues by calling the FixupFormulas method. This method adjusts the formulas in the bottom two rows and right three columns so that they include the newly inserted row. In the case of the column summary formulas, I need to add them to the newly inserted rows so that the spreadsheet calculates the same totals for the new row as it does for other rows. Let's take a look at the FixupFormulas method:

 Sub FixupFormulas(ss)     Dim rng         ' Temporary Range reference     Dim nRows       ' Number of rows in the timesheet     Dim col         ' Temporary column counter     Dim sColLetter  ' Column letter     ' Go to the first column before the first day in the Totals row     Set rng = ss.Range("b" & ss.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count - 1)     ' Turn protection off temporarily     ss.ActiveSheet.Protection.Enabled = False     ' Fix up the column sum formulas     For col = 1 To 6        ' Days of the week + Totals column         Set rng = rng.Offset(0,1)         sColLetter = left(rng.Address,1)         rng.Formula = "=sum(" & sColLetter & "2:" & _             sColLetter & rng.Row - 1 & ")"     Next     ' Go up one to do the row total     Set rng = rng.Offset(-1)     rng.Formula = "=sum(c" & rng.Row & ":g" & rng.Row & ")"     ' Go over one to do the row percentage of total     Set rng = rng.Offset(0,1)     rng.Formula = "=if(h" & rng.Row & "=0, 0, h" & rng.Row & _         "/h" & rng.Row + 1 & ")"     ' Go over one to do the row average     Set rng = rng.Offset(0,1)     rng.Formula = "=if(h" & rng.Row & _         "=0, 0, average(c" & rng.Row & ":g" & rng.Row & ")"     ' Finally, adjust the data references for the first chart     nRows = ss.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count - 2     csPerProj.Charts.Item(0).SeriesCollection.Item(0).SetData _         csPerProj.constants.chDimCategories, 0, "a2:a" & nRows     csPerProj.Charts.Item(0).SeriesCollection.Item(0).SetData _         csPerProj.constants.chDimValues, 0, "h2:h" & nRows     ' Turn protection back on     ss.ActiveSheet.Protection.Enabled = True End Sub 'FixupFormulas() 

This code begins by disabling protection because it will update formulas in locked cells. It loops over the various cells in the Totals row (second from the bottom), updating the sum formulas to include the newly inserted row. This also updates the grand total cell formula to include the per-project total for the new project row. The Percent Of Total row (the bottom row) is derived from the per-day totals and the grand total, so you do not need to update the formulas in that row.

The code then moves the range reference up one cell to add the per-project total formulas in the three rightmost columns of the timesheet. These formulas are the per-project sum, the percent of total, and the average. It has to add these formulas for only the newly inserted row and does not have to modify the formulas for the other existing rows because they are unaffected by the new row.

Finally the code updates the source data references of the per-project chart. Because I just added a new project to the timesheet, I need to extend the existing range reference the chart has for the category names and values. The Chart and Spreadsheet controls normally track the insertions of rows in the middle of a range and automatically extend the range references accordingly. However, when a row is inserted just below an existing range reference, the Spreadsheet control does not consider that newly inserted row to be part of the existing range and therefore does not update it.

Use a Hidden Row to Avoid Formula and Range Fix Up

Although I wanted to show you how to fix up formulas and range references, I could have avoided some of this code by adding a blank row to the spreadsheet just above the rows of totals and then hiding that row. By doing so, all the formulas and range references would include the blank row, and when I insert a new row just above the hidden blank row, the formulas and range references would automatically adjust. I would have to recode the part of my function that looks for an open spot in the timesheet, but inserting the blank row would eliminate most of this other code.

Let's return to the onClick event handler of the Add Project button and examine the rest of the code after the call to FixupFormulas:

     ' Set the current cell to the project name and      ' the next cell over to the project ID     rng.Locked = False     rng.Value = cbxProject.value      rng.Locked = True     Set rng = rng.Offset(0,-1)     rng.Locked = False     rng.Font.Color = "Black"     rng.Value = sProj     rng.Locked = True     ' Do autofit on the first column to make sure      ' the project name is fully visible     ssTimesheet.Range("a1:a" & _         ssTimesheet.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count).AutofitColumns     ' Turn the screen updating back on to force a redraw     ssTimesheet.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub 'btnAddProj_onClick() 

The timesheet has a hidden column immediately after the project name. I use this column to store the project ID value, which I will need when I process a submitted timesheet. (I will explain this later.) The rest of this event handler sets the project name and project ID cells for the newly inserted row and then uses the AutofitColumns method to make sure the new project name is fully visible.

The code for removing a project from the timesheet is far easier than the code for adding a project. Removing a project is literally as easy as removing the row in which the project exists. However, you do have to catch the case in which the user deletes the last project from the timesheet. In this case, you should clear only the row's contents and set the project name cell to the help string "(Use 'Add Project to Timesheet' to add a project)". The code starts in the onClick event handler for the Remove Project From Timesheet button:

 Sub btnDelProj_onClick()     ' Local variables     Dim rng         ' Temporary Range reference     Set rng = ssTimesheet.Selection     ' If the user was in column 1 (Project Name column)      ' and not on a header or total row     If rng.Column = 1 And (rng.Row > 1 And rng.Row <= _         ssTimesheet.Range(ssTimesheet.ViewableRange).Rows.Count - 2) Then             RemoveProj ssTimesheet, rng.Row     End If 'In Project Name column End Sub 'btnDelProj_onClick() 

This code simply checks that the current selection is in a project row and in the Project Name column. (Perhaps this is too restrictive, but that's how I wrote it.) If so, the code calls the RemoveProj method passing a reference to the Spreadsheet control and the row to remove. Let's take a look at this method:

 Sub RemoveProj(ss, row)     ' Local variables     Dim rng         ' Temporary Range reference     Set rng = ss.Range("A" & row & ":G" & row)     ' Turn off protection while we delete the row     ssTimesheet.ActiveSheet.Protection.Enabled = False     If ss.Range(ss.ViewableRange).Rows.Count = 4 Then         ' Last project--clear the row and set help         rng.ClearContents         AddHelpText ss     Else         rng.DeleteRows(1)     End If     ' Turn protection back on     ssTimesheet.ActiveSheet.Protection.Enabled = True End Sub 'RemoveProj() 

The method first disables protection because deleting rows is not allowed while protection is enabled. It then checks for the case in which this is the last project in the timesheet by determining the number of rows remaining in the viewable range. If there are only four rows, the project being removed is the last project, and the code simply clears the row's contents and adds the help text to the project name cell. If the project being removed is not the last project, the code simply deletes the row. Finally the code reenables protection.

After enabling the Remove Project button, I thought it would be nice to let the user remove a project by selecting a project name and pressing the Delete key. This is also fairly easy to trap, though it has a problem that I will discuss after we look at the following code.

 Sub ssTimesheet_KeyDown(evt)     ' If the user was in column 1 (Project Name column)      ' and not on a header or total row     If evt.Range.Column = 1 And (evt.Range.Row > 1 And evt.Range.Row <= _         ssTimesheet.Range(ssTimesheet.ViewableRange).Rows.Count - 2) Then         ' And the key was the Delete key         If evt.KeyCode = 46 Then             RemoveProj ssTimesheet, evt.Range.Row             ' Cancel standard processing             evt.ReturnValue = False         End If 'Delete key     End If 'In Project Name column End Sub 'Spreadsheet_KeyDown() 

The Spreadsheet control raises an event called KeyDown whenever a key is pressed down. This is the event you should use to capture special keys such as Delete, Escape, Return, or Tab. The code in this event handler checks that the selection was on a valid project name and then checks whether the keycode was 46, which is the ASCII value for the Delete key. If both conditions are true, the code calls the RemoveProj method just as the onClick event handler of the Remove Project button did. It also attempts to set the ReturnValue property of the event information object (passed to the handler by the spreadsheet) to False in order to cancel the standard processing of this key. I say "attempts" because this is the unfortunate problem that I alluded to earlier. The Spreadsheet control will always process keystrokes even if you set this ReturnValue property to False. Because the spreadsheet is protected and the project name cell is locked, pressing the Delete key will always generate a warning in the user interface, telling the user that he or she cannot update a locked cell. As far as I know no workaround for this exists, so you might want to avoid using this approach with locked cells.

Programming Microsoft Office 2000 Web Components
Programming Microsoft Office 2000 Web Components (Microsoft Progamming Series)
ISBN: 073560794X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1999
Pages: 111
Authors: Dave Stearns © 2008-2017.
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