4.1. Recruitment of the Agent Network

Depending on the type of denial of service planned, the attacker needs to find a sufficiently large number of vulnerable machines to use for attacking. This can be done manually, semi-automatically, or in a completely automated manner. In the cases of two well-known DDoS tools, trinoo [Ditf] and Shaft [DLD00], only the installation process was automated, while discovery and compromise of vulnerable machines were performed manually. Nowadays, attackers use scripts that automate the entire process, or even use scanning to identify already compromised machines to take over (e.g., Slammer-, MyDoom-, or Bagle-infected hosts). It has been speculated that some worms may be used explicitly to create a fertile harvesting ground for building bot networks that are later used for various malicious purposes, including DDoS attacks. If the owners didn't notice the worm infection, they will likely not notice the bot that harvests them!

4.1.1. Finding Vulnerable Machines

The attacker needs to find machines that she can compromise. To maximize the yield, she will want to recruit machines that have good connectivity and ample resources and are poorly maintained. Unfortunately, many of these exist within the pool of millions of Internet hosts.

In the early days of DDoS, hosts with high-availability connections were found only in universities and scientific and government institutions. They further tended to have fairly lax security and no firewalls, so they were easily compromised by an attacker. The recent popularity of cable modem and digital subscriber line (DSL) highspeed Internet for business and home use has brought high-availability connections into almost every home and office. This has vastly enlarged the pool of lightly administered and well-provisioned hosts that are frequently continuously connected and running ideal targets for DDoS recruitment. The change in the structure of potential DDoS agents was followed by a change in DDoS tools. The early tools ran mostly on Unix-based hosts, whereas recent DDoS code mostly runs on Windows-based systems. In some cases, such as the Kaiten and Knight bots, the same original Unix source code was simply recompiled using the Cygwin portable library.

The process of looking for vulnerable machines is called scanning. Figure 4.1 depicts the simple scanning process. The attacker sends a few packets to the chosen target to see whether it is alive and vulnerable. If so, the attacker will attempt to break into the machine.

Figure 4.1. Recruitment of agent army

Scanning was initially a manual process performed by the attacker using crude tools. Over time, scanning tools improved and scanning functions were integrated and made automatic. Two examples of this are "blended threats" and worms.

Blended threats are individual programs or groups of programs that provide many services, in this case command and control using an IRC bot and vulnerability scanning.

A bot (derived from "robot") is a client program that runs in the background on a compromised host, and watches for certain strings to show up in an IRC channel. These strings represent encoded commands that the bot program executes, such as inviting someone into an IRC channel, giving the user channel operator permissions, scanning a block of addresses (netblock), or performing a DoS attack. Netblock scans are initiated in certain bots, such as Power [Dita], by specifying the first few octets of the network address (e.g., 192.168 may mean to scan everything from to Once bots get a list of vulnerable hosts, they inform the attacker using the botnet (a network of bots that all synchronize through communication in an IRC channel). The attacker retrieves the file and adds it to her list of vulnerable hosts. Some programs automatically add these vulnerable hosts to the vulnerable host list, thereby constantly reconstituting the attack network. Network blocks for scanning are sometimes chosen randomly by attackers. Other times they are chosen explicitly for a reason (e.g., netblocks owned by DSL providers and universities are far more "target-rich environments" than those owned by large businesses and are less risky than a military site).

The scanning can be performed with separate programs that are simply "plugged in" to the blended threat kit, or (as is the case with Phatbot), built into the program as a module. An IRC bot scanning is depicted in Figure 4.2.

Figure 4.2. Sophisticated scanning for recruitment

Another program that employs scanning to identify vulnerable hosts is an Internet worm. Internet worms are automated programs that propagate from one vulnerable host to another, in a manner similar to biological viruses (e.g., the flu). A worm has three distinct primary functions: (1) scanning, to look for vulnerable machines; (2) exploitation, which compromises machines and establishes remote control; and (3) a payload (code they execute upon compromise to achieve some attack function). Since the worm is designed to propagate, once it infects a machine, the scan/infect cycle repeats on both the infected and infecting machines. The payload can be simply a copy of the worm (in memory or written to the file system), or it may be a complete set of programs loaded into the file system. Internet worms are an increasingly popular method of recruiting DDoS agents, so the worm payload frequently includes DDoS attack code. Figure 4.3 illustrates worm propagation.

Figure 4.3. Worm scanning for recruitment

Worms choose the addresses to scan using several methods.

  • Completely randomly. Randomly choose all 32 bits of the IP address (if using IPv4) for targets, effectively scanning the entire Internet indiscriminately.

  • Within a randomly selected address range. Randomly choose only the first 8 or 16 bits of the IP address, then iterate from .0.0 through .255.255 in that address range. This tends to scan single networks, or groups of networks, at a time.

  • Using a hitlist. Take a small list of network blocks that are "target rich" and preferentially scan them, while ignoring any address range that appears to be empty or highly secured. This speeds things up tremendously, as well as minimizing time wasted scanning large unused address ranges.

  • Using information found on the infected machine. Upon infecting a machine, the worm examines the machine's log files that detail communication activity, looking for addresses to scan. For instance, a Web browser log contains addresses of recently visited Web sites, and a file known_hosts contains addresses of destinations contacted through the SSH (Secure Shell) protocol.

Worms spread extremely fast because of their parallel propagation pattern. Assume that a single copy successfully infects five machines in one second. In the next second, all six copies (the original one and five new copies) will try to propagate further. As the worm spreads, the number of infected machines and number of worm copies swarming over the Internet grow exponentially. Frequently, this huge amount of scanning/attacking traffic clogs edge networks and creates a DoS effect for many users. Some worms carry DDoS payloads as well, allowing the attacker who controls the compromised machines to carry out more intentional and targeted attacks after the worm has finished spreading. Since history suggests that worms are often not completely cleaned up (for example, Code Red infected hosts still exist in the Internet, years after Code Red first appeared), some infected machines might continue serving as DDoS agents indefinitely.

4.1.2. Breaking into Vulnerable Machines

The attacker needs to exploit a vulnerability in the machines that she is intending to recruit in order to gain access to them. You will find this referred to as "owning" the machine. The vast majority of vulnerabilities provide an attacker with administrative access to the system, and she can add/delete/change files or system settings at will.

Exploits typically follow a vulnerability exploitation cycle.


A new vulnerability has been discovered in attacker circles and is being exploited in a limited fashion.


The vulnerability makes it outside of this circle and gets exploited at a wider scale.


Automated tools appear, and nonexperts (script kiddies) are running the tools.


A patch for the vulnerability appears and gets applied.


Exploits for a given vulnerability decline.

Once one or more vulnerabilities have been identified, the attacker incorporates the exploits for those vulnerabilities into his DDoS toolkit. Some DDoS tools actually take advantage of several vulnerabilities to propagate their code to as many machines as possible. These are often referred to as propagation vectors.

Frequently, the attackers patch the vulnerability they exploited to break into the machine. This is done to prevent other attackers from gaining access in the same manner and seizing control of the agent machine. To facilitate his future access to the compromised machine, the attacker will start a program that listens for incoming connection attempts on a specific port. This program is called a backdoor. Access through the backdoor is sometimes protected by a strong password, and in other cases is wide open and will respond to any connection request.

One vulnerability that is not mitigated by patching, which some blended threats take advantage of, is weak passwords. Some exploits contain a list of common passwords. They try these passwords in a brute-force or iterative manner, one after another. This sometimes exceeds system limits for failed logins and causes a lockout condition (a safe fallback for the system, but disruptive to legitimate users who cannot get in to the system). All too many times, these exploits succeed in finding a weak login/password combination and gain unauthorized access to the system. Users often think that leaving no password on the Administrator account is reasonable, or that "password" or some other simple word is sufficient to protect the account. They are mistaken.

4.1.3. Malware Propagation Methods

The attacker needs to decide on a propagation model for installing his malware. A simple model is the central repository, or cache, approach: The attacker places the malware in a file repository (e.g., an FTP server) or a Web site, and each compromised host downloads the code from this repository. One advantage of the caching model for the defender is that such central repositories can be easily identified and removed. Attackers installing trinoo [Ditf] and Shaft [DLD00] agents used such centralized approaches in the early days. In 2001, W32/Leaves [CER01c] used a variant of reconfigurable sites for its cache, as did the W32 / SoBig mass-mailing worm in 2003. Figure 4.4 illustrates propagation with central repository.

Figure 4.4. Propagation with central repository. (Reprinted from [HWLT01] with permission of the CERT Coordination Center.)

Another model is the back-chaining, or pull, approach, wherein the attacker carries his tools from an initially compromised host to subsequent machines that this host compromises. Figure 4.5 illustrates propagation with back-chaining.

Figure 4.5. Propagation with back chaining. (Reprinted from [HWLT01] with permission of the CERT Coordination Center.)

Finally, the autonomous, push, or forward propagation approach combines propagation and exploit into one process. The difference between this approach and back chaining is that the exploit itself contains the malware to be propagated to the new site, rather than performing a copy of that malware after compromising the site. The worm carries a DDoS tool as a payload, and plants it on each infected machine. Recent worms have incorporated exploit and attack code, protected by a weak encryption using linear feedback shift registers. The encryption is used to defeat the detection of well-known exploit code sequences (e.g., the buffer overflow "sled," a long series of NOOP commands [Sko02]) by antivirus or personal firewall software. Once on the machine, the code self-decrypts and resumes its propagation. Figure 4.6 illustrates autonomous propagation.

Figure 4.6. Autonomous propagation. (Reprinted from [HWLT01] with permission of the CERT Coordination Center.)

All of the preceding propagation methods are described in more detail in [HWLT01].

Other complexities of attack tools and toolkits include such features as antiforensics and encryption. Methods of analyzing DDoS tools are described in Chapter 6.

Internet Denial of Service. Attack and Defense Mechanisms
Internet Denial of Service: Attack and Defense Mechanisms
ISBN: 0131475738
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 126

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