Section 2.3. Specification Over-Constraint


2.3 Specification Over-Constraint

I've discussed the reliability problems introduced by specifications that are too vague. Equally devastating is the specification that is too precise. Many specifications that go into too much detail actually conflict with the optimization goal. A specification that requires some specific program performance improvement and a 10-point improvement in the database buffer cache hit ratio might actually be impossible to achieve. It is entirely possible that improving the performance of a specified program might result in a dramatically lower system-wide cache hit ratio. (See [Millsap (2001b)] for an example.)

Another fun example occurred several years ago when I was an Oracle Corporation employee. A performance specification required that, on a particular client-server application form, navigation from one field to the next must occur within 0.5 seconds. The specification further required for the client system to be in Singapore and for the server system to be in Chicago. Furthermore, the specification required that we could not modify the prepackaged application, which made an average of six synchronous database calls across the wide-area network (WAN) per field.

The objective as stated in the specification was unachievable, because the specification is over-constrained ; it in fact conflicts with the physical laws of our universe. There is no way that six round-trip network transmissions can occur between Singapore and Chicago within the span of half a second. Even if we could eliminate all components of response time except for the theoretically smallest amount of time required for the data transmission at its fastest theoretically possible rate (that is, if we could ignore the time consumed by cable, hubs, routers, the database, and so on), executing six round-trip communications per field will require at least 0.6 seconds per field.

Proof : Assume that all practical influences other than the speed of light have no effect upon performance of field-to-field navigation. The speed of light in a vacuum is approximately 299,792,458 meters per second. The distance along the Earth's surface from Singapore to Chicago is approximately 15,000,000 meters. Therefore, the distance traversed by six round-trips for each field is 2 X 6 X 15,000,000 meters, or approximately 180,000,000 meters per field. Obeying the relationship d = rt , we find that t = d / r 0.6 seconds per field. Reintroducing all of the practical influences upon performance that we have ignored up to now will only degrade performance further. Therefore, the requirement specification cannot be met. QED .

There is no way to meet this specification without relaxing at least one of its constraints. The most important constraint to eliminate first was the requirement that each field must execute an average of six round-trips between the client and the database server. The most important task of the existing performance improvement project was to show the proof of why any project with the given specification was doomed to failure. Until this proof became known, people on the project had continued to waste time and money in pursuit of an unattainable goal.

Good projects don't come from bad project specifications. Whether the problem is sloppy targeting or a specification that is utterly unattainable, you cannot afford to base your performance improvement project upon a faulty specification.


Optimizing Oracle Performance
Optimizing Oracle Performance
ISBN: 059600527X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 102 © 2008-2017.
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