
 < Day Day Up > 


callouts, 363

canvas role, 352–54

capitalization, 65

captions, 603–5

carbon copy (Cc) box, e-mail, 658, 659


changing case, 65

Find tab, 125

Indexing Service rules, 121

Cc (carbon copy) box, e-mail, 658, 659


adding borders to, 422, 548

alignment, 425

changing text direction, 417–18

deleting, 413

inserting, 412

merging, 413

selecting, 410–11

splitting, 413–14

certificates. See digital certificates

certification authorities, 807

Change Case dialog box, 65

Change setting, IRM, 792

Change Title button, 81

changed lines, 778–79

character spacing, 66–67


bullet, 247–51

displaying hidden, 223

numbered list, 257

numbering outline, 304–5

spacing WordArt, 400

styles for, 264

characters, special

adding, 69

finding or replacing, 131

finding using codes, 128–29

Indexing Service rules, 121

inserting with shortcut keys, 70–71, 145–46

charts, 431–60

adding error bars, 449

basic, 433–36

custom, 436, 439

datasheet, 440–42

defined, 431

diagrams for, 456–59

editing, 442–46

formatting, 446–48

Microsoft Graph and, 433

organization, 451–56

plotting trendlines, 450–51

text wrapping around, 455–56

types of, 432–33, 436–40

check box fields, 884

citations, table of authorities, 605–7

Clear Formatting option, 272

Click and Type, 51, 59

clip art

accessing AutoShapes, 363–64

Clip Organizer vs., 315

inserting art from task pane, 316–17

integrating into drawings, 364

searching in task pane, 317–18

searching online, 318, 639

Web page animation, 733–34

Web page horizontal rules, 731

Clip Organizer, 318–25

adding images, 322–23

adding keywords, 324–25

clip art vs., 315

creating new collection, 323–24

deleting images, 325

overview of, 318–20

saving clips, 321–22


pasting from, 218–19

setting options, 219–20

viewing contents of, 303

CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) color model, 367

collaboration. See online collaboration

collections, Clip Organizer, 323–24


AutoShapes, 515–16

borders, 541–42

changing to black and white, 330

comments, 755–56

Highlight tool and, 751–53

lines and fills, 365–68, 515–16

patterns, 372

printing background, 106

shadows, 375–76

shapes, 369–70

text, 59–61, 147

text boxes, 515

textures, 371

themes, 532

WordArt, 396–98

Color Model list box, 542

Color tool, 328, 330

Colors dialog box, 366–68

column breaks

creating continuous, 571

inserting, 568, 570

removing, 571

column charts, 432, 434–35


adding vertical lines, 356

beginning new layout, 570

changing index, 618–19

creating, 407–8

deleting, 413

distributing data evenly, 416–17

inserting, 411–12

moving, 413

multiple, 562–64

for part of document, 564–65

planning, 559–60

predesigned, 560–62

specifications for, 563–64

text alignment in, 568–69

text inserted into, 567–68

width, 416, 560, 565–66

Columns button, Standard toolbar, 562–63

Columns dialog box, 563–66

COM (Component Object Model). See Component Object Model (COM) add-ins


copying, 45

cutting, 45

function key, 38

keyboard shortcuts for, 144–45

pasting, 45

personalized menus, 8

selecting text with keyboard, 42–44

shortcut menus, 8–9

voice, 147

Word's built-in, 900–904

comment balloons, 765–69

displaying, 753

hiding, 767–68

printing documents with, 772–73

reviewing, 770

size, 768–69

specifying location, 768

style, 766

typing text in, 759

comments, 753–73

browsing, 770

colors, 755–57

defined, 747

deleting, 771–72

e-mail, 756–57

hidden, 757

identifying creator of, 770

ink annotations and, 762–65

overview of, 754

printing, 772–73

restricting, 757–59, 801–4

reviewing, 769–71

saving on Web page, 773

setting user names, 754–55

standard, 759–60

troubleshooting, 759

versions associated with, 788

voice, 760–62

Word 2003 features, 754

Compare And Merge Document dialog box, 782–85

Compare Side By Side command

defining, 19–20

overview of, 785–86

Word 2003 improvement, 4

Component Object Model (COM) add-ins

defined, 507

loading and unloading, 509

viewing, 508–9

components, Web page

building, 712

inserting, 734–39

compression, image, 333

concordance files

automarking entries with, 611, 619–20

creating, 620

connection sites, 359

connectors, 359–61

Continuous section, 572

contrast, image, 330

Control Toolbox, 893–94

controls, 882

converters, file formats, 77


endnotes, 626

footnotes, 626

grammar corrections, 161

inputting information with, 35

linked text boxes, 520

macros to templates or documents, 914–15

object's formatting, 368

overview of, 44–47

in Print Preview, 96

spelling corrections, 160

styles, 61–62, 284–85

table data, 411

template styles, 504–6

Create New tab, Insert Object dialog box, 342


Crop button, 328

images, 330–31


adding to indexes, 614–15

creating, 629–30

creating hyperlinks, 630

defined, 610

modifying, 630

moving, 630

troubleshooting, 631

updating, 630

CSS (cascading style sheets), 820

attaching to Web pages, 742–43

configuring precedence, 743

defined, 712

detaching, 744

embedded, 741–42

HTML e-mail messages, 668

overview of, 741

Ctrl key, 910

Ctrl+click setting, 720

curly braces ({ }) wildcard, 865, 870

curved lines, 358

Custom tab, Colors dialog box, 366–67

Custom Types tab, charts, 438

Customize Keyboard dialog box, 71


outline sections, 302

in Print Preview, 96

text box in middle of story, 521

cyan, magenta, yellow, black (CMYK) color model, 367

cycle diagrams, 456, 458, 459

 < Day Day Up > 

Microsoft Office Word 2003 Inside Out
Microsoft Office Word 2003 Inside Out (Bpg-Inside Out)
ISBN: 0735615152
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 373 © 2008-2017.
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