Recipe2.18.Finding a File Given a Search Path

Recipe 2.18. Finding a File Given a Search Path

Credit: Chui Tey


Given a search path (a string of directories with a separator in between), you need to find the first file along the path with the requested name.


Basically, you need to loop over the directories in the given search path:

import os def search_file(filename, search_path, pathsep=os.pathsep):     """ Given a search path, find file with requested name """     for path in search_path.split(pathsep):         candidate = os.path.join(path, filename)         if os.path.isfile(candidate):             return os.path.abspath(candidate)     return None if _ _name_ _ == '_ _main_ _':     search_path = '/bin' + os.pathsep + '/usr/bin'  # ; on Windows, : on Unix     find_file = search_file('ls', search_path)     if find_file:         print "File 'ls' found at %s" % find_file     else:         print "File 'ls' not found"


This recipe's "Problem" is a reasonably frequent task, and Python makes resolving it extremely easy. Other recipes perform similar and related tasks: to find files specifically on Python's own search path, see Recipe 2.20; to find all files matching a pattern along a search path, see Recipe 2.19.

The search loop can be coded in many ways, but returning the path (made into an absolute path, for uniformity and convenience) as soon as a hit is found is simplest as well as fast. The explicit return None after the loop is not strictly needed, since None is returned by Python when a function falls off the end. Having the return statement explicitly there in this case makes the functionality of search_file much clearer at first sight.

See Also

Recipe 2.20; Recipe 2.19; documentation for the module os in the Library Reference and Python in a Nutshell.

Python Cookbook
Python Cookbook
ISBN: 0596007973
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 420 © 2008-2017.
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