
Credit: Alex Martelli, author of Python in a Nutshell (O'Reilly)

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is among Python's greatest strengths. Python's OOP features continue to improve steadily and gradually, just like Python in general. You could already write better object-oriented programs in Python 1.5.2 (the ancient, long-stable version that was new when I first began to work with Python) than in any other popular language (excluding, of course, Lisp and its variants: I doubt there's anything you can't do well in Lisp-like languages, as long as you can stomach parentheses-heavy concrete syntax). For a few years now, since the release of Python 2.2, Python OOP has become substantially better than it was with 1.5.2. I am constantly amazed at the systematic progress Python achieves without sacrificing solidity, stability, and backwards-compatibility.

To get the most out of Python's great OOP features, you should use them the Python way, rather than trying to mimic C++, Java, Smalltalk, or other languages you may be familiar with. You can do a lot of mimicry, thanks to Python's power. However, you'll get better mileage if you invest time and energy in understanding the Python way. Most of the investment is in increasing your understanding of OOP itself: what is OOP, what does it buy you, and which underlying mechanisms can your object-oriented programs use? The rest of the investment is in understanding the specific mechanisms that Python itself offers.

One caveat is in order. For such a high-level language, Python is quite explicit about the OOP mechanisms it uses behind the curtains: they're exposed and available for your exploration and tinkering. Exploration and understanding are good, but beware the temptation to tinker. In other words, don't use unnecessary black magic just because you can. Specifically, don't use black magic in production code. If you can meet your goals with simplicity (and most often, in Python, you can), then keep your code simple. Simplicity pays off in readability, maintainability, and, more often than not, performance, too. To describe something as clever is not considered a compliment in the Python culture.

So what is OOP all about? First of all, it's about keeping some state (data) and some behavior (code) together in handy packets. "Handy packets" is the key here. Every program has state and behaviorprogramming paradigms differ only in how you view, organize, and package them. If the packaging is in terms of objects that typically comprise state and behavior, you're using OOP. Some object-oriented languages force you to use OOP for everything, so you end up with many objects that lack either state or behavior. Python, however, supports multiple paradigms. While everything in Python is an object, you package things as OOP objects only when you want to. Other languages try to force your programming style into a predefined mold for your own good, while Python empowers you to make and express your own design choices.

With OOP, once you have specified how an object is composed, you can instantiate as many objects of that kind as you need. When you don't want to create multiple objects, consider using other Python constructs, such as modules. In this chapter, you'll find recipes for Singleton, an object-oriented design pattern that eliminates the multiplicity of instantiation, and Borg, an idiom that makes multiple instances share state. But if you want only one instance, in Python it's often best to use a module, not an OOP object.

To describe how an object is made, use the class statement:

class SomeName(object):     """ You usually define data and code here (in the class body). """

SomeName is a class object. It's a first-class object, like every Python object, meaning that you can put it in lists and dictionaries, pass it as an argument to functions, and so on. You don't have to include the (object) part in the class header clauseclass SomeName: by itself is also valid Python syntaxbut normally you should include that part, as we'll see later.

When you want a new instance of a class, call the class object as if it were a function. Each call returns a new instance object:

anInstance = SomeName( ) another = SomeName( )

anInstance and another are two distinct instance objects, instances of the SomeName class. (See Recipe 4.18 for a class that does little more than this and yet is already quite useful.) You can freely bind (i.e., assign or set) and access (i.e., get) attributes (i.e., state) of an instance object:

anInstance.someNumber = 23 * 45 print anInstance.someNumber                # emits: 1035

Instances of an "empty" class like SomeName have no behavior, but they may have state. Most often, however, you want instances to have behavior. Specify the behavior you want by defining methods (with def statements, just like you define functions) inside the class body:

class Behave(object):     def _ _init_ _(self, name): = name     def once(self):         print "Hello,",     def rename(self, newName) = newName     def repeat(self, N):         for i in range(N): self.once( )

You define methods with the same def statement Python uses to define functions, exactly because methods are essentially functions. However, a method is an attribute of a class object, and its first formal argument is (by universal convention) named self. self always refers to the instance on which you call the method.

The method with the special name _ _init_ _ is also known as the constructor (or more properly the initializer) for instances of the class. Python calls this special method to initialize each newly created instance with the arguments that you passed when calling the class (except for self, which you do not pass explicitly since Python supplies it automatically). The body of _ _init_ _ typically binds attributes on the newly created self instance to appropriately initialize the instance's state.

Other methods implement the behavior of instances of the class. Typically, they do so by accessing instance attributes. Also, methods often rebind instance attributes, and they may call other methods. Within a class definition, these actions are always done with the self.something syntax. Once you instantiate the class, however, you call methods on the instance, access the instance's attributes, and even rebind them, using the theobject.something syntax:

beehive = Behave("Queen Bee") beehive.repeat(3) beehive.rename("Stinger") beehive.once( ) print = 'See, you can rebind it "from the outside" too, if you want' beehive.repeat(2)


No true difference exists between what I described as the self.something syntax and the theobject.something syntax: the former is simply a special case of the latter, when the name of reference theobject happens to be self!

If you're new to OOP in Python, you should try, in an interactive Python environment, the example snippets I have shown so far and those I'm going to show in the rest of this Introduction. One of the best interactive Python environments for such exploration is the GUI shell supplied as part of the free IDLE development environment that comes with Python.

In addition to the constructor (_ _init_ _), your class may have other special methods, meaning methods with names that start and end with two underscores. Python calls the special methods of a class when instances of the class are used in various operations and built-in functions. For example, len(x) returns x._ _len_ _( ); a+b normally returns a._ _add_ _(b); a[b] returns a._ _getitem_ _(b). Therefore, by defining special methods in a class, you can make instances of that class interchangeable with objects of built-in types, such as numbers, lists, and dictionaries.

Each operation and built-in function can try several special methods in some specific order. For example, a+b first tries a._ _add_ _(b), but, if that doesn't pan out, the operation also gives object b a say in the matter, by next trying b._ _radd_ _(a). This kind of intrinsic structuring among special methods, that operations and built-in functions can provide, is an important added value of such functions and operations with respect to pure OO notation such as someobject.somemethod(arguments).

The ability to handle different objects in similar ways, known as polymorphism, is a major advantage of OOP. Thanks to polymorphism, you can call the same method on various objects, and each object can implement the method appropriately. For example, in addition to the Behave class, you might have another class that implements a repeat method with rather different behavior:

class Repeater(object):     def repeat(self, N): print N*"*-*"

You can mix instances of Behave and Repeater at will, as long as the only method you call on each such instance is repeat:

aMix = beehive, Behave('John'), Repeater( ), Behave('world') for whatever in aMix: whatever.repeat(3)

Other languages require inheritance, or the formal definition and implementation of interfaces, in order to enable such polymorphism. In Python, all you need is to have methods with the same signature (i.e., methods of the same name, callable with the same arguments). This signature-based polymorphism allows a style of programming that's quite similar to generic programming (e.g., as supported by C++'s template classes and functions), without syntax cruft and without conceptual complications.

Python also uses inheritance, which is mostly a handy, elegant, structured way to reuse code. You can define a class by inheriting from another (i.e., subclassing the other class) and then adding or redefining (known as overriding) some methods:

class Subclass(Behave):     def once(self): print '(%s)' % subInstance = Subclass("Queen Bee") subInstance.repeat(3)

The Subclass class overrides only the once method, but you can also call the repeat method on subInstance, since Subclass inherits that method from the Behave superclass. The body of the repeat method calls once n times on the specific instance, using whatever version of the once method the instance has. In this case, each call uses the method from the Subclass class, which prints the name in parentheses, not the original version from the Behave class, which prints the name after a greeting. The idea of a method calling other methods on the same instance and getting the appropriately overridden version of each is important in every object-oriented language, including Python. It is also known as the Template Method Design Pattern.

The method of a subclass often overrides a method from the superclass, but also needs to call the method of the superclass as part of its own operation. You can do this in Python by explicitly getting the method as a class attribute and passing the instance as the first argument:

class OneMore(Behave):     def repeat(self, N): Behave.repeat(self, N+1) zealant = OneMore("Worker Bee") zealant.repeat(3)

The OneMore class implements its own repeat method in terms of the method with the same name in its superclass, Behave, with a slight change. This approach, known as delegation, is pervasive in all programming. Delegation involves implementing some functionality by letting another existing piece of code do most of the work, often with some slight variation. An overriding method often is best implemented by delegating some of the work to the same method in the superclass. In Python, the syntax Classname.method(self, . . .) delegates to Classname's version of the method. A vastly preferable way to perform superclass delegation, however, is to use Python's built-in super:

class OneMore(Behave):     def repeat(self, N): super(OneMore, self).repeat(N+1)

This super construct is equivalent to the explicit use of Behave.repeat in this simple case, but it also allows class OneMore to be used smoothly with multiple inheritance. Even if you're not interested in multiple inheritance at first, you should still get into the habit of using super instead of explicit delegation to your base class by namesuper costs nothing and it may prove very useful to you in the future.

Python does fully support multiple inheritance: one class can inherit from several other classes. In terms of coding, this feature is sometimes just a minor one that lets you use the mix-in class idiom, a convenient way to supply functionality across a broad range of classes. (See Recipe 6.20 and Recipe 6.12, for unusual but powerful examples of using the mix-in idiom.) However, multiple inheritance is particularly important because of its implications for object-oriented analysisthe way you conceptualize your problem and your solution in the first place. Single inheritance pushes you to frame your problem space via taxonomy (i.e., mutually exclusive classification). The real world doesn't work like that. Rather, it resembles Jorge Luis Borges' explanation in The Analytical Language of John Wilkins, from a purported Chinese encyclopedia, The Celestial Emporium of Benevolent Knowledge. Borges explains that all animals are divided into:

  • Those that belong to the Emperor

  • Embalmed ones

  • Those that are trained

  • Suckling pigs

  • Mermaids

  • Fabulous ones

  • Stray dogs

  • Those included in the present classification

  • Those that tremble as if they were mad

  • Innumerable ones

  • Those drawn with a very fine camelhair brush

  • Others

  • Those that have just broken a flower vase

  • Those that from a long way off look like flies

You get the point: taxonomy forces you to pigeonhole, fitting everything into categories that aren't truly mutually exclusive. Modeling aspects of the real world in your programs is hard enough without buying into artificial constraints such as taxonomy. Multiple inheritance frees you from these constraints.

Ah, yes, that (object) thingI had promised to come back to it later. Now that you've seen Python's notation for inheritance, you realize that writing class X(object) means that class X inherits from class object. If you just write class Y:, you're saying that Y doesn't inherit from anythingY, so to speak, "stands on its own". For backwards compatibility, Python allows you to request such a rootless class, and, if you do, then Python makes class Y an "old-style" class, also known as a classic class, meaning a class that works just like all classes used to work in the Python versions of old. Python is very keen on backwards-compatibility.

For many elementary uses, you won't notice the difference between classic classes and the new-style classes that are recommended for all new Python code you write. However, it's important to underscore that classic classes are a legacy feature, not recommended for new code. Even within the limited compass of elementary OOP features that I cover in this Introduction, you will already feel some of the limitations of classic classes: for example, you cannot use super within classic classes, and in practice, you should not do any serious use of multiple inheritance with them. Many important features of today's Python OOP, such as the property built-in, can't work completely, if they even work at all, with old-style classes.

In practice, even if you're maintaining a large body of legacy Python code, the next time you need to do any substantial maintenance on that code, you should take the little effort required to ensure all classes are new style: it's a small job, and it will ease your future maintenance burden quite a bit. Instead of explicitly having all your classes inherit from object, an equivalent alternative is to add the following assignment statement close to the start of every module that defines any classes:

_ _metaclass_ _ = type

The built-in type is the metaclass of object and of every other new-style class and built-in type. That's why inheriting from object or any built-in type makes a class new style: the class you're coding gets the same metaclass as its base. A class without bases can get its metaclass from the module-global _ _metaclass_ _ variable, which is why the "state"ment I suggest suffices to ensure that any classes without explicit bases are made new-style. Even if you never make any other use of explicit metaclasses (a rather advanced subject that is, nevertheless, mentioned in several of this chapter's recipes), this one simple use of them will stand you in good stead.

What Is a Metaclass?

Metaclasses do not mean "deep, dark black magic". When you execute any class statement, Python performs the following steps:

Remember the class name as a string, say n, and the class bases as a tuple, say b.

Execute the body of the class, recording all names that the body binds as keys in a new dictionary d, each with its associated value (e.g., each statement such as def f(self) just sets d['f'] to the function object the def statement builds).

Determine the appropriate metaclass, say M, by inheritance or by looking for name _ _metaclass_ _ in d and in the globals:

if '_ _metaclass_ _' in d: M = d['_ _metaclass_ _'] elif b: M = type(b[0]) elif '_ _metaclass_ _' in globals( ): M = globals( )['_ _metaclass_ _'] else: M = types.ClassType

types.ClassType is the metaclass of old-style classes, so this code implies that a class without bases is old style if the name '_ _metaclass_ _' is not set in the class body nor among the global variables of the current module.

Call M(n, b, d) and record the result as a variable with name n in whatever scope the class statement executed.

So, some metaclass M is always involved in the execution of any class statement. The metaclass is normally type for new-style classes, types.ClassType for old-style classes. You can set it up to use your own custom metaclass (normally a subclass of type), and that is where you may reasonably feel that things are getting a bit too advanced. However, understanding that a class statement, such as:

class Someclass(Somebase):     _ _metaclass_ _ = type     x = 23

is exactly equivalent to the assignment statement:

Someclass = type('Someclass', (Somebase,), {'x': 23})

does help a lot in understanding the exact semantics of the class statement.

Python Cookbook
Python Cookbook
ISBN: 0596007973
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 420 © 2008-2017.
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