Defining and Instantiating a Class

Defining a class involves first specifying the keyword class, followed by an identifier, as shown in Listing 5.1.

Listing 5.1. Defining a Class

 class Employee { } 

All code that belongs to the class will appear between the curly braces following the class declaration. Although not a requirement, generally you place each class into its own file. This makes it easier to find the code that defines a particular class, because the convention is to name the file using the class name.

Once you have defined a new class, you can use that class as though it were built into the framework. In other words, you can declare a variable of that type or define a method that takes a parameter of the new class type. Listing 5.2 demonstrates.

Listing 5.2. Declaring Variables of the Class Type

 class Program {   static  void Main()   {      Employee employee1, employee2;       // ...   {      static void IncreaseSalary(Employee employee)   {        // ...   } } 

The curly braces under the class name declaration demarcate the scope of execution.

Beginner Topic: Objects and Classes Defined

In casual conversation, the terms class and object appear interchangeably. However, object and class have distinct meanings. A class is a template for what an object will look like at instantiation time. An object, therefore, is an instance of a class. Classes are like the mold for what a widget will look like. Objects correspond to widgets created by the mold. The process of creating an object from a class is instantiation because an object is an instance of a class.

Now that you have defined a new class type, it is time to instantiate an object of that type. Mimicking its predecessors, C# uses the new keyword to instantiate an object (see Listing 5.3).

Listing 5.3. Instantiating a Class

 class Program {   static void Main()   {       Employee employee1 = new Employee();                           Employee employee2;       employee2 = new Employee();                                      Employee.IncreaseSalary(employee1);    } } 

Not surprisingly, the assignment can occur on the same line as the declaration, or on a separate line.

Unlike the primitive types you have worked with so far, there is no literal way to specify an Employee. Instead, the new operator provides an instruction to the runtime to allocate memory for an Employee object, instantiate the object, and return a reference to the instance.

In spite of the explicit operator for allocating memory, there is no such operator for restoring the memory. Instead, the runtime automatically reclaims the memory sometime after the object is last accessible but before the application closes down. The garbage collector is responsible for the automatic de-allocation. It determines which objects are no longer referenced by other active objects and then de-allocates the memory for those objects. The result is that there is no compile-time-determined location where the memory will be restored to the system.

In this trivial example, no explicit data or methods are associated with an Employee and this renders the object essentially useless. The next section focuses on adding data to an object.

Language Contrast: C++delete Operator

In contrast to C++, C# does not support the delete operator or an equivalent. Furthermore, there is no reliable way to program deterministic destruction (the occurrence of object destruction at a compile-time-defined location in the code).

Programmers should view the new operator as a call to instantiate an object, not as a call to allocate memory. Both objects allocated on the heap and objects allocated on the stack support the new operator, emphasizing the point that new is not about memory allocation and whether de-allocation is necessary.

Beginner Topic: Encapsulation Part 1: Objects Group Data with Methods

If you received a stack of index cards with employees' first names, a stack of index cards with their last names, and a stack of index cards with their salaries, the cards would be of little value unless you knew that the cards were in order in each stack. Even so, the data would be difficult to work with because determining a person's full name would require searching through two stacks. Worse, if you dropped one of the stacks, there would be no way to reassociate the first name with the last name and the salary. Instead, you would need one stack of employee cards in which all the data was grouped on one card. In this way, first names, last names, and salaries would be encapsulated together.

Outside of the object-oriented programming context, to encapsulate a set of items is to enclose those items within a capsule. Similarly, object-oriented programming encapsulates methods and data together into an object. This provides a grouping of all of the class members (the data and methods within a class) so that they no longer need to be handled individually. Instead of passing first name, last name, and salary as three separate parameters to a method, objects enable a call to pass a reference to an employee object. Once the called method receives the object reference, it can send a message (it can call a method such as AdjustSalary(), for example) on the object to perform a particular operation.

Essential C# 2.0
Essential C# 2.0
ISBN: 0321150775
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 185 © 2008-2017.
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