Security Is Not a Set of Features

Security is not a feature that can be added to software. There is no convenient "security" pull-down menu where security can be selected and magic things happen. Unfortunately, many software producers mistakenly rely solely on plonking functional security features and mechanisms, such as cryptography, somewhere in their software, and they assume that the security needs are in this way addressed everywhere. Too often product literature makes broad feature-based claims about security such as "Built with SSL" or "128-bit encryption included," and these represent the vendor's entire approach for securing the product. This is a natural and forgivable misconception, but it is still a concerning problem.

Security is an emergent property of a system, not a feature. This is similar to how "being dry" is an emergent property of being inside a tent in the rain. The tent keeps people dry only if the poles are stabilized, vertical, able to support the weight of wet fabric, and so on. Likewise, the tent must have waterproof fabric that has no holes and is large enough to protect all the people who want to stay dry. Lastly, all the people who want to be dry must remain under the tent the entire time it is raining. Whereas it is important to have poles and fabric, it is not enough to say, "The tent has poles and fabric, thus it keeps you dry!" This sort of claim, however, is analogous to the claims software vendors make when they highlight numbers of bits in keys and the use of particular encryption algorithms. It is true that cryptography of one kind or another is usually necessary in order to create a secure system, but security features alone are not sufficient for building secure software.

Because security is not a feature, it can't be "bolted on" after other software features are codified. Nor can it be "patched in" after attacks have occurred in the field. Instead, security must be built in from the ground upconsidered a critical part of the design from the very beginning (requirements specification) and included in every subsequent development phase all the way through fielding a complete system.

Sometimes this involves making explicit tradeoffs when specifying system requirements. For example, ease of use may be paramount in a medical system meant to be used by secretaries in a doctor's office. Complex authentication procedures, such as obtaining and using a cryptographic identity, can be hard to use [Gutmann 2004]. But regulatory pressures from HIPPA and California's privacy regulations (SB 1386) force designers to negotiate a reasonable tradeoff.

To extend this example, consider that authentication and authorization can't stop at the "front door" of a program. Technical approaches must go far beyond the obvious features, deep into the many-tiered heart of a software system to be secure enough.

The best, most cost-effective approach to software security incorporates thinking beyond white hat normative features by donning a black hat and thinking like a bad guy, and doing this throughout the development process. Every time a new requirement, feature, or use case is created, someone should spend some time thinking about how that feature might be unintentionally misused or intentionally abused. Professionals who know how features are attacked and how to protect software should play an active role in this kind of analysis (see Chapter 9).

Software Security. Building Security In
Software Security: Building Security In
ISBN: 0321356705
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 154
Authors: Gary McGraw © 2008-2017.
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