Section 3.2. Class Selectors: Pinpoint Control

3.2. Class Selectors: Pinpoint Control

When you don't want every instance of a paragraph or heading tag to get the same styling, CSS lets you create a class selector with a name of your choosing, and then selectively apply it to certain bits of HTML on your page. For example, you can create a class style named .copyright and then apply it only to a paragraph containing copyright information, without affecting any other paragraphs.

Class selectors also let you pinpoint an exact element on a page, regardless of its tag. Say you want to format a word or two inside of a paragraph, for example. In this case, you don't want the entire <p> tag affected, just a single phrase inside it, so you can use a class selector to indicate just those words. You can even use a class selector to apply the same formatting to multiple elements that have different HTML tags. For example, you can give one paragraph and one second-level heading the same stylingperhaps a color and a font that you've selected to highlight special information, as shown in Figure 3-3. Unlike tag selectors which limit you to the existing HTML tags on the page, you can create as many class selectors as you like and put them anywhere you want.

Note: When you want to apply a class selector to just a few words contained inside another tag (like the middle paragraph in Figure 3-3), you need a little help from the <span> tag (Section 1.2.1). See the box in Section 3.1 for more detail.

You've probably noticed the period that starts every class selector's namesuch as .copyright and .special . It's one of a few rules to keep in mind when naming a class:

  • All class selector names must begin with a period. That's how Web browsers spot a class selector in the style sheet.

  • CSS permits only letters , numbers , hyphens, and underscores in class names.

  • After the period, the name must always start with a letter . For example, .9lives isn't a valid class name, but .crazy8 is. You can have classes named .copy-right and .banner_image , but not .-bad or ._ as_bad .

  • Class names are case sensitive. For example, CSS considers .SIDEBAR and .sidebar two different classes.

Figure 3-3. Class selectors let you make highly targeted design changes. For example, you can stylize one instance of an <h2> heading ("Wet Sod is Heavy Sod"). The class selector .special tells the browser to apply the style to just that single <h2> tag. Once you've created a class selector, you can use it on other tags, like the top paragraph on this page.

Apart from the name, you create class styles exactly like tag styles. After the class name, simply slap on a declaration block containing all of the styling you desire :

 .special {  color:#FF0000;  font-family:"Monotype Corsiva"; } 

Because tag styles apply across the board to all tags on a Web page, you merely have to define them in the head of the page: the HTML tags that make them work are already in place. The extra freedom you get with class styles, though, comes with a little more work. Using class selectors is a two-step process. After you create a class rule, you must then indicate where you want to apply that formatting. To do so, you add a class attribute to the HTML tag you wish to style.

Say you create a class .special that you'll use to highlight particular page elements. To add this style to a paragraph, add a class attribute to the <p> tag, like so:

 <p class="special"> 

Note: In the HTML, as part of the class attribute, you don't put a period before the class name; the period's only required for the class selector name in a style sheet.

When a Web browser encounters this tag, it knows to apply the formatting rules contained in the .special style to the paragraph. You can also apply class formatting to only part of a paragraph or heading by adding a < span> tag as described in the box below.

Once you create a class style, you can apply it to just about any tag on the page. Although they give you almost limitless formatting possibilities, classes aren't always the right tool when using CSS for laying out a page. Enter the ID selector, which lets you designate a formatting rule for one specific use on a page, as described next .

Divs and Spans

Chapter 1 introduced you to <div> and <span>, two generic HTML tags that you can bend to your CSS wishes. When there's no HTML tag that exactly delineates where you want to put a class or ID style you've created, use a <div> or <span> to fill in the gaps.

The div tag identifies a logical division of the page like a banner, navigation bar, sidebar, or footer. You can also use it to surround any element that takes up a chunk of the page, including headings, bulleted lists, or paragraphs. (Programmer types call these block-level elements because they form a complete "block" of content, with line breaks before and after them.) The <div> tag works just like a paragraph tag: type the opening <div>, add some text, a photo, or some other content inside it, and then end it with the closing </div>.

The div tag has the unique ability to contain several block-level elements, making it a great way to group tags that are logically related such as the logo and navigation bar in a page's banner, or a series of news stories that compose a sidebar. Once grouped in this way, you can apply specific formatting to just the tags inside the particular div, or move the entire div-tagged chunk of content into a particular area, such as the right side of the browser window (CSS can help you control the visual layout of your pages in this manner as described in Part 3 of this book).

For example, say you added a photo to a Web page; the photo also has a caption that accompanies it. You could wrap a <div> tag (with a class applied to it) around the photo and the caption to group both elements together:

 <div class="photo"> <img src="holidays.jpg"  alt="Penguins getting frisky"/> <p>Mom, dad and me on our yearly trip  to Antarctica.</p> </div> 

Depending on what you put in the declaration block, the .photo class can add a decorative border, background color, and so on, to both photo and caption. Part 3 of this book shows you even more powerful ways to use <div> tagsincluding nested divs.

A <span> tag, on the other hand, lets you apply a class or ID style to just part of a tag. You can place <span> tags around individual words and phrases (often called inline elements) within paragraphs to format them independently. Here, a class called .companyName styles the inline elements "," "Disney," and "ESPN":

 <p>Welcome to <span class="companyName"></span>, the parent company of such well-known corporations as <span class="companyName">Disney </span> and <span class="companyName"> ESPN</span>well, not really.</p> 

CSS[c] The Missing Manual
Dreamweaver CS3: The Missing Manual
ISBN: 0596510438
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 154 © 2008-2017.
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