Chapter 7. Dynamic Routing Interactions


Considering the methods for applying dynamic routing to Policy Routing brings up several points of contention . The obvious points regard how to utilize and propagate routing structures that are based on more than the traditional destination-based routing. The more subtle points deal with the actual intricate structures within the implementations of various dynamic routing protocols.

To this end you need to consider how the actual routing engines differ in the location of the structures. To illustrate this you need to first consider how the various parts of the routing engine are distributed within Linux as opposed to a hardware-based device such as a Cisco router. Then you need to consider the actual implementations of the dynamic routing protocols themselves as evidenced by the available source code.

With this understanding you can then begin to implement the uses of both the dynamic protocols and the Policy Routing structure. The interactions between these systems are mostly within the rules and tables used to structure the information. As these mechanisms progress in use there will hopefully be more interactions possible within the greater Internet itself. But that is another subject entirely.


Policy Routing Using Linux
Policy Routing Using Linux
Year: 2000
Pages: 105 © 2008-2017.
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