WSDL is an XML format that tells how to access a Web service. Increasingly, this format is used to describe the interface of any kind of service.

You use a WSDL definition to communicate the service interface to developers, who use the information to invoke the service. A WSDL definition also ensures that runtime access is handled correctly on both the requester and service sides of the transmission.

A WSDL definition is cumbersome, resembling a box with many wrapped objects inside, some embedded in others. If you were rewriting the words of an old Stevie Wonder song, you might say, "Isn't she clunky?"

"Yes" is the short answer, and that's why the WSDL definition is usually created for you by an automated tool, though you may want to customize the definition. Among the reasons for the complexity:

  • To allow flexibility at WSDL development time. The fine distinctions between one element type and the next allow for greater reuse of different kinds of information (for example, messages).

  • To allow vocabulary extensions that are precisely targeted to support new functionality, including functionality that WSDL's designers may not have foreseen.

  • To support a wide range of runtime behaviors. In particular, a WSDL definition can describe a complex service interface:

    • A service can include several operations that interact with requesters. A particular order-processing service can include three operations, for example: one for receiving an order from an existing corporate customer, one for receiving an order from an unknown individual, and one for reporting on the status of an order.

    • A single operation also might support multiple message exchange patterns (MEPs), as when the message sent in one invocation requires a response but the message sent in a second invocation does not.

Definitions written in WSDL 1.1 are commonplace and usually support only the following MEPs, which were covered in Chapter 2:

  • a one-way pattern, in which the requester invokes the service with an input message but does not receive a response

  • a request-response pattern, in which the requester invokes the service with an input message and receives a response, which may be a fault message

In the future, use of WSDL 2.0 is likely to result in a more widespread use of other MEPs.

You can include a WSDL definition in a single file or divide the definition into several files. Listing 5.1 shows the outline of a typical WSDL 1.1 definition.

Listing 5.1: Outline of a WSDL 1.1 definition

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 <definitions>    <types> </types>    <message>       <part> </part>    </message>    <portType>       <operation>          <input> </input>          <output> </output>          <fault> </fault>       </operation>    </portType>    <binding>       <operation> </operation>    </binding>    <service>       <port> </port>    </service> </definitions> 
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In the next sections, we review the WSDL 1.1 definition for a service called getMotorVehicleRecord, which is provided by a fictional Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Highlight Insurance invokes this service to verify the details in an insurance-policy request. Listing 5.2 shows the complete WSDL definition.

Listing 5.2: WSDL definition for the getMotorVehicleRecord service

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 <wsdl:definitions    name="MotorVehicleRecordsService"    xmlns:soap=""    xmlns:tns=""    xmlns:wsdl=""    xmlns:xsd=""    targetNamespace="">    <wsdl:types>       <xsd:schema targetNamespace="">          <xsd:element name="getMotorVehicleRecord">             <xsd:complexType>                <xsd:sequence>                   <xsd:element name="VIN" type="xsd:string"/>                   <xsd:element name="State" type="xsd:string"/>                   <xsd:element name="Category" type="xsd:string"/>                </xsd:sequence>             </xsd:complexType>          </xsd:element>          <xsd:element name="getMotorVehicleRecordResponse">             <xsd:complexType>                <xsd:sequence>                   <xsd:element name="RequestID" type="xsd:string"/>                </xsd:sequence>             </xsd:complexType>          </xsd:element>       </xsd:schema>    </wsdl:types>    <wsdl:message name="getDMVRecordRequest">       <wsdl:part element="tns:getMotorVehicleRecord"                  name="DMVRecordRequest" />    </wsdl:message>    <wsdl:message name="getDMVRecordResponse">       <wsdl:part element="tns:getMotorVehicleRecordResponse"                  name="DMVRecordResponse" />       </wsdl:message>       <wsdl:portType name="DMVRecord">          <wsdl:operation name="getMotorVehicleRecord">             <wsdl:input message="tns:getDMVRecordRequest" />             <wsdl:output message="tns:getDMVRecordResponse" />          </wsdl:operation>       </wsdl:portType>       <wsdl:binding name="MotorVehicleRecordsSOAPBinding"                     type="tns:DMVRecord">          <soap:binding style="document"                        transport="" />       <wsdl:operation name="getMotorVehicleRecord">          <soap:operation soapAction=""/>          <wsdl:input>             <soap:body use="literal" />          </wsdl:input>          <wsdl:output>             <soap:body use="literal" />          </wsdl:output>       </wsdl:operation>    </wsdl:binding>    <wsdl:service name="MotorVehicleRecordsService">       <wsdl:port binding="tns:MotorVehicleRecordsSOAPBinding"                  name="MotorVehicleRecordsSOAPPort">          <soap:address location="" />       </wsdl:port>    </wsdl:service> </wsdl:definitions> 
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We review the two kinds of details included in a WSDL definition: service-interface details and additional access details. For a complete description of WSDL, see the following W3C documents:

  • Web Services Description Language (WSDL) 1.1, available at

  • Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 1: Core Language, available at

Service-Interface Details

The following sections identify WSDL elements that are used to describe a service interface.

The Definitions Start-Tag

The definitions element is the root element of the WSDL definition. Listing 5.3 shows the start-tag of the definitions element in our example.

Listing 5.3: Sample definitions start-tag

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 <wsdl:definitions    name="MotorVehicleRecordsService"    xmlns:soap=""    xmlns:tns=""    xmlns:wsdl=""    xmlns:xsd=""    targetNamespace=""> 
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That start-tag includes several attributes, and understanding all but the first requires an understanding of namespaces, which were described in Chapter 4.

The first attribute, name, is solely for documentation. The last attribute, targetNamespace, specifies the target namespace, which contains each name you're adding to the WSDL file. The target namespace contains the value of the name attribute of each message element, for example. The target namespace specified in the definitions start-tag, however, does not include the names you add in the file's XML Schema definition (XSD), which has a targetNamespace attribute that applies solely to that Schema. In many cases, the two target namespaces are the same.

Namespace declarations in the definitions start-tag indicate a default namespace (which is specific to WSDL) and define a set of prefixes that can be used to reference other namespaces. Our example features three prefixes: tns refers to the target namespace identified in the definitions element; xsd refers to the target namespace identified in the XML Schema; and soap refers to a SOAP-specific namespace.

The types Element

The WSDL definition's types element describes the data available for building the input and output messages. In our example, that element includes the XML Schema definition shown in Listing 5.4.

Listing 5.4: XML Schema definition

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 <wsdl:types>    <xsd:schema targetNamespace="">       <xsd:element name="getMotorVehicleRecord">          <xsd:complexType>             <xsd:sequence>                <xsd:element name="VIN" type="xsd:string"/>                <xsd:element name="State" type="xsd:string"/>                <xsd:element name="Category" type="xsd:string"/>             </xsd:sequence>          </xsd:complexType>       </xsd:element>       <xsd:element name="getMotorVehicleRecordResponse">          <xsd:complexType>             <xsd:sequence>                <xsd:element name="RequestID" type="xsd:string"/>             </xsd:sequence>          </xsd:complexType>       </xsd:element>    </xsd:schema> </wsdl:types> 
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In keeping with the preferred message format (called document-literal wrapped), this XSD begins with a wrapper element for the request message. That element has the same name as the operation being invoked and includes or references a complex type that describes the message.

The previous types element is appropriate for our example because the collection of data types is probably unique to a specific service interface. An alternative is appropriate, however, when you're defining a data-type collection that is likely to be reused. We'll continue with this example to show you the alternative types element (Listing 5.5).

Listing 5.5: Alternative types element

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 <wsdl:types>    <xsd:schema>       <xsd:import namespace=""                   schemaLocation="GetMVRecord.xsd">       </xsd:import>    </xsd:schema>    <xsd:element name="getMotorVehicleRecord">       <xsd:complexType>          <xsd:sequence>             <xsd:element name="recordSearchInfo"                          type="xsd1:MVRecordSearchInfo"/>          </xsd:sequence>       </xsd:complexType>    </xsd:element>    <xsd:element name="getMotorVehicleRecordResponse">       <xsd:complexType>          <xsd:sequence>             <xsd:element name="response"                          type="xsd1:MVRecordResponse"/>          </xsd:sequence>       </xsd:complexType>    </xsd:element> </wsdl:types> 
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We've used the preferred message format again, but in this case we've referenced the complex types, stored the types separately, and used an import statement to make the types available in the WSDL file. This approach yields several benefits. It lets the business developer change the types without affecting the WSDL file. In addition, the types can be used in multiple WSDL files; can be the basis of extensions and restrictions, as shown in Chapter 4; and can be the basis of a shortcut used in Business Process Execution Language (BPEL), as shown in Chapter 8. The types also can be stored in a repository that is made available throughout the business. However implemented, the repository can guide designers and programmers in a variety of projects.

Listing 5.6 shows the separately stored types in an XSD file. We comment further on the message format later.

Listing 5.6: Types stored in an XSD file

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 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""             targetNamespace=""             xmlns:tns="">    <xsd:complexType name="MVRecordSearchInfo">       <xsd:sequence>          <xsd:element name="VIN" type="xsd:string" />          <xsd:element name="State" type="xsd:string" />          <xsd:element name="Category" type="xsd:string" />       </xsd:sequence>    </xsd:complexType>    <xsd:complexType name="MVRecordResponse">       <xsd:sequence>          <xsd:element name="RequestID" type="xsd:string" />       </xsd:sequence>    </xsd:complexType> </xsd:schema> 
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The message Element

Each message element in the WSDL definition defines an input, output, or fault message and includes one or more part elements, each referring to a data type. Listing 5.7 shows the message elements for our example.

Listing 5.7: Sample message elements

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 <wsdl:message name="getDMVRecordRequest">    <wsdl:part element="tns:getMotorVehicleRecord"               name="DMVRecordRequest" /> </wsdl:message> <wsdl:message name="getDMVRecordResponse">    <wsdl:part element="tns:getMotorVehicleRecordResponse"               name="DMVRecordResponse" /> </wsdl:message> 
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In some cases, you'll see multiple part elements in a message element, usually meaning that each part element represents a parameter of the service and that the order of part elements corresponds to the order of parameters. The best practice in most situations, however, is to organize the WSDL definition as our example is organized: each message includes only one part element, and the types element identifies the parameters, if any.

In any case, the content of a message element is used only if referenced by a descendant of a portType element, which we review next.

The portType Element

The portType element defines the service interface and can include multiple operation elements, each describing how to invoke a specific operation. Listing 5.8 shows the portType element for our example.

Listing 5.8: Sample portType element

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 <wsdl:portType name="DMVRecord">    <wsdl:operation name="getMotorVehicleRecord">       <wsdl:input message="tns:getDMVRecordRequest" />       <wsdl:output message="tns:getDMVRecordResponse" />    </wsdl:operation> </wsdl:portType> 
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Included in an operation element are none, some, or all of the following subordinate elements:

  • an input element, which defines an input message (but not every service requires an input beyond the operation name)

  • an output element, which defines an output message, if any

  • zero to many fault elements, each defining a fault message (that is, an error message)

In most cases, each subordinate element refers to a message element. In a complex case, the operation element may include a parameterOrder attribute to override the parameter order that a related message element specified.

WSDL 2.0 replaces the portType element with the interface element, which is similar.

Additional Access Details

We now review WSDL elements that cause the data to be formatted in a particular way and to be sent to a specific location over a specific transport protocol.

As before, WSDL allows for complexity. You may want to support a wide variety of requesters, including some that process SOAP-based messages and some that do not. You also may want to associate a service with multiple locations, as is useful to distinguish between test- and production-level versions of a service or to ensure that a service is available when a network fails or when many requesters are attempting access.

In the usual case, all requester messages are formatted in the same way and are sent to a single location over a single transport protocol.

The binding Element

The binding element associates a portType element with most of the additional details needed to structure a runtime transmission. Listing 5.9 shows an example.

Listing 5.9: Sample binding element

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 <wsdl:binding name="MotorVehicleRecordsSOAPBinding"               type="tns:DMVRecord">    <soap:binding style="document"                  transport="" />    <wsdl:operation name="getMotorVehicleRecord">       <soap:operation soapAction=""/>       <wsdl:input>          <soap:body use="literal" />       </wsdl:input>       <wsdl:output>          <soap:body use="literal" />       </wsdl:output>    </wsdl:operation> </wsdl:binding> 
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The type attribute in the binding element refers to a portType element by name.

Some child elements of the binding element represent extensions to WSDL, as needed for a particular message format (such as SOAP) and transport protocol (such as HTTP).

When you work with SOAP over HTTP, you may be asked to choose a binding style (rpc or document) and, less often, a use (literal or encoded).

The binding style represents a message sub-format:

  • A value of rpc means that the operation name goes into the transmitted message.

  • A value of document means that the operation name does not go into the transmitted message.

The binding element should specify document in almost all cases. Incidentally, the values rpc and document only reflect how to structure a message and do not correspond to the two kinds of service interface described in Chapter 2.

The use value concerns how the runtime transmission is structured for data-type validation:

  • literal means that the transmitted data will conform to the details you specify in the WSDL types element and will be structured simply, as in this example.


  • encoded means that the transmitted data will reference data types in attributes, as in this example:

     <VIN xsi:type="xsd:string">A123</VIN> 

The binding element should specify literal in almost all cases.

For more information about your formatting choices, go to, and search for the quoted string "Which style of WSDL should I use?"

Let's briefly mention two other details:

  • Each operation element in the binding element is associated with a same-named operation element in the portType element.

  • The soapAction attribute is placed in the transmitted message for inspection by a receiving server but is being discontinued in WSDL 2.0. In most cases, assign an empty string.

Not shown in our example is reference to the SOAP Header elements that include Quality of Service details. You can specify an explicit header, in which case QoS details are defined in the binding element and in the elements that describe the service interface. The effect in one sense is quite simple: the requester includes QoS-related arguments in the service invocation. When an explicit header is in use, however, you're mixing QoS and business detail, and the mixing is undesirable:

  • Over time, your company wants to benefit from a division of labor, with different people working on different kinds of detail, at best in different files that are combined to form a single WSDL definition. This division of labor allows use of people who specialize in security or other issues.

  • The developer of the requester code shouldn't need to code QoS-specific arguments or even necessarily to know about the type of QoS data that must be transmitted. As much as possible, you want the developer to focus on business issues.

As an alternative, you can specify an implicit header, in which case the QoS details are described only in the binding element and have no effect on service parameters. Some analysts suggest that this option is the best available, as it separates QoS data definition from parameter definition, and an SOA runtime product can ensure that QoS details are included in the transferred message.

The problem in both cases is that you lose flexibility. Describing QoS data in the WSDL definition means that you're required to use QoS details whenever you deploy the service. You might want to deploy a service and use a security scheme in some cases (for example, when connecting with a business partner) but avoid a security scheme in others (for example, when the requester and service are in the same company).

The direction in the industry is to describe QoS details outside the WSDL definition. This book emphasizes the greater flexibility that comes from making QoS decisions at configuration time or even later, as when the requester and service negotiate the rules of their interaction at run time.

We'll return to the QoS issue later in the book, when we describe Service Component Architecture.

The service Element

The last major element of a WSDL definition is service, which completely describes the structure of every possible transmission. Listing 5.10 shows an example.

Listing 5.10: Sample service element

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 <wsdl:service name="MotorVehicleRecordsService">    <wsdl:port binding="tns:MotorVehicleRecordsSOAPBinding"                  name="MotorVehicleRecordsSOAPPort">       <soap:address location="" />    </wsdl:port> </wsdl:service> 
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Included are a set of port elements, each of which references a binding element by name and includes an address. The meaning of multiple port elements is that the related service can be accessed at any of several locations.

A WSDL port represents a deployed endpoint. An endpoint reference (which allows access of an endpoint at run time) is different from a port description primarily because the reference includes details that are meaningful only at run time.

SOA for the Business Developer. Concepts, BPEL, and SCA
SOA for the Business Developer: Concepts, BPEL, and SCA (Business Developers series)
ISBN: 1583470654
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 157
Authors: Ben Margolis © 2008-2017.
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