More on Applied Learning

It was all coming together for me: short vectors, risk targeting, and hard problems first. One thing really hit me between the eyes: In iterative development, we are forced not only to learn as we go, but also to use what we have learned.

I pointed out to Roscoe that we can't plan the next iteration unless we take stock of what we learned in the previous one. There is no "autopilot" in iterative development; we can't be asleep at the switch. In some sense, iterative development not only encourages applied learning: it demands and requires it.

"Contrast this with organizations that don't develop iteratively," said Roscoe. "How often have you heard people say, 'Well, that's a mistake I won't make on my next project,' or 'We'll have to remember that for next time'? This happens because their project plan is so rigid that they cannot incorporate lessons learned right away. They have a 'plan of record' that either can't be changed or is very difficult to change. This is tragic for two reasons: One, the team becomes resigned to 'going down with the ship' because they think it's 'too late' to change the plan; and two, because the lesson will likely be forgotten by the time the next project rolls around, and the same mistakes will probably get repeated."

The vein on Roscoe's temple was starting to bulge, so I knew we were approaching a crescendo. "This is 'planning' run amuck," he exclaimed. "It amounts to confusing the map with the territory. Or using a tool as an excuse for failure. If the current plan is going to lead to disaster, then CHANGE THE PLAN!!!" He slumped back in his chair.

I had to agree. Iterative development mandates that you immediately apply the lessons you've learned on this project to all successive iterations of the same project. As any educator can tell you, learning is most efficient and effective when you apply lessons learned as soon as possible. This is a very crucial difference between iterative and waterfall development. Iterative development insists that you "strike while the iron is hot," even if it involves pain; if you apply the right technique while the pain is still fresh, then everyone involved will remember the lesson better and longer.

The Software Development Edge(c) Essays on Managing Successful Projects
The Software Development Edge(c) Essays on Managing Successful Projects
Year: 2006
Pages: 269 © 2008-2017.
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