9.1 Matrix


Java Number Cruncher: The Java Programmer's Guide to Numerical Computing
By Ronald  Mak

Table of Contents
Chapter  9.   Basic Matrix Operations

We can represent a matrix in Java as an array of arrays. For example, the statement

 float values[][] = new float[nRows][nCols] 

will allocate such an array, assuming nRows is the number of rows and nCols is the number of columns . A matrix class would include nRows and nCols as instance variables , along with values .

Listing 9-0a shows the Matrix class in package numbercruncher.matrix . As we saw in Figure 9-1, it is the base class for all the matrix classes, but it also contains most of the methods that implement the matrix operations.

Listing 9-0a The Matrix class.
 package numbercruncher.matrix; import numbercruncher.mathutils.AlignRight; /**  * The matrix class.  */ public class Matrix {     /** number of rows */         protected int   nRows;     /** number of columns */      protected int   nCols;     /** 2-d array of  values */   protected float values[][];     //--------------//     // Constructors //     //--------------//     /**      * Default constructor.      */     protected Matrix() {}     /**      * Constructor.      * @param rowCount the number of rows      * @param colCount the number of columns      */     public Matrix(int rowCount, int colCount)     {         nRows  = (rowCount > 0) ? rowCount : 1;         nCols  = (colCount > 0) ? colCount : 1;         values = new float[nRows][nCols];     }     /**      * Constructor.      * @param values the 2-d array of values      */     public Matrix(float values[][]) { set(values); }     //---------//     // Getters //     //---------//     /**      * Get the row count.      * @return the row count      */     public int rowCount() { return nRows; }     /**      * Get the column count.      * @return the column count      */     public int columnCount() { return nCols; }     /**      * Get the value of element [r,c] in the matrix.      * @param r the row index      * @param c the column index      * @return the value      * @throws numbercruncher.MatrixException for an invalid index      */     public float at(int r, int c) throws MatrixException     {         if ((r < 0)  (r >= nRows)  (c < 0)  (c >= nCols)) {             throw new MatrixException(MatrixException.INVALID_INDEX);         }         return values[r][c];     }     /**      * Get a row of this matrix.      * @param r the row index      * @return the row as a row vector      * @throws numbercruncher.MatrixException for an invalid index      */     public RowVector getRow(int r) throws MatrixException     {         if ((r < 0)  (r >= nRows)) {             throw new MatrixException(MatrixException.INVALID_INDEX);         }         RowVector rv = new RowVector(nCols);         for (int c = 0; c < nCols; ++c) {             rv.values[0][c] = this.values[r][c];         }         return rv;     }     /**      * Get a column of this matrix.      * @param c the column index      * @return the column as a column vector      * @throws numbercruncher.MatrixException for an invalid index      */     public ColumnVector getColumn(int c) throws MatrixException     {         if ((c < 0)  (c >= nCols)) {             throw new MatrixException(MatrixException.INVALID_INDEX);         }         ColumnVector cv = new ColumnVector(nRows);         for (int r = 0; r < nRows; ++r) {             cv.values[r][0] = this.values[r][c];         }         return cv;     }     /**      * Copy the values of this matrix.      * @return the values      */     public float[][] values() { return values; }     /**      * Copy the values of this matrix.      * @return the copied values      */     public float[][] copyValues2D()     {         float v[][] = new float[nRows][nCols];         for (int r = 0; r < nRows; ++r) {             for (int c = 0; c < nCols; ++c) {                 v[r][c] = values[r][c];             }         }         return v;     }     //---------//     // Setters //     //---------//     /**      * Set the value of element [r,c].      * @param r the row index      * @param c the column index      * @param value the value      * @throws numbercruncher.MatrixException for an invalid index      */     public void set(int r, int c, float value) throws MatrixException     {         if ((r < 0)  (r >= nRows)  (c < 0)  (c >= nCols)) {             throw new MatrixException(MatrixException.INVALID_INDEX);         }         values[r][c] = value;     }     /**      * Set this matrix from a 2-d array of values.      * If the rows do not have the same length, then the matrix      * column count is the length of the shortest row.      * @param values the 2-d array of values      */     protected void set(float values[][])     {         this.nRows  = values.length;         this.nCols  = values[0].length;         this.values = values;         for (int r = 1; r < nRows; ++r) {             nCols = Math.min(nCols, values[r].length);         }     }     /**      * Set a row of this matrix from a row vector.      * @param rv the row vector      * @param r the row index      * @throws numbercruncher.MatrixException for an invalid index or      *                                        an invalid vector size      */     public void setRow(RowVector rv, int r) throws MatrixException     {         if ((r < 0)  (r >= nRows)) {             throw new MatrixException(MatrixException.INVALID_INDEX);         }         if (nCols != rv.nCols) {             throw new MatrixException(                                 MatrixException.INVALID_DIMENSIONS);         }         for (int c = 0; c < nCols; ++c) {             this.values[r][c] = rv.values[0][c];         }     }     /**      * Set a column of this matrix from a column vector.      * @param cv the column vector      * @param c the column index      * @throws numbercruncher.MatrixException for an invalid index or      *                                        an invalid vector size      */     public void setColumn(ColumnVector cv, int c)         throws MatrixException     {         if ((c < 0)  (c >= nCols)) {             throw new MatrixException(MatrixException.INVALID_INDEX);         }         if (nRows != cv.nRows) {             throw new MatrixException(                                 MatrixException.INVALID_DIMENSIONS);         }         for (int r = 0; r < nRows; ++r) {             this.values[r][c] = cv.values[r][0];         }     }     //-------------------//     // Matrix operations //     //-------------------//     /**      * Return the transpose of this matrix.      * @return the transposed matrix      */     public Matrix transpose()     {         float tv[][] = new float[nCols][nRows];  // transposed values         // Set the values of the transpose.         for (int r = 0; r < nRows; ++r) {             for (int c = 0; c < nCols; ++c) {                 tv[c][r] = values[r][c];             }         }         return new Matrix(tv);     }     /**      * Add another matrix to this matrix.      * @param m the matrix addend      * @return the sum matrix      * @throws numbercruncher.MatrixException for invalid size      */     public Matrix add(Matrix m) throws MatrixException     {         // Validate m's size.         if ((nRows != m.nRows) && (nCols != m.nCols)) {             throw new MatrixException(                                 MatrixException.INVALID_DIMENSIONS);         }         float sv[][] = new float[nRows][nCols]; // sum values         // Compute values of the sum.         for (int r = 0; r < nRows; ++r) {             for (int c = 0; c < nCols; ++c) {                 sv[r][c] = values[r][c] + m.values[r][c];             }         }         return new Matrix(sv);     }     /**     * Subtract another matrix from this matrix.     * @param m the matrix subrrahend     * @return the difference matrix     * @throws numbercruncher.MatrixException for invalid size     */     public Matrix subtract(Matrix m) throws MatrixException     {         // Validate m's size.         if ((nRows != m.nRows) && (nCols != m.nCols)) {             throw new MatrixException(                                 MatrixException.INVALID_DIMENSIONS);         }         float dv[][] = new float[nRows][nCols]; // difference values         // Compute values of the difference.         for (int r = 0; r < nRows; ++r) {             for (int c = 0; c < nCols; ++c) {                 dv[r][c] = values[r][c] - m.values[r][c];             }         }         return new Matrix(dv);     }     /**      * Multiply this matrix by a constant.      * @param k the constant      * @return the product matrix      */     public Matrix multiply(float k)     {         float pv[][] = new float[nRows][nCols]; // product values         // Compute values of the product.         for (int r = 0; r < nRows; ++r) {             for (int c = 0; c < nCols; ++c) {                 pv[r][c] = k*values[r][c];             }         }         return new Matrix(pv);     }     /**      * Multiply this matrix by another matrix.      * @param m the matrix multiplier      * @return the product matrix      * @throws numbercruncher.MatrixException for invalid size      */     public Matrix multiply(Matrix m) throws MatrixException     {         // Validate m's dimensions.         if (nCols != m.nRows) {             throw new MatrixException(                                 MatrixException.INVALID_DIMENSIONS);         }         float pv[][] = new float[nRows][m.nCols];  // product values         // Compute values of the product.         for (int r = 0; r < nRows; ++r) {             for (int c = 0; c < m.nCols; ++c) {                 float dot = 0;                 for (int k = 0; k < nCols; ++k) {                     dot += values[r][k] * m.values[k][c];                 }                 pv[r][c] = dot;             }         }         return new Matrix(pv);     }     /**      * Multiply this matrix by a column vector: this*cv      * @param cv the column vector      * @return the product column vector      * @throws numbercruncher.MatrixException for invalid size      */     public ColumnVector multiply(ColumnVector cv)         throws MatrixException     {         // Validate cv's size.         if (nRows != cv.nRows) {             throw new MatrixException(                                 MatrixException.INVALID_DIMENSIONS);         }         float pv[] = new float[nRows];   // product values         // Compute the values of the product.         for (int r = 0; r < nRows; ++r) {             float dot = 0;             for (int c = 0; c < nCols; ++c) {                 dot += values[r][c] * cv.values[c][0];             }             pv[r] = dot;         }         return new ColumnVector(pv);     }     /**      * Multiply a row vector by this matrix: rv*this      * @param rv the row vector      * @return the product row vector      * @throws numbercruncher.MatrixException for invalid size      */     public RowVector multiply(RowVector rv) throws MatrixException     {         // Validate rv's size.         if (nCols != rv.nCols) {             throw new MatrixException(                                 MatrixException.INVALID_DIMENSIONS);         }         float pv[] = new float[nRows];  // product values         // Compute the values of the product.         for (int c = 0; c < nCols; ++c) {             float dot = 0;             for (int r = 0; r < nRows; ++r) {                 dot += rv.values[0][r] * values[r][c];             }             pv[c] = dot;         }         return new RowVector(pv);     }     /**      * Print the matrix values.      * @param width the column width      */     public void print(int width)     {         AlignRight ar = new AlignRight();         for (int r = 0; r < nRows; ++r) {             ar.print("Row ", 0); ar.print(r+1, 2); ar.print(":", 0);             for (int c = 0; c < nCols; ++c) {                 ar.print(values[r][c], width);             }             ar.println();         }     } } 

The transpose() , add() , and subtract() methods are straightforward. There are several multiply() methods to handle different types of multipliers and to return the correct product types.

If a nonrectangular, two-dimensional array of values passed to the set(float values[][]) method, the method trims the ragged edges on the right by using the shortest row to determine the number of columns of the matrix.

The multiply() methods can involve large numbers of additions. Therefore, they may suffer from the summation problems described in Chapter 4. If these problems arise, then we may need to rewrite the methods to employ some of the techniques from that chapter. Then there will, of course, be a performance penalty.

The RowVector multiply(RowVector rv) method may be a bit confusing. You might think that it more properly belongs in the RowVector class, where its signature would be RowVector multiply(Matrix m) . But RowVector is a subclass of Matrix , and Matrix has a method with the signature Matrix multiply(Matrix m) . Java does not allow a subclass to override a method of its superclass with a method that differs only in its return type.

Many of the matrix methods throw MatrixException . As shown in Listing 9-0b, its error messages cover the various errors that can occur during matrix operations or in solving linear equations.

Listing 9-0b Matrix exceptions.
 package numbercruncher.matrix; public class MatrixException extends Exception {     public static final String INVALID_INDEX =                                         "Invalid index.";     public static final String INVALID_DIMENSIONS =                                         "Invalid matrix dimensions.";     public static final String ZERO_ROW =                                         " Matrix has a zero row.";     public static final String SINGULAR =                                         "Matrix is singular.";     public static final String NO_CONVERGENCE =                                         "Solution did not converge.";     /**      * Constructor.      * @param msg the error message      */     public MatrixException(String msg) { super(msg); } } 


Java Number Cruncher. The Java Programmer's Guide to Numerical Computing
Java Number Cruncher: The Java Programmers Guide to Numerical Computing
ISBN: 0130460419
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 141
Authors: Ronald Mak

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