

IBaseInterface, 280

ICollection interface, 196

IComparer interface, 97

Icon Alignment property, 384

Icon property, 182, 188

IconAlignment On erpMain property, 189

IconAlignment property, 264

IconPadding on erpMain property, 189

icons, dynamically adding and removing, 231–235

ICutCopyPaste interface, 212

ID property, 536

of Add Employee Hyperlink, 523

of First RequiredFieldValidator, 525

of Logon Page, 503, 504

of RegularExpressionValidator, 528, 529

IDE Forms Designer, 546

Identity Impersonate flag, 133

IEmployee interface, 319

IEnumerable interface, 196

IFind interface, 218–219, 221

IIS (Internet Information Server), 16, 485

advantages of, 24

and CDO objects, 144

scaling of applications via, 20

setting up, 25–35

creating web.config file, 27–29

remoting configuration information, 32–35

setting up authentication and authorization, 29–31

using appsettings section, 31–32

IList interface, 79, 196

ILogError class, 132

Image property, 184

Image.FromStream method, 388

ImageList control, 222

ImageList Image Collection Editor, 223

Impersonation, 28

Imports keyword, 38

includeVersions property, 48

index number, 96

indexOf method, 225

Infragistics (.NET vendor), 527

Infragistics UltraWinToolbars, 196

Inheritance Picker form, 258

Inheritance Picker window, 90

inheritance, visual, 259

inherited forms, 90–91

Initial Directory property, 466

InitializeComponent call, 100

InnerException property, 126

installing applications, benefits of using ASP.NET for, 16

integer value, converting to BitArray, 230

interface, user. See user interface

Interfaces Code Module, 56

Internationalization and Localization Using Microsoft .NET (Symmonds), 541

Internet Information Server. See IIS

intranets, 485

invariant culture, 548

InvokeMethod call, 415

IRegion interface, 62–63, 169, 280

IsDBNull method, 339

IsDirty method, 274, 366, 367

IsDirty property, 71, 252–253

ISerializable interface, 48, 132

IsMdiContainer, 85

IsNew property, 241

IsValid method, 274

IsValid property, 179, 252–253

Item method, 78

Items Collection property, 384

Items property, 515

ITerritory interface, 280

ITest interface, 46–47, 46–47, 421–422

IUSR account, 460

IWebUser interface, 518

Building Client/Server Applications with VB. NET(c) An Example-Driven Approach
Building Client/Server Applications Under VB .NET: An Example-Driven Approach
ISBN: 1590590708
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 148
Authors: Jeff Levinson © 2008-2017.
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