Section 2.2. Summary of Communication Components

2.2. Summary of Communication Components

Now that we've discussed the methods common to all components, let's look at the specifics of the individual components (in alphabetical order). You may want to take a quick peak at the SimpleConnect component discussed later in the chapter, as many other components rely on the connection it establishes. See Section 2.6 at the end of the chapter for how to notify other components of a connection without using the SimpleConnect component.

Here are some guidelines to help you understand the following sections on the individual components:

  • The corresponding client-side ActionScript class for a FlashCom communication component has a name of the form FCC omponentName Class ; for example, the class name of the AudioConference component is FCAudioConferenceClass .

  • Most of the communication components have parameters that can be configured in the Properties panel or the Component Inspector panel. If there are parameters that are configurable through the UI for a component, we cover them in the description of each component. All component parameters can also be configured using ActionScript properties of the component as noted. For example, the LatencyThreshold parameter of the ConnectionLight component is configurable using the component's threshold property. Some component parameters are configurable only via ActionScript, such as the username property of the Chat component. It is up to the component developer to determine which properties of a component are exposed in the Properties panel or the Component Inspector panel. The communication components' parameters can be exposed in the Component Definition dialog box (available by right-clicking or Cmd-clicking the component symbol in the Library). For any component written in ActionScript 2.0 (AS 2.0), such as the Flash MX 2004 UI Components, parameters can also be exposed by defining inspectable properties in its .as class file. The Macromedia communication components are not written in AS 2.0; therefore, configurable parameters can't be exposed to the UI via their .as files.

  • Unless otherwise specified, the component does not include (nest) any other Flash UI components (see Table 2-1). If a component does require other components, they will be included with the Flash movie automatically.

2.2.1. AudioConference

The AudioConference component enables two or more users to communicate with each other by subscribing to one or more audio-only streams. Each user who wants to publish an audio stream must have a microphone that is compatible with Flash Player 6 or higher. The interface of the component (see Figure 2-2) displays all the connected users. It allows each user to click a Talk button to start sending the audio stream, or the user can select an Auto checkbox wherein the component automatically starts and stops an audio stream when the user begins or stops talking. When a user is talking, a light to the left of the user's name turns green. When the user stops talking, the light reverts to gray.

Figure 2-2. The AudioConference component Nested Flash UI components

The AudioConference component uses four Flash MX UI components: CheckBox, ListBox, PushButton, and ScrollBar. Component process overview

When the AudioConference component loads into a Flash movie, the component uses an existing NetConnection object (which can be provided by a SimpleConnect component) to create or connect to a non-persistent RSO named .

Whenever a communication component instance uses an RSO, any changes made to the RSO are broadcast to all connected users (or participants ) of the same application instance. The communication components do not prohibit or exclude users of the same application instance from sharing data with one another.

This RSO keeps track of each connected user. When a user clicks the Talk button, the component attaches his microphone output to a NetStream instance and sets a property within the RSO to true . This property's name is based on the user's ID, which is provided by the server-side component framework. When other clients receive this updated value in the SharedObject.onSync( ) handler, the audio stream from the other user is played . When the user releases the Talk button, the component sets the RSO's property to false , and the user's microphone output detaches from the stream.

2.2.2. AVPresence

The AVPresence component, by far one of the more popular communication components, allows a user connected to a FlashCom application to send an audio and/or video stream to other users. An AVPresence instance presents a masked area of the user's camera output as shown in Figure 2-3. The user can selectively mute the audio and/or video output. The component displays the microphone's activity level along the right border.

Figure 2-3. The AVPresence component

One of the special attributes of the AVPresence component is that it can be used to either send a user's audio/video stream or receive another user's audio/video stream. The AVPresence instance name establishes a unique identifier within the FlashCom application. If you place an AVPresence component instance named user_1_mc within a Flash movie (a .swf file), anyone who loads the Flash movie and connects to the FlashCom application can engage the user_1_mc instance to begin streaming audio/video. Once a user has started to publish a stream with the user_1_mc instance, any other users who have loaded the same Flash movie will start to see that user's stream in their instance of user_1_mc . If you want to provide multiple users simultaneous access to the functionality of the AVPresence component, you will need to create a unique instance of the AVPresence component for each user.

Once a user relinquishes control of an AVPresence instance, another user can use that same instance to start publishing her audio/video stream.

In order for a user to gain access to the AVPresence component, the following events must occur:

  1. The AVPresence component must be connected to the active NetConnection instance of the FlashCom application. This connection can be created with the SimpleConnect component (discussed later in this chapter) or with custom ActionScript.

  2. The user must specify a preferred login name in the SimpleConnect component, or AVPresence.setUsername( ) must be invoked with a string value. If a user's name is not set, the AVPresence instance displays the text "Login to Send Audio/Video."

  3. Once a username has been established, the user can click the Send Audio/Video link within the AVPresence instance to begin publishing an audio/video stream to the FlashCom application. Any other user viewing the same AVPresence instance will receive the streaming audio and video.

  4. To stop sending an audio/video stream, the user must roll over the instance's video area and click the button depicting a red X in a circle, in the lower-left corner of the component as seen in Figure 2-3. Once the stream stops publishing, another user can begin using the same AVPresence instance. Client-side component parameters

An instance of the AVPresence component has six unique settings in the Properties panel or the Parameters tab of the Component Inspector (aka the Component Parameters panel). These settings control the quality and data rates of the streams utilized by the component:

Sync Speed

Controls the frequency (in frames per second) at which data is updated from the client to the server. It controls the update frequency of the RSO used by the AVPresence component. Higher values consume more data bandwidth and update the microphone-level display more quickly. The default value is 3 fps. The ActionScript equivalent for this property is updateFps .

Video Width

Sets the capture area width, in pixels, of the camera source used by the AVPresence component. This width should not be confused with scale; the Video Width value establishes the cropping area of the local camera's video. For example, if the native capture area of a camera is 640 x 480 pixels, a Video Width setting of 320 would crop 160 pixels from the left and right margins of the capture frame. The default value for this setting is 120 pixels. The ActionScript equivalent for this property is vidWidth .

Video Height

Sets the capture area height, in pixels, of the local camera source. Like Video Width, Video Height establishes the cropping border of the capture frame. The default value is 120 pixels. The ActionScript equivalent for this property is vidHeight .

Video Bandwidth

Limits the amount of data, in bits per second, that can be consumed by the video portion of the NetStream object used by the AVPresence component. A value of 0 allows the video portion to use the maximum bandwidth available over the Flash movie's connection to the FlashCom Server. The default value is 12,000 bps, equivalent to 11.7 Kbps. The ActionScript equivalent of this property is vidBandwidth .

Video Quality

Sets the quality (0 to 100) of the video portion of the NetStream object used by the AVPresence component. Higher values yield better quality but increase the bandwidth required per frame of video. If you exceed the available bandwidth, the camera source will drop video frames as they are sent over the NetStream object. The default value is 0, which allows the stream to use the maximum quality for the bandwidth allocated to the stream. The ActionScript equivalent for this property is vidQuality .

Video FPS

This value controls the frame rate of the video portion of the NetStream object used by the AVPresence component. Faster frame rates yield smoother motion captured from the user's camera but increase the amount of bandwidth required for the stream. The default value is 10 fps. The ActionScript equivalent for this property is vidFps .

The Video Width, Video Height, Video Bandwidth, Video Quality, and Video FPS settings in the Properties panel for an AVPresence instance are ignored if the SetBandwidth component is also used in the Flash movie. In that case, the SetBandwidth instance's settings override those of the AVPresence instance. Component process overview

The AVPresence component's client-side ActionScript creates several objects within the connect( ) method. These objects allow multiple instances of the AVPresence component to communicate with one another, provided they are connected to the same FlashCom application.

The connect( ) method creates a NetStream instance named ns , which is used to either publish or subscribe to an audio/video stream.

Like most communication components, the AVPresence instance creates an RSO whose name is formed from the prefix value of the component. For an AVPresence instance, the prefix value is of the form:

 "FCAVPresence." +   instance   name + "." 

This value is then concatenated to the prototype's soName value, "av". For example, if you place an instance of the AVPresence component on stage and named it speaker_mc in the Properties panel, the name of the RSO created by the AVPresence instance is FCAVPresence.speaker_mc.av .

This RSO tracks two primary properties: broadcast and speakerID . The broadcast property is a Boolean (either true or false ). If the AVPresence instance is publishing a stream, broadcast is set to TRue . If the stream is open (that is, no one is publishing on the stream), broadcast is set to false . The speakerID property keeps track of an identification string, indicating which user is publishing on the stream. The ID string for each user is stored within the client-side AVPresence instance, and named userID . The string is determined by the Server-Side ActionScript code built for the AVPresence component.

2.2.3. Chat

The Chat component creates a text-based messaging interface for a Flash movie. The interface of the component, as shown in Figure 2-4, provides a text history area with a scrollbar, a user input text field, and a Send button. You can use the Chat component in combination with the PeopleList component to create a basic chat application as discussed later under "Building a Simple Chat Room." The UserColor component can also be used in conjunction with the Chat component, to assign a color to each user's text in the text history area.

Figure 2-4. The Chat component Nested Flash UI components

The Chat component uses variations of two Flash UI components: PushButton and ScrollBar. You can alter the look of these components by changing the appropriate skin symbols in the Component Skins folder within the Flash document's Library panel. Component process overview

When you place an instance of the Chat component into a Flash movie, the instance needs to be connected to your FlashCom application. As with all communication components, this connection can be made by a SimpleConnect instance, or you can create your own NetConnection object and invoke the Chat.connect( ) method directly.

If you elect to create your own custom connection, you must set up a global client object within the Server-Side ActionScript of your FlashCom application. If you use the SimpleConnect component, this client object is already created for your application. The Server-Side ActionScript code contained with the chat.asc document retrieves each user's name with the Component.getClientGlobalStorage( ) method. The name of each user is stored within a property named username . The value of username is appended to each message that is transferred to each connected client. For more information on getClientGlobalStorage( ) , see Chapter 14.

Two RSOs are created by the Server-Side ActionScript of the Chat component: message and history . The full names of these RSOs are created using the same type of formula discussed for the AVPresence component. The prefix value of each shared object begins with "FCChat.", followed by the client-side instance name of the component.

Whenever a user enters a message into the input text field of the Chat component and clicks the Send button, a call( ) method from the client-side Chat instance sends the text of the message to the server-side FCChat.sendMessage( ) method. The Send button of the Chat component is already set up to listen for Enter key events when the input text field has focus. If the user enters a message into the input text field, pressing the Enter (or Return) key automatically sends the message to the FlashCom application.

Once the sendMessage( ) method receives the message text, the server-side code processes the message, inserting the sender's username value and converting any text beginning with "http:" or "www." to HTML-enabled links. The complete message text is then sent to the message( ) method of the message shared object. This shared object carries the message text to each connected client.

The history remote shared object is also instantiated by the server-side FCChat component class. This shared object has one property, also named history , which stores an array wherein each index is a message that has been sent by a client. Whenever a new message is sent over the Chat instance, the message text is pushed into the history array. Configurable server-side attributes

Unlike other communication components, the Chat component has a few features that can be controlled by settings in the server-side chat.asc document. You can find this document in the scriptlib/components folder of your FlashCom installation. The following code appears between lines 33 and 35 of scriptlib/components/chat.asc :

 FCChat.prototype.histlen    = 250;    // Maximum history length. FCChat.prototype.persist    = true;   // Whether to save history. FCChat.prototype.allowClear = true;   // Allow clients to clear history. 

The histlen property controls the maximum length of the history array, which represents the maximum number of messages stored (the default is 250). Increase this number to allow a longer chat history to be stored.

The persist property, as the code comment indicates, determines whether to save the state of the history shared object. If persist is set to TRue (the default), the history of the chat session is saved from one session to the next . Even after an application instance using the Chat component unloads, the history is saved. The history is then reloaded whenever a new application instance starts. If the persist property is set to false , each chat session starts with a blank slateno past messages are loaded into the client-side Chat instance when it starts up.

The allowClear property determines whether the server-side FCChat.clearHistory( ) method can be invoked by client-side ActionScript. By default, the value is TRue , allowing client-side ActionScript to clear the history. To prevent client-side code from clearing the history, set allowClear to false .

2.2.4. ConnectionLight

The ConnectionLight component provides a visual aid to indicate the status of the connection to the server-side FlashCom application.

The status is shown as a colored circle with one of four color states:


Indicates a connection has yet to be attempted or a prior connection is closed.


Indicates a stable connection (via a NetConnection instance) to the FlashCom application.


Indicates an attempt to connect to the FlashCom application failed or was rejected. This color can also indicate that the current connection was unexpectedly lost or intentionally closed.


After making a successful connection to the FlashCom application, the client movie may experience delays with packet submissions. If the delay period exceeds the specified threshold, the light turns yellow.

The ConnectionLight component rechecks the connection's status (connected or disconnected) every half second (500 milliseconds ).

If the user clicks the ConnectionLight instance (the colored circle), Flash displays the information overlay shown in Figure 2-5.

Figure 2-5. The information overlay of the ConnectionLight component

The overlay contains more detailed information about the connection status:


Average time, in milliseconds (ms), for packets to be transmitted from the client movie to the FlashCom Server. Higher latency values can indicate a slow connection (usually on the client side), temporary network congestion, or an overtaxed FlashCom Server.


The bit rate of data sent from the client movie to the FlashCom Server. Use this to monitor bandwidth consumed by shared object connections and when publishing audio and video over a NetStream instance.


The bit rate of data received by the client from the FlashCom Server. Synchronization operations with shared object data and subscribed streams contribute to the overall value.

The Up and Down values are automatically displayed in units of bit/s (bits per second), kbit/s (kilobits per second), or mbit/s (megabits per second) based on the connection speed. Client-side component parameters

The ConnectionLight component has two settings that can be configured at an instance level in the Properties panel or Component Parameters panel:

Measurement Interval

This parameter, corresponding to the interval property, specifies the time, in seconds, that the instance waits to poll the FlashCom Server for updated connection statistics. The default value is 2 seconds. If you set a higher value, such as 5 or 10 seconds, the component will not consume as much bandwidth for data transfers as a lower interval such as 1 second. If you do not want to add to the bandwidth overhead for your application, use higher values.

Latency Threshold

If a packet's travel time between the Flash movie and FlashCom Server exceeds this value, in seconds, the ConnectionLight instance's icon changes from green to yellow. This parameter corresponds to the tHReshold property; the default value is 0.1 second (100 milliseconds). This value adequately lets you know if audio/video streaming will have noticeable delays to other participants subscribing to the stream or if text messages between users in a chat will be delayed.

Any time a Flash movie connects to a FlashCom application, data packets are sent back and forth to the client in order for the FlashCom Server to know that a client still exists. As such, the FlashCom Server always knows how much latency is present between itself and any connected client. How the component works

In order for the ConnectionLight component to function properly, an instance of it must be connected to the NetConnection object used by the Flash movie using ConnectionLight.connect( ) . Using a SimpleConnect instance and specifying the ConnectionLight instance in its list of communication components invokes ConnectionLight.connect( ) automatically. Otherwise, you need to invoke connect( ) on the ConnectionLight instance manually in your client-side ActionScript code.

Unlike other communication components, the ConnectionLight component does not use any remote shared objects or NetStream objects. It uses only call( ) to invoke methods between client-side and server-side ActionScript. The client-side ConnectionLight.connect( ) method issues a call( ) method to the server-side FCConnectionLight.connect( ) method. The server-side connect( ) method uses the measurement interval passed in to calculate a ping interval between the FlashCom application and the Flash movie client. Based on the ping interval, Client.getStats( ) periodically calculates the bandwidth statistic data and sends it to the Flash client via a server-side ) method. This continues until the client disconnects or until the client-side ConnectionLight.close( ) method is invoked. Enabling ConnectionLight without SimpleConnect

To use the ConnectionLight component without the help of the SimpleConnect component, invoke ConnectionLight.connect( ) in your client-side ActionScript. The following code example invokes the connect( ) method of the ConnectionLight instance named connLight_mc when the first onStatus( ) message is received over a NetConnection object named app_nc :

 var app_nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection(  ); app_nc.onStatus = function (info) {   if (info.code == "NetConnection.Connect.Success") {     trace("--successful connection");   }   if (!initConnLight) {     initConnLight = true;     connLight_mc.connect(this);   } }; app_nc.connect("rtmp:/my_app"); 

For more on this technique, see Section 2.6 at the end of this chapter.

2.2.5. Cursor

The Cursor component provides a visual representation of each connected user's mouse position within the Flash movie. The component displays each user's login name below a cursor indicating the position of the user's mouse on stage, as seen in Figure 2-6. The cursor is also shown in the user's preferred color when used in conjunction with the UserColor component, discussed later in this chapter.

Figure 2-6. The Cursor component displays cursor positions for each user How the component works

When a Cursor instance initializes, it creates two RSOs, cursors and mov , to add the client's cursor to the FlashCom application and to track its movements. When a new client loads the Flash movie and connects to the same FlashCom application, the cursors shared object is updated with the username and color of the earlier Flash client(s). FlashCom broadcasts this update to all subscribers of the cursors shared object, enabling each client to add a new cursor for every participant. Likewise, if a participant moves his mouse cursor, the mov shared object is updated and each subscriber receives the new coordinates of that participant's mouse cursor.

2.2.6. PeopleList

The PeopleList component displays the name of each user connected to a given FlashCom application, as shown in Figure 2-7. When a new user joins the application, her name is added to the PeopleList instance. When a user leaves , his name is removed from the list. If this component is used in conjunction with the SimpleConnect component, the displayed name of the user is the same as the text she entered into the text field of the SimpleConnect component when logging in.

If you want to enable actions for specific users, you can add a change handler for the ListBox instance, named people_lb , within the PeopleList component. For an example of this functionality, see Chapter 13.

Figure 2-7. The PeopleList component lists participants Nested Flash UI components

The PeopleList component uses two Flash UI components: ListBox and ScrollBar. ScrollBar is used within the ListBox component, just as the regular Flash MX UI ScrollBar component is nested within the ListBox component (or the UIScrollBar component within the List component in Flash MX 2004). You can alter the look of these components by changing the appropriate skin symbols in the Component Skins folder within the Flash document's Library panel. Component process overview

The PeopleList component adheres to a similar server-side initiation process as the Chat component. Like the Chat component, the PeopleList component uses the server-side Component.getClientGlobalStorage( ) method to retrieve the name of each connected user. When a client-side PeopleList instance is loaded into a Flash movie, a users RSO is created. The users RSO stores the user ID value, created by the Server-Side ActionScript in scriptlib/components/people.asc , along with the corresponding username. When an update occurs to this shared object, the people_lb instance within the PeopleList component removes the existing set of displayed usernames and adds the new list of usernames. By default, the label and data value of each item in the people_lb instance is the name (as a string value) of a given user.

To store the user ID value of each connected user as the data value of each item in the people_lb instance, you can modify line 46 of the client-side ActionScript code found on the actions layers of the PeopleList component to read:

 this.owner.people_lb.addItem([i], i); 

The new code applies the user ID string, i , as the data value to the new ListBox item.

What Is Lurker Mode?

If you look through the PeopleList component's client-side and server-side ActionScript code, you'll notice references to " fc_lurker" (note the leading space). The PeopleList component supports a lurker mode , allowing a user to hide his presence from the PeopleList component if a username is not returned in the result object from Component.getClientGlobalStorage( ) . In that case, the PeopleList component assigns the value " fc_lurker" to that user's slot in the users RSO. When the client-side onSync( ) method of the users RSO processes updates, a user's name will not be added to the people_lb instance if its value is " fc_lurker".

2.2.7. PresentationSWF

The PresentationSWF component allows you to create a live slideshow environment for multiple users to watch. The component synchronizes the playback of a secondary Flash movie (a .swf file) between a speaker's version and that of the viewers' version, as indicated in Figure 2-8. The Flash movie containing the slideshow will be loaded into the speaker's and viewers ' primary Flash movie by the PresentationSWF component.

Figure 2-8. The PresentationSWF component in its two modes: (a) speaker and (b) viewer; both modes load the same (c) content movie Nested Flash UI components

The PresentationSWF component uses the PushButton Flash UI component. The PushButton component is used as the Sync button within the user interface of the PresentationSWF component. You can alter the look of the PushButton component by changing the appropriate skin symbol in the Component Skins folder within the Flash document's Library panel. Client-side component parameters

An instance of the PresentationSWF component has two settings in the Properties panel or Component Parameters panel:


The filename of the content Flash movie to be loaded by the PresentationSWF component. This parameter, corresponding to the swfFile property, should be identical in the speaker and viewer versions of the component. You can use a relative or absolute path to the location of the content movie. The default value is simple_preso.swf (a sample movie included with FlashCom).

Viewer Buttons Enabled

This value, corresponding to the viewerButtons property, determines whether viewers can navigate the already- viewed frames of the slideshow with Forward, Back, and Sync buttons. The default value is true , which displays these buttons to the viewer. Viewers can jump to the speaker's current frame using the Sync button, but they cannot move past it. If false , viewers cannot independently navigate frames of the slideshow, and they always see the same slide as the speaker. Component process overview

The typical usage of this component requires the following assets:

Content Movie

The movie containing the slideshow. Its main timeline must have one slide per frame and a stop( ) action on the first frame. For example, a presentation with 10 slides should have 10 frames in its timeline.

Speaker Movie

The person controlling the slideshow must have _global.speakerMode set to true in her version of the primary Flash movie holding the PresentationSWF component. There can be only one controller (or speaker) per application using the PresentationSWF component.

Viewer Movie

Everyone else who is watching the slideshow needs to use a Flash movie with _global.speakerMode set to false .

You don't need two separate Flash movies for the speaker and viewer versions. You can create one Flash movie with a login interface that allows a specific user to have control over the presentation, while other users are set in viewer mode.

Regardless of whether you use the SimpleConnect component or create your own custom NetConnection object to connect to a FlashCom application, you need to set a global variable named speakerMode to TRue or false within the Flash movie(s) containing the PresentationSWF component. In the speaker version, the following code should be invoked before or at the same time the PresentationSWF instance is loaded onto the Stage:

 _global.speakerMode = true; 

For the viewer version, the variable needs to be set to false :

 _global.speakerMode = false; 

The PresentationSWF instance looks for this value to determine which controls are displayed within the component's user interface.

When the PresentationSWF component initializes, it creates an RSO named presentation . When the speaker moves forward or backward in the slideshow, a data slot named frameNum is updated within the presentation RSO. Then, the onSync( ) method of the client-side shared object instance named so instructs any connected Flash movies to respond accordingly .

2.2.8. PresentationText

The PresentationText component is very similar to the PresentationSWF component discussed in the previous section. With the PresentationText component, you can create a FlashCom application wherein a set of text slides is controlled by a speaker and is synchronized with all other connected viewers. Unlike the PresentationSWF component, however, the PresentationText component does not require a secondary Flash movie to provide the context of the slideshow, nor does it provide a Viewer Buttons Enabled parameter. The Forward and Back buttons are visible only if the user is a presenter, and not to non-presenter participants. The PresentationText component is actually a text slide creator and editor. Like the PresentationSWF component, the speaker version can create and edit the text, while the viewer version can only watch and navigate already-viewed slides within the presentation. The speaker version of the component also provides a list of slide titles within a navigation listbox, as seen in Figure 2-9.

Figure 2-9. The PresentationText component in its two modes: (a) speaker and (b) viewer Nested Flash UI Components

The PresentationText component uses three Flash MX UI components: ListBox, PushButton, and ScrollBar. You can alter the look of the PushButton component by changing the appropriate skin symbol in the Component Skins folder within the Flash document's Library panel. If you want to change the look of the forward and back arrows, you can alter the graphics within the movie clip symbols found in the Communication Components Core Assets - Developer Only PresentationText Assets fc_presentationtext_arrow_elements folder. Client-side component parameters

An instance of the PresentationText component has only one setting in the Properties panel or Component Parameters panel.

Speaker Mode

Whereas the PresentationSWF component uses a global variable named speakerMode , the PresentationText component provides the speaker/viewer toggle value at the instance level. For the speaker version of the PresentationText component, set the parameter to true . For the viewer version, set the parameter to false . This parameter corresponds to the speakerMode property of the PresentationText component, not the global variable of the same name. How the component works

The PresentationText component uses the same overall structure as the PresentationSWF component, in that both of them use an RSO to synchronize slide information among connected users. However, the presentation RSO created by the PresentationText component is persistentthe data used for the slides, once created by a user in speaker mode, can exist in perpetuity. This feature allows the speaker to create the outline and text slides of a presentation before the live presentation. For example, a professor could create the headings and text for each slide days in advance; each text slide's information would be stored within the persistent presentation RSO. When the professor is ready to conduct his online course, the speaker-enabled PresentationText component automatically loads the existing slide information and displays it to the viewers.

2.2.9. RoomList

The RoomList component is perhaps the most advanced communication component. Of all the communication components, it requires the most manual codingyou can't simply drag and drop this component onto the Stage, even with the use of SimpleConnect, and be on your way. The RoomList component enables you to create a gateway to other application instances running on your FlashCom Server. Remember, when you create a FlashCom application, a Flash movie can connect to the default instance or a specific named instance of the application. For a chat application, you can equate an application instance with a room within the chat application. The RoomList component enables a Flash movie to show each of these instances. The movie containing the RoomList component, however, must connect to an application entirely separate from the chat application. As shown in Figure 2-10, the user interface of the RoomList component displays a list of running FlashCom applications and allows a Flash client to join, create, or delete instances of those applications.

Figure 2-10. The RoomList component provides a lobby

Unlike other communication components, the RoomList component is used with an entirely separate FlashCom application instance than the one to which the clients will ultimately connect.

The following steps outline a standard user experience with an application using the RoomList component:

  1. The user loads an HTML page containing a Flash movie (SWF file #1) with an instance of the RoomList component. The RoomList instance connects to a FlashCom application (application A) that monitors one or more instances of another FlashCom application (application B).

  2. The user logs into application A from SWF file #1, using the SimpleConnect component.

  3. In SWF file #1, the user chooses one of the application instances from the UI of the RoomList component and clicks the Create Room or Join Room button.

  4. The RoomList component opens a new browser window, containing a different HTML page with another Flash movie (SWF file #2). The HTML code of this document passes parameters from the original Flash movie (SWF file #1); SWF file #2 connects to a new FlashCom application (application B), which receives the parameters. A custom server-side script must be written for application B to process the parameters and notify application A that a user has now connected to application B.

See the Developing Communication Applications documentation that accompanies Flash Communication Server MX 1.5 (available in both LiveDocs and PDF format from for more information about the specific server-side event handlers that are necessary for two FlashCom applications to use the RoomList component. Nested Flash UI components

The RoomList component uses three Flash MX UI components: ListBox, PushButton, and ScrollBar. You can alter the look of these component by changing the appropriate skin symbol in the Component Skins folder within the Flash document's Library panel. Client-side component parameters

An instance of the RoomList component has one setting in the Properties panel or Component Parameters panel:

Room Application Path

Using the previous example as a guide, this parameter specifies the URL of the HTML document containing the second Flash movie (SWF file #2), which connects to FlashCom application B. This HTML document receives two parameters from the Flash movie hosting the RoomList component: the user's name and the application instance path used to connect to application A. The HTML document must use either client-side scripting, such as JavaScript or VBScript, or server-side scripting, such as ColdFusion, to process the passed parameters in the URL string and append them to the <OBJECT> and <EMBED> tags for the second Flash movie connecting to application B. Component process overview

As mentioned earlier, the RoomList component is designed to work in a scenario of two FlashCom applications, with separate HTML and SWF files for each application. A more detailed explanation of utilizing the RoomList component follows .

This is intended to be a technical overview of the requirements and steps necessary to use the RoomList component. See Developing Communication Applications for an introductory exercise to using the RoomList component:

  1. An application folder (application A) is created on the FlashCom Server for the Flash movie displaying the RoomList component. This application keeps track of all application instances created by users connecting to a second application (application B) managed by the RoomList component.

  2. Another application folder (application B) is created on the FlashCom Server. This application will connect to application A via the ) server-side method to update application A's information, which is displayed in the RoomList component.

  3. Both applications load the server-side components.asc code at startup, in order for the applications to access and store client and component instance variables .

  4. A Flash document ( .fla file), which we use to create SWF #1, is created with an instance of the SimpleConnect component and an instance of the RoomList component. The SimpleConnect component's Application Directory parameter uses the rtmp:// URI to application A discussed in Step 1. The RoomList component's instance name is specified in the Communication Components value list parameter of the SimpleConnect component (discussed later in this chapter). The RoomList component's Room Application Path parameter is set to the URL of the HTML document hosting the Flash movie connecting to application B (discussed in Step 5). Note that this URL is an http:// URL, not an rtmp:// URI. This Flash movie and HTML document are published and put on your web server.

  5. A Flash document ( .fla file), which we'll use to create SWF #2, is made for the second application (application B). This document contains the managed application monitored by the RoomList component and application A. The Flash movie ( .swf ) for this document is embedded in the HTML document specified in the Room Application Path parameter of the RoomList component as well. For example, you can create a Flash document that uses the SimpleConnect, Chat, and PeopleList components for a basic chat room. This document needs to process parameters passed by the RoomList component in the URL of the HTML document hosting the Flash movie (SWF #2). If you use the SimpleConnect component in SWF #2 that connects to application B, the parameters will be processed automatically. Otherwise, you'll need to use client-side ActionScript to process two _root variables, username and appInstance , which are passed by the RoomList component ( username is the string value entered by the user in the SimpleConnect component of SWF #1, and appInstance is the name of the "room" instance specified in the Create Room dialog box or an existing instance name displayed in the RoomList component).

  6. Finally, the application.onConnect( ) method of the Server-Side ActionScript code for application B must pass the username and appInstance values to the Server-Side ActionScript code of application A. There, an RSO used by the server-side RoomList component stores, updates, and broadcasts the new information. In turn , any users connected to SWF #1 will see an updated user count and new "room" (or application instance) displayed in the UI of the client-side RoomList component.

2.2.10. SetBandwidth

The SetBandwidth component allows a user to control how much bandwidth can be used by Camera and Microphone objects utilized by other communication components, such as the AVPresence and AudioConference components. The SetBandwidth component limits the byte throughput of a client Flash movie to a FlashCom application. The component's UI consists of a combo box with labelsModem, DSL, LAN, and Customas shown in Figure 2-11, indicating four connection types. These labels are associated with preset bandwidth caps (typical connection speeds), which can be set in the Properties panel or in client-side ActionScript.

Figure 2-11. The SetBandwidth component menu

Selecting Custom opens a separate window, shown in Figure 2-12, in which the user can customize the Up and Down bandwidth limits.

Figure 2-12. The Custom options for the SetBandwidth component

Whenever a user chooses an item in the SetBandwidth component, the quality and attributes of Camera and Microphone objects managed by other communication components will change. As more bandwidth is allocated to the movie, the quality of the audio/video output improves . Nested Flash UI components

The SetBandwidth component uses three Flash MX UI components: ComboBox, PushButton, and ScrollBar. You can alter the look of these components by changing the appropriate skin symbol in the Component Skins folder within the Flash document's Library panel. Client-side component parameters

An instance of the SetBandwidth component has six settings in the Properties panel or Component Parameters panel, as listed in Table 2-2.

These parameters establish the preferred bandwidth limit for the incoming and outgoing connection when the user chooses the specified connection type (Modem, DSL, or LAN) in the SetBandwidth component. The connection type also affects the capture attributes of the Camera object (as used by the AVPresence component) and the sampling rate of the Microphone object (as used by the AVPresence or AudioConference component).

Note that:

  • The practical throughput for a typical 56 Kbps dial-up modem is only 33 Kbps.

  • The DSL options reflect the typical upper limit of household ADSL (asymmetric DSL) connections. The default DSL Down value is greater than DSL Up; therefore, the quality of incoming streams to the Flash movie client can be more than twice the quality of the user's outgoing stream.

  • The default value for the LAN option is 10,000 Kbps, which reflects a typical 10 Mbps network.

  • You can change the values to be more restrictive or lax. For example, if you'd prefer the DSL rates to be higher and identical, you could use a value of 512 Kbps for DSL Up and DSL Down.

Table 2-2. SetBandwidth defaults for each connection parameter

Parameter name


Camera settings

Microphone sampling rate


Modem Up

33 Kbps

120 x 90 capture area, 6 fps, 60 quality, keyframe interval of 12

5 kHz


Modem Down

33 Kbps

Same as Modem Up

5 kHz



128 Kbps

160 x 120 capture area, 12 fps, 80 quality, keyframe interval of 7

11 kHz


DSL Down

384 Kbps

Same as DSL Up

11 kHz



10,000 Kbps

320 x 240 capture area, 15 fps, 90 quality, keyframe interval of 5

22 kHz


LAN Down

10,000 Kbps

Same as LAN Up

22 kHz


Keep in mind that the limits established by the SetBandwidth component are secondary to the limits of the practical speed available by a user's Internet (or network) connection. For example, if a user chooses the LAN option but is transmitting over a DSL connection, the outgoing stream will transmit only at the quality limit dictated by the actual connection. The degradation of the quality may not affect the user experience markedly. However, if a user chooses the LAN option despite the fact that she's using a dial-up modem connection, the bandwidth won't support the increased video capture area and frame rate. In that case, FlashCom will drop video frames, causing the image to stutter noticeably. The audio stream will use 22 kHz, and that's just too much data to push over a dial-up connection. Therefore, the audio will stutter as well, resulting in a fairly incomprehensible stream of audio and video to other participants. Component process overview

The SetBandwidth component performs two overall functions within a Flash movie. It creates a Notifier instance within a gFlashCom object that broadcasts changes to other components that are subscribed. The gFlashCom object is simply an object created in the _global namespace for the explicit purpose of sharing parameters, such as bandwidth preferences, between client-side communication components. For example, when you add an AVPresence component or AudioConference room component, each instance is added as a listener to the Notifier instance. At runtime, when a user chooses an option in the SetBandwidth component, any subscribers will receive the new updates, instructing them to change capture attributes of the Camera and/or Microphone object.

The SetBandwidth component also sends these changes to the FlashCom application. When the server-side FCSetBandwidth component receives updates, it invokes Client.setBandwidthLimit( ) to restrict the bandwidth for streams managed by the server. Note that this method controls both the bandwidth to the client from the server and the bandwidth from the client to the server. The server changes override any settings established by client-side ActionScript code.

2.2.11. SimpleConnect

The SimpleConnect component establishes the primary connection to a FlashCom application from a Flash movie client. As you have undoubtedly gathered, other communication components often use the connection established by the SimpleConnect component to communicate with a FlashCom application. As its name implies, this component is very simple to use from both authoring and runtime viewpoints. At runtime, this component displays a username field and a Login button, as shown in Figure 2-13.

Figure 2-13. The SimpleConnect component interface

The user types his name into the text field and clicks the Login button. When the component successfully establishes a connection to the FlashCom application, it passes its NetConnection object to other communication components (or your own custom objects). Nested Flash UI components

The SimpleConnect component uses the Flash MX UI component PushButton. You can alter the look of this component by changing the appropriate skin symbol in the Component Skins folder within the Flash document's Library panel. Client-side component parameters

An instance of the SimpleConnect component has two settings in the Properties panel or Component Parameters panel:

Application Directory

The path of the FlashCom Server and application to which the component connects. This value is an RTMP URI, starting with the string "rtmp:". You can use a relative RTMP URI that omits the server's domain name if the FlashCom Server coexists on the same IP address or domain as your web server. For example, rtmp:/chat tells the SimpleConnect component to connect to the chat application on the FlashCom Server. For production-ready applications, though, you should use a full RTMP URI, such as rtmp:// / app , where is the name of the server where FlashCom is running, and app is the name of the application folder. This parameter corresponds to the appDirectory property.

Communication Components

A list of other communication component instance names. If you double-click this parameter in the Properties panel, you can enter multiple instance names of other communication components that coexist on stage with the SimpleConnect component. When the SimpleConnect instance connects to a FlashCom application, it shares its connection with the objects specified in the Communication Components list. You can directly manipulate this listener list using the fcComponents property (an array).

You can create your own custom objects that can be recognized by the SimpleConnect component. Simply create a connect( ) method for your object, and specify the object's name in the Communication Components list. Your object should be instantiated on the parent timeline of the SimpleConnect instance. How the component works

The SimpleConnect component connects a Flash movie to a FlashCom application by invoking a client-side NetConnection.connect( ) method as soon as the instance loads in the movie. The SimpleConnect component actually tries to connect with both a standard RTMP and a tunneling RTMPT connection. Whichever connection type responds first becomes the active URI of the connection. The connection is then shared with the objects specified in the Communication Components parameter ( fcComponents property) of the SimpleConnect instance.

When the user enters a name and clicks the Login button (or presses the Enter key), the SimpleConnect component issues a ) method to the server-side FCSimpleConnect.changeName( ) method. This method keeps track of the user's name, as entered in the SimpleConnect's text field, and shares that data with other communication components.

Because the SimpleConnect component doesn't support common features, such as entering a password in addition to a username, you may want to create a connection manually as part of a custom login. The manual approach requires you to notify other components of the connection's status as discussed under Section 2.6 at the end of this chapter.

2.2.12. UserColor

The UserColor component is a UI element that allows each user to choose a color to represent her identity within the Chat and Cursor components. The UI of the UserColor component is a combo box with 10 preselected colors, as shown in Figure 2-14. When the user selects a color within the UserColor component, her text appears in that color within the history window of the Chat component. If the Cursor component is used with the Flash movie, the user's cursor will be displayed to other users in the chosen color as well.

Figure 2-14. The UserColor component Nested Flash UI components

The UserColor component uses the Flash MX UI components ComboBox and ScrollBar. You can alter the look of this component by changing the appropriate skin symbol in the Component Skins folder within the Flash document's Library panel. How the component works

The UserColor component, like the SetBandwidth component, uses a gFlashCom.Notifier object in client-side ActionScript to notify other color-aware communication components of changes made to the user's color preference. When the user loads a Flash movie that contains a UserColor component, the UserColor component connects to the FlashCom application specified by a SimpleConnect component or a custom connection that passed its NetConnection object to the UserColor's connect( ) method. In order for the UserColor component to work properly, the setUsername( ) method of the component must be invoked and passed a string value for the user's name. If you use the SimpleConnect component, this happens automatically. The UserColor component also stores its selected color value within the usercolor property of the client's global storage object within Server-Side ActionScript for the duration of the application session.

2.2.13. VideoConference

The VideoConference component enables you to create a Flash client capable of displaying multiple instances of the AVPresence component. As each user connects to the FlashCom application, a new AVPresence instance is added to the Stage, displaying her audio/video stream as shown in Figure 2-15.

Figure 2-15. The runtime look of the VideoConference component

This component can be particularly bandwidth- intensive for both client-side and server-side connections. As each user is added to the AV chat, the stream must manage multiple additional streams depending on the number of usersthe new user has one outgoing stream, plus one incoming stream for each existing user. Likewise, the new user's stream must be sent to existing users (in addition to the streams they already have). For example, if you have three users connected to an application using the VideoConference component, the server is managing nine streams; the server and each user's bandwidth must be capable of handling three streams for each user: his own stream (outgoing) and the two from the other participants (incoming). You can quickly determine how many streams a server must handle by squaring the number of participants. For example, five participants will require the server to handle 25 streams (five for each participant). Nested Flash UI components

The VideoConference component does not use any Flash UI components. It does however automatically include the AVPresence component symbol. The skin assets of the VideoConference component are located in the Communication Components Core Assets - Developer Only VideoConference Assets folder of your document's Library. You can also change the look of the AVPresence component by modifying the graphics in the AVPresence Assets fc_av_icons folder. Client-side component parameters

The VideoConference component has four parameters that can be set in the Properties panel or Component Parameters panel:

Show Boundary

This Boolean parameter, corresponding to the showBoundary property, determines if the border of the VideoConference instance is displayed. The default value is false . You can use Flash's Transform tool to stretch the dimensions of the instance without distorting the physical appearance of the AVPresence instances that will be attached for each user.

Show Background

This Boolean parameter, corresponding to the showBackground property, controls the display of the background fill color in the VideoConference component. The background graphic can be modified in the VideoConfBackground symbol of the VideoConference Assets folder in the Library. By default, this value is set to false .

Clip Mask

This Boolean parameter, corresponding to the clipMask property, controls whether instances of AVPresence appear when dragged outside the VideoConference object's boundary area. If this parameter is true (the default), AVPresence instances appear only within the VideoConference instance's boundary area. Otherwise, AVPresence instances appear even if outside the VideoConference instance's boundary area.

Drag Sharing

This parameter, corresponding to the dragSharing property, controls dragging of AVPresence instances to a new position on the Stage. If true (the default), when one user moves an instance, all users see it in the new position. If set to false , each user can configure the instance positions without affecting the positions of the same instances in other users' movies. This parameter is set per user; if there are three users (A, B, and C) and users A and B have Drag Sharing set to true while user C's value is set to false , users A and B will see each other's changes. Meanwhile, user C is free to drag the AV instances within her application to any position without those changes being broadcast to users A and B. Component process overview

When the VideoConference instance's connect( ) method is invoked by a SimpleConnect instance or a custom client-side NetConnection object, the VideoConference instance invokes a ) method to the server-side FCVideoConference.connect( ) method, as defined in the videoconference.asc code (located in the scriptlib/components folder of your FlashCom Server installation). The server-side connect( ) method creates a unique ID for the Flash client and stores the ID in a users RSO. The server-side connect( ) method also calls the client-side VideoConference.setID( ) method. This method sets everything else in motion, wherein the VideoConference component attaches an instance of the Video Window (whose linkage ID is FCVideoWindowSymbol ) to its Stage. This symbol in turn attaches an instance of the AVPresence component to its timeline. Any time a user connects to the FlashCom application, the user's ID is added to the users RSO, forcing the onSync( ) handler of the VideoConference's reference to the shared object to update the Stage with a new Video Window instance for the new user.

2.2.14. VideoPlayback

The VideoPlayback component provides a quick user interface to play back recorded streams that reside in a FlashCom application. You can play streams recorded by FlashCom from a user's web cam, or you can play .flv files that you created from Macromedia's FLV Exporter tool or a third-party utility, such as Sorenson Squeeze or Wildform Flix. The VideoPlayback component includes a control bar, as shown in Figure 2-16. You can play, pause, and seek the stream, as well as control its volume. The edges of the video are masked by rounded corners.

Figure 2-16. The runtime look of the VideoPlayback component Nested Flash UI components

This component does not use any Flash UI components. If you wish to change the appearance of this component, you can modify the graphics found in the Communication Components Core Assets - Developer Only VideoPlayback Assets folder of your Flash document's Library. Client-side component parameters

The VideoPlayback component has two settings that can be modified in the Properties panel or the Component Parameters panel:

Default Stream Name

This parameter, corresponding to the streamName property, specifies the name of the stream to play from the FlashCom application. You do not need to include the .flv extension in the stream name. For example, if you want to play a file named recording.flv that is stored in the application's streams/_definst_ folder, specify recording in this field in the Properties panel. If you have created a virtual directory to store streams on your FlashCom Server, you can specify the alias name in front of the stream's name. For example, if you created an alias named common , you can play a file named recording.flv located there by specifying common/recording .

Buffer Time

This parameter, corresponding to the bufferTime property, controls how much of the stream will be buffered, in seconds, before playback begins. The default value is 2 seconds. While longer times will add to the wait time users experience before playback begins, overall playback performance may be improved because there is less chance of video pausing due to network congestion. Component process overview

When a VideoPlayback instance is initialized in a Flash movie and its connect( ) method is invoked by a SimpleConnect instance or a custom NetConnection object that you have created, the VideoPlayback instance creates a new instance of FCPlayStreamClass , a class that is defined in the FCPlayStream_Class symbol (linkage ID FCPlayStreamSymbol ) of the component. This class inherits from the NetStream class and augments its functionality by creating methods and properties that allow streams to work smoothly with the control bar interface of the VideoPlayback component.

2.2.15. VideoRecord

The VideoRecord component can publish and record an audio/video stream from a Flash movie to a FlashCom application. The UI of the VideoRecord component, shown in Figure 2-17, is similar to that of the VideoPlayback component. When the component instance loads, the output from your local camera source is automatically displayed in the video window. The leftmost button in the control interface is a record start/stop toggle. The button to its right is a play/stop toggle, which allows you to review your recorded stream. To its right is a buffering status display. While a user records a stream, the buffering area is empty. When a user previews his stream, the buffering area displays a progress bar indicating how much of the stream's buffer has been filled. A record/playback status indicator is shown to the right of the buffering display. When a stream is recording, the status indicator is a blinking red dot. When a stream is being reviewed, the status indicator is a blinking blue dot.

Figure 2-17. The runtime look of the VideoRecord component

You can use the VideoPlayback component in tandem with the VideoRecord component. The VideoPlayback component offers more playback control of the recorded stream than the play/stop button in the VideoRecord component. After you have recorded a stream with the VideoRecord component, you can use an instance of the VideoPlayback component to play the recorded stream. Nested Flash UI components

The VideoRecord component does not use any nested Flash UI components. You can find the skin symbols for the component in the Communication Components Core Assets - Developer Only VideoRecord Assets folder of your document's Library. Client-side component parameters

The VideoRecord component has six settings in the Properties panel or Component Parameters panel:

Default Stream Name

This parameter, corresponding to the streamName property, specifies the name of the stream that is recorded to the FlashCom application. You can use the same conventions described earlier for the VideoPlayback component's Default Stream Name parameter.

Default Settings

This parameter controls which quality setting is applied to the Camera and Microphone objects during recording. The quality setting properties are discussed later in this list. The default value is setHigh , which is a reference to the object specified by the High Quality Settings parameter. You can create your own custom quality object and use it as the value of the defaultSetting property of a VideoRecord instance. Alternatively, you can pass this custom object to VideoRecord.adjustSettings( ) .

Buffer Time

This parameter, corresponding to the bufferTime property, establishes the amount of time, in seconds, that both the recording stream and the replay stream use for buffering. The default is 10.

High Quality Settings, Medium Quality Settings, and Low Quality Settings

These parameters are used to adjust the quality of the Camera and Microphone objects' output to the recording stream. These settings control the default values for low, medium, and high bit rate Internet connections. (The settings used depend on the value of the Default Settings parameter or the defaultSetting property.) Each setting uses an object with the following properties to adjust the Camera object's output: width (in pixels), height (in pixels), fps , bandwidth (in Kbps), and key (for keyframe interval). The object also has a rate property that controls the sampling rate of the Microphone object. You can override these settings in client-side ActionScript by writing a new value to the setLow , setMed , and setHigh properties of the VideoRecord component.

The SetBandwidth component does not apply any changes to the VideoRecord component. You can, however, use a ComboBox instance to let the user choose which quality setting should be applied to a VideoRecord instance. Component process overview

When the connect( ) method of a VideoRecord instance is invoked and passed a reference to a NetConnection object, the component creates two streams: an outgoing stream ( out_ns ) for the recording stream and an incoming stream ( in_ns ) for the replay stream. Unlike the VideoPlayback component, the VideoRecord component does not utilize FCPlayStreamClass to create a custom NetStream class. Rather, the component uses the existing methods of the NetStream class. The component also invokes a cameraOn( ) method upon connection, which grabs the output from the Camera and Microphone objects. The cameraOn( ) method invokes the adjustSettings( ) method to control the quality of output captured by the Camera and Microphone objects. You can invoke VideoRecord.adjustSettings( ) from your own custom UI elements, such as a combo box, to change the quality of recorded output on the fly.

2.2.16. Whiteboard

The Whiteboard component is, as the name implies, a component that shows the UI of a whiteboard with drawing and text tools, as shown in Figure 2-18. The menu has the following options (from top to bottom):

Move/Transform tool

Selects and moves objects on the whiteboard. You can delete an item by clicking it with the Move/Transform tool and pressing the Delete key. You can use this tool to resize arrow lines, but you cannot resize text or text boxes with this tool.

Text tool

Creates standard text, in a _serif device font.

Text Box tool

Draws a black-outlined box, using the selected color in the color menu as its fill. The text in this box uses the _sans device font.

End Arrow Line tool

Draws a line with an arrow point at the end of the line (as determined by the location of the second click).

Start Arrow Line tool

Works the same as the End Arrow Line tool, except that the arrow point is placed at the first click point and not the second.

Dual Arrow Line tool

Creates a line with arrow points at both ends.

Color menu

Features eight colors that you can use as fill colors for the Text or Text Box tool or as line colors for the line tools.

Expand/Collapse button

Expands and collapses the UI of the tools palette.

Figure 2-18. The UI menu of the Whiteboard component

If you're looking for a full-featured whiteboard component, check out Fig Leaf Software's WYSIdraw at This whiteboard features more drawing tools and can layer JPEG images with other artwork in a collaborative environment. This component is priced for enterprise use, starting at $995. Nested Flash UI components

The Whiteboard component does not use any nested Flash UI components. You can adjust the look-and-feel of the component by adjusting its skin symbols in the Communication Components Core Assets - Developer Only Whiteboard Assets folder of the document's Library. How the component works

When the Whiteboard component's connect( ) method is called by a SimpleConnect instance or a custom NetConnection object, the component creates a whiteboard RSO within the FlashCom application. When a user draws a shape with one of the component's tools, the parameters of a custom drawing object are sent to the shared object, and, in turn, the update is broadcast to all subscribed users. The onSync( ) handler of the shared object either removes a shape with MovieClip.removeMovieClip( ) or it invokes Whiteboard.drawShape( ) to create a new text, text box, or line object on the Stage.

Programming Flash Communication Server
Programming Flash Communication Server
ISBN: 0596005040
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 203 © 2008-2017.
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