
 < Day Day Up > 



DBCP (Database Connection Pool), 171

integrating into wroxstruts application, 173-179

sample database, 172-173

employees application

creating, 251-253

departments table, 251

employees table, 250

roles table, 251


configuring, 295-296

employees application, 261

<data-source> element, 173-175, 295-296

Date rule (Validator), 190, 196

DBCP (Database Connection Pool), 171

integrating into wroxstruts application, 173-179

<data-source> element, 173-175

LookupAction modifications, 176-178

<set-property> sub-elements, 175-176

testing changes, 179

sample database, 172-173


with Cactus, 409-413

with Eclipse

configuring Eclipse, 121-124

installing Tomcat, 118-121

setting breakpoints, 125, 129

stepping through source code, 124-127

stepping through struts source, 127-129

with IntelliJ

configuring IntelliJ, 130-135

configuring Tomcat, 129-130

setting breakpoints, 135

stepping through source code, 135-138

stepping through struts source, 138-140

with StrutsTestCase, 413

declarations (JSP scripting), 34-35

definitions (Tiles), 216-217

extending, 236-237

JSP definitions, 224-226

XML definitions, 227-228

Delete Employee transaction (employees application)

DeleteEmployeeAction, 284-285

deploying, 286-287

departments table (employees application), 251

deployment descriptors, generating (XDoclet), 413-418

<description /> sub-element, 294

destroy() method

Plugins, 84

servlets, 14, 16

directives (JSPs)

defined, 31-32

include, 33

page, 32-33

taglib, 33-34

DispatchAction, 97-100

<display-name /> sub-element, 294

domain objects, populating Action forms with, 390-391

double rule (Validator), 190

DTDs (document type definitions), 397

DynaActionForm beans, 111-116

best practices, 404

Validator Framework, 203-204

 < Day Day Up > 

Professional Jakarta Struts
Professional Jakarta Struts (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0764544373
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 183 © 2008-2017.
If you may any questions please contact us: