7. Error Control for Overcoming Channel Losses

7. Error Control for Overcoming Channel Losses

The third fundamental problem that afflicts video communication is losses. Losses can have a very destructive effect on the reconstructed video quality, and if the system is not designed to handle losses, even a single bit error can have a catastrophic effect. A number of different types of losses may occur, depending on the particular network under consideration. For example, wired packet networks such as the Internet are afflicted by packet loss, where congestion may cause an entire packet to be discarded (lost). In this case the receiver will either completely receive a packet in its entirety or completely lose a packet. On the other hand, wireless channels are typically afflicted by bit errors or burst errors at the physical layer. These errors may be passed up from the physical layer to the application as bit or burst errors, or alternatively, entire packets may be discarded when any errors are detected in these packets. Therefore, depending on the interlayer communication, a video decoder may expect to always receive "clean" packets (without any errors) or it may receive "dirty" packets (with errors). The loss rate can vary widely depending on the particular network, and also for a given network depending on the amount of cross traffic. For example, for video streaming over the Internet one may see a packet loss rate of less than 1 %, or sometimes greater than 5–10 %.

A video streaming system is designed with error control to combat the effect of losses. There are four rough classes of approaches for error control: (1) retransmissions, (2) forward error correction (FEC), (3) error concealment, and (4) error-resilient video coding. The first two classes of approaches can be thought of as channel coding approaches for error control, while the last two are source coding approaches for error control. These four classes of approaches are discussed in the following four subsections. A video streaming system is typically designed using a number of these different approaches. In addition, joint design of the source coding and channel coding is very important and this is discussed in Section 7.5. Additional information, and specifics for H.263 and MPEG-4, are available in [26,27,28].

7.1 Retransmissions

In retransmission-based approaches the receiver uses a back-channel to notify the sender which packets were correctly received and which were not, and this enables the sender to resend the lost packets. This approach efficiently uses the available bandwidth, in the sense that only lost packets are resent, and it also easily adapts to changing channel conditions. However, it also has some disadvantages. Retransmission leads to additional delay corresponding roughly to the round-trip-time (RTT) between receiver-sender-receiver. In addition, retransmission requires a back-channel, and this may not be possible or practical in various applications such as broadcast, multicast, or point-to-point without a back-channel.

In many applications the additional delay incurred from using retransmission is acceptable, e.g. Web browsing, FTP, telnet. In these cases, when guaranteed delivery is required (and a back-channel is available) then feedback-based retransmits provide a powerful solution to channel losses. On the other hand, when a back-channel is not available or the additional delay is not acceptable, then retransmission is not an appropriate solution.

There exist a number of important variations on retransmission-based schemes. For example, for video streaming of time-sensitive data one may use delay-constrained retransmission where packets are only retransmitted if they can arrive by their time deadline, or priority-based retransmission, where more important packets are retransmitted before less important packets. These ideas lead to interesting scheduling problems, such as which packet should be transmitted next (e.g. [29,4]).

7.2 Forward Error Correction

The goal of FEC is to add specialized redundancy that can be used to recover from errors. For example, to overcome packet losses in a packet network one typically uses block codes (e.g. Reed Solomon or Tornado codes) that take K data packets and output N packets, where N-K of the packets are redundant packets. For certain codes, as long as any K of the N packets are correctly received the original data can be recovered. On the other hand, the added redundancy increases the required bandwidth by a factor of N/K. FEC provides a number of advantages and disadvantages. Compared to retransmissions, FEC does not require a back-channel and may provide lower delay since it does not depend on the round-trip-time of retransmits. Disadvantages of FEC include the overhead for FEC even when there are no losses, and possible latency associated with reconstruction of lost packets. Most importantly, FEC-based approaches are designed to overcome a predetermined amount of loss and they are quite effective if they are appropriately matched to the channel. If the losses are less than a threshold, then the transmitted data can be perfectly recovered from the received, lossy data. However, if the losses are greater than the threshold, then only a portion of the data can be recovered, and depending on the type of FEC used, the data may be completely lost. Unfortunately the loss characteristics for packet networks are often unknown and time varying. Therefore the FEC may be poorly matched to the channel -- making it ineffective (too little FEC) or inefficient (too much FEC).

7.3 Error Concealment

Transmission errors may result in lost information. The basic goal of error concealment is to estimate the lost information or missing pixels in order to conceal the fact that an error has occurred. The key observation is that video exhibits a significant amount of correlation along the spatial and temporal dimensions. This correlation was used to achieve video compression, and unexploited correlaton can also be used to estimate the lost information.

Therefore, the basic approach in error concealment is to exploit the correlation by performing some form of spatial and/or temporal interpolation (or extrapolation) to estimate the lost information from the correctly received data.

To illustrate the basic idea of error concealment, consider the case where a single 16x16 block of pixels (a macroblock in MPEG terminology) is lost. This example is not representative of the information typically lost in video streaming, however it is a very useful example for conveying the basic concepts. The missing block of pixels may be assumed to have zero amplitude, however this produces a black/green square in the middle of the video frame which would be highly distracting. Three general approaches for error concealment are: (1) spatial interpolation, (2) temporal interpolation (freeze frame), and (3) motion-compensated temporal interpolation. The goal of spatial interpolation is to estimate the missing pixels by smoothly extrapolating the surrounding correctly received pixels. Correctly recovering the missing pixels is extremely difficult, however even correctly estimating the DC (average) value is very helpful, and provides significantly better concealment than assuming the missing pixels have an amplitude of zero. The goal of temporal extrapolation is to estimate the missing pixels by copying the pixels at the same spatial location in the previous correctly decoded frame (freeze frame). This approach is very effective when there is little motion, but problems arise when there is significant motion. The goal of motion-compensated temporal extrapolation is to estimate the missing block of pixels as a motion compensated block from the previous correctly decoded frame, and thereby hopefully overcome the problems that arise from motion. The key problem in this approach is how to accurately estimate the motion for the missing pixels. Possible approaches include using the coded motion vector for that block (if it is available), use a neighboring motion vector as an estimate of the missing motion vector, or compute a new motion vector by leveraging the correctly received pixels surrounding the missing pixels.

Various error concealment algorithms have been developed that apply different combinations of spatial and/or temporal interpolation. Generally, a motion-compensated algorithm usually provides the best concealment (assuming an accurate motion vector estimate). This problem can also be formulated as a signal recovery or inverse problem, leading to the design of sophisticated algorithms (typically iterative algorithms) that provide improved error concealment in many cases.

The above example where a 16x16 block of pixels is lost illustrates many of the basic ideas of error concealment. However, it is important to note that errors typically lead to the loss of much more than a single 16x16 block. For example, a packet loss may lead to the loss of a significant fraction of an entire frame, or for low-resolution video (e.g. 176x144 pixels/frame) an entire coded frame may fit into a single packet, in which case the loss of the packet leads to the loss of the entire frame. When an entire frame is lost, it is not possible to perform any form of spatial interpolation as there is no spatial information available (all of the pixels in the frame are lost), and therefore only temporal information can be used for estimating the lost frame. Generally, the lost frame is estimated as the last correctly received frame (freeze frame) since this approach typically leads to the fewest artifacts.

A key point about error concealment is that it is performed at the decoder. As a result, error concealment is outside the scope of video compression standards. Specifically, as improved error concealment algorithms are developed they can be incorporated as standard-compatible enhancements to conventional decoders.

7.4 Error Resilient Video Coding

Compressed video is highly vulnerable to errors. The goal of error-resilient video coding is to design the video compression algorithm and the compressed bitstream so that it is resilient to specific types of errors. This section provides an overview of error-resilient video compression. It begins by identifying the basic problems introduced by errors and then discusses the approaches developed to overcome these problems. In addition, we focus on which problems are most relevant for video streaming and also which approaches to overcome these problems are most successful and when. In addition, scalable video coding and multiple description video coding are examined as possible approaches for providing error resilient video coding.

7.4.1 Basic problems introduced by errors

Most video compression systems possess a similar architecture based on motion-compensated (MC) prediction between frames, Block-DCT (or other spatial transform) of the prediction error, followed by entropy coding (e.g. runlength and Huffman coding) of the parameters. The two basic error-induced problems that afflict a system based on this architecture are:

  1. Loss of bitstream synchronization

  2. Incorrect state and error propagation

The first class of problems, loss of bitstream synchronization, refers to the case when an error can cause the decoder to become confused and lose synchronization with the bitstream, i.e. the decoder may loss track of what bits correspond to what parameters. The second class of problems, incorrect state and error propagation, refers to what happens when a loss afflicts a system that uses predictive coding.

7.4.2 Overcoming Loss of Bitstream Synchronization

Loss of bitstream synchonization corresponds to the case when an error causes the decoder to loss track of what bits correspond to what parameters. For example, consider what happens when a bit error afflicts a Huffman codeword or other variable length codeword (VLC). Not only would the codeword be incorrectly decoded by the decoder, but because of the variable length nature of the codewords it is highly probably that the codeword would be incorrectly decoded to a codeword of a different length, and thereby all the subsequent bits in the bitstream (until the next resync) will be misinterpreted. Even a single bit error can lead to significant subsequent loss of information.

It is interesting to note that fixed length codes (FLC) do not have this problem, since the beginning and ending locations of each codeword are known, and therefore losses are limited to a single codeword. However, FLC's do not provide good compression. VLC's provide significantly better compression and therefore are widely used.

The key to overcoming the problem of loss of bitstream synchronization is to provide mechanisms that enable the decoder to quickly isolate the problem and resynchronize to the bitstream after an error has occurred. We now consider a number of mechanisms that enable bitstream resynchronization.

Resync Markers

Possibly the simplest approach to enable bitstream resynchronization is by the use of resynchronization markers, commonly referred to as resync markers. The basic idea is to place unique and easy to find entry points in the bitstream, so that if the decoder losses sync, it can look for the next entry point and then begin decoding again after the entry point. Resync markers correspond to a bitstream pattern that the decoder can unmistakably find. These markers are designed to be distinct from all codewords, concatenations of codewords, and minor perturbations of concatenated codewords. An example of a resync marker is the three-byte sequence consisting of 23 zeros followed by a one. Sufficient information is typically included after each resync marker to enable the restart of bitstream decoding.

An important question is where to place the resync markers. One approach is to place the resync markers at strategic locations in the compressed video hierarchy, e.g. picture or slice headers. This approach is used in MPEG-1/2 and H.261/3. This approach results in resyncs being placed every fixed number of blocks, which corresponds to a variable number of bits. An undesired consequence of this is that active areas, which require more bits, would in many cases have a higher probability of being corrupted. To overcome this problem, MPEG-4 provides the capability to place the resync markers periodically after every fixed number of bits (and variable number of coding blocks). This approach provides a number of benefits including reduces the probability that active areas be corrupted, simplifies the search for resync markers, and supports application-aware packetization.

Reversible Variable Length Codes (RVLCs)

Conventional VLC's, such as Huffman codes, are uniquely decodable in the forward direction. RVLCs in addition have the property that they are also uniquely decodable in the backward direction. This property can be quite beneficial in recovering data that would otherwise be lost. For example, if an error is detected in the bitstream, the decoder would typically jump to the next resync marker. Now, if RVLCs are used, instead of discarding all the data between the error and the resync, the decoder can start decoding backwards from the resync until it identifies another error, and thereby enables partial recovery of data (which would otherwise be discarded). Nevertheless, RVLC are typically less efficient than VLC.

Data Partitioning

An important observation is that bits which closely follow a resync marker are more likely to be accurately decoded than those further away. This motivates the idea of placing the most important information immediately after each resync (e.g. motion vectors, DC DCT coefficients, and shape information for MPEG-4) and placing the less important information later (AC DCT coefficients). This approach is referred to as data partitioning in MPEG-4. Note that this approach is in contrast with the conventional approach used in MPEG-1/2 and H.261/3, where the data is ordered in the bitstream in a consecutive macroblock by macroblock manner, and without accounting for the importance of the different types of data.

To summarize, the basic idea to overcome the problem of loss of bitstream synchronization is to first isolate (localize) the corrupted information, and second enable a fast resynchronization.

Application-Aware Packetization: Application Level Framing (ALF)

Many applications involve communication over a packet network, such as the Internet, and in these cases the losses have an important structure that can be exploited. Specifically, either a packet is accurately received in its entirety or it is completely lost. This means that the boundaries for lost information are exactly determined by the packet boundaries. This motivates the idea that to combat packet loss, one should design (frame) the packet payload to minimize the effect of loss. This idea was crystallized in the Application Level Framing (ALF) principle presented in [30], who basically said that the "application knows best" how to handle packet loss, out-of-order delivery, and delay, and therefore the application should design the packet payloads and related processing. For example, if the video encoder knows the packet size for the network, it can design the packet payloads so that each packet is independently decodable, i.e. bitstream resynchronization is supported at the packet level so that each correctly received packet can be straightforwardly parsed and decoded. MPEG-4, H.263V2, and H.264/MPEG-4 AVC support the creation of different forms of independently decodable video packets. As a result, the careful usage of the application level framing principle can often overcome the bitstream synchronization problem. Therefore, the major obstacle for reliable video streaming over lossy packet networks such as the Internet, is the error propagation problem, which is discussed next.

7.4.3 Overcoming Incorrect State and Error Propagation

If a loss has occurred, and even if the bitstream has been resynchronized, another crucial problem is that the state of the representation at the decoder may be different from the state at the encoder. In particular, when using MC-prediction an error causes the reconstructed frame (state) at the decoder to be incorrect. The decoder's state is then different from the encoder's, leading to incorrect (mismatched) predictions and often significant error propagation that can afflict many subsequent frames, as illustrated in Figure 34.3. We refer to this problem as having incorrect (or mismatched) state at the decoder, because the state of the representation at the decoder (the previous coded frame) is not the same as the state at the encoder. This problem also arises in other contexts (e.g. random access for DVD's or channel acquisition for Digital TV) where a decoder attempts to decode beginning at an arbitrary position in the bitstream.

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Figure 34.3: Example of error propagation that can result from a single error.

A number of approaches have been developed over the years to overcome this problem, where these approaches have the common goal of trying to limit the effect of error propagation. The simplest approach to overcome this problem is by using I-frame only. Clearly by not using any temporal prediction, this approach avoids the error propagation problem, however it also provides very poor compression and therefore it is generally not an appropriate streaming solution. Another approach is to use periodic I-frames, e.g. the MPEG GOP. For example, with a 15-frame GOP there is an I-frame every 15 frames and this periodic reinitialization of the prediction loop limits error propagation to a maximum of one GOP (15 frames in this example). This approach is used in DVD's to provide random access and Digital TV to provide rapid channel acquisition. However, the use of periodic I-frames limits the compression, and therefore this approach is often inappropriate for very low bit rate video, e.g. video over wireless channels or over the Internet.

More sophisticated methods of intra coding often apply partial intra-coding of each frame, where individual macroblocks (MBs) are intra-coded as opposed to entire frames. The simplest approach of this form is periodic intra-coding of all MBs: 1/N of the MB's in each frame are intra-coded in a predefined order, and after N frames all the MBs have been intra-coded. A more effective method is pre-emptive intra-coding, where one optimizes the intra-inter mode decision for each macroblock based on the macroblocks's content, channel loss model, and the macroblock's estimated vulnerability to losses.

The use of intra-coding to reduce the error propagation problem has a number of advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include: (1) intra coding does successfully limit error propagation by reinitializing the prediction loop, (2) the sophistication is at the encoder, while the decoder is quite simple, (3) the intra-inter mode decisions are outside the scope of the standards, and more sophisticated algorithms may be incorporated in a standard-compatible manner. However, intra-coding also has disadvantages including: (1) it requires a significantly higher bit rate than inter coding, leading to a sizable compression penalty, (2) optimal intra usage depends on accurate knowledge of channel characteristics. While intra coding limits error propagation, the high bit rate it requires limits its use in many applications.

Point-to-Point Communication with Back-Channel

The special case of point-to-point transmission with a back-channel and with real-time encoding facilitates additional approaches for overcoming the error propagation problem [31]. For example, when a loss occurs the decoder can notify the encoder of the loss and tell the encoder to reinitialize the prediction loop by coding the next frame as an I-frame. While this approach uses I-frames to overcome error propagation (similar to the previous approaches described above), the key is that I-frames are only used when necessary. Furthermore, this approach can be extended to provide improved compression efficiency by using P-frames as opposed to I-frames to overcome the error propagation. The basic idea is that both the encoder and decoder store multiple previously coded frames. When a loss occurs the decoder notifies the encoder which frames were correctly/erroneously received and therefore which frame should be used as the reference for the next prediction. These capabilities are provided by the Reference Picture Selection (RPS) in H.263 V2 and NewPred in MPEG-4 V2. To summarize, for point-to-point communications with real-time encoding and a reliable back-channel with a sufficiently short round-trip-time (RTT), feedback-based approaches provide a very powerful approach for overcoming channel losses. However, the effectiveness of this approach decreases as the RTT increases (measured in terms of frame intervals), and the visual degradation can be quite significant for large RTTs [32].

Partial Summary: Need for Other Error-Resilient Coding Approaches

This section discussed the two major classes of problems that afflict compressed video communication in error-prone environments: (1) bitstream synchronization and (2) incorrect state and error propagation. The bitstream synchronization problem can often be overcome through appropriate algorithm and system design based on the application level framing principle. However, the error propagation problem remains a major obstacle for reliable video communication over lossy packet networks such as the Internet. While this problem can be overcome in certain special cases (e.g. point-to-point communication with a back-channel and with sufficiently short and reliable RTT), many important applications do not have a back-channel, or the back-channel may have a long RTT, thereby severely limiting effectiveness. Therefore, it is important to be able to overcome the error propagation problem in the feedback-free case, when there does not exist a back-channel between the decoder and encoder, e.g. broadcast, multicast, or point-to-point with unreliable or long-RTT back-channel.

7.4.4 Scalable Video Coding for Lossy Networks

In scalable or layered video the video is coded into a base layer and one or more enhancement layers. There are a number of forms of scalability, including temporal, spatial, and SNR (quality) scalability. Scalable coding essentially prioritizes the video data, and this prioritization effectively supports intelligent discarding of the data. For example, the enhancement data can be lost or discarded while still maintaining usable video quality. The different priorities of video data can be exploited to enable reliable video delivery by the use of unequal error protection (UEP), prioritized transmission, etc. As a result, scalable coding is a nice match for networks which support different qualities of service, e.g. DiffServ.

While scalable coding prioritizes the video data and is nicely matched to networks that can exploit different priorities, many important networks do not provide this capability. For example, the current Internet is a best-effort network. Specifically, it does not support any form of QoS, and all packets are equally likely to be lost. Furthermore, the base layer for scalable video is critically important - if the base layer is corrupted then the video can be completely lost. Therefore, there is a fundamental mismatch between scalable coding and the best-effort Internet: Scalable coding produces multiple bitstreams of differing importance, but the best-effort Internet does not treat these bitstreams differently - every packet is treated equally. This problem motivates the development of Multiple Description Coding, where the signal is coded into multiple bitstreams, each of roughly equal importance.

7.4.5 Multiple Description Video Coding

In Multiple Description Coding (MDC) a signal is coded into two (or more) separate bitstreams, where the multiple bitstreams are referred to as multiple descriptions (MD). MD coding provides two important properties: (1) each description can be independently decoded to give a usable reproduction of the original signal, and (2) the multiple descriptions contain complementary information so that the quality of the decoded signal improves with the number of descriptions that are correctly received. Note that this first property is in contrast to conventional scalable or layered schemes, which have a base layer that is critically important and if lost renders the other bitstream(s) useless. MD coding enables a useful reproduction of the signal when any description is received, and provides increasing quality as more descriptions are received.

A number of MD video coding algorithms have recently been proposed, which provide different tradeoffs in terms of compression performance and error resilience [33,34,35,36]. In particular, the MD video coding system of [36,38] has the importance property that it enables repair of corrupted frames in a description using uncorrupted frames in the other description so that usable quality can be maintained even when both descriptions are afflicted by losses, as long as both descriptions are not simultaneously lost. Additional benefits of this form of an MD system include high compression efficiency (achieving MDC properties with only slightly higher total bit rate than conventional single description (SD) compression schemes), ability to successfully operate over paths that support different or unbalanced bit rates (discussed next) [37], and this MD video coder also corresponds to a standard-compatible enhancement to MPEG-4 V2 (with NEWPRED), H.263 V2 (with RPS), and H.264/MPEG-4 Part 10 (AVC).

Multiple Description Video Coding and Path Diversity

MD coding enables a useful reproduction of the signal when any description is received -- and specifically this form of MD coding enables a useful reproduction when at least one description is received at any point in time. Therefore it is beneficial to increase the probability that at least one description is received correctly at any point in time. This can be achieved by combining MD video coding with a path diversity transmission system [38], as shown in Figure 34.4, where different descriptions are explicitly transmitted over different network paths (as opposed to the default scenarios where they would proceed along a single path). Path diversity enables the end-to-end video application to effectively see a virtual channel with improved loss characteristics [38]. For example, the application effectively sees an average path behavior, which generally provides better performance than seeing the behavior of any individual random path. Furthermore, while any network path may suffer from packet loss, there is a much smaller probability that all of the multiple paths simultaneously suffer from losses. In other words, losses on different paths are likely to be uncorrelated. Furthermore, the path diversity transmission system and the MD coding of [36,38] complement each other to improve the effectiveness of MD coding: the path diversity transmission system reduces the probability that both descriptions are simultaneously lost, and the MD decoder enables recovery from losses as long as both descriptions are not simultaneously lost. A path diversity transmission system may be created in a number of ways, including by source-based routing or by using a relay infrastructure. For example, path diversity may be achieved by a relay infrastructure, where each stream is sent to a different relay placed at a strategic node in the network, and each relay performs a simple forwarding operation. This approach corresponds to an application-specific overlay network on top of the conventional Internet, providing a service of improved reliability while leveraging the infrastructure of the Internet [38].

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Figure 34.4: Multiple description video coding and path diversity for reliable communication over lossy packet networks.

Multiple Description versus Scalable versus Single Description

The area of MD video coding is relatively new, and therefore there exist many open questions as to when MD coding, or scalable coding, or single description coding is preferable. In general, the answer depends crucially on the specific context, e.g. specific coder, playback delay, possible retransmits, etc. A few works shed light on different directions. [39,40] proposed MD image coding sent over multiple paths in an ad-hoc wireless network, and [41] examined MD versus scalable coding for an EGPRS cellular network. Analytical models for accurately predicting SD and MD video quality as a function of path diversity and loss characteristics are proposed in [42]. Furthermore, as is discussed in Section 10, path diversity may also be achieved by exploiting the infrastructure of a content delivery network (CDN), to create a Multiple Description Streaming Media CDN (MD-CDN) [43]. In addition, the video streaming may be performed in a channel-adaptive manner as a function of the path diversity characteristics [44,4].

7.5 Joint Source/Channel Coding

Data and video communication are fundamentally different. In data communication all data bits are equally important and must be reliably delivered, though timeliness of delivery may be of lesser importance. In contrast, for video communication some bits are more important than other bits, and often it is not necessary for all bits to be reliably delivered. On the other hand, timeliness of delivery is often critical for video communication. Examples of coded video data with different importance include the different frames types in MPEG video (i.e. I-frames are most important, P-frames have medium importance, and B-frames have the least importance) and the different layers in a scalable coding (i.e. base layer is critically important and each of the enhancement layers is of successively lower importance). A basic goal is then to exploit the differing importance of video data, and one of the motivations of joint source/channel coding is to jointly design the source coding and the channel coding to exploit this difference in importance. This has been an important area of research for many years, and the limited space here prohibits a detailed discussion, therefore we only present two illustrative examples of how error-control can be adapted based on the importance of the video data. For example, for data communication all bits are of equal importance and FEC is designed to provide equal error protection for every bit. However, for video date of unequal importance it is desirable to have unequal error protection (UEP) as shown in Table 34.2. Similarly, instead of a common retransmit strategy for all data bits, it is desirable to have unequal (or priortized) retransmit strategies for video data.

Table 34.2: Adapting error control based on differing importance of video data: unequal error protection and unequal (prioritized) retransmission based on coded frame type.







Minimum (or none)




Can discard

Handbook of Video Databases. Design and Applications
Handbook of Video Databases: Design and Applications (Internet and Communications)
ISBN: 084937006X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 393

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