

table data gateways

example of, 47, 84 85, 280, 286

relationships, 50

table modules, 27, 28

target audience, xv xvi


and HTTP, 270

protocol stacks, 269

TcpChannel object, 210

binary serialization, 214 215

TcpChannel/binary serialization implementation, 214

TcpClient.cs, 215 216

TcpServer.cs, 215

teams in deployment patterns, 147 148

technical support, xviii

template method, 61 62, 127

and page controller, 55

patterns, 32


deployment plans, 185 186

DTOs, 236

and observer, 145

testing/debugging difficulties, 130

thin-client scenarios, 51

thread-safety, 72, 90

three-layered application patterns, 7 8

three-layered services

application, 9 11

applications, 9 11

See also layers

three-layered services application, 9 13, 150, 161 166, 184

benefits and liabilities, 166

deployment plan, 186

foundation services of, 165

and service gateways, 296

three-tiered distribution, 150, 177 182

benefits and liabilities, 181

diagram, 178

related patterns, 182

three-tiered solution, 172 173

physical tiers, 178 179

throughput, 229

tiered distribution, 150, 167 176

benefits and liabilities, 176

four-tiered solution, 174 175

related patterns, 176

single-tiered solution, 169 170

three-tiered solution, 172 173

two-tiered solution, 170 171

vs. layered applications, 184

tiering heuristic, 169, 170, 173


abstraction levels of patterns, 19

assigning components to, 186

determining which to deploy components to, 183

highly available infrastructure, 330

vs. layers, 148 149, 168 169

See also general purpose tiers; physical tiers; specialized tiers

timeouts, 116

top-down mode, 155 156

Track complex type, 283

track data transfer object, 304

TrackDisplayAdapter class, 299

TrackDisplayAdapter.cs, 308

TrackGrid, 241

transaction logs, 332

translation of data, 293

transport channels, 209

two-tiered architecture, 244

two-tiered solution, 170 171

type-safe, 244

typed DataSet

benefits and liabilities, 254 256

creating, 249

DataSet, 254 255

filling from the database, 251 252

implementing in .NET with data transfer object, 246 256

is still a DataSet, 255

related patterns, 256

Enterprise Solution Patterns Using Microsoft. NET 2003
Enterprise Solution Patterns Using Microsoft. NET 2003
Year: 2004
Pages: 107 © 2008-2017.
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