\t escape, in regular expressions, 468

T& type, 35

tail calls, 94–95

tail. prefix, IL, 575

TcpClient class, 292

TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol), 291–292

TcpListener class, 292

TEB (Thread Environment Block), 347, 355, 366

temporary files, 276

terminate and stay resident programs (TSRs), 353

text readers, 264–268

text resources, 315–316

text writers, 264–268

this keyword, C#, 40, 41

this pointer, 31

thread affinity, 388

Thread class, 356

Thread Environment Block (TEB), 347, 355, 366

Thread Local Storage (TLS), 355, 366–367

ThreadPool class, 356–357


aborted, exception thrown by, 109–110

aborting, 364–365

active, obtaining reference to, 356

APM (asynchronous programming model), 385–387

background threads, 365–366

books about, 401–402

COM apartments, 390–391, 402

concurrency problems with

deadlocks, 381–382

race condition, 355, 369

starvation, 382

creating, 359–360

critical sections, 387–388

definition of, 353–355

events and, 382–385

explicit management of, 358–366

Hyper-Threading (HT) technology, 391–392

identity of, 365

interrupting, 362–363

isolation, levels of, 354–355

joining, 363–364

managed threads, 355

mapped to fibers, 355

memory models, 388–390

number executing, 355

overhead used by, 355

pool of, 356–357

priority of, 366, 382

resuming, 363

sleeping, 362

spin-loops, 391–392

stack size for, controlling, 360–361

starting, 361

state of, scheduling, 358–365

state of, sharing

ACLs (Access Control Lists), 374

critical sections, 368–369

interlocked operations, 378–381

lock blocks, 371

monitors, 369–372

mutexes, 372–373

race conditions and, 369

reader-writer locks, 374–378

semaphores, 373–374

synchronized methods, 371–372

suspending, 363

thread affinity, 388

thread start function for, 359–360

thread static fields, 367–368

TLS (Thread Local Storage), 355, 366–367

UI threads, 387

throw instruction, IL, 101, 568

time types, 192–195

timers, 385

times, regional, 308

TimeSpan type, BCL, 195, 208

Title method, Console class, 281

TLS (Thread Local Storage), 355, 366–367

TM (transaction manager), 533–535, 546–548

Tokens, assembly metadata, 136

tokens, for info APIs, 496, 511–514

ToLocalTime method, DateTime type, 195

ToLower method, strings, 188, 323–325

ToString method

numbers, 196

Object type, 179, 185, 321–322

ToUniversalTime method, DateTime type, 195

ToUpper method, strings, 188, 323–325

Trace class, 444, 449–450

TraceFilter class, 444, 456–457, 461

TraceListener class, 444, 451–457, 460–461

TraceSource class, 443, 445–449, 457–460

TraceSwitch class, 456


architecture of, 441–444

asserts, 446–449, 462

books about, 462

compared to exceptions, 441

configuration of, 457–462

definition of, 440

filtering, 454–457

output of

to console, 452–453

to streams or files, 452–453

Windows Event Log, 452

to XML, 453

trace listeners

configuring, 460–461

definition of, 442, 444

filters for, 461

using, 451–457

trace sources

conditional compilation for, 450–451

configuring, 457–460

Debug class, 449–450

definition of, 442

Trace class, 449–450

TraceSource class, 445–449

types of, 443–444

transaction manager (TM), 533–535, 546–548


ACID properties of, 535

ambient transactions, 536

books about, 548

committed, 534, 537–538

deadlock prevention, 538–539

declarative transactions, 544–546

definition of, 533–535

dependent, 543–544

Dispose method and, 540

distributed, permission to use, 339

example of, 540–541

isolation levels for, 539

managing with Enterprise Services, 544–546

nesting, 541–543

promotion of, 547–548

rolled back, 534, 537–538

scope of

construction of, 537

declaring, 536–537

explicit, 537

two-phase commit (2PC), 548

translation. See internationalization

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), 291–292

Trim method, strings, 189–190

trimming strings, 189–190

trust, CAS, 332–335

try/catch blocks

catch on Boolean filter, 104–105

catch on type filter, 102–104

definition of, 102

ensuring memory release using, 409

examples of, 100–101

TryParse method, strings, 321–322

TSRs (terminate and stay resident programs), 353

two-pass exception model, 101, 111–113

two-phase commit (2PC), 548

type arity, 69–70

type constructors, 42

type forwarding, 160–162

type identity, 97–98, 179

type initializers (type constructors), 42

type instantiation, 70

type members

accessibility of, 25–26


chaining, 40–41

default constructors, 39–40

definition of, 38–39

field initialization in, 41–42

type constructors, 42

unhandled exceptions in, 42–43

definition of, 26


definition of, 45–46, 382–383

delegate chains and, 523

exposed by AppDomains, 394

monitor-based events, 383–384

timers, 385

Win32 events, 384–385


constant (literal) fields, 28

definition of, 26–27

memory layout for structs, controlling, 29–30

read-only fields, 27–28

size of, 27

instance members, 26


abstract methods, 51

argument passing style of, 33–35

arguments of, 30, 89–90

definition of, 30–31

exception handlers in, 38

instance methods, 31

loading and storing from stack, 89–90

locals of, 31–32

new slots, 37–38

output parameters, 34

overloading, 32

overriding, 36–37

parameters of, 30

return parameter of, 30

static methods, 31

subclassing and, 35–38

variable argument methods, 35

virtual methods, 36–37, 93–94, 96–97, 128


definition of, 43–44

indexer properties, 44–45

mixed mode accessibility for, 45

static members, 26

visibility of, 25–26

type safety. See also CTS (Common Type System)

collections and, 72–73

enumerations and, 68–69

example of unsafe code, 12–13

importance of, 11

verification of, 9, 11–12, 86

type systems. See also CTS (Common Type System)

books about, 78–79

bridging, 434–436

definition of, 9

static compared to dynamic, 13–16

type unification, 16–18

type verification, 9, 11–12, 86

TypeDef section, assembly metadata, 136, 141

TypeLoadException exception, 210

TypeRef section, assembly metadata, 136, 141

types. See also delegates; primitive types; reference types (classes); value types (structures)

accessibility of, 25–26, 45

blittable types, 434

building, 530

constructors for

chaining, 40–41

default constructors, 39–40

definition of, 38–39

field initialization in, 41–42

type constructors, 42

unhandled exceptions in, 42–43

custom attributes (CAs), 64–65, 496, 514–519


definition of, 65–67

flags-style enumerations, 67–68, 69

helper methods for, 69

type safety and, 68–69

info APIs for, 500–502

nested, 26

organizing into namespaces, 58–60

polymorphism and, 49–50

runtime type checking, 58

sealing, 57

subclassing, 49–50

visibility of, 25–26

Professional. NET Framework 2.0
Professional .NET Framework 2.0 (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0764571354
EAN: 2147483647
Year: N/A
Pages: 116
Authors: Joe Duffy

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