
Encoder CF 1.0, ECMA 1.0, serializable

System.Text (mscorlib.dll) abstract class

Encoding.GetEncoder( ) returns an instance of this type, which converts character arrays to byte arrays using the encoding subclass from which it was constructed . This class exposes the GetBytes( ) method, which converts a sequence of character blocks into a sequence of byte blocks. Since Encoder maintains state between calls to GetBytes( ) , it can deal with partial sequences that occur at block boundaries.

The last argument to GetBytes( ) is a boolean that specifies whether the internal buffer is flushed after the method is called. If true , state information on the object is lost between blocks. If false (the default), the buffer is maintained . A call with flushing set to true is needed on the final call to Encoding.GetBytes( ) to close the byte array properly.

 public abstract class  Encoder  { // Protected Constructors    protected  Encoder  ( ); // Public Instance Methods    public abstract int  GetByteCount  (char[ ]   chars   , int   index   ,  int   count   , bool   flush   );    public abstract int  GetBytes  (char[ ]   chars   , int   charIndex   , int   charCount   , byte[ ]   bytes   ,          int   byteIndex   , bool   flush   ); } 

Returned By

Encoding.GetEncoder( )

C# in a Nutshell
C # in a Nutshell, Second Edition
ISBN: 0596005261
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 963

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