Section 8.2. Managing the Database

8.2. Managing the Database

Now that you're connected to the database, you can create users, databases, and tables. You may not need to create a database or user account if you're using a MySQL server in a hosted environment, and if they supplied you with a username and a database name.

8.2.1. Creating Users

To create users above and beyond the default privileged root user, issue the grant command. The grant command uses this syntax:


For example:

 GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'michele'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'secret'; 

This creates the user michele who can access anything locally. To change to the michele user, at the mysql command prompt, type:


Then start MySQL from the command line with the new username and password. The syntax for specifying the username and password when starting MySQL is:

 mysql -h hostname -u username -ppassword 

If you don't want users to access tables other than their own, replace * with the name of the user's database, like this:

 GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `store`.* TO 'michele'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'secret'; 

You'll need to run the above line as root or as someone with permission. In the above code, the word store correlates to the database name to which privileges are assigned, which you'll create in the next section.

8.2.2. Creating a MySQL Database

You're going to create a database called store. The create database command works like this:


If this works, you'll get a result like this one:

 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.03 sec) 

Database names cannot contain any spaces. On Unix servers, such as Linux and Mac OS X, database names are also case sensitive.

To start using this database, type:

 USE `store`; 

You will get the result:

 Database changed. 

Assuming you've done everything correctly, you'll be set up with new data and selected it for use. Creating tables is an important concept, so that's where we're headed!

8.2.3. Table Manipulation

Once you've created a table and started storing information in it, you may find that you need to make a change to the column types. For example, you may find a field you thought would need only 30 characters actually needs 100. You could start all over and redefine the table, but you'd lose all your data. Thankfully, MySQL allows you to modify column types without losing your data. Renaming a table

To rename a table, use ALTER TABLE table RENAME newtable. In this example, we are renaming the table from books to publications.

 ALTER TABLE `books` RENAME `publications`; 

This would look like Figure 8-3.

Figure 8-3. Renaming a table Changing a column's data type

To change a column data type, use ALTER TABLE table MODIFY column datatype. The following syntax modifies the author field so that the column can take 150 characters.

 ALTER TABLE `authors` MODIFY `author` VARCHAR(150); 

Changing a column's data type will look like Figure 8-4.

Figure 8-4. Changing column's data type Adding a column

To add a column, use ALTER TABLE table ADD column datatype. Here, we're changing the publications table so a timestamp is automatically added to it.

 ALTER TABLE publications ADD time TIMESTAMP; 

Figure 8-5 shows the result.

Figure 8-5. Adding a column Remove a column

If you look at your database tables and decide you don't need a specific column, you can remove it. To remove a column, use ALTER TABLE table DROP column. Here, we're removing the pages column; therefore, we'll no longer know how many pages are in a book listed in the database.

 ALTER TABLE publications DROP COLUMN pages; 

Figure 8-6 shows how it would look after you execute the command.

Figure 8-6. Removing a column Deleting an entire table

Sometimes you may want to completely remove a table. Use the DROP command to permanently remove a table and its data.

 DROP TABLE `authors`; 

8.2.4. Using phpMyAdmin

The tool phpMyAdmin, available from, allows you to administer a MySQL database through your web browser. All that's required is a web server with PHP installed and a MySQL database to administer.

To install phpMyAdmin, follow these steps:

  1. Download the archive file, such as phpMyAdmin-2.7.0-pl2.tar.gz (Unix) or (Windows).

  2. Unpack the archive (including subdirectories) to a directory on your computer.

  3. Transfer them to your ISP account where PHP files can be executed. Or, if you have a web server installed locally, transfer them to the document root.

  4. Create the configuration file using a text editor. You can use the existing config.default.php file as an example. For versions of phpMyAdmin before 2.7, modify instead of creating a new file. You may modify this file before sending it to your web server to avoid having to use the editor that is native to the server.

  5. You will need to set the value of $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] to the URI location of where you are placing the files. For example, if you place the files in www/phpmyadmin/ on your ISP, the URI value is http://www.isp_domain_name/phpmyadmin/.

  6. You also need to set the hostname of your database, the MySQL username, and the password.

  7. We recommend that you either limit access to this directory or set up a cookie or cookie authentication so that authorized users only can make changes to your database.

  8. Browse to

Once installed and connected to the database, phpMyAdmin's main page looks similar to Figure 8-7, except in the case that you're running the stable release of 2.7.0-pl2, instead of the 2.6.2-pl1 release.

Figure 8-7. Selecting a database to administer in phpMyAdmin

You can select any configured databases from the drop-down list labeled Databases. The admin provides an easy way to see how your database is configured and what objects exist (such as tables), and you're even offered the option to add tables through the graphical interface. Using PHP admin, you can create new databases and tables, run queries, and display server statistics.

Figure 8-8 shows the tables that are in the test database. Click on the authors table on the left to get more details on that table.

Figure 8-8. The objects in the test database

In Figure 8-9, the table structure of the authors table is displayed. This screen provides an easy way to visualize the layout of a database, particularly if it's a database that you did not create yourself.

Figure 8-9. Viewing the authors table structure in

To view the contents of a table, click on the Browse tab. Figure 8-10 shows the Browse tab for the authors table.

Figure 8-10. The data in the authors table as well as the query used to generate it

The web-based administration tool provides an easy-to-use interface for both exploring your database and creating new objects or modifying data. You may find the graphical interface to be a refreshing change from the text-based command line of the mysql client.

Since you have MySQL up and running and have created a database, let's talk about backing up your databases. As you know, backing up your data is important. Between security, data integrity, and backups, you have the most crucial pieces of a database. We'll discuss security later in the book.

Learning PHP and MySQL
Learning PHP and MySQL
ISBN: 0596101104
EAN: 2147483647
Year: N/A
Pages: 135 © 2008-2017.
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