Chapter 12: Understanding Undo

Undo is the remarkable facility that lets us reverse a previous action. Simple and elegant, the feature is of obvious value. Yet, when we examine undo from a goal-directed point of view, there appears to be a considerable variation in purpose and method. Undo is critically important for users, and it's not quite as simple as one might think. This chapter explores the different ways users think about undo and the different uses for such a facility.

Users and Undo

Undo is the facility traditionally thought of as the rescuer of users in distress; the knight in shining armor; the cavalry galloping over the ridge; the superhero swooping in at the last second.

As a computational facility, undo has no merit. Mistake-free as they are, computers have no need for undo. Human beings, on the other hand, make mistakes all the time, and undo is a facility that exists for their exclusive use. This singular observation should immediately tell us that of all the facilities in a program, undo should be modeled the least like its construction methods — its implementation model — and the most like the user's mental model.

Not only do humans make mistakes, they make mistakes as part of their everyday behavior. From the standpoint of a computer, a false start, a misdirected glance, a pause, a hiccup, a sneeze, a cough, a blink, a laugh, an "uh," a "you know" are all errors. But from the standpoint of the human user, they are perfectly normal. Human mistakes are so commonplace that if you think of them as "errors" or even as abnormal behavior, you will adversely affect the design of your software.

User mental models of mistakes

Users don't believe, or at least don't want to believe, that they make mistakes. This is another way of saying that the user's mental model doesn't typically include error on his part. Following the user's mental model means absolving the user of blame. The implementation model, however, is based on an error-free CPU. Following the implementation model means proposing that all culpability must rest with the user. Thus, most software assumes that it is blameless, and any problems are purely the fault of the user.

The solution is for the user interface designer to completely abandon the idea that the user can make a mistake — meaning that everything the user does is something he or she considers to be valid and reasonable. Users don't like to admit to mistakes in their own minds, so the program shouldn't contradict these actions in its interactions with users.

Undo enables exploration

If we design software from the point of view that nothing users do should constitute a mistake, we immediately begin to see things differently. We cease to imagine the user as a module of code or a peripheral that drives the computer, and we begin to imagine him as an explorer, probing the unknown. We understand that exploration involves inevitable forays into blind alleys and box canyons, down dead ends and into dry holes. It is natural for humans to experiment, to vary their actions, to probe gently against the veil of the unknown to see where their boundaries lie. How can they know what they can do with a tool unless they experiment with it? Of course the degree of willingness to experiment varies widely from person to person, but most people experiment at least a little bit.

Programmers, who are highly paid to think like computers (Cooper, 1999), view such behavior only as errors that must be handled by the code. From the implementation model — necessarily the programmer's point of view — such gentle, innocent probing represents a continuous series of "mistakes." From our more-enlightened, mental model point-of-view, these actions are natural and normal. The program has the choice of either rebuffing those perceived mistakes or assisting the user in his explorations. Undo is thus the primary tool for supporting exploration in software user interfaces. It allows the user to reverse one or more previous actions if he decides to change his mind.

A significant benefit of undo is purely psychological: It reassures users. It is much easier to enter a cave if you are confident that you can get back out of it at any time. The undo function is that comforting rope ladder to the surface, supporting the user's willingness to explore further by assuring him that he can back out of any dead-end caverns.

Curiously, users often don't think about undo until they need it, in much the same way that homeowners don't think about their insurance policies until a disaster strikes. Users frequently charge into the cave half-prepared, and only start looking for the rope ladder — for undo — after they have encountered trouble.

About Face 2.0(c) The Essentials of Interaction Design
About Face 2.0(c) The Essentials of Interaction Design
Year: 2006
Pages: 263 © 2008-2017.
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