The Battleship Game


In this section, we put together a simple wireless application that plays the Battleship game against a simulated opponent on a server. We chose this game because it demonstrates a mix of text and graphical components on the handheld device. As a practical matter, customers would probably not want to pay for airtime to play such a simple game against a remote computer. However, with the same implementation techniques, you can implement more complex games and business applications with rich user interfaces.

The Game Rules

In Battleship, each player has a battleground a rectangular grid. At the start of the game, the players arrange sets of ships on their battlegrounds. In the United States, the traditional arrangement is a 10 by 10 grid, with one ship each of sizes 2, 4, and 5, and two ships of size 3. Players do not see each other's battleground. Players take turns, firing at each other's battlegrounds (see Figure 11-6). The other player announces whether a shot hits a ship or misses. The first player who sinks all ships of the opponent wins the game.

Figure 11-6. The Battleship Game


The User Interface

In the setup phase, the player selects the starting position of the next ship, then moves to a form for choosing the ship's direction and size (see Figure 11-7). Clicking the soft button labeled "Add" sends the form data to the server (see Figure 11-8). The process repeats until all ships are placed.

Figure 11-7. Selecting the Ship Position


Figure 11-8. Adding a Ship




It would have been nicer to put the direction and size items on the same screen as the grid. This is possible in MIDP 2.0, by implementing a CustomItem. For simplicity, we do not use this technique.

In each turn of the battle, the player first sees the damage done by the opponent and then gets to fire a shot by selecting the target position and pressing the soft button labeled "Fire" (see Figure 11-9). When the game is over, the winner is announced (see Figure 11-10).

Figure 11-9. Firing a Shot


Figure 11-10. Winning the Game



To implement this game, we use two standard components on the server side: UIInput (for the position) and UISelectOne (for the direction and size). We also use a custom BattleGround component, for displaying boats and firing shots. A GameBean manages the battlegrounds of the two opponents, and a SetupForm coordinates the components used during game setup. The SetupForm validates the placement of a new boat, and it determines when all boats have been placed. We do not discuss the code of these classes in detail; much of it is concerned with the tedium of arranging the boats and playing the game. See Listings 11-14 through 11-18 at the end of this section. Figure 11-11 shows the files that make up the application.

Figure 11-11. Files of the Wireless Battleship Program


Let us turn to the interesting part of the implementation, starting with the first page, setup.jsp (Listing 11-9). The page contains four components: a map of the battleground, a text field for the position of the next boat, and two selection components for the boat's size and position.

Listing 11-9. phonebattle/setup.jsp
  1. <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="f" %>  2. <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="j2me" %>  3. <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="battleship" %>  4. <f:view>  5.    <j2me:form >  6.       <battleship:map  value="#{game.own}" own="true"  7.             validator="#{setupform.validate}"/>  8.       <j2me:selectOne   9.             binding="#{setupform.directionComponent}" 10.             value="#{setupform.horizontal}"> 11.          <f:selectItem itemValue="true" itemLabel="horizontal"/> 12.          <f:selectItem itemValue="false" itemLabel="vertical"/> 13.       </j2me:selectOne> 14.       <j2me:selectOne  15.             binding="#{setupform.sizeComponent}" 16.             value="#{setupform.size}"> 17.          <f:selectItems value="#{game.own.availableSizes}"/> 18.       </j2me:selectOne> 19.       <j2me:command  action="#{setupform.submitAction}"/> 20.    </j2me:form> 21. </f:view> 

Note that the client UI shows this information on two separate screens.

Also note that the two selection components are managed by the SetupForm class. This arrangement simplifies the implementation of the validate method. (Since the validator is attached to the text input component, it is passed as a parameter to the validate call.)

We discussed the renderers for the standard components in the preceding section. Let us briefly look at the renderer for the battleground (Listing 11-18 on page 546). The encodeBegin method produces a string that describes the battle map. The own property determines whether to include boats that haven't yet been hit. They are shown only if own is true. Each position is encoded as one of the following values:

  • 0 = water, not hit, or unknown if not owner

  • 1 = ship, not hit

  • 2 = water, hit

  • 3 = ship, hit

Rows are separated by URL-encoded spaces. A typical rendering result looks like this:



When the user selects a position, the client sends back a request value of the form


 ... &opponent=C4&... 

The decode method calls the setCurrent method of the battleground and fires an action event. In the setup phase, the event handler adds a boat at the specified position. In the play phase, the event handler fires a shot at that position.

When all boats have been added, the navigation handler selects the turn.jsp page (Listing 11-10). It simply shows both boards. The action event handler of the second board triggers the game.move method. That method fires on the opponent's board, lets the opponent fire on the player's board, and checks whether either contender has won the game.

Listing 11-10. phonebattle/turn.jsp
  1. <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="f" %>  2. <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="j2me" %>  3. <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="battleship" %>  4. <f:view>  5.    <j2me:form >  6.       <battleship:map  value="#{game.own}" own="true"/>  7.       <battleship:map  value="#{game.opponent}" own="false"/>  8.       <j2me:command  action="#{game.move}"/>  9.    </j2me:form> 10. </f:view> 

If a player has won, then either the win.jsp or lose.jsp page is displayed. (See Listings 11-11 and 11-12 for these pages.) Note that these pages, unlike all other pages of this application, actually render some contents. They set a value for the result key, which is displayed by the client.

Listing 11-11. phonebattle/win.jsp
 1. <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="f" %> 2. <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="j2me" %> 3. <f:view> 4.    <f:loadBundle basename="com.corejsf.messages" var="msgs"/> 5.    <j2me:form > 6.       <j2me:output  value="#{msgs.youWon}"/> 7.       <j2me:command  action="#{game.initialize}"/> 8.    </j2me:form> 9. </f:view> 

Listing 11-12. phonebattle/lose.jsp
 1. <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="f" %> 2. <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="j2me" %> 3. <f:view> 4.    <f:loadBundle basename="com.corejsf.messages" var="msgs"/> 5.    <j2me:form > 6.       <j2me:output  value="#{msgs.youLost}"/> 7.       <j2me:command  action="#{game.initialize}"/> 8.    </j2me:form> 9. </f:view> 

Listing 11-13 contains the navigation handler; see Figure 11-12 for the navigation map.

Figure 11-12. Navigation Map of the Battleship Application


The client is shown in Listing 11-19. Its implementation is fairly straightforward. From the perspective of interfacing a midlet with JSF, the most important piece is the handled of the server response. The connectionCompleted method is called after the server response has been decoded and placed in a hash table. The value of the form key determines the next form to be displayed.


 public void connectionCompleted(Hashtable response) {    webform = (String) response.get("form");    if (webform.equals("add")) showAdd(response);    else if (webform.equals("turn")) showTurn(response);    else if (webform.equals("win")) showGameOver(response);    else if (webform.equals("lose")) showGameOver(response); } 

The connectionCompleted method simply branches to a separate method for each form. Each method is responsible for applying the response parameters and switching the display. For example, here is the showGameOver method:


 public void showGameOver(Hashtable response) {    result.setText((String) response.get("result"));    display.setCurrent(gameOverForm); } 

Conversely, when the server is contacted, the contents of the various components are packaged in a request data table. For example, the following method is called when the user adds a new boat.


 public void doAdd() {    Hashtable request = new Hashtable();    request.put("size", size.getString(size.getSelectedIndex()));    request.put("direction",       direction.getString(direction.getSelectedIndex()));    request.put("position", position.getString());    request.put("form", "setup");    request.put("submit", "");    connect("setup.jsp", request); } 

Note the form and submit parameters. The form parameter is required so that the FormRenderer treats the submitted values as updates to an existing form, as discussed in the preceding section. The submit parameter must be present so that the renderer of the server-side UICommand component fires an action event.



It can be frustrating to debug the server-side portion of a mobile application through the phone emulator. We found it much easier to use a browser (see Figure 11-13). Simply make a GET request (such as http://localhost:8080/phonebattle/setup.faces?form=setup&direction=vertical&own=A4&size=3&submit=) and see the server response (or, sadly, more often than not, a stack trace).

Figure 11-13. Debugging a Wireless Application with a Browser


As you can see, it is reasonably simple to combine the MIDP and JSF technologies to develop mobile applications. Here is the approach that we have taken in this chapter:

  • Use HTTP POST to send data from a midlet to the web server.

  • Encode the navigation and rendering information in URL-encoded name/value pairs instead of HTML.

  • Provide a simple JSF tag library that renders the standard JSF components in this format.

We hope that someday a standard mechanism will be provided for sending data from a JSF application to a midlet.

Once the plumbing is in place, there is very little difference between wireless and browser clients on the JSF side. Of course, the client midlet needs to render the UI, but that's the MIDP way.



It is a simple matter to reimplement the battleship game for a browser client (see Figure 11-14). All the "business logic" in the form and game bean is unchanged. The only real work is to implement an HTML renderer for the battle map. You can find the code for this application on the web site for this book.

Figure 11-14. A Browser-Based Battle Game


Given the similarities between the phone and web versions, you may wonder whether you could produce a unified version of the code and automatically switch renderers, depending on the User-agent field of the request. We don't think that is very practical. Page layout is always going to be different for different devices.

Listing 11-13. phonebattle/WEB-INF/faces-config.xml
  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>  2.  3. <!DOCTYPE faces-config PUBLIC  4.   "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JavaServer Faces Config 1.0//EN"  5.   "">  6.  7. <faces-config>  8.  9.    <navigation-rule> 10.       <from-view-id>/setup.jsp</from-view-id> 11.       <navigation-case> 12.          <from-outcome>setup</from-outcome> 13.          <to-view-id>/setup.jsp</to-view-id> 14.       </navigation-case> 15.       <navigation-case> 16.          <from-outcome>turn</from-outcome> 17.          <to-view-id>/turn.jsp</to-view-id> 18.       </navigation-case> 19.    </navigation-rule> 20.    <navigation-rule> 21.       <from-view-id>/turn.jsp</from-view-id> 22.       <navigation-case> 23.          <from-outcome>turn</from-outcome> 24.          <to-view-id>/turn.jsp</to-view-id> 25.       </navigation-case> 26.       <navigation-case> 27.          <from-outcome>win</from-outcome> 28.          <to-view-id>/win.jsp</to-view-id> 29.       </navigation-case> 30.       <navigation-case> 31.          <from-outcome>lose</from-outcome> 32.          <to-view-id>/lose.jsp</to-view-id> 33.       </navigation-case> 34.    </navigation-rule> 35.    <navigation-rule> 36.       <from-view-id>/win.jsp</from-view-id> 37.       <navigation-case> 38.          <from-outcome>setup</from-outcome> 39.          <to-view-id>/setup.jsp</to-view-id> 40.              </navigation-case> 41.    </navigation-rule> 42.    <navigation-rule> 43.       <from-view-id>/lose.jsp</from-view-id> 44.       <navigation-case> 45.          <from-outcome>setup</from-outcome> 46.          <to-view-id>/setup.jsp</to-view-id> 47.       </navigation-case> 48.    </navigation-rule> 49. 50.    <component> 51.       <component-type>com.corejsf.BattleMap</component-type> 52.       <component-class>javax.faces.component.UIInput</component-class> 53.    </component> 54. 55.    <render-kit> 56.       <renderer> 57.          <component-family>javax.faces.Input</component-family> 58.          <renderer-type>com.corejsf.BattleMap</renderer-type> 59.          <renderer-class>com.corejsf.BattleMapRenderer</renderer-class> 60.       </renderer> 61.    </render-kit> 62. 63.    <managed-bean> 64.       <managed-bean-name>game</managed-bean-name> 65.       <managed-bean-class>com.corejsf.GameBean</managed-bean-class> 66.       <managed-bean-scope>session</managed-bean-scope> 67.    </managed-bean> 68.    <managed-bean> 69.       <managed-bean-name>setupform</managed-bean-name> 70.       <managed-bean-class>com.corejsf.SetupForm</managed-bean-class> 71.       <managed-bean-scope>session</managed-bean-scope> 72.       <managed-property> 73.          <property-name>battleGround</property-name> 74.          <value>#{game.own}</value> 75.       </managed-property> 76.    </managed-bean> 77. </faces-config> 

Listing 11-14. phonebattle/WEB-INF/classes/com/corejsf/
   1. package com.corejsf;   2.   3. import java.util.ArrayList;   4. import java.util.List;   5. import java.util.Random;   6. import javax.faces.model.SelectItem;   7.   8. public class BattleGround {   9.    public static final int OCCUPIED = 1;  10.    public static final int HIT = 2;  11.  12.    private int rows;  13.    private int columns;  14.    private int currentRow;  15.    private int currentColumn;  16.    private int[][] positions;  17.    private int[] sizes;  18.    private static final int[] INITIAL_SIZES = { 2, 3, 3, 4, 5 };  19.    private static Random generator = new Random();  20.  21.    // PROPERTY: rows  22.    public void setRows(int newValue) { rows = newValue; }  23.    public int getRows() { return rows; }  24.  25.    // PROPERTY: columns  26.    public void setColumns(int newValue) { columns = newValue; }  27.    public int getColumns() { return columns; }  28.  29.    public void initialize() {  30.       sizes = (int[]) INITIAL_SIZES.clone();  31.       positions = new int[rows][columns];  32.    }  33.  34.    public void initializeRandomly() {  35.       initialize();  36.       for (int i = 0; i < sizes.length; i++)  37.          addRandomBoat(sizes[i]);  38.    }  39.  40.    public int getValueAt(int i, int j) {  41.       if (positions == null) return 0;  42.       if (0 <= i && i < rows && 0 <= j && j < columns)  43.          return positions[i][j];  44.       else  45.          return 0;  46.    }  47.  48.    public void setCurrent(String pos) {  49.       if (pos == null || pos.length() < 2)  50.          throw new IllegalArgumentException();  51.       int r = pos.charAt(0) - 'A';  52.       int c = Integer.parseInt(pos.substring(1)) - 1;  53.       if (r < 0 || r >= rows || c < 0 || c >= columns)  54.          throw new IllegalArgumentException();  55.       currentRow = r;  56.       currentColumn = c;  57.    }  58.  59.    public void fire() {  60.       if (positions == null) return;  61.       positions[currentRow][currentColumn] |= HIT;  62.    }  63.  64.    public void addBoat(int size, boolean horizontal) {  65.       addBoat(size, currentRow, currentColumn, horizontal);  66.    }  67.  68.    public boolean boatFits(int size, boolean horizontal) {  69.       return boatFits(size, currentRow, currentColumn, horizontal);  70.    }  71.  72.    public void makeRandomMove() {  73.       // try to find a neighbor of an occupied+hit cell that hasn't  74.       // been fired on  75.       for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)  76.          for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++)  77.             if (positions[i][j] == (OCCUPIED | HIT))  78.                for (int m = i - 1; m <= i + 1; m++)  79.                   for (int n = j - 1; n <= j + 1; n++)  80.                      if (m >= 0 && m < rows && n >= 0 && n < columns  81.                         && (positions[m][n] & HIT) == 0) {  82.                         positions[m][n] |= HIT;  83.                         return;  84.                      }  85.       // pick a random cell that hasn't yet been hit  86.       int m = generator.nextInt(rows);  87.       int n = generator.nextInt(columns);  88.       for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)  89.          for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) {  90.             int r = (i + m) % rows;  91.             int s = (j + n) % columns;  92.             if ((positions[r][s] & HIT) == 0) {  93.                positions[r][s] |= HIT;  94.                return;  95.             }  96.          }  97.    }  98.  99.    public List getAvailableSizes() { 100.       List availableSizes = new ArrayList(); 101.       for (int i = 0; i < sizes.length; i++) 102.          if (sizes[i] > 0) { 103.             // is it a duplicate? 104.             boolean found = false; 105.             for (int j = 0; j < i && !found; j++) 106.                if (sizes[i] == sizes[j]) found = true; 107.             if (!found) { 108.                String sz = "" + sizes[i]; 109.                availableSizes.add(new SelectItem(sz, sz, null)); 110.             } 111.          } 112.       return availableSizes; 113.    } 114. 115.    public boolean isGameOver() { 116.       for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) 117.          for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) 118.             if (positions[i][j] == OCCUPIED /* and not hit */) 119.                return false; 120.       return true; 121.    } 122. 123.    private void addBoat(int size, int i, int j, boolean horizontal) { 124.       if (!boatFits(size, i, j, horizontal)) return; 125.       boolean found = false; 126.       for (int k = 0; !found && k < sizes.length; k++) { 127.          if (sizes[k] == size) { 128.             found = true; 129.             sizes[k] = 0; 130.          } 131.       } 132.       if (!found) return; 133. 134.       for (int k = 0; k < size; k++) 135.          positions[i + (horizontal ? 0 : k)] 136.             [j + (horizontal ? k : 0)] = OCCUPIED; 137.    } 138. 139.    private boolean boatFits(int size, int i, int j, 140.       boolean horizontal) { 141.       boolean found = false; 142.       for (int k = 0; !found && k < sizes.length; k++) { 143.          if (sizes[k] == size) found = true; 144.       } 145.       if (!found) return false; 146.       if (horizontal && j + size > columns 147.          || !horizontal && i + size > rows) 148.          return false; 149.       for (int k = 0; k < size; k++) 150.          if (positions[i + (horizontal ? 0 : k)] 151.             [j + (horizontal ? k : 0)] != 0) 152.             return false; 153.       return true; 154.    } 155. 156.    private void addRandomBoat(int size) { 157.       if (rows < size || columns < size) return; 158.       int i; 159.       int j; 160.       boolean horizontal; 161.       boolean fits; 162.       do { 163.          horizontal = generator.nextBoolean(); 164.          i = generator.nextInt(rows - (horizontal ? 0 : size )); 165.          j = generator.nextInt(columns - (horizontal ? size : 0)); 166.       } while (!boatFits(size, i, j, horizontal)); 167.       addBoat(size, i, j, horizontal); 168.    } 169. } 

Listing 11-15. phonebattle/WEB-INF/classes/com/corejsf/
  1. package com.corejsf;  2.  3. public class GameBean {  4.    private BattleGround own;  5.    private BattleGround opponent;  6.  7.    public GameBean() { initialize(); }  8.  9.    // PROPERTY: own 10.    public BattleGround getOwn() { return own; } 11.    public void setOwn(BattleGround newValue) { own = newValue; } 12. 13.    // PROPERTY: opponent 14.    public BattleGround getOpponent() { return opponent; } 15.    public void setOpponent(BattleGround newValue) { opponent = newValue; } 16. 17.    public String initialize() { 18.       own = new BattleGround(); 19.       own.setRows(10); 20.       own.setColumns(10); 21.       own.initialize(); 22.       opponent = new BattleGround(); 23.       opponent.setRows(10); 24.       opponent.setColumns(10); 25.       opponent.initializeRandomly(); 26.       return "setup"; 27.    } 28. 29.    public String move() { 30.; 31.       if (opponent.isGameOver()) return "win"; 32.       own.makeRandomMove(); 33.       if (own.isGameOver()) return "lose"; 34.       return "turn"; 35.    } 36. } 

Listing 11-16. phonebattle/WEB-INF/classes/com/corejsf/
  1. package com.corejsf;  2.  3. import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage;  4. import javax.faces.component.UIInput;  5. import javax.faces.component.UISelectOne;  6. import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;  7. import javax.faces.model.SelectItem;  8.  9. public class SetupForm { 10.    private boolean horizontal = true; 11.    private String size = "2"; 12.    private String position = ""; 13.    private UISelectOne directionComponent; 14.    private UISelectOne sizeComponent; 15.    private BattleGround battleGround; 16. 17.    // PROPERTY: size 18.    public String getSize() { 19.       if (battleGround.getAvailableSizes().size() > 0) 20.          size = ((SelectItem) 21.             battleGround.getAvailableSizes().get(0)).getLabel(); 22.       return size; 23.    } 24.    public void setSize(String newSize) { this.size = newSize; } 25. 26.    // PROPERTY: horizontal 27.    public String getHorizontal() { return "" + horizontal; } 28.    public void setHorizontal(String newHorizontal) { 29.       this.horizontal = Boolean.valueOf(newHorizontal).booleanValue(); 30.    } 31. 32.    // PROPERTY: position 33.    public String getPosition() { return position; } 34.    public void setPosition(String newPosition) { this.position = newPosition; } 35. 36.    // PROPERTY: directionComponent 37.    public UISelectOne getDirectionComponent() { return directionComponent; } 38.    public void setDirectionComponent(UISelectOne newValue) { 39.       directionComponent = newValue; 40.    } 41. 42.    // PROPERTY: sizeComponent 43.    public UISelectOne getSizeComponent() { return sizeComponent; } 44.    public void setSizeComponent(UISelectOne newValue) { 45.       sizeComponent = newValue; 46.    } 47. 48.    // PROPERTY: battleGround 49.    public void setBattleGround(BattleGround newBattleGround) { 50.       this.battleGround = newBattleGround; 51.    } 52. 53.    public void validate(FacesContext context, UIInput input) { 54.       String dval = (String) directionComponent.getValue(); 55.       boolean horiz = Boolean.valueOf(dval).booleanValue(); 56. 57.       String sval = (String) sizeComponent.getValue(); 58.       int sz = Integer.parseInt(sval); 59.       if(!battleGround.boatFits(sz, horiz)) { 60.          input.setValid(false); 61.          context.addMessage(input.getId(), 62.             new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, 63.                "Boat doesn't fit", 64.                "The boat that you specified doesn't fit")); 65.       } 66.    } 67. 68.    public String submitAction() { 69.       battleGround.addBoat(Integer.parseInt(size), horizontal); 70.       if (battleGround.getAvailableSizes().size() == 0) 71.          return "turn"; 72.       SelectItem item 73.          = (SelectItem) battleGround.getAvailableSizes().get(0); 74.       size = item.getLabel(); 75.       return "setup"; 76.    } 77. }  1. 

Listing 11-17. phonebattle/WEB-INF/classes/com/corejsf/
  2. package com.corejsf;  3.  4. import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;  5. import javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentTag;  6.  7. public class BattleMapTag extends UIComponentTag {  8.    private String own;  9.    private String value; 10.    private String validator; 11. 12.    // PROPERTY: own 13.    public void setOwn(String newValue) { own = newValue; } 14. 15.    // PROPERTY: value 16.    public void setValue(String newValue) { value = newValue; } 17. 18.    // PROPERTY: validator 19.    public void setValidator(String newValue) { validator = newValue; } 20. 21.    public void setProperties(UIComponent component) { 22.       super.setProperties(component); 23. 24.       com.corejsf.util.Tags.setString(component, "value", value); 25.       com.corejsf.util.Tags.setBoolean(component, "own", own); 26.       com.corejsf.util.Tags.setValidator(component, validator); 27.    } 28. 29.    public void release() { 30.       own = null; 31.       value = null; 32.       validator = null; 33.    } 34. 35.    public String getRendererType() { return "com.corejsf.BattleMap"; } 36.    public String getComponentType() { return "com.corejsf.BattleMap"; } 37. } 

Listing 11-18. phonebattle/WEB-INF/classes/com/corejsf/
  38. package com.corejsf;  39.  40. import;  41. import java.util.Map;  42. import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage;  43. import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;  44. import javax.faces.component.UIInput;  45. import javax.faces.component.ValueHolder;  46. import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;  47. import javax.faces.context.ResponseWriter;  48. import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent;  49. import javax.faces.render.Renderer;  50.  51. public class BattleMapRenderer extends Renderer {  52.    public void encodeBegin(FacesContext context, UIComponent component)  53.       throws IOException {  54.       ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();  55.       String id = component.getId();  56.       Object value = ((ValueHolder) component).getValue();  57.       BattleGround ground = (BattleGround) value;  58.       writer.write(id + "=");  59.  60.       boolean own = ((Boolean)  61.          component.getAttributes().get("own")).booleanValue();  62.       /*  63.         0 = water, not hit, or unknown if not owner  64.         1 = ship, not hit  65.         2 = water, hit  66.         3 = ship, hit  67.       */  68.       for (int i = 0; i < ground.getRows(); i++) {  69.          if (i > 0) writer.write("+");  70.          for (int j = 0; j < ground.getColumns(); j++) {  71.             int v = ground.getValueAt(i, j);  72.             boolean hit = (v & BattleGround.HIT) != 0;  73.             if (own || hit) {  74.                   writer.write('0' + v);  75.             } else  76.                writer.write('0');  77.          }  78.       }  79.    }  80.  81.    public void decode(FacesContext context, UIComponent component) {  82.       if (context == null || component == null) return;  83.  84.       UIInput input = (UIInput) component;  85.       String id = input.getId();  86.       Object value = input.getValue();  87.       BattleGround ground = (BattleGround) value;  88.  89.       // if we don't do the following, then the local value is null  90.       input.setValue(value);  91.  92.       Map parameters  93.          = context.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap();  94.       String coords = (String) parameters.get(id);  95.       if (coords == null) return;  96.  97.       try {  98.          ground.setCurrent(coords);  99.          input.queueEvent(new ActionEvent(input)); 100.       } catch (Exception ex) { 101.          input.setValid(false); 102.          context.addMessage(id, 103.             new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, 104.                "Invalid position", 105.                "The boat position that you specified is invalid")); 106.       } 107.    } 108. } 

Listing 11-19. phonebattle/misc/
   1. import;   2. import;   3. import;   4. import;   5. import java.util.Enumeration;   6. import java.util.Hashtable;   7. import;   8. import;   9. import javax.microedition.lcdui.Canvas;  10. import javax.microedition.lcdui.Choice;  11. import javax.microedition.lcdui.ChoiceGroup;  12. import javax.microedition.lcdui.Command;  13. import javax.microedition.lcdui.CommandListener;  14. import javax.microedition.lcdui.Display;  15. import javax.microedition.lcdui.Displayable;  16. import javax.microedition.lcdui.Form;  17. import javax.microedition.lcdui.Graphics;  18. import javax.microedition.lcdui.StringItem;  19. import javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet;  20.  21. public class BattleshipMIDlet extends MIDlet implements CommandListener {  22.    private Display display;  23.    private Form addBoatForm;  24.    private StringItem position;  25.    private ChoiceGroup size;  26.    private ChoiceGroup direction;  27.    private StringItem message;  28.    private StringItem result;  29.    private Command exitCommand;  30.    private Command startCommand;  31.    private Command nextCommand;  32.    private Command addCommand;  33.    private Command opponentCommand;  34.    private Command fireCommand;  35.    private Command continueCommand;  36.    private Command newGameCommand;  37.    private BattleCanvas addBoatCanvas;  38.    private BattleCanvas own;  39.    private BattleCanvas opponent;  40.    private Form startForm;  41.    private Form messageForm;  42.    private Form waitForm;  43.    private Form gameOverForm;  44.    private String webform;  45.    private ConnectionWorker worker;  46.    private Thread workerThread;  47.  48.    // Required methods  49.  50.    public void startApp() {  51.       display = Display.getDisplay(this);  52.       exitCommand = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 1);  53.       createStartForm();  54.       createAddBoatForms();  55.       createBattleCanvases();  56.       createMessageForm();  57.       createGameOverForm();  58.  59.       worker = new ConnectionWorker();  60.       workerThread = new Thread(worker);  61.       workerThread.start();  62.       waitForm = new Form("Waiting...");  63.  64.       display.setCurrent(startForm);  65.    }  66.  67.    public void pauseApp() {}  68.  69.    public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) {}  70.  71.    // Initialization  72.  73.    public void createStartForm() {  74.       startForm = new Form("Start");  75.       startForm.setTitle("Welcome");  76.       startForm.append("Start the Battleship Game");  77.       startCommand = new Command("Start", Command.OK, 0);  78.       startForm.addCommand(startCommand);  79.       startForm.addCommand(exitCommand);  80.       startForm.setCommandListener(this);  81.    }  82.  83.    public void createAddBoatForms() {  84.       addBoatCanvas = new BattleCanvas();  85.       addBoatCanvas.setTitle("Select Position");  86.       nextCommand = new Command("Next", Command.OK, 0);  87.       addBoatCanvas.addCommand(nextCommand);  88.       addBoatCanvas.addCommand(exitCommand);  89.       addBoatCanvas.setCommandListener(this);  90.  91.       addBoatForm = new Form("Add Boat");  92.       direction = new ChoiceGroup("Direction", Choice.EXCLUSIVE);  93.       size = new ChoiceGroup("Size", Choice.EXCLUSIVE);  94.       position = new StringItem("", null);  95.       addBoatForm.append(direction);  96.       addBoatForm.append(size);  97.       addBoatForm.append(position);  98.       addCommand = new Command("Add", Command.OK, 0);  99.       addBoatForm.addCommand(addCommand); 100.       addBoatForm.addCommand(exitCommand); 101.       addBoatForm.setCommandListener(this); 102.    } 103. 104.    public void createBattleCanvases() { 105.       own = new BattleCanvas(); 106.       own.setTitle("Your battleground"); 107. 108.       opponent = new BattleCanvas(); 109.       opponent.setTitle("Your opponent"); 110. 111.       opponentCommand = new Command("Opponent", Command.OK, 0); 112.       own.addCommand(opponentCommand); 113.       own.addCommand(exitCommand); 114.       own.setCommandListener(this); 115.       fireCommand = new Command("Fire", Command.OK, 0); 116.       opponent.addCommand(fireCommand); 117.       opponent.addCommand(exitCommand); 118.       opponent.setCommandListener(this); 119.    } 120. 121.    public void createMessageForm() { 122.       messageForm = new Form("Message"); 123.       message = new StringItem("", null); 124.       messageForm.append(message); 125.       continueCommand = new Command("Continue", Command.OK, 0); 126.       messageForm.addCommand(continueCommand); 127.       messageForm.addCommand(exitCommand); 128.       messageForm.setCommandListener(this); 129.    } 130. 131.    public void createGameOverForm() { 132.       gameOverForm = new Form("Game Over"); 133.       result = new StringItem("", null); 134.       gameOverForm.append(result); 135.       newGameCommand = new Command("New Game", Command.OK, 0); 136.       gameOverForm.addCommand(newGameCommand); 137.       gameOverForm.addCommand(exitCommand); 138.       gameOverForm.setCommandListener(this); 139.    } 140. 141.    // Commands 142. 143.    public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable s) { 144.       if (c == startCommand) doStart(); 145.       else if (c == nextCommand) doNext(); 146.       else if (c == addCommand) doAdd(); 147.       else if (c == continueCommand) doContinue(); 148.       else if (c == opponentCommand) doOpponent(); 149.       else if (c == fireCommand) doFire(); 150.       else if (c == newGameCommand) doNewGame(); 151.       else if (c == exitCommand) notifyDestroyed(); 152.    } 153. 154.    public void doStart() { 155.       connect("setup.faces", null); 156.    } 157. 158.    public void doNext() { 159.       position.setText("Position: " + addBoatCanvas.getString()); 160.       display.setCurrent(addBoatForm); 161.    } 162. 163.    public void doAdd() { 164.       Hashtable request = new Hashtable(); 165.       request.put("size", size.getString(size.getSelectedIndex())); 166.       request.put("direction", 167.          direction.getString(direction.getSelectedIndex())); 168.       request.put("own", addBoatCanvas.getString()); 169.       request.put("form", "setup"); 170.       request.put("submit", ""); 171.       connect("setup.faces", request); 172.    } 173. 174.    public void doContinue() { 175.       display.setCurrent(addBoatCanvas); 176.    } 177. 178.    public void doOpponent() { 179.       display.setCurrent(opponent); 180.    } 181. 182.    public void doFire() { 183.       Hashtable request = new Hashtable(); 184.       request.put("own", own.getString()); 185.       request.put("opponent", opponent.getString()); 186.       request.put("form", "turn"); 187.       request.put("fire", ""); 188.       connect("turn.faces", request); 189.    } 190. 191.    public void doNewGame() { 192.       Hashtable request = new Hashtable(); 193.       request.put("form", webform); 194.       request.put("newgame", ""); 195.       connect(webform + ".faces", request); 196.    } 197. 198.    // Connection 199. 200.    public void connect(String url, Hashtable request) { 201.       display.setCurrent(waitForm); 202.       worker.connect(url, request); 203.    } 204. 205.    public void connectionCompleted(Hashtable response) { 206.       webform = (String) response.get("form"); 207.       if (webform.equals("setup")) showSetup(response); 208.       else if (webform.equals("turn")) showTurn(response); 209.       else if (webform.equals("win")) showGameOver(response); 210.       else if (webform.equals("lose")) showGameOver(response); 211.    } 212. 213.    // Navigation 214. 215.    public void showSetup(Hashtable response) { 216.       select(size, response, "size"); 217.       select(direction, response, "direction"); 218.       addBoatCanvas.parse((String) response.get("own")); 219.       String msg = (String) response.get("messages.own"); 220.       if (msg != null) { 221.          message.setText(msg); 222.          display.setCurrent(messageForm); 223.          return; 224.       } 225.       display.setCurrent(addBoatCanvas); 226.    } 227. 228.    public void showGameOver(Hashtable response) { 229.       result.setText((String) response.get("result")); 230.       display.setCurrent(gameOverForm); 231.    } 232. 233.    public void showTurn(Hashtable response) { 234.       own.parse((String) response.get("own")); 235.       opponent.parse((String) response.get("opponent")); 236.       display.setCurrent(own); 237.    } 238. 239.    private static void select(ChoiceGroup group, 240.       Hashtable response, String name) { 241.       String value = (String) response.get(name); 242.       int i = 0; 243.       String label; 244.       group.deleteAll(); 245.       while ((label = (String) response.get(name + ".label." + i)) 246.          != null) { 247.          group.append(label, null); 248.          if (label.equals(value)) 249.             group.setSelectedIndex(i, true); 250.          i++; 251.       } 252.    } 253. 254.    private class ConnectionWorker implements Runnable { 255.       private String url; 256.       private String urlPrefix = "http://localhost:8080/phonebattle/"; 257.       private Hashtable request; 258.       private Hashtable response; 259.       private String sessionCookie; 260.       private boolean busy = false; 261. 262.       public synchronized void run() { 263.          try { 264.             for (;;) { 265.                while (!busy) 266.                   wait(); 267.                try { 268.                   byte[] data = post(); 269.                   response = decode(data); 270. 271.                } 272.                catch (IOException ex) { 273.                   ex.printStackTrace(); 274.                } 275.                busy = false; 276.                connectionCompleted(response); 277.             } 278.          } 279.          catch (InterruptedException ie) {} 280.       } 281. 282.       public synchronized void connect(String url, Hashtable request) { 283.          this.url = url; 284.          this.request = request; 285.          if (busy) return; 286.          busy = true; 287.          notify(); 288.       } 289. 290.       private void urlEncode(String s, OutputStream out) 291.          throws IOException { 292.          byte[] bytes = s.getBytes("UTF8"); 293.          for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { 294.             byte b = bytes[i]; 295.             if (b == ' ') 296.                out.write('+'); 297.             else if ('0' <= b && b <= '9' 298.                || 'A' <= b && b <= 'Z' 299.                || 'a' <= b && b <= 'z' 300.                || "-_.!~*'(),".indexOf(b) >= 0) 301.                out.write(b); 302.             else { 303.                out.write('%'); 304.                int b1 = (b & 0xF0) >> 4; 305.                out.write((b1 < 10 ? '0' : 'a' - 10) + b1); 306.                int b2 = b & 0xF; 307.                out.write((b2 < 10 ? '0' : 'a' - 10) + b2); 308.             } 309.          } 310.       } 311. 312.       private boolean isspace(byte b) { 313.          return " \n\r\t".indexOf(b) >= 0; 314.       } 315. 316.       private Hashtable decode(byte[] data) { 317.          if (data == null) return null; 318.          Hashtable table = new Hashtable(); 319.          try { 320.             int start = 0; 321.             for (;;) { 322.                while (start < data.length && isspace(data[start])) 323.                   start++; 324.                if (start >= data.length) return table; 325.                int end = start + 1; 326.                int count = 0; 327.                while (end < data.length && data[end] != '=') end++; 328.                String key = 329.                   new String(data, start, end - start, "ASCII"); 330.                start = end + 1; 331.                end = start; 332.                while (end < data.length && !isspace(data[end])) { 333.                   count++; 334.                   if (data[end] == '%') end += 3; else end++; 335.                } 336.                byte[] b = new byte[count]; 337.                int k = start; 338.                int c = 0; 339.                while (k < end) { 340.                   if (data[k] == '%') { 341.                      int h = data[k + 1]; 342.                      if (h >= 'a') h = h - 'a' + 10; 343.                      else if (h >= 'A') h = h - 'A' + 10; 344.                      else h = h - '0'; 345.                      int l = data[k + 2]; 346.                      if (l >= 'a') l = l - 'a' + 10; 347.                      else if (l >= 'A') l = l - 'A' + 10; 348.                      else l = l - '0'; 349.                      b[c] = (byte) ((h << 4) + l); 350.                      k += 3; 351.                   } 352.                   else if (data[k] == '+') { 353.                      b[c] = ' '; 354.                      k++; 355.                   } 356.                   else { 357.                      b[c] = data[k]; 358.                      k++; 359.                   } 360.                   c++; 361.                } 362.                String value = new String(b, "UTF8"); 363.                table.put(key, value); 364.                start = end + 1; 365.             } 366.          } 367.          catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { 368.          } 369.          return table; 370.       } 371. 372.       private byte[] post() throws IOException { 373.          HttpConnection conn = null; 374.          byte[] data = null; 375. 376.          try { 377.             conn = (HttpConnection) + url); 378. 379.             conn.setRequestMethod(HttpConnection.POST); 380.             conn.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", 381.                "Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0"); 382.             conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Language", "en-US"); 383.             conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", 384.                "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); 385.             if (sessionCookie != null) 386.                conn.setRequestProperty("Cookie", sessionCookie); 387. 388.             OutputStream out = conn.openOutputStream(); 389.             if (request != null) { 390.                Enumeration keys = request.keys(); 391.                while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { 392.                   String key = (String) keys.nextElement(); 393.                   String value = (String) request.get(key); 394.                   urlEncode(key, out); 395.                   out.write('='); 396.                   urlEncode(value, out); 397.                   if (keys.hasMoreElements()) out.write('&'); 398.                } 399.             } 400. 401.             int rc = conn.getResponseCode(); 402.             if (rc != HttpConnection.HTTP_OK) 403.                throw new IOException("HTTP response code: " + rc); 404. 405.             InputStream in = conn.openInputStream(); 406. 407.             // Read the session ID--it's the first cookie 408.             String cookie = conn.getHeaderField("Set-cookie"); 409.             if (cookie != null) { 410.                int semicolon = cookie.indexOf(';'); 411.                sessionCookie = cookie.substring(0, semicolon); 412.             } 413. 414.             // Get the length and process the data 415.             int len = (int) conn.getLength(); 416.             int actual = 0; 417.             int bytesread = 0 ; 418.             if (len > 0) { 419.                data = new byte[len]; 420.                while ((bytesread != len) && (actual != -1)) { 421.                   actual =, bytesread, len - bytesread); 422.                   if (actual != -1) bytesread += actual; 423.                } 424.             } else { 425.                final int BLOCKSIZE = 1024; 426.                data = new byte[BLOCKSIZE]; 427.                while (actual != -1) { 428.                   if (bytesread == data.length) { 429.                      byte[] bigger = new byte[data.length + BLOCKSIZE]; 430.                      System.arraycopy(data, 0, bigger, 0, data.length); 431.                      data = bigger; 432.                   } 433.                   actual =, bytesread, 434.                      data.length - bytesread); 435.                   if (actual != -1) bytesread += actual; 436.                } 437.                if (bytesread < data.length) { 438.                   byte[] smaller = new byte[bytesread]; 439.                   System.arraycopy(data, 0, smaller, 0, bytesread); 440.                   data = smaller; 441.                } 442.             } 443.          } catch (ClassCastException e) { 444.             throw new IOException("Not an HTTP URL"); 445.          } finally { 446.             if (conn != null) conn.close(); 447.          } 448.          return data; 449.       } 450.    } 451. } 452. 453. class BattleCanvas extends Canvas { 454.    public static final int ROWS = 10; 455.    public static final int COLUMNS = 10; 456.    public static final int OCCUPIED = 1; 457.    public static final int HIT = 2; 458. 459.    private int[][] positions = new int[ROWS][COLUMNS]; 460.    private int currentRow = 0; 461.    private int currentColumn = 0; 462. 463.    public void parse(String state) { 464.       int n = 0; 465.       for (int i = 0; i < ROWS; i++) { 466.          for (int j = 0; j < COLUMNS; j++) { 467.             char c = state.charAt(n); 468.             n++; 469.             positions[i][j] = c - '0'; 470.          } 471.          n++; 472.       } 473.    } 474. 475.    public String getString() { 476.       return "" + (char) ('A' + currentRow) + (1 + currentColumn); 477.    } 478. 479.    public void paint(Graphics g) { 480.       int width = getWidth(); 481.       int height = getHeight(); 482.       int oldColor = g.getColor(); 483.       g.setColor(0xFFFFFF); 484.       g.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); 485.       g.setColor(oldColor); 486.       int cellWidth = width / (COLUMNS + 2); 487.       int cellHeight = height / (ROWS + 2); 488.       int cellSize = Math.min(cellWidth, cellHeight); 489.       for (int i = 0; i <= ROWS; i++) { 490.          int y = (i + 1) * cellSize; 491.          g.drawLine(cellSize, y, (COLUMNS + 1) * cellSize, y); 492.       } 493.       for (int j = 0; j <= COLUMNS; j++) { 494.          int x = (j + 1) * cellSize; 495.          g.drawLine(x, cellSize, x, (ROWS + 1) * cellSize); 496.       } 497.       for (int i = 0; i < ROWS; i++) { 498.          int y = (i + 1) * cellSize; 499.          for (int j = 0; j < COLUMNS; j++) { 500.             int x = (j + 1) * cellSize; 501.             int p = positions[i][j]; 502.             if ((p & OCCUPIED) != 0) 503.                g.fillRect(x, y, cellSize, cellSize); 504.             if ((p & HIT) != 0) { 505.                if (p == (HIT | OCCUPIED)) { 506.                   oldColor = g.getColor(); 507.                   g.setColor(0xFFFFFF); 508.                } 509.                g.drawLine(x, y, x + cellSize, y + cellSize); 510.                g.drawLine(x + cellSize, y, x, y + cellSize); 511.                if (p == (HIT | OCCUPIED)) g.setColor(oldColor); 512.             } 513.          } 514.       } 515.       int x = (currentColumn + 1) * cellSize; 516.       int y = (currentRow + 1) * cellSize; 517.       g.drawRect(x - 1, y - 1, cellSize + 2, cellSize + 2); 518.    } 519. 520.    public void keyPressed(int keyCode) { 521.       int action = getGameAction(keyCode); 522.       if (action == LEFT) 523.          currentColumn = (currentColumn + COLUMNS - 1) % COLUMNS; 524.       else if (action == RIGHT) 525.          currentColumn = (currentColumn + 1) % COLUMNS; 526.       else if (action == UP) 527.          currentRow = (currentRow + ROWS - 1) % ROWS; 528.       else if (action == DOWN) 529.          currentRow = (currentRow + 1) % ROWS; 530.       repaint(); 531.    } 532. } 

core JavaServer Faces
Core JavaServer Faces
ISBN: 0131463055
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 121 © 2008-2017.
If you may any questions please contact us: