

scalability, system design requirement, 317

scenarios of use case. See also sequence diagram

definition of, 155–160

list of diagrams for, 179


subsystems based on, 345

system design requirement, 317

«script» stereotype, 338

sd abbreviation, 191, 234

search engines, 374

secondary actors, 139, 141

semaphore message, 201

«semaphore» stereotype, 201

SendEvent, 195

sequence diagram

application-level sequence, 387

constructing, 190–192

constructing state diagram from, 272–276

creating and destroying objects in, 193–195

for design phase, 202

for frameworks, 257

high-level sequence, 387

multiple, summarizing in activity diagrams, 216

for object interaction in a collaboration, 254

sd abbreviation for, 191, 234

sending messages in, 195–201

uses of, 15, 179, 189, 202, 387

«serial» stereotype, 334

«service» stereotype, 331

SET operation. See accessor operations

shallow history pseudostate, 301

shapes and symbols in UML diagrams

ball and socket, for assemblies in a component, 331, 333


for actors, 138

for classes and objects, 52, 55–56, 59–60

with parallel vertical bars, for active object, 241

for qualifiers, 77

three-dimensional, for nodes, 333

box icon, with two small rectangles, for components, 327–328

boxes, stack of, in communication diagram, 240

bull’s eye, for final-activity nodes, 215


filled in (large dot), for initial nodes, 215

filled in (large dot), for initial state, 263

labeled, for connectors, 215–216

with plus sign inside, for membership, 323

on a stick, for interfaces, 327

with X inside, for final-flow nodes, 215


for decision and merge nodes, 215

filled in, for composition, 86–87

hollow, for aggregation, 84, 87–88

folder, tabbed, for packages, 126, 146, 340


for fork or join nodes, 215

for fork or join pseudostates, 306–307

fork icon, for system or subsystem, 181, 321

half circle, on a stick, for interfaces, 327

history of choices for, 53

line, dashed

with arrow, from object to class, 54–55

for dependencies, 76, 125, 347

dividing concurrent substates, 307

for included use cases, 162–163

for lifelines, 190

line, solid

for associations, 62

for links, 63


dashed, for collaborations, 250, 252–253, 355–356

for use cases, 140, 146


action sequence icon, 291

for components, 327

for interaction-overview diagram, 221

rounded, for activities, 214

rounded, for events during states, 285

rounded, for states, 262

with triangular notch, signal receipt icon, 290

with triangular point, signal sending icon, 290

small square, for component ports, 331

socket, in pattern, 251–252

shell generation, UML modeling tools supporting, 33

signal receipt icon, 290

signal sending icon, 290

«signal» stereotype, 281

signature of operation, 50, 106

slash (/)

for an action or activity, 267

for derived attribute, 55

for event actions, 285–287


ball and socket, for assemblies in a component, 331, 333

in patterns, 251–252

on a stick, for interfaces, 327

Softeam, Objecteering tool, 379–380

software. See also tools for UML modeling

software and system development. See also system design

automating from UML models, 16, 17, 378

component-based, 29–31

converting diagrams to code, 79–81

design phase, 202, 342, 390

diagrams for, 31

functional, 177–178

life cycles for, 34–35

methodologies for, 34–36, 129


benefits of, 177–178

encapsulation and information hiding used with, 24

history of UML and, 18

patterns in, 31

reusing code

with domain classes, 121–122

with frameworks, 255–258

with inheritance, 109–110

with patterns, 247–254

terminology used for, 28–29

types of systems being developed, 32–33

UML tools improving productivity of, 32–34

Software Development Magazine Web site, 374

source of association, 78–79


definition of, 21, 25–26

identifying superclass and subclasses with, 97–98

spell-checking diagrams, 43

«spin-lock» stereotype, 201

spiral life cycle, 35

square. See boxes

square brackets ([])

for multiplicity, 47, 90

for preconditions or postconditions, 310

stakeholders, 132

state attributes, 269–272

state diagram

avoiding data-flow diagram for, 309

complex, simplifying, 293–302

concurrent states in, 303–305

constructing, 263–266, 272–276

creating operations from events in, 278–281

definition of, 262–263

events as icons in, 290–292

order of execution defined in, 289–290

protocol state machines diagram, 308–312

uses of, 14, 15, 179, 312, 388

state transition, 195

state-machine diagram. See state diagram

states. See also events

activities or actions within, 267

attributes of, 269–272

concurrency with, 303–308

definition of, 262–263

diagramming, 262

do-forever, 309

do-until, 309

generalizing, 294–300

initial, 263, 264

pseudostates, connecting transitions with, 300–302

submachines for, 296–298

substates of, 294–296

transitions between, 267–269

types of, 266–267

static attributes, 58–60

static diagrams, 15

static operations, 58–60


for actors in use cases, 137–138

for artifacts, 337–338

for communication paths, 334–335

for components, 327

for constructor operation, 60

for creating and destroying objects, 195

for enumerations, 217, 284

for events treated as classes, 281

for extended use cases, 169–174

for importing subsystems, 351

for included use cases, 161–163

for instance of object, 55

for interfaces, 328–330

for internal parts of components, 331

for merging subsystems, 352

for messaging mechanism, 201

for nodes, 334

for subsystems, 321

syntax for, 54–55

for use-case controller, 230

for use-case levels, 143–144

for use-case packages, 146

stick figure. See actors

string datatype, 45

structural diagrams, 13–14. See also specific diagrams

structure of class. See attributes


basis for discrimination between, 98–100

identifying with generalization, 94–97

identifying with specialization, 97–98

submachines, 296–298


concurrent, pseudostates and, 305–308

definition of, 294–296

inheriting events in, 298–300

«subsystem» stereotype, 143, 181, 321

subsystems. See also components

aggregation and, 322

application, 322

cohesion in, 348, 350

as components, 325

converting packages to, 340–341, 343–345

coupling in, 348, 350

creating during decomposition, 318, 321–323

definition of, 321

dependencies in, 341, 347–350

diagramming, 321

for domain classes, 323

importing classes into, 351–352

interfaces for, 319

invoking interfaces from, 351–352

membership notation for, 323–324

merging, 352–354

in a package, 323

packages compared to, 340

relationships between, 318

responsibilities of, 323–325

types of, 322

for use cases, 322


abstract operations for, 106

identifying with generalization, 94–97

identifying with specialization, 97–98

superstates, 294

surrogate class, 389

swim lanes, in activity diagram, 224–225

symbols in UML diagrams. See shapes and symbols in UML diagrams

symmetric association, 89

System Architect tool Web site, 380–381

system architecture modeling. See subsystems; system design

system design. See also software and system development; subsystems

architecture, physical, 333–338

architecture, system, 318

brittle systems, 339

categories of systems, 32–33

components for, 319, 325–333

current system, reviewing, 318

decomposition of system, 318, 320–325

deployment for, 333–338

interfaces for, 319, 327–330, 351–352

list of diagrams for, 320

object persistence for, 318

packages for, 339–343

patterns in, 354–357

priorities for, 316–318

process for, 316–319

strategies for, 319

subsystem interfaces for, 319

users’ terminology for, 370

system development. See software and system development

«system» stereotype, 143, 181

systems modeled by UML, 32–33

UML 2 for Dummies
UML 2 For Dummies
ISBN: 0764526146
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 193 © 2008-2017.
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