2.7 Relative Likelihood

2.7 Relative Likelihood

All the approaches considered thus far have been numeric. But numbers are not always so easy to come by. Sometimes it is enough to have just relative likelihood. In this section, I consider an approach that again starts with a set of possible worlds, but now ordered according to likelihood.

Let be a reflexive and transitive relation on a set W of worlds. Technically, is a partial preorder. It is partial because two worlds might be incomparable as far as goes; that is, it is possible that w w and w w for some worlds w and w. It is a partial preorder rather than a partial order because it is not necessarily antisymmetric. (A relation is antisymmetric if w w and w w together imply that w = w; that is, the relation is antisymmetric if there cannot be distinct equivalent worlds.) I typically write w w rather than (w, w) . (It may seem strange to write (w, w) , but recall that is just a binary relation.) I also write w w if w w and it is not the case that w w. The relation is the strict partial order determined by : it is irreflexive and transitive, and hence also antisymmetric (Exercise 2.41). Thus, is an order rather than just a preorder.

Think of as providing a likelihood ordering on the worlds in W. If w w, then w is at least as likely as w. Given this interpretation, the fact that is assumed to be a partial preorder is easy to justify. Transitivity just says that if u is at least as likely as v, and v is at least as likely as w, then u is at least as likely as w; reflexivity just says that world w is at least as likely as itself. The fact that is partial allows for an agent who is not able to compare two worlds in likelihood.

Having an ordering on worlds makes it possible to say that one world is more likely than another, but it does not immediately say when an event, or set of worlds, is more likely than another event. To deal with events, must be extended to an order on sets. Unfortunately, there are many ways of doing this; it is not clear which is "best." I consider two ways here. One is quite natural; the other is perhaps less natural, but has interesting connections with some material discussed in Chapter 8. Lack of space precludes me from considering other methods; however, I don't mean to suggest that the methods I consider are the only interesting approaches to defining an order on sets.

Define e (the superscript e stands for events, to emphasize that this is a relation on events, not worlds) by taking U e V iff (if and only if) for all v V, there exists some u U such that u v. Let e be the strict partial order determined by e. Clearly e is a partial preorder on sets, and it extends : u v iff {u} e {v}. It is also the case that e extends .

I now collect some properties of e that will prove important in Chapter 7; the proof that these properties hold is deferred to Exercise 2.42. A relation on 2W

  • respects subsets if U V implies U V;

  • has the union property if, for all index sets I, if U Vi for all i I, then U iVi;

  • is determined by singletons if U {v} implies that there exists some u U such that {u} {v};

  • is conservative if V for V ≠∅.

It is easy to check that e has all of these properties. How reasonable are these as properties of likelihood? It seems that any reasonable measure of likelihood would make a set as least as likely as any of its subsets. The conservative property merely says that all nonempty sets are viewed as possible; nothing is a priori excluded. The fact that e has the union property makes it quite different from, say, probability. With probability, sufficiently many "small" probabilities eventually can dominate a "large" probability. On the other hand, if a possibility measure satisfies Poss3+, then likelihood as determined by possibility does satisfy the union property. It is immediate from Poss3+ that if Poss(U) Poss(Vi) for all i I, then Poss(U) Poss(iVi). Determination by singletons also holds for possibility measures restricted to finite sets; if U is finite and Poss(U) Poss(v), then Poss(u) Poss(v) for some u U. However, it does not necessarily hold for infinite sets, even if Poss3+ holds. For example, if Poss(0) = 1 and Poss(n) = 1 1/n for n > 0, then Poss({1, 2, 3, }= 1 Poss(0), but Poss(n) < Poss(0) for all n > 0. Determination by singletons is somewhat related to the union property. It follows from determination by singletons that if U U e {v}, then either U e {v} or U e {v}.

Although I have allowed to be a partial preorder, so that some elements of W may be incomparable according to , in many cases of interest, is a total preorder. This means that for all w, w W, either w w or w w. For example, if is determined by a possibility measure Poss, so that w w if Poss(w) Poss(w), then is total. It is not hard to check that if is total, then so is e.

The following theorem summarizes the properties of e:

Theorem 2.7.1

start example

The relation e is a conservative partial preorder that respects subsets, has the union property, and is determined by singletons. In addition, if is a total preorder, then so is e.

end example

Proof See Exercise 2.42.

Are there other significant properties that hold for e? As the following theorem shows, there are not. In a precise sense, these properties actually characterize e.

Theorem 2.7.2

start example

If is a conservative partial preorder on 2W that respects subsets, has the union property, and is determined by singletons, then there is a partial preorder on W such that = e. If in addition is total, then so is .

end example

Proof Given , define a preorder on worlds by defining u v iff {u} {v}. If is total, so is . It remains to show that = e. I leave the straightforward details to the reader (Exercise 2.43).

If is total, e has yet another property that will play an important role in modeling belief, default reasoning, and counterfactual reasoning (see Chapter 8). A relation on 2W is qualitative if, for disjoint sets V1, V2, and V3, if (V1 V2) V3 and (V1 V3) V2, then V1 (V2 V3). If is viewed as meaning "much more likely," then this property says that if V1 V2 is much more likely than V3 and V1 V3 is much more likely than V2, then most of the likelihood has to be concentrated in V1. Thus, V1 must be much more likely than V2 V3.

It is easy to see that e is not in general qualitative. For example, suppose that W ={w1, w2}, w1 w2, and w2 w1. Thus, {w1} e {w2} and {w2} e {w1}. If e were qualitative, then (taking V1, V2, and V3 to be , {w1}, and {w2}, respectively), it would be the case that e {w1, w2}, which is clearly not the case. On the other hand, it is not hard to show that e is qualitative if is total. I did not include this property in Theorem 2.7.1 because it actually follows from the other properties (see Exercise 2.44). However, e is not in general qualitative if is a partial preorder, as the following example shows:

Example 2.7.3

start example

Suppose that w0 ={w1, w2, w3}, where w1 is incomparable to w2 and w3, while w2 and w3 are equivalent (so that w3 w2 and w2 w3). Notice that {w1, w2} e {w3} and {w1, w3} e {w2}, but {w1} e{w2, w3}. Taking Vi ={wi}, i = 1, 2, 3, this shows that e is not qualitative.

end example

The qualitative property may not seem so natural, but because of its central role in modeling belief, I am interested in finding a preorder s on sets (the superscript s stands for set) that extends such that the strict partial order s determined by s has the qualitative property. Unfortunately, this is impossible, at least if s also respects subsets. To see this, consider Example 2.7.3 again. If s respects subsets, then {w1, w2} s {w1} and {w1, w2} s {w2}. Thus, it must be the case that {w1, w2} s {w2}, for if {w2} s {w1, w2}, then by transitivity, {w2} s {w1}, which contradicts the fact that s extends . (Recall that w1 and w2 are incomparable according to .) Since {w1, w2}s {w2} and {w2} s {w3}, it follows by transitivity that {w1, w2} s {w3}. A similar argument shows that {w1, w3} s {w2}. By the qualitative property, it follows that {w1} s {w2, w3}. But then, since s respects subsets, it must be the case that {w1} s {w2}, again contradicting the fact that s extends .

Although it is impossible to get a qualitative partial preorder on sets that extends , it is possible to get the next best thing: a qualitative partial preorder on sets that extends . I do this in the remainder of this subsection. The discussion is somewhat technical and can be skipped on a first reading of the book.

Define a relation s on sets as follows:

U s V is for all υ V U, there exists u U such that u υ and u dominates V U, where u dominates a set X if it is not the case that x u for any element x X.

Ignoring the clause about domination (which is only relevant in infinite domains; see Example 2.7.4), this definition is not far off from that of e. Indeed, it is not hard to check that U e V iff for all v V U, there exists u U such that u v (Exercise 2.45). Thus, all that has really happened in going from e to s is that has been replaced by . Because of this change, s just misses extending . Certainly if {u} s {v} then u v; in fact, u v. Moreover, it is almost immediate from the definition that {u} s {v} iff u v. The only time that s disagrees with on singleton sets is if u and v are distinct worlds equivalent with respect to ; in this case, they are incomparable with respect to s. It follows that if is a partial order, and not just a preorder, then s does extend . Interestingly, e and s agree if is total. Of course, in general, they are different (Exercise 2.46).

As I said, the requirement that u dominate V is not relevant if W is finite (Exercise 2.47); however, it does play a significant role if W is infinite. Because of it, s does not satisfy the full union property, as the following example shows:

Example 2.7.4

start example

Let V ={w0, w1, w2, }, and suppose that is a total preorder on W such that

Let W0 ={w0, w2, w4, } and W1 ={w1, w3, w5, }. Then it is easy to see that w0 s {wj} for all wj W1; however, it is not the case that W0 s W1, since there is no element in w0 that dominates w1. Thus, s does not satisfy the union property.

end example

It is easy to check that s satisfies a finitary version of the union property; that is, if U s V1 and U s V2, then U s V1 V2. It is only the full infinitary version that causes problems.

The following theorem summarizes the properties of s:

Theorem 2.7.5

start example

The relation s is a conservative, qualitative partial preorder that respects subsets, has the finitary union property, and is determined by singletons. In addition, if is a total preorder, then so is s.

end example

Proof See Exercise 2.48.

The original motivation for the definition of s was to make s qualitative. Theorem 2.7.5 says only that s is qualitative. In fact, it is not hard to check that s is qualitative too. (See Exercise 2.49 for further discussion of this point.)

The next theorem is the analogue of Theorem 2.7.2, at least in the case that W is finite.

Theorem 2.7.6

start example

If W is finite and is a conservative, qualitative partial preorder that respects subsets, has the finitary union property, and is determined by singletons, then there is a partial preorder on W such that =s. If in addition is a total preorder, then s can be taken to be a total as well.

end example

Proof Given , define a preorder on worlds by defining u v iff {u} {v}.If is total, modify the definition so that u v iff {v} {u}. I leave it to the reader to check that =s, and if is total, then so is (Exercise 2.50).

I do not know if there is an elegant characterization of s if W is infinite. The problem is that characterizing dominance seems difficult. (It is, of course, possible to characterize s by essentially rewriting the definition. This is not terribly interesting though.)

Given all the complications in the definitions of e and s, it seems reasonable to ask how these definitions relate to other notions of likelihood. In fact, e can be seen as a qualitative version of possibility measures and ranking functions. Given a possibility measure Poss on W, define w w if Poss(w) Poss(w). It is easy to see that, as long as Poss is conservative (i.e., Poss(w) > 0 for all w W ), then U e V iff Poss(U) Poss(V) and U e V iff Poss(U) > Poss(V) (Exercise 2.51). Since is a total preorder, s and e agree, so Poss(U) > Poss(V) iff U s V. It follows that Poss is qualitative; that is, if Poss(U1 U2)> Poss(U3) and Poss(U1 U3)> Poss(U2), then Poss(U1)> Poss(U2 U3). (It is actually not hard to prove this directly; see Exercise 2.52.) Ranking functions also have the qualitative property. Indeed, just like possibility measures, ranking functions can be used to define an ordering on worlds that is compatible with relative likelihood (Exercise 2.53).

Reasoning About Uncertainty
Reasoning about Uncertainty
ISBN: 0262582597
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 140

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