152. Use the Junk Mail Filter

 < Day Day Up > 

We are all inundated with junk email: spam! Evolution provides a junk mail filter that detects suspected junk email and removes it to the Junk folder. You can actually train the junk mail filter by letting the feature know when you have received junk email. You select the email and then mark the email as junk using the Junk button on the Evolution toolbar.

Open Evolution Settings Dialog

Select Tools, Settings from the menu. In the Evolution Settings dialog box, select the Mail Preferences icon.


The Evolution Settings dialog box is where you configure the various settings for your mail accounts, mail preferences, and settings for your calendar and tasks. Select one of the setting icons such as Calendar and Tasks to configure settings such as the time zone, the start of the work week, and when reminders should be provided for your scheduled appointments.

Enable/Disable Junk Mail Filter

Select the Junk tab. The Junk filter is enabled by default. If you want to disable the filter, deselect the Check Incoming Mail for Junk check box. After you have finished viewing the Junk settings, close the Evolution Settings dialog box.


If your network provides a server that performs remote tests to block spam and junk mail, you can enable the remote test feature. Select the Include Remote Tests check box on the Junk tab.

Mark Message as Junk

In your Inbox (or other mail folder) select a message that is junk (you can select multiple messages). Select the Junk button on the toolbar to send the message to the Junk folder. This also teaches Evolution that the message (taking into consideration sender and content) should be treated as junk in the future.

Check Junk Folder

To open the Junk folder select the Junk icon in the Folder list. Any junk messages are listed in the folder.

Un-Junk a Message

If a message has been sent to the Junk folder that is not junk, select the message. Then select the Not Junk button on the toolbar.


After viewing junk mail in the Junk folder (and un-junking messages that are not junk), you can select the messages in the Junk folder and delete them.

     < Day Day Up > 

    Novell Linux Desktop 9. User's Handbook
    Novell Linux Desktop 9 Users Handbook
    ISBN: 0672327295
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2003
    Pages: 244
    Authors: Joe Habraken

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