13.3 Programming Techniques

13.3 Programming Techniques

The starting point for most of the examples of this chapter is a rather extensive table (11 columns , 2100 rows; see Figure 13-15). These data were imported with MS Query from nwind.mdb into the worksheet nwind-data . The worksheets nwind-1 , nwind-2 , etc., access these data. All these examples can be found in the file Pivot.xls . The following list gives a brief description of the worksheets contained in this file:


introductory example 1 (data and two pivot tables)


introductory example2 (data and three pivot tables, time grouping)


detail data for intro2 (sales figures August 1996)


pivot table, based on olap.cub


pivot table with chart, data basis nwind.mdb


pivot table, data basis nwind.mdb


data table (imported by MS Query from nwind.mdb )

nwind1, -2

various pivot tables based on the data in nwind-data

code1, -2

various pivot tables plus VBA code

Generating and Deleting Pivot Tables

CreatePivotTable Method

There are several ways in which you can generate a new pivot table. However, here we are going to present only two variants. The first corresponds to what can be produced with the macro recorder. We begin with the data basis of a PivotCache object, from which a pivot table, initially empty, is created with the method CreatePivotTable . The structure of the pivot table is then determined by changing the Orientation property of some pivot fields. The apostrophes in the pivot field names come from MS Query. This program uses this unnecessary character in the names of some imported columns. The method CreatePivotTable adopts this notation from the nwind-data worksheet. Therefore, we must stick with this notation.


PivotField objects are presented more fully in the next subsection, and the PivotCache object in the one following.

 ' Pivot.xls, code1 Private Sub  btnCreatePivot1_Click  ()   Dim pc As PivotCache, pt As PivotTable   Dim ptName$   ' Me refers to the worksheet associated to this module   ptName = Me.Name + "_ptsample1"   btnDeletePivot_Click ' delete existing pivot table   Set pc = ThisWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(xlDatabase, _     "'nwind-data'!R3C1:R2158C11")   Set pt = pc.CreatePivotTable([a8], ptName)   With pt     .PivotFields("Quantity").Orientation = xlDataField     .PivotFields("'Category'").Orientation = xlColumnField     .PivotFields("'EmployeeName'").Orientation = xlRowField     .PivotFields("'CustomerCountry'").Orientation = xlPageField   End With End Sub 

The result of this procedure is depicted in Figure 13-20.

click to expand
Figure 13-20: The result of the procedure code1.btnCreatePivot1_Click

PivotTableWizard Method

The second variant for creating new pivot tables is the PivotTableWizard method. Here all the information for generating an empty pivot table is passed in a number of parameters. The PivotCache object is generated automatically. The lines for generating the table structure are as in the first example.

 ' direct generation of a pivot table Private Sub  btnCreatePivot2_Click  ()   Dim pt As PivotTable   Dim ptName$ '   Me references the worksheet associated to this module   ptName = Me.Name + "_ptsample1"   btnDeletePivot_Click 'delete existing pivot table   Set pt = Me.PivotTableWizard(SourceType:=xlDatabase, _     SourceData:="'nwind-data'!R3C1:R2158C11", _     TableDestination:="R8C1", TableName:=ptName)   With pt     .PivotFields("...").Orientation = ... ' as in btnCreatePivot1_Click   End With End Sub 

Generating a Pivot Chart

If you want to generate a new pivot chart, you will require first a pivot table. If one is at hand, then a new chart sheet can be generated with Charts.Add . SetSourceData assigns the range of the pivot table as data source. Done!

 Private Sub  btnPivotChart1_Click  ()   Dim ch As Chart   If Me.PivotTables.Count = 0 Then Exit   Sub Set ch = Charts.Add   ch.ChartType = xlColumnStacked   ch.SetSourceData Source:=Me.PivotTables(1).TableRange2 End Sub 

Things become a bit more complicated if the pivot chart is to be located in the same worksheet as the pivot table. Again the chart is generated with Charts.Add . However, this time, the new object is inserted into the worksheet with the Location method. At this point, and for some strange reason, the object variable ch can no longer be accessed. All further operations must therefore be carried out with ActiveChart .

Now the underlying ChartObject is accessed via Parent . (This object is responsible for embedding the chart in the worksheet; see Chapter 10.) With Left and Top the location of the object is set such that the chart appears directly under the table.

 Private Sub  btnPivotChart2_Click  ()   Dim ch As Chart   Dim pt As PivotTable   If Me.PivotTables.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub   Set pt = Me.PivotTables(1)   Set ch = Charts.Add   With ch     .ChartType = xlColumnStacked     .SetSourceData Source:=pt.TableRange2     .Location Where:=xlLocationAsObject, Name:="code1"   End With   ' from here on ActiveChart must be used   With ActiveChart.Parent ' refers to ChartObject     .Left = 20     .Top = pt.TableRange2.Top + pt.TableRange2.Height + 10   End With End Sub 

Deleting a Pivot Table

In Excel there is no command for deleting a pivot table. It is thus a bit surprising that there is also no Remove or Delete method for the PivotTables enumeration. Nevertheless, it is a simple matter to delete a pivot table: Simply delete the entire range of cells reserved for the table, thereby automatically deleting the PivotTable object. ( TableRange2 refers to the cell range of the entire pivot table. The property is discussed in the following section.)

 ' delete all pivot tables in a worksheet Private Sub  btnDeletePivot_Click  ()   Dim pt As PivotTable, ws As Worksheet   Set ws = Me 'references the worksheet connected to this module   For Each pt In ws.PivotTables     pt.TableRange2.Clear   Next End Sub 

If the table was linked to a pivot chart, this chart remains. The data therein displayed are now static, however. You can delete the chart with Charts( ).Delete ChartObjects( ).Delete . However, you can also link this chart with a new (or existing) pivot table by again executing the method SetSourceData .

Macro Recording with Pivot Tables

In the case of pivot tables the macro recorder once again leads to a rapid understanding of how particular operations can be executed in code. But as usual, code produced by the macro recorder is seldom optimal. In particular, if you record the insertion of a new pivot table (that is, the steps that you usually carry out with the pivot table wizard), the resulting code is unusually complex. This is due primarily to the fact that for some strange reason Excel breaks up long character strings into a two-dimensional Array . Instead of

 .Connection= "..." 

the macro recorder produces

 .Connection = Array(Array("part1"), Array("partw") ...) 

Of course, the recorder splits the character strings in arbitrary locations, which has an adverse effect on readability. Before you begin to transform the Array conglomerate into a readable instruction, you should have the contents of the character string displayed in the immediate window, for example via the following instruction:


You can then insert the result into the program code via the clipboard. You will still have to insert quotation marks and split the string into several lines as required, but this method is usually faster than working directly on the code produced by the macro recorder.


If your pivot table is based on a very complex SQL instruction (for example, in the case of an OLAP query), the macro recording often fails completely due to the maximum number of line extension characters (the underscore ) being exceeded. In this case you will have to write the code yourself, where again you can extract the character strings from the existing pivot tables.

If manual division of the SQL code results in more than twenty lines, you must work with a String variable, which you can extend via x = x + " " as much as you like. You can be assisted in this task with the small program sql2string.exe , which can be found in the book's sample files (Figure 13-21). It takes the text displayed in the upper window region and creates the variable allocation corresponding to Visual Basic syntax. The text in the upper window region can be edited as in a text editor (line folding).

click to expand
Figure 13-21: Converting long character strings into Visual Basic Syntax

Construction and Reconstruction of Existing Pivot Tables

Cell Ranges

The starting point for any manipulation in a pivot table is first of all the three enumerations PivotTables , PivotFields , and PivotItems : PivotTables refers to all pivot tables in a worksheet. With the PivotTable object, alongside the method PivotFields described below, you can evaluate the properties TableRange1 , TableRange2 , PageRange , ColumnRange , RowRange , DataBodyRange , and DataLabelRange . RowGrand and ColumnGrand specify whether the result rows or columns of a pivot table are to be displayed (see Figure 13-22).

click to expand
Figure 13-22: Ranges of a pivot table

Pivot Fields ( PivotField )

PivotFields contains all the pivot fields defined for a table. (Each pivot field represents a column of the source data.) The Orientation property of the PivotField object determines whether the field is used for structuring the data, returning results, or nothing at all. If you alter the Orientation property of a pivot field, you create thereby, for example, a data field, a page field, or you make the field disappear.

PivotField objects govern the structure of the pivot table. With the methods ColumnFields , DataFields , HiddenFields , PageFields , RowFields , and VisibleFields you can access all PivotField objects of a particular Orientation type.

A large number of PivotField properties govern the layout details of a pivot table: DataRange and LabelRange specify the location of the label and result cells. Function determines according to which function the results are to be calculated for the data fields. Subtotals contains a data field that specifies what types of subtotals are to appear in the pivot table. In the case of page fields, CurrentPage specifies which page is currently selected.


This description is anything but complete. A host of additional properties are listed in the object browser and described in the on-line help. You might also experiment with the macro recorder by changing a single detail of an existing pivot table.

OLAP Fields (CubeField)

If your table is based on OLAP data, then the landscape takes on another cast altogether: In this case the manipulation of pivot fields is accomplished not with the aid of PivotFields , but with CubeFields . In the case of the CubeField object we are dealing with a reduced variant of PivotField that corresponds to the possibilities inherent in OLAP data. (With OLAP data you can carry out many fewer operations. The layout of the table is greatly limited by the query options that were chosen when the OLAP cube was created.)

Calculated Fields (Formula Fields)

It is possible to create a new pivot table from existing pivot fields: If, say, there are columns price and quantity in the source data, a new pivot field sales can be calculated from the product of these two. In interactive mode you execute the command FormulasCalculated Field on the pivot table toolbar. In VBA code you execute CalculatedFields.Add "sales", "=price * quantity" . Then you can use sales as you would any other pivot field. CalculatedFields refers to all pivot fields that do not come directly from the source data but are calculated. For these fields the equality IsCalculated=True holds. The property Formula contains the calculational formula.


Calculated fields that are placed as data fields cannot be hidden with Orientation = xlHidden. (The error message reports that the Orientation property cannot be set.) Since the macro recorder produces precisely this code, this constitutes an error in Excel 2000. Despite lengthy experiments, the author has been unable to find another way to get such a field out of the table via code. There seems to be no other solution than to delete the entire table.

Grouping of Pivot Tables

Some of the possibilities for analysis of pivot tables can be explored with the grouping function. The necessary Group method has an existence independent of pivot tables (see Chapter 11). As object reference it expects simply a cell or range of cells. If this range happens to lie within a pivot table, then the grouping will be carried out for that table.

As a rule, only date and time fields lend themselves to grouping. The key parameter of Group is then Periods : A data field is passed to it that specifies for what units of time the grouping is to be carried out (seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, quarters , or years ). As a result of the grouping new pivot fields arise, which can then be edited like all other pivot fields.

 ' group date fields (months, quarters, years) [c3].Group Start:=True, End:=True, _      Periods:=Array(False, False, False, False, True, True, True) pt.PivotFields("Years").Orientation = xlPageField 

When grouping takes place, then usually, subtotals are to be displayed. For this we have the Subtotals property, which must be applied directly to a pivot field. A data field is also associated to Subtotals . It is specified in several True and False values what types of subtotals are to be created (sum, mean, etc.)

The sequence of parameters is documented in the on-line help.

 .PivotFields("Quarters").Subtotals = Array(False, True, False, _         False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False) 

Pivot Items ( PivotItem )

One level below Pivotfields and CubeFields are the PivotItem objects: These have to do with result columns or rows of the pivot table. PivotItem objects are associated to a PivotField . For example, with the Visible property of the PivotItem the visibility of individual result columns or rows can be changed. In interactive mode this corresponds to a change in the check boxes of a pivot field (see Figure 13-23).

click to expand
Figure 13-23: Showing or hiding individual rows (PivotItems) of a pivot field


The following procedure demonstrates the application of many of the above- described objects and properties. The results can be seen in Figure 13-24.

click to expand
Figure 13-24: Result of the procedure code2.btnCreatePivot1_Click
 ' Pivot.xls, Code2 Private Sub  btnCreatePivot1_Click  ()   Dim pc As PivotCache, pt As PivotTable, pf As PivotField   Dim ptName$   ' Me is sheet for this code   ' remove existing pivot tables   For Each pt In Me.PivotTables     pt.TableRange2.Clear   Next   Set pc = ThisWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(xlDatabase, _     "'nwind-data'!R3C1:R2158C11")   Set pt = pc.CreatePivotTable([a8], ptName)   With pt     .PivotFields("OrderDate").Orientation = xlRowField     .PivotFields("'Category'").Orientation = xlColumnField     ' new field, number format without decimal places     .CalculatedFields.Add "sales", "= Quantity * '"Price'''"     .PivotFields("sales").Orientation = xlDataField     .PivotFields("Sum of sales").NumberFormat = "0"     ' group date field (months, quarters, years)     ' use years fields as page field, show only 1997     ' results for each quarter     .PivotFields("OrderDate").VisibleItems(1).LabelRange.Group _       Start:=True, End:=True, _       Periods:=Array(False, False, False, False, True, True, True)     .PivotFields("Years").Orientation = xlPageField     .PivotFields("Years").CurrentPage = "1997"     .PivotFields("Quarters").Subtotals = Array(False, True, False, _         False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)   End With End Sub 

Internal Management (PivotCache)

The data basis of pivot tables is managed internally by PivotCache objects (one per pivot table). Such an object does not itself store the data, but contains a description of the parameters that are necessary for reading in external data (see Figure 13-25). The property MemoryUsed specifies the requirements for intermediate data storage. For example, if the large Northwind table from Figure 13-15 is used as a data basis, then the memory requirement is about 200 kByte. RecordCount specifies how many data records (rows) the data source comprises.

click to expand
Figure 13-25: Analysis of the PivotCache object in the Watches wi

According to the data source, various properties of the object are employed. An attempt to access other properties leads to an error message. For some strange reason there is no property that is always available and that specifies the type of the data source. Thus if you execute a loop over all PivotCache objects, you must protect the code with On Error Resume Next and test Err after accessing particular properties to obtain information about the data source type.



not initialized ; access results in an error


not initialized; access results in an error


not initialized; access results in an error


not initialized; access results in an error


contains as a character string (not a Range object) the address of the table fields; the character string is localized for some unclear reason: Thus the German version of Excel contains, for example, "intro1!Z4S2:Z26S7" , while the English-language version has "intro1!R4C2:R26C7"



contains xlODBCQuery


contains xlCmdSql


contains connection information as with a QueryTable object ( "ODBC; " )


contains the SQL command


contains again the SQL; however, it is broken into an Array of character strings of 256 characters each



contains xlOLEDBQuery


contains xlCmdCube


contains "OCWCube"


contains in a single (usually huge) character string both the connection information and the SQL command for the OLAP cube


not initialized; access results in an error

Updating Relations Between Pivot Tables and Data Sources

The reason for the relatively extensive treatment of PivotCache is that the transfer of the pivot table example files in the book's sample files produces errors unless certain measures are taken. The file names Nwind.mdb and Olap.cub are stored in the Connection and CommandText character strings with drive and path information. If you were then to open these pivot example files on your computer, Excel would complain during an attempt to update the data that it was unable to find the source data (and I would be deluged with e-mail that my examples don't work).

Unfortunately, in contrast to the case of the QueryTable object, it is not permitted simply to change the properties of the PivotCache object in order to correct the path to the database files.

The only, and alas truly costly, alternative consists in deleting the pivot tables and recreating it based on existing information. The problem with this modus operandi is that some of the layout information for the pivot table is lost.

On the other hand, the "fix-it code" reveals a great deal of internal affairs about the management of pivot tables and is therefore of interest from the point of view of general understanding.

Code execution begins in Workbook_Open , that is, in the first procedure that is executed when an Excel file is opened. There the first thing that happens is that CheckMSQueryData is called, in order to set the paths to external Access files for all tables imported with MS Query (see Chapter 12).

 ' Pivot.xls, ThisWorkbook Private Sub  Workbook_Open  ()   CheckMSQueryData       ' see Workbook_Open in Chapter 12   CheckPivotTableData End Sub 

In CheckPivotTableData a loop is run over all PivotTable objects in the worksheet. For each table a test is made as to whether it is based on external data. (For tables for which this is not the case the attempt to read QueryType leads immediately to an error. The line of code is thus adequately protected.)

If there are external data, then with ExtractDir (see again Chapter 12) the directory with the data is returned. If this does not agree with ThisWorkbook.Path , then a question appears (only for the first such table) whether the tables should really be created anew. This task is then accomplished in RecreatePivotTable .

 Sub  CheckPivotTableData  ()   Dim ws As Worksheet   Dim pt As PivotTable   Dim pc As PivotCache   Dim qtype&   Dim oldDir$, newDir$   Dim result&   ' current directory (without \ at the end)   newDir = ThisWorkbook.Path   If Right(newDir, 1) = "\" Then     newDir = Left(newDir, Len(newDir) - 1)   End If   For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets     For Each pt In ws.PivotTables       Set pc = pt.PivotCache       qtype = -1       On Error Resume Next       qtype = pc.QueryType 'here an error can occur       On Error GoTo 0       If qtype = xlODBCQuery Or qtype = xlOLEDBQuery Then         ' extract previous path from Connection string         oldDir = ExtractDir(pc.Connection)         ' replace by new path         If oldDir <> "" And LCase(oldDir) <> LCase(newDir) Then           If result = 0 Then             result = MsgBox("...?", vbYesNo, "Recreate pivot tables?")           End If           If result = vbYes Then             RecreatePivotTable pt, oldDir, newDir           End If         End If       End If     Next   Next End Sub 

RecreatePivotTable begins by determining the properties of the current pivot table. With the character strings for Connection and CommandText the prior path is replaced by the new path.

The new table should be recreated exactly in the place of the former table. Therefore, in determining the start cell (variable ptRange ) it is tested whether the table is equipped with pivot page fields. This test is necessary, since in creating a new pivot table space is automatically reserved for a row with pivot page fields.

 Sub  RecreatePivotTable  (pt As PivotTable, oldDir$, newDir$)   Dim pc As PivotCache   Dim chrt As Chart, chobj As ChartObject   Dim ws As Worksheet   Dim i&, cmdType&, hasChart&   Dim con$, cmdText$, ptName$   Dim ptRange As Range   Dim ptLayout()   ' retrieve current properties   Set pc = pt.PivotCache   con = Replace(pc.Connection, oldDir, newDir, Compare:=vbTextCompare)   cmdType = pc.CommandType   cmdText = Replace(pc.CommandText, oldDir, newDir, _       Compare:=vbTextCompare)   ptName = pt.Name   If pt.PageFields.Count > 0 Then     '2 rows below first page field     Set ptRange = pt.TableRange2.Cells(3, 1)   Else     'first cell of table     Set ptRange = pt.TableRange1.Cells(1)   End If 

The layout of the table is actually not completely recreated, but at least the principal features of its construction should be preserved. Therefore, the names and locations of all visible pivot fields are saved in the field ptLayout . One must take care that for OLAP pivot tables, CubeFields must be evaluated, while for traditional pivot tables, it should be VisibleFields .

 If LCase(cmdText) = "ocwcube" Then   ' OLAP pivot table   ReDim ptLayout(pt.CubeFields.Count, 2)   For i = 1 To pt.CubeFields.Count     ptLayout(i, 1) = pt.CubeFields(i).Name     ptLayout(i, 2) = pt.CubeFields(i).Orientation   Next Else   ' standard pivot table   ReDim ptLayout(pt.VisibleFields.Count, 2)   For i = 1 To pt.VisibleFields.Count     ptLayout(i, 1) = pt.VisibleFields(i).SourceName     ptLayout(i, 2) = pt.VisibleFields(i).Orientation   Next End If 

Then the entire workbook is searched for a Chart object that might just happen to be associated to the table. Thus a test is run whether a Chart object exists whose PivotLayout.PivotTable property refers to the PivotTable object under examination. For some mysterious reason a direct object comparison using Is fails. For this reason the properties Worksheet.Name and Address of TableRange1 are compared with the auxiliary function PtCompare (method trial by error ).

 ' connected chart in this sheet?   hasChart = False   For Each chrt In ThisWorkbook.Charts     If PtCompare(chrt.PivotLayout.PivotTable, pt) Then       hasChart = True       Exit For     End If   Next   ' connected chart in another sheet?   If hasChart = False Then     For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets       For Each chobj In ws.ChartObjects         If Not (chobj.Chart.PivotLayout Is Nothing) Then           If PtCompare(chobj.Chart.PivotLayout.PivotTable, pt) Then             hasChart = True             Set chrt = chobj.Chart             Exit For           End If         End If       Next     Next   End If 

This completes the preliminary preparations . The old pivot table is deleted and immediately recreated. Then an attempt is made to place the pivot fields in their previous locations. Here problems can arise if there are no longer existing pivot fields in ptLayout . This case occurs, for example, if in the original table a data field was grouped. Then the grouping fields (such as "year," "month") are also valid. In the new table these fields are missing, in the absence of grouping. Be sure to note here as well the distinction between PivotFields and CubeFields (OLAP).

 ' delete old pivot table (including cache)   pt.TableRange2.Clear   ' build new pivot table   Set pc = ThisWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(xlExternal)   pc.Connection = con   pc.CommandType = cmdType   pc.CommandText = cmdText   Set pt = pc.CreatePivotTable(ptRange, ptName)   For i = 0 To UBound(ptLayout(), 1)     If ptLayout(i, 2) <> xlHidden Then       On Error Resume Next 'error occurs if field from                            'date group (e.g. 'years')       If LCase(cmdText) = "ocwcube" Then         ' OLAP pivot table         pt.CubeFields(ptLayout(i, 1)).Orientation = ptLayout(i, 2)       Else         ' standard pivot table         pt.PivotFields(ptLayout(i, 1)).Orientation = ptLayout(i, 2)       End If       On Error GoTo 0     End If   Next 

In Chart objects that are present the old data continue to be displayed. The underlying data are not dynamically linked, but only a static copy of the original data. With SetSourceData the new table can be relinked with the Chart object.

 ' reconnect new pivot table with existing chart   If hasChart Then     chrt.SetSourceData pt.TableRange2     chrt.Refresh   End If End Sub ' for unknown reasons the expression 'pt2 Is pt2' is sometimes False ' even though pt1 and pt2 reference the same pivot table Function  PtCompare  (pt1 As PivotTable, pt2 As PivotTable) As Boolean   Dim rng1 As Range, rng2 As Range   Set rng1 = pt1.TableRange1   Set rng2 = pt2.TableRange1   If rng1.Address = rng2.Address And _     rng1.Worksheet.Name = rng2.Worksheet.Name Then     PtCompare = True   Else     PtCompare = False   End If End Function 

Just as in Chapter 12 the following warning should be issued: The following procedures depend on the path to the database file being stored in the attribute DefaultDir of the Connection property. In the current version of Excel this is the case is the data source in directly an Access file or an OLAP cube based on an Access file. It is thus uncertain whether this process functions for other data sources or whether it will function in future versions of Excel.

Furthermore, the procedures assume that all affected databases are located in the same directory as the Excel file. The assumption holds as well only in the present case, but certainly not for every Excel application.

Syntax Summary

wsh stands for a WorkSheet object, rng for a range of cells.



wsh. PivotTableWizard

creates or changes a pivot table

wsh. PivotTables(..)

access to pivot table objects


access to the PivotLayout object


access to the PivotCache object


access to the PivotField object


access to the PivotTable object

chrt.SetSourceData rng

associate chart to pivot table



cell range of the table without page fields


cell range of the table including page fields


cell range of page fields


cell range of column fields


cell range of row fields


data range


label of data range (upper left corner)


access to all pivot fields of the pivot table


access to all visible fields


access to page fields


access to column fields


access to row fields


access to data fields


access to currently visible pivot fields


access to pivot fields for OLAP data ( CubeField object)


access to the PivotCache object


updates pivot table (rereads source data)



cell range of the data fields of a pivot field


cell range of the label fields of a pivot field


type of pivot field ( xlPageField , xlColumnField , xlRowField , xlDataField , xlHidden )


governs which subtotals are displayed


determines the calculational function (for data fields only)


determines the currently visible page (for page fields only)


access to individual pivot elements


OLAP-specific additional properties



type of SQL command (SQL, OLAP-Cube)


SQL command with external data


access to data source with external data


memory requirement (RAM) in bytes


data type with external data (ODBC, OLE DB)


number of data records (rows)


address of source data in worksheet


create pivot table from PivotCache

Definitive Guide to Excel VBA
Linux Application Development For The Enterprise (Charles River Media Programming)
ISBN: 1584502533
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 134

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