
Ping \ windows \system32\ping.exe

The primary function of Ping is to see if another computer is " alive " and reachable . Ping works on local networks and across Internet connections. For example, if you type ping at a command prompt and get at least one response like this:

 Reply from bytes=32 time=78ms TTL=238 

it means that a successful connection was established and the remote system responded to the ping. Otherwise, you'll see Request timed out , meaning that it is down or the connection has been severed. The syntax of Ping is as follows :

 ping target [-t] [-a] [-i   ttl   ] [-n   count   ] [-l   size   ] [-f]    [-w   timeout   ] [-r   count   ] [-s   count   ] [-j   host_list   -k   host_list   ] [-v   tos   ] 




The name or IP address of the remote machine.


Resolve IP addresses to hostnames.

-n count

Number of pings ; default is 4. Has no meaning with -t .

-l size

The size of the packets to send, in bytes; default is 32 bytes.


Turn on the "Don't Fragment" flag in packet.

-w timeout

The amount of time, in milliseconds , before Ping gives up and displays Request timed out; default is 500.

-r count

Display Tracert data, where count is the number of hops.

-s count

Display a time stamp for count hops.


Pings continually until interrupted with Ctrl-C; press Ctrl-Break to show statistics without interrupting.

-j host_list

Impose a "loose" route (with -r ) along which to ping.

-k host_list

Impose a "strict" route (with -r ) along which to ping.

-i ttl

Specify the TTL (Time To Live); valid range 0 to 255.

-v tos

Specify the TOS (Type of Service); valid range 0 to 255.

Windows XP Pocket Reference
Windows XP Pocket Reference
ISBN: 0596004257
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 154
Authors: David A. Karp © 2008-2017.
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