

RDF (Resource Description Framework), 347
Reaction systems, 193
ReadGroupStatus function, 310311
Recommendation Algorithm, 5253
Recommender systems. See Personalization
Remote Agent, 7
Reproduction, of agents in Food Chain Model, 158159, 184185
Resource Description Framework (RDF), 347
RestartAnts function, 7273
Rete algorithm, 233
Rho parameter, in backpropagation algorithm, 90
Robinson, early computer, 3
Robots, as physical embodiment for AI, 342
"Roulette-Wheel" selection, 118119
Rule memory (program) in rules-based systems, 194, 195
Rules-based systems
action phase, 197198
Adding a New Fact to Working Memory (code listing), 226227
agents and intelligence, 282
Antecedent and Consequent Parsing Functions (code listing), 213214
applications for, 233
backward chaining, 196
Building a Chain of Elements with addToChain (code listing), 221222
building a rules base, 231232
CD-ROM content, 351
The checkRule Function, 217218
commonsense reasoning and, 342343
conflict resolution phase, 197, 217218
Constructing a New Fact using constructElement (code listing), 224225
deduction systems, 193
described, 193195
Emitting a String (code listing), 228229
Enabling a Timer, 229230
Example of Staging Rules, 232
fault tolerance, 200205
Fault Tolerance Demonstration Rules File (code listing), 201205
The File Parsing Function (parseFile) (code listing), 211213
Finding an Empty Slot in Working Memory (code listing), 227
Firing a Rule with fireRule (code listing), 223224
Firing a Timer, 230231
flow of, 206
forward chaining, 196
Global Structures Declaration (code listing), 208
The interpret Function (code listing), 216217
logic (match-resolve-act cycle), 194, 195
Matching Antecedents to Facts in Working Memory with searchWorking-Memory (code listing), 222223
match phase, 194, 195, 196198, 218221, 222223
The parseElement Function (code listing), 214215
parsers and parsing in, 210216
problems with, 233
Processing the Time List (code listing), 230
reaction systems, 193
Removing a Fact from Working Memory (code listing), 227228
Rete algorithm and, 233
The Rule Matching Algorithm, check-pattern (code listing), 218221
rule memory (program), 194, 195
Rules-Based System Data Structures (code listing), 207208
The Rules-Based System main Function (code listing), 208211
Starting a Timer (code listing), 231
timers in, 229231
The Whitespace Consumer Function (code listing), 215216
working memory in, 194195, 218
ZOOKEEPER rules example, 198200

Visual Basic Developer
Visual Basic Developers Guide to ASP and IIS: Build Powerful Server-Side Web Applications with Visual Basic. (Visual Basic Developers Guides)
ISBN: 0782125573
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1999
Pages: 175 © 2008-2017.
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