Chapter 10: Online Research - Using e-Marketing to See Women Clearly


Because so many women are already online for research and shopping, and because that number is only going to increase (remember those ultra -tech-savvy younger women), the Internet is a great place to watch, listen and learn more about women as consumers.

As we've mentioned before, if you want to learn about what matters to women, go where women are already spending time ”and more and more that's online. Once there, these women may be sharing self-discovery quizzes, swapping e- mails about a particular pair of newly discovered jeans , visiting travel sites or lingering for hours on

Even before you actually poll or survey women for your market research, there are a lot of ways to observe patterns, identify trends and learn the language that women use when they talk about your product or industry. Not only will those clues alone give you valuable insights, but they will also help you hone your listening skills in preparation for more traditional off- and online research.

Because a woman 's view of any brand is much more holistic, taking everything in ”Do I like their site? Can I find parking at their store? Is their customer service friendly? And, yes, do I like their products? ”we as marketers have to take an "everything matters" approach to learning about our female customers. And, almost anything we can discover about the women we want to reach will further our listening skills.

Don't Think Pink(c) What Really Makes Women Buy(c) and How to Increase Your Share of This Crucial Market
Dont Think Pink: What Really Makes Women Buy -- and How to Increase Your Share of This Crucial Market
ISBN: 081440815X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 96 © 2008-2017.
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