Three Reasons Applications Require Elevated Privileges

Three Reasons Applications Require Elevated Privileges

Over the last couple of years, I have devoted many hours to working out why applications require administrative access to use, given that they are not administrative tools. And I think it's safe to say there are only three reasons:

  • ACL issues

  • Privilege issue

  • Using LSA secrets

Let's take a closer look at each in detail, and then I will outline some remedies.

ACL Issues

Imagine that a folder exists on an NTFS partition with the following ACL:

  • SYSTEM (Full Control)

  • Administrators (Full Control)

  • Everyone (Read)

Unless you are a privileged account, such as an administrator or the SYSTEM account (remember, many services run as system), the only operation you can perform in this folder is read files. You cannot write, you cannot delete, and you cannot do anything else. If your application tries to perform any file I/O other than read, it will receive an access denied error. Get used to it access denied is error #5!

This is a very common issue. Applications that write data to protected areas of the file system or to other portions of the operating system such as the registry must be executed under an administrative account to operate correctly. How many games do you know that write high-score information to the C:\Program Files directory? Let me answer that for you. Lots. And that's a problem because it means the user playing the game must be an administrator. In other words, many games allow users to play one another over the Internet, which means they must open sockets; if there's a buffer overrun or similar vulnerability in the game socket-handling code, an attacker could potentially run code using the vulnerability and the code would run as an admin. Game Over!

Opening Resources for GENERIC_ALL

There's a subtle variation of the ACL issue opening resources with more permission than is required. For example, imagine that the same ACL defined above exists on a file, and the code opens the file for GENERIC_ALL. Which account must the user be running in order for the code to not fail? Administrator or SYSTEM. GENERIC_ALL is the same as Full Control. In other words, you want to open the file and want to be able to do anything to the file. However, imagine your code only wants to read the file. Does it need to open the file for GENERIC_ALL? No, of course not. It can open the file for GENERIC_READ and any user running this application can successfully open the file because there is an Everyone (Read) ACE on the file. This is usability and security in harmony usability in that the application works and performs its read-only operation, and security in that the application is only reading the file and can do no more, because of the read-only ACE.

Remember, in Windows NT and later an application is either granted the permissions it requests, or it gets an access denied error. If the application requests for all access, and the ACL on the resource only allows read access, the application will not be granted read access. It'll get an access denied error instead.

You can attempt to open objects for the maximum allowed access by setting dwDesiredAccess to MAXIMUM_ALLOWED. However, you don't know ahead of time what the result will be, so you will still have to handle errors.

Privilege Issue

If your account needs a specific privilege to get a job such as backing up files done, it is a simple fact that you need the privilege. However, be wary of having an administrator adding too many potentially dangerous privileges to user accounts, or requiring your users to have too many unneeded privileges. I have already explained the reasons why in detail earlier in this chapter.

Using LSA Secrets

The Local Security Authority (LSA) can store secret data on behalf of an application. The APIs for manipulating LSA secrets include LsaStorePrivateData and LsaRetrievePrivateData. Now here is the issue to use LSA secrets, the process performing these tasks must be a member of the local administrators group. Note that the Platform SDK says about LsaStorePrivateData, the data is encrypted before being stored, and the key has a DACL that allows only the creator and administrators to read the data. For all intents, only administrators can use these LSA functions, which is a problem if your application adopts the least privilege goal, and all you want to do is store some secret data for the user.

Writing Secure Code
Writing Secure Code, Second Edition
ISBN: 0735617228
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 286 © 2008-2017.
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