Solving the Elevated Privileges Issue

Solving the Elevated Privileges Issue

Now let's look at some solutions to the three issues that require users to run their applications as elevated accounts.

Solving ACL Issues

There are three main solutions to getting out of the ACL doldrums:

  • Open resources for appropriate access.

  • Save user data to areas the user can write to.

  • Loosen ACLs.

The first is to open resources with the permissions you require and no more. If you want to read a key in the registry, request read-only access and no more. This is a simple thing to do and the chance of it causing regression errors in your application is slim.

The second solution is not to write user data to protected portions of the operating system. These portions include but are not limited to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE hive, C:\Program Files (or whatever directory the %PROGRAMFILES% environment variable points to on the computer),and the C:\Windows directory (%SYSTEMROOT%). Instead, you should store user information in HKEY_CURRENT_USER and store user files in the user's profile directory. You can determine the user's profile directory with the following code snippet:

#include "shlobj.h" ... TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; ... if (SUCCEEDED(SHGetFolderPath(NULL, CSIDL_PERSONAL NULL, 0, szPath)) { HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(szPath, ...);  }

If the current version of your application stores user data in a part of the operating system accessible only by administrators, and you decide to move the data to an area where the user can safely store his or her own data without being an admin, you'll need to provide a migration tool to migrate existing data. If you do not, you will have backward compatibility issues because users won't be able to access their existing data.

Finally, you could loosen the ACLs a little, because downgrading an ACL may be less of a risk than requiring all users to be administrators. Obviously, you should do this with caution, as an insecure ACL could make the resource being protected open to attack. So don't solve the least privilege issue and simply create an authorization issue.

Solving Privilege Issues

As I mentioned, if you need a privilege to get the job done, that's just the way it has to be; there is no simple way around it. That said, do not go handing out privileges to all user accounts like candy, simply to get the job done! Frankly, there is no easy way to solve privilege issues.

Solving LSA Issues

There is a solution available to you in Windows 2000 and later, and it's called the data protection API, or DPAPI. There are many good reasons for using DPAPI, but the most important one for solving our issues is that the application does not require the user to be an admin to access the secret data, and the data is protected using a key tied to the user, such that the owner of the data has access.

More Info
You can learn more about DPAPI and how to use it in Chapter 9.

Writing Secure Code
Writing Secure Code, Second Edition
ISBN: 0735617228
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 286 © 2008-2017.
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