

When you look at the cover of this book, you see the names of only two authors, but this book would be nothing if we didn't get help and input from numerous people. We pestered some people until they were sick of us, but still they were only too happy to help.

First, we'd like to thank the Microsoft Press folks, including Danielle Bird for agreeing to take on this second edition, Devon Musgrave for turning our prose into English and giving us grammar lessons, and Brian Johnson for making sure we were not lying. Much thanks also to Kerri DeVault for laying out the pages and Rob Nance for the part opener and other art.

Many people answered questions to help make this book as accurate as possible, including the following from Microsoft: Saji Abraham, mit Akku, Doug Bayer, Tina Bird, Mike Blaszczak, Grant Bolitho, Christopher Brumme, Neill Clift, David Cross, Scott Culp, Mike Danseglio, Bhavesh Doshi, Ramsey Dow, Werner Dreyer, Kedar Dubhashi, Patrick Dussud, Vadim Eydelman, Scott Field, Cyrus Gray, Brian Grunkemeyer, Caglar Gunyakti, Ron Jacobs, Jesper Johansson, Willis Johnson, Loren Kohnfelder, Sergey Kuzin, Mike Lai, Bruce Leban, Yung-Shin Bala Lin, Steve Lipner, Eric Lippert, Matt Lyons, Erik Olson, Dave Quick, Art Shelest, Daniel Sie, Frank Swiderski, Matt Thomlinson, Chris Walker, Landy Wang, Jonathan Wilkins, and Mark Zbikowski.

We also want to thank the entire Windows division for comments, nitpicks, and improvements there are too many of you to list you individually!

Some people deserve special recognition because they provided copious material for this book, much of which was created during their respective products' security pushes. Brandon Bray and Raymond Fowkes supplied much buffer overrun help and material. Dave Ross, Tom Gallagher, and Richie Lai are three of the foremost experts on Web-based security issues, especially the cross-site scripting material. John McConnell, Mohammed El-Gammal, and Julie Bennett created the core of the internationalization chapter and were a delight to work with. The secure .NET code chapter would be a skeleton if it were not for the help offered by Erik Olson and Ivan Medvedev; Ivan's idea of CAS in pictures deserves special recognition. Adrian Oney and Peter Viscarola of Open Systems Resources, Inc. wrote the core of the device and kernel mode best practices at a moment's notice. J.C. Cannon took it upon himself to write the privacy chapter. Finally, Ken Jones, Todd Stedl, David Wright, Richard Carey, and Everett McKay wrote vast amounts of material that led to the documentation chapter. The chapter on conducting security code reviews benefited from insightful feedback and references provided by Ramsey Dow and a PowerPoint presentation by Neill Clift. Vadim Eydelman provided a detailed analysis of the potential problems with using SO_EXCLUSIVEADDR and solutions that went into both this book and a Microsoft Knowledge Base article. Your eagerness to provide such rich and vast material is as humbling as it is encouraging.

The following people provided input for the first edition, and we're still thankful for their help: Eli Allen, John Biccum, Thomas Deml, Monica Ene-Pietrosanu, Sean Finnegan, Tim Fleehart, Damian Haase, David Hubbard, Louis Lafreniere, Brian LaMacchia, John Lambert, Lawrence Landauer, Paul Leach, Terry Leeper, Rui Maximo, Daryl Pecelj, Jon Pincus, Rain Forest Puppy, Fritz Sands, Eric Schultze, Alex Stockton, Hank Voight, Richard Ward, Richard Waymire, and Mark Zhou.

Many outside Microsoft gave their time to help us with this book. We'd like to give our greatest thanks to Peter Gutmann (it's an urban myth, Peter!), Steve Hayr of Accenture, Christopher W. Klaus of Internet Security Systems, John Pescatore of Gartner Inc., Herbert H. Thompson and James A. Whittaker of Florida Tech, and finally, Chris Weld Pond Wysopal of @Stake.

Most importantly, we want to thank everyone at Microsoft for taking up the Trusthworthy Computing rallying cry with such passion and urgency. We thank you all.

Writing Secure Code
Writing Secure Code, Second Edition
ISBN: 0735617228
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 286 © 2008-2017.
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