Component Organizers

We conclude the discussion of advanced Swing features with a presentation of components that help organize other components. These include the split pane, a mechanism for splitting an area into multiple parts whose boundaries can be adjusted, the tabbed pane, which uses tab dividers to allow a user to flip through multiple panels, and the desktop pane, which can be used to implement applications that display multiple internal frames.

Split Panes

Split panes split a component into two parts, with an adjustable boundary in between. Figure 6-44 shows a frame with two split panes. The outer pane is split vertically, with a text area on the bottom and another split pane on the top. That pane is split horizontally, with a list on the left and a label containing an image on the right.

Figure 6-44. A frame with two nested split panes

You construct a split pane by specifying the orientation, one of JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT or JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT, followed by the two components. For example,

 JSplitPane innerPane = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT, planetList, planetImage); 

That's all you have to do. If you like, you can add "one-touch expand" icons to the splitter bar. You see those icons in the top pane in Figure 6-44. In the Metal look and feel, they are small triangles. If you click one of them, the splitter moves all the way in the direction to which the triangle is pointing, expanding one of the panes completely.

To add this capability, call


The "continuous layout" feature continuously repaints the contents of both components as the user adjusts the splitter. That looks classier, but it can be slow. You turn on that feature with the call


In the example program, we left the bottom splitter at the default (no continuous layout). When you drag it, you only move a black outline. When you release the mouse, the components are repainted.

The straightforward program in Example 6-19 populates a list box with planets. When the user makes a selection, the planet image is displayed to the right and a description is placed in the text area on the bottom. When you run the program, adjust the splitters and try out the one-touch expansion and continuous layout features.

Example 6-19.
   1. import java.awt.*;   2. import java.awt.event.*;   3. import java.util.*;   4. import javax.swing.*;   5. import javax.swing.event.*;   6.   7. /**   8.    This program demonstrates the split pane component   9.    organizer.  10. */  11. public class SplitPaneTest  12. {  13.    public static void main(String[] args)  14.    {  15.       JFrame frame = new SplitPaneFrame();  16.       frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);  17.       frame.setVisible(true);  18.    }  19. }  20.  21. /**  22.    This frame consists of two nested split panes to demonstrate  23.    planet images and data.  24. */  25. class SplitPaneFrame extends JFrame  26. {  27.    public SplitPaneFrame()  28.    {  29.       setTitle("SplitPaneTest");  30.       setSize(DEFAULT_WIDTH, DEFAULT_HEIGHT);  31.  32.       // set up components for planet names, images, descriptions  33.  34.       final JList planetList = new JList(planets);  35.       final JLabel planetImage = new JLabel();  36.       final JTextArea planetDescription = new JTextArea();  37.  38.       planetList.addListSelectionListener(new  39.          ListSelectionListener()  40.          {  41.             public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent event)  42.             {  43.                Planet value = (Planet) planetList.getSelectedValue();  44.  45.                // update image and description  46.  47.                planetImage.setIcon(value.getImage());  48.                planetDescription.setText(value.getDescription());  49.             }  50.          });  51.  52.       // set up split panes  53.  54.       JSplitPane innerPane  55.          = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT, planetList, planetImage);  56.  57.       innerPane.setContinuousLayout(true);  58.       innerPane.setOneTouchExpandable(true);  59.  60.       JSplitPane outerPane  61.          = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT, innerPane, planetDescription);  62.  63.       add(outerPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);  64.    }  65.  66.    private Planet[] planets =  67.       {  68.          new Planet("Mercury", 2440, 0),  69.          new Planet("Venus", 6052, 0),  70.          new Planet("Earth", 6378, 1),  71.          new Planet("Mars", 3397, 2),  72.          new Planet("Jupiter", 71492, 16),  73.          new Planet("Saturn", 60268, 18),  74.          new Planet("Uranus", 25559, 17),  75.          new Planet("Neptune", 24766, 8),  76.          new Planet("Pluto", 1137, 1),  77.       };  78.    private static final int DEFAULT_WIDTH = 300;  79.    private static final int DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 300;  80. }  81.  82. /**  83.    Describes a planet.  84. */  85. class Planet  86. {  87.    /**  88.       Constructs a planet.  89.       @param n the planet name  90.       @param r the planet radius  91.       @param m the number of moons  92.    */  93.    public Planet(String n, double r, int m)  94.    {  95.       name = n;  96.       radius = r;  97.       moons = m;  98.       image = new ImageIcon(name + ".gif");  99.    } 100. 101.    public String toString() 102.    { 103.       return name; 104.    } 105. 106.    /** 107.       Gets a description of the planet. 108.       @return the description 109.    */ 110.    public String getDescription() 111.    { 112.       return "Radius: " + radius + "\nMoons: " + moons + "\n"; 113.    } 114. 115.    /** 116.       Gets an image of the planet. 117.       @return the image 118.    */ 119.    public ImageIcon getImage() 120.    { 121.       return image; 122.    } 123. 124.    private String name; 125.    private double radius; 126.    private int moons; 127.    private ImageIcon image; 128. } 

 javax.swing.JSplitPane 1.2 

  • JSplitPane()

  • JSplitPane(int direction)

  • JSplitPane(int direction, boolean continuousLayout)

  • JSplitPane(int direction, Component first, Component second)

  • JSplitPane(int direction, boolean continuousLayout, Component first, Component second)

    construct a new split pane.






    true if the components are continuously updated when the splitter is moved


    first, second

    The components to add

  • boolean isOneTouchExpandable()

  • void setOneTouchExpandable(boolean b)

    get and set the "one-touch expandable" property. When this property is set, the splitter has two icons to completely expand one or the other component.

  • boolean isContinuousLayout()

  • void setContinuousLayout(boolean b)

    get and set the "continuous layout" property. When this property is set, then the components are continuously updated when the splitter is moved.

  • void setLeftComponent(Component c)

  • void setTopComponent(Component c)

    These operations have the same effect, to set c as the first component in the split pane.

  • void setRightComponent(Component c)

  • void setBottomComponent(Component c)

    These operations have the same effect, to set c as the second component in the split pane.

Tabbed Panes

Tabbed panes are a familiar user interface device to break up a complex dialog box into subsets of related options. You can also use tabs to let a user flip through a set of documents or images (see Figure 6-45). That is what we do in our sample program.

Figure 6-45. A tabbed pane

To create a tabbed pane, you first construct a JTabbedPane object, then you add tabs to it.

 JTabbedPane tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane(); tabbedPane.addTab(title, icon, component); 

The last parameter of the addTab method has type Component. To add multiple components into the same tab, you first pack them up in a container, such as a JPanel.

The icon is optional; for example, the addTab method does not require an icon:

 tabbedPane.addTab(title, component); 

You can also add a tab in the middle of the tab collection with the insertTab method:

 tabbedPane.insertTab(title, icon, component, tooltip, index); 

To remove a tab from the tab collection, use


When you add a new tab to the tab collection, it is not automatically displayed. You must select it with the setSelectedIndex method. For example, here is how you show a tab that you just added to the end:

 tabbedPane.setSelectedIndex(tabbedPane.getTabCount() - 1); 

If you have a lot of tabs, then they can take up quite a bit of space. Starting with JDK 1.4, you can display the tabs in scrolling mode, in which only one row of tabs is displayed, together with a set of arrow buttons that allow the user to scroll through the tab set (see Figure 6-46).

Figure 6-46. A tabbed pane with scrolling tabs

You set the tab layout to wrapped or scrolling mode by calling




The example program shows a useful technique with tabbed panes. Sometimes, you want to update a component just before it is displayed. In our example program, we load the planet image only when the user actually clicks on a tab.

To be notified whenever the user clicks on a new tab, you install a ChangeListener with the tabbed pane. Note that you must install the listener with the tabbed pane itself, not with any of the components.


When the user selects a tab, the stateChanged method of the change listener is called. You retrieve the tabbed pane as the source of the event. Call the getSelectedIndex method to find out which pane is about to be displayed.

 public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent event) {    int n = tabbedPane.getSelectedIndex();    loadTab(n); } 

In Example 6-20, we first set all tab components to null. When a new tab is selected, we test whether its component is still null. If so, we replace it with the image. (This happens instantaneously when you click on the tab. You will not see an empty pane.) Just for fun, we also change the icon from a yellow ball to a red ball to indicate which panes have been visited.

Example 6-20.
   1. import java.awt.*;   2. import java.awt.event.*;   3. import java.util.*;   4. import javax.swing.*;   5. import javax.swing.event.*;   6.   7. /**   8.    This program demonstrates the tabbed pane component organizer.   9. */  10. public class TabbedPaneTest  11. {  12.    public static void main(String[] args)  13.    {  14.       JFrame frame = new TabbedPaneFrame();  15.       frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);  16.       frame.setVisible(true);  17.    }  18. }  19.  20. /**  21.    This frame shows a tabbed pane and radio buttons to  22.    switch between wrapped and scrolling tab layout.  23. */  24. class TabbedPaneFrame extends JFrame  25. {  26.    public TabbedPaneFrame()  27.    {  28.       setTitle("TabbedPaneTest");  29.       setSize(DEFAULT_WIDTH, DEFAULT_HEIGHT);  30.  31.       tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane();  32.       // we set the components to null and delay their loading until the tab is shown  33.       // for the first time  34.  35.       ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon("yellow-ball.gif");  36.  37.       tabbedPane.addTab("Mercury", icon, null);  38.       tabbedPane.addTab("Venus", icon, null);  39.       tabbedPane.addTab("Earth", icon, null);  40.       tabbedPane.addTab("Mars", icon, null);  41.       tabbedPane.addTab("Jupiter", icon, null);  42.       tabbedPane.addTab("Saturn", icon, null);  43.       tabbedPane.addTab("Uranus", icon, null);  44.       tabbedPane.addTab("Neptune", icon, null);  45.       tabbedPane.addTab("Pluto", icon, null);  46.  47.       add(tabbedPane, "Center");  48.  49.       tabbedPane.addChangeListener(new  50.          ChangeListener()  51.          {  52.             public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent event)  53.             {  54.  55.                // check if this tab still has a null component  56.  57.                if (tabbedPane.getSelectedComponent() == null)  58.                {  59.                   // set the component to the image icon  60.  61.                   int n = tabbedPane.getSelectedIndex();  62.                   loadTab(n);  63.                }  64.             }  65.          });  66.  67.       loadTab(0);  68.  69.       JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel();  70.       ButtonGroup buttonGroup = new ButtonGroup();  71.       JRadioButton wrapButton = new JRadioButton("Wrap tabs");  72.       wrapButton.addActionListener(new  73.          ActionListener()  74.          {  75.             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)  76.             {  77.                tabbedPane.setTabLayoutPolicy(JTabbedPane.WRAP_TAB_LAYOUT);  78.             }  79.          });  80.       buttonPanel.add(wrapButton);  81.       buttonGroup.add(wrapButton);  82.       wrapButton.setSelected(true);  83.       JRadioButton scrollButton = new JRadioButton("Scroll tabs");  84.       scrollButton.addActionListener(new  85.          ActionListener()  86.          {  87.             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)  88.             {  89.                tabbedPane.setTabLayoutPolicy(JTabbedPane.SCROLL_TAB_LAYOUT);  90.             }  91.          });  92.       buttonPanel.add(scrollButton);  93.       buttonGroup.add(scrollButton);  94.       add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);  95.    }  96.  97.    /**  98.       Loads the tab with the given index.  99.       @param n the index of the tab to load 100.    */ 101.    private void loadTab(int n) 102.    { 103.       String title = tabbedPane.getTitleAt(n); 104.       ImageIcon planetIcon = new ImageIcon(title + ".gif"); 105.       tabbedPane.setComponentAt(n, new JLabel(planetIcon)); 106. 107.       // indicate that this tab has been visited--just for fun 108. 109.       tabbedPane.setIconAt(n, new ImageIcon("red-ball.gif")); 110.    } 111. 112.    private JTabbedPane tabbedPane; 113. 114.    private static final int DEFAULT_WIDTH = 400; 115.    private static final int DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 300; 116. } 

 javax.swing.JTabbedPane 1.2 

  • JTabbedPane()

  • JTabbedPane(int placement)

    construct a tabbed pane.



    One of SwingConstants.TOP, SwingConstants.LEFT, SwingConstants.RIGHT, or SwingConstants.BOTTOM

  • void addTab(String title, Component c)

  • void addTab(String title, Icon icon, Component c)

  • void addTab(String title, Icon icon, Component c, String tooltip)

    add a tab to the end of the tabbed pane.

  • void insertTab(String title, Icon icon, Component c, String tooltip, int index)

    inserts a tab to the tabbed pane at the given index.

  • void removeTabAt(int index)

    removes the tab at the given index.

  • void setSelectedIndex(int index)

    selects the tab at the given index.

  • int getSelectedIndex()

    returns the index of the selected tab.

  • Component getSelectedComponent()

    returns the component of the selected tab.

  • String getTitleAt(int index)

  • void setTitleAt(int index, String title)

  • Icon getIconAt(int index)

  • void setIconAt(int index, Icon icon)

  • Component getComponentAt(int index)

  • void setComponentAt(int index, Component c)

    get or set the title, icon, or component at the given index.

  • int indexOfTab(String title)

  • int indexOfTab(Icon icon)

  • int indexOfComponent(Component c)

    return the index of the tab with the given title, icon, or component.

  • int getTabCount()

    returns the total number of tabs in this tabbed pane.

  • int getTabLayoutPolicy()

  • void setTabLayoutPolicy(int policy) 1.4

    get or set the tab layout policy. Tabs can be wrapped or scrolling.



    One of JTabbedPane.WRAP_TAB_LAYOUT or JTabbedPane.SCROLL_TAB_LAYOUT

  • void addChangeListener(ChangeListener listener)

    adds a change listener that is notified when the user selects a different tab.

Desktop Panes and Internal Frames

Many applications present information in multiple windows that are all contained inside a large frame. If you minimize the application frame, then all of its windows are hidden at the same time. In the Windows environment, this user interface is sometimes called the multiple document interface or MDI. Figure 6-47 shows a typical application that uses this interface.

Figure 6-47. A multiple document interface application

For some time, this user interface style was popular, but it has become less prevalent in recent years. Nowadays, many applications simply display a separate top-level frame for each document. Which is better? MDI reduces window clutter, but having separate top-level windows means that you can use the buttons and hotkeys of the host windowing system to flip through your windows.

In the world of Java, where you can't rely on a rich host windowing system, it makes a lot of sense to have your application manage its frames.

Figure 6-48 shows a Java application with three internal frames. Two of them have decorations on the border to maximize and iconify them. The third is in its iconified state.

Figure 6-48. A Java application with three internal frames

In the Metal look and feel, the internal frames have distinctive "grabber" areas that you use to move the frames around. You can resize the windows by dragging the resize corners.

To achieve this capability, follow these steps:


Use a regular JFrame window for the application.


Add the JDesktopPane to the JFrame.

 desktop = new JDesktopPane(); add(desktop, BorderLayout.CENTER); 


Construct JInternalFrame windows. You can specify whether you want the icons for resizing or closing the frame. Normally, you want all icons.

 JInternalFrame iframe = new JInternalFrame(title,    true, // resizable    true, // closable    true, // maximizable    true); // iconifiable 


Add components to the frame.

 iframe.add(c, BorderLayout.CENTER); 


Set a frame icon. The icon is shown in the top-left corner of the frame.



In the current version of the Metal look and feel, the frame icon is not displayed in iconized frames.


Set the size of the internal frame. As with regular frames, internal frames initially have a size of 0 by 0 pixels. Because you don't want internal frames to be displayed on top of each other, use a variable position for the next frame. Use the reshape method to set both the position and size of the frame:

 iframe.reshape(nextFrameX, nextFrameY, width, height); 


As with JFrames, you need to make the frame visible.



In earlier versions of Swing, internal frames were automatically visible and this call was not necessary.


Add the frame to the JDesktopPane:



You probably want to make the new frame the selected frame. Of the internal frames on the desktop, only the selected frame receives keyboard focus. In the Metal look and feel, the selected frame has a blue title bar, whereas the other frames have a gray title bar. You use the setSelected method to select a frame. However, the "selected" property can be vetoedthe currently selected frame can refuse to give up focus. In that case, the setSelected method throws a PropertyVetoException that you need to handle.

 try {    iframe.setSelected(true); } catch (PropertyVetoException e) {    // attempt was vetoed } 


You probably want to move the position for the next internal frame down so that it won't overlay the existing frame. A good distance between frames is the height of the title bar, which you can obtain as

 int frameDistance = iframe.getHeight() - iframe.getContentPane().getHeight() 


Use that distance to determine the next internal frame position.

 nextFrameX += frameDistance; nextFrameY += frameDistance; if (nextFrameX + width > desktop.getWidth())    nextFrameX = 0; if (nextFrameY + height > desktop.getHeight())    nextFrameY = 0; 

Cascading and Tiling

In Windows, there are standard commands for cascading and tiling windows (see Figures 6-49 and 6-50). The Java JDesktopPane and JInternalFrame classes have no built-in support for these operations. In Example 6-21, we show you how to implement these operations yourself.

Figure 6-49. Cascaded internal frames

Figure 6-50. Tiled internal frames

To cascade all windows, you reshape windows to the same size and stagger their positions. The getAllFrames method of the JDesktopPane class returns an array of all internal frames.

 JInternalFrame[] frames = desktop.getAllFrames(); 

However, you need to pay attention to the frame state. An internal frame can be in one of three states:

  • Icon

  • Resizable

  • Maximum

You use the isIcon method to find out which internal frames are currently icons and should be skipped. However, if a frame is in the maximum state, you first set it to be resizable by calling setMaximum(false). This is another property that can be vetoed, so you must catch the PropertyVetoException.

The following loop cascades all internal frames on the desktop:

 for (JInternalFrame frame : desktop.getAllFrames()) {    if (!frame.isIcon())    {       try       {          // try to make maximized frames resizable; this might be vetoed          frame.setMaximum(false);          frame.reshape(x, y, width, height);          x += frameDistance;          y += frameDistance;          // wrap around at the desktop edge          if (x + width > desktop.getWidth()) x = 0;          if (y + height > desktop.getHeight()) y = 0;       }       catch (PropertyVetoException e)       {}    } } 

Tiling frames is trickier, particularly if the number of frames is not a perfect square. First, count the number of frames that are not icons. Then, compute the number of rows as

 int rows = (int) Math.sqrt(frameCount); 

Then the number of columns is

 int cols = frameCount / rows; 

except that the last

 int extra = frameCount % rows 

columns have rows + 1 rows.

Here is the loop for tiling all frames on the desktop.

 int width = desktop.getWidth() / cols; int height = desktop.getHeight() / rows; int r = 0; int c = 0; for (JInternalFrame frame : desktop.getAllFrames()) {    if (!frame.isIcon())    {       try       {          frame.setMaximum(false);          frame.reshape(c * width, r * height, width, height);          r++;          if (r == rows)          {             r = 0;             c++;             if (c == cols - extra)             {                // start adding an extra row                rows++;                height = desktop.getHeight() / rows;              }          }       }       catch (PropertyVetoException e)       {}    } } 

The example program shows another common frame operation: moving the selection from the current frame to the next frame that isn't an icon. The JDesktopPane class has no method to return the selected frame. Instead, you must traverse all frames and call isSelected until you find the currently selected frame. Then, look for the next frame in the sequence that isn't an icon, and try to select it by calling


As before, that method can throw a PropertyVetoException, in which case you keep looking. If you come back to the original frame, then no other frame was selectable, and you give up. Here is the complete loop:

 JInternalFrame[] frames = desktop.getAllFrames(); for (int i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) {    if (frames[i].isSelected())    {       // find next frame that isn't an icon and can be selected       int next = (i + 1) % frames.length;       while (next != i)       {          if (!frames[next].isIcon())          {             try             {                // all other frames are icons or veto selection                frames[next].setSelected(true);                frames[next].toFront();                frames[i].toBack();                return;             }             catch (PropertyVetoException e)             {}          }          next = (next + 1) % frames.length;       }    } } 

Vetoing Property Settings

Now that you have seen all these veto exceptions, you may wonder how your frames can issue a veto. The JInternalFrame class uses a general JavaBeans mechanism for monitoring the setting of properties. We discuss this mechanism in full detail in Chapter 8. For now, we just want to show you how your frames can veto requests for property changes.

Frames don't usually want to use a veto to protest iconization or loss of focus, but it is very common for frames to check whether it is okay to close them. You close a frame with the setClosed method of the JInternalFrame class. Because the method is vetoable, it calls all registered vetoable change listeners before proceeding to make the change. That gives each of the listeners the opportunity to throw a PropertyVetoException and thereby terminate the call to setClosed before it changed any settings.

In our example program, we put up a dialog box to ask the user whether it is okay to close the window (see Figure 6-51). If the user doesn't agree, the window stays open.

Figure 6-51. The user can veto the close property

Here is how you achieve such a notification.

  1. Add a listener object to each frame. The object must belong to some class that implements the VetoableChangeListener interface. It is best to add the listener right after constructing the frame. In our example, we use the frame class that constructs the internal frames. Another option would be to use an anonymous inner class.


  2. Implement the vetoableChange method, the only method required by the VetoableChangeListener interface. The method receives a PropertyChangeEvent object. Use the getName method to find the name of the property that is about to be changed (such as "closed" if the method call to veto is setClosed(true)). As you see in Chapter 8, you obtain the property name by removing the "set" prefix from the method name and changing the next letter to lowercase.

    Use the getNewValue method to get the proposed new value.

    String name = event.getPropertyName();
    Object value = event.getNewValue();
    if (name.equals("closed") && value.equals(true))
       ask user for confirmation

  3. Simply throw a PropertyVetoException to block the property change. Return normally if you don't want to veto the change.

    class DesktopFrame extends JFrame
       implements VetoableChangeListener
       . . .
       public void vetoableChange(PropertyChangeEvent event)
          throws PropertyVetoException
          . . .
          if (not ok)
             tHRow new PropertyVetoException(reason, event);
          // return normally if ok

Dialogs in Internal Frames

If you use internal frames, you should not use the JDialog class for dialog boxes. Those dialog boxes have two disadvantages:

  • They are heavyweight because they create a new frame in the windowing system.

  • The windowing system does not know how to position them relative to the internal frame that spawned them.

Instead, for simple dialog boxes, use the showInternalXxxDialog methods of the JOptionPane class. They work exactly like the showXxxDialog methods, except they position a lightweight window over an internal frame.

As for more complex dialog boxes, construct them with a JInternalFrame. Unfortunately, you then have no built-in support for modal dialog boxes.

In our sample program, we use an internal dialog box to ask the user whether it is okay to close a frame.

 int result = JOptionPane.showInternalConfirmDialog(    iframe, "OK to close?", "Select an Option", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);; 


If you simply want to be notified when a frame is closed, then you should not use the veto mechanism. Instead, install an InternalFrameListener. An internal frame listener works just like a WindowListener. When the internal frame is closing, the internalFrameClosing method is called instead of the familiar windowClosing method. The other six internal frame notifications (opened/closed, iconified/deiconified, activated/deactivated) also correspond to the window listener methods.

Outline Dragging

One criticism that developers have leveled against internal frames is that performance has not been great. By far the slowest operation is to drag a frame with complex content across the desktop. The desktop manager keeps asking the frame to repaint itself as it is being dragged, which is quite slow.

Actually, if you use Windows or X Windows with a poorly written video driver, you'll experience the same problem. Window dragging appears to be fast on most systems because the video hardware supports the dragging operation by mapping the image inside the frame to a different screen location during the dragging process.

To improve performance without greatly degrading the user experience, you can set "outline dragging" on. When the user drags the frame, only the outline of the frame is continuously updated. The inside is repainted only when the user drops the frame to its final resting place.

To turn on outline dragging, call


This setting is the equivalent of "continuous layout" in the JSplitPane class.


In early versions of Swing, you had to use the magic incantation

 desktop.putClientProperty("JDesktopPane.dragMode", "outline"); 

to turn on outline dragging.

In the sample program, you can use the Window -> Drag Outline checkbox menu selection to toggle outline dragging on or off.


The internal frames on the desktop are managed by a DesktopManager class. You don't need to know about this class for normal programming. It is possible to implement different desktop behavior by installing a new desktop manager, but we don't cover that.

Example 6-21 populates a desktop with internal frames that show HTML pages. The File -> Open menu option pops up a file dialog box for reading a local HTML file into a new internal frame. If you click on any link, the linked document is displayed in another internal frame. Try out the Window -> Cascade and Window -> Tile commands. This example concludes our discussion of advanced Swing features.

Example 6-21.

[View full width]

   1. import java.awt.*;   2. import java.awt.event.*;   3. import java.beans.*;   4. import*;   5. import*;   6. import java.util.*;   7. import javax.swing.*;   8. import javax.swing.event.*;   9.  10. /**  11.    This program demonstrates the use of internal frames.  12. */  13. public class InternalFrameTest  14. {  15.    public static void main(String[] args)  16.    {  17.       JFrame frame = new DesktopFrame();  18.       frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);  19.       frame.setVisible(true);  20.    }  21. }  22.  23. /**  24.    This desktop frame contains editor panes that show HTML  25.    documents.  26. */  27. class DesktopFrame extends JFrame  28. {  29.    public DesktopFrame()  30.    {  31.       setTitle("InternalFrameTest");  32.       setSize(DEFAULT_WIDTH, DEFAULT_HEIGHT);  33.  34.       desktop = new JDesktopPane();  35.       add(desktop, BorderLayout.CENTER);  36.  37.       // set up menus  38.  39.       JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();  40.       setJMenuBar(menuBar);  41.       JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("File");  42.       menuBar.add(fileMenu);  43.       JMenuItem openItem = new JMenuItem("New");  44.       openItem.addActionListener(new  45.          ActionListener()  46.          {  47.             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)  48.             {  49.                createInternalFrame(  50.                   new JLabel(new ImageIcon(planets[counter] + ".gif")),  51.                   planets[counter]);  52.                counter = (counter + 1) % planets.length;  53.             }  54.          });  55.       fileMenu.add(openItem);  56.       JMenuItem exitItem = new JMenuItem("Exit");  57.       exitItem.addActionListener(new  58.          ActionListener()  59.          {  60.             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)  61.             {  62.                System.exit(0);  63.             }  64.          });  65.       fileMenu.add(exitItem);  66.       JMenu windowMenu = new JMenu("Window");  67.       menuBar.add(windowMenu);  68.       JMenuItem nextItem = new JMenuItem("Next");  69.       nextItem.addActionListener(new  70.          ActionListener()  71.          {  72.             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)  73.             {  74.                selectNextWindow();  75.             }  76.          });  77.       windowMenu.add(nextItem);  78.       JMenuItem cascadeItem = new JMenuItem("Cascade");  79.       cascadeItem.addActionListener(new  80.          ActionListener()  81.          {  82.             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)  83.             {  84.                cascadeWindows();  85.             }  86.          });  87.       windowMenu.add(cascadeItem);  88.       JMenuItem tileItem = new JMenuItem("Tile");  89.       tileItem.addActionListener(new  90.          ActionListener()  91.          {  92.             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)  93.             {  94.                tileWindows();  95.             }  96.          });  97.       windowMenu.add(tileItem);  98.       final JCheckBoxMenuItem dragOutlineItem = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("Drag Outline");  99.       dragOutlineItem.addActionListener(new 100.          ActionListener() 101.          { 102.             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) 103.             { 104.                desktop.setDragMode(dragOutlineItem.isSelected() 105.                   ? JDesktopPane.OUTLINE_DRAG_MODE 106.                   : JDesktopPane.LIVE_DRAG_MODE); 107.             } 108.          }); 109.       windowMenu.add(dragOutlineItem); 110.    } 111. 112.    /** 113.       Creates an internal frame on the desktop. 114.       @param c the component to display in the internal frame 115.       @param t the title of the internal frame. 116.    */ 117.    public void createInternalFrame(Component c, String t) 118.    { 119.       final JInternalFrame iframe = new JInternalFrame(t, 120.          true, // resizable 121.          true, // closable 122.          true, // maximizable 123.          true); // iconifiable 124. 125.       iframe.add(c, BorderLayout.CENTER); 126.       desktop.add(iframe); 127. 128.       iframe.setFrameIcon(new ImageIcon("document.gif")); 129. 130.       // add listener to confirm frame closing 131.       iframe.addVetoableChangeListener(new 132.          VetoableChangeListener() 133.          { 134.             public void vetoableChange(PropertyChangeEvent event) 135.                throws PropertyVetoException 136.             { 137.                String name = event.getPropertyName(); 138.                Object value = event.getNewValue(); 139. 140.                // we only want to check attempts to close a frame 141.                if (name.equals("closed") && value.equals(true)) 142.                { 143.                   // ask user if it is ok to close 144.                   int result = JOptionPane.showInternalConfirmDialog( 145.                      iframe, "OK to close?", "Select an Option", JOptionPane .YES_NO_OPTION); 146. 147.                   // if the user doesn't agree, veto the close 148.                   if (result != JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) 149.                      throw new PropertyVetoException("User canceled close", event); 150.                } 151.             } 152.          }); 153. 154.       // position frame 155.       int width = desktop.getWidth() / 2; 156.       int height = desktop.getHeight() / 2; 157.       iframe.reshape(nextFrameX, nextFrameY, width, height); 158. 159.; 160. 161.       // select the frame--might be vetoed 162.       try 163.       { 164.          iframe.setSelected(true); 165.       } 166.       catch (PropertyVetoException e) 167.       {} 168. 169.       frameDistance = iframe.getHeight() - iframe.getContentPane().getHeight(); 170. 171.       // compute placement for next frame 172. 173.       nextFrameX += frameDistance; 174.       nextFrameY += frameDistance; 175.       if (nextFrameX + width > desktop.getWidth()) nextFrameX = 0; 176.       if (nextFrameY + height > desktop.getHeight()) nextFrameY = 0; 177.    } 178. 179.    /** 180.       Cascades the non-iconified internal frames of the desktop. 181.    */ 182.    public void cascadeWindows() 183.    { 184.       int x = 0; 185.       int y = 0; 186.       int width = desktop.getWidth() / 2; 187.       int height = desktop.getHeight() / 2; 188. 189.       for (JInternalFrame frame : desktop.getAllFrames()) 190.       { 191.          if (!frame.isIcon()) 192.          { 193.             try 194.             { 195.                // try to make maximized frames resizable; this might be vetoed 196.                frame.setMaximum(false); 197.                frame.reshape(x, y, width, height); 198. 199.                x += frameDistance; 200.                y += frameDistance; 201.                // wrap around at the desktop edge 202.                if (x + width > desktop.getWidth()) x = 0; 203.                if (y + height > desktop.getHeight()) y = 0; 204.             } 205.             catch (PropertyVetoException e) 206.             {} 207.          } 208.       } 209.    } 210. 211.    /** 212.       Tiles the non-iconified internal frames of the desktop. 213.    */ 214.    public void tileWindows() 215.    { 216.       // count frames that aren't iconized 217.       int frameCount = 0; 218.       for (JInternalFrame frame : desktop.getAllFrames()) 219.          if (!frame.isIcon()) frameCount++; 220.       if (frameCount == 0) return; 221. 222.       int rows = (int) Math.sqrt(frameCount); 223.       int cols = frameCount / rows; 224.       int extra = frameCount % rows; 225.          // number of columns with an extra row 226. 227.       int width = desktop.getWidth() / cols; 228.       int height = desktop.getHeight() / rows; 229.       int r = 0; 230.       int c = 0; 231.       for (JInternalFrame frame : desktop.getAllFrames()) 232.       { 233.          if (!frame.isIcon()) 234.          { 235.             try 236.             { 237.                frame.setMaximum(false); 238.                frame.reshape(c * width, r * height, width, height); 239.                r++; 240.                if (r == rows) 241.                { 242.                   r = 0; 243.                   c++; 244.                   if (c == cols - extra) 245.                   { 246.                      // start adding an extra row 247.                      rows++; 248.                      height = desktop.getHeight() / rows; 249.                   } 250.                } 251.             } 252.             catch (PropertyVetoException e) 253.             {} 254.          } 255.       } 256.    } 257. 258.    /** 259.       Brings the next non-iconified internal frame to the front. 260.    */ 261.    public void selectNextWindow() 262.    { 263.       JInternalFrame[] frames = desktop.getAllFrames(); 264.       for (int i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) 265.       { 266.          if (frames[i].isSelected()) 267.          { 268.             // find next frame that isn't an icon and can be selected 269.             int next = (i + 1) % frames.length; 270.             while (next != i) 271.             { 272.                if (!frames[next].isIcon()) 273.                { 274.                   try 275.                   { 276.                      // all other frames are icons or veto selection 277.                      frames[next].setSelected(true); 278.                      frames[next].toFront(); 279.                      frames[i].toBack(); 280.                      return; 281.                   } 282.                   catch (PropertyVetoException e) 283.                   {} 284.                } 285.                next = (next + 1) % frames.length; 286.             } 287.          } 288.       } 289.    } 290. 291.    private JDesktopPane desktop; 292.    private int nextFrameX; 293.    private int nextFrameY; 294.    private int frameDistance; 295.    private int counter; 296.    private static final String[] planets = 297.    { 298.       "Mercury", 299.       "Venus", 300.       "Earth", 301.       "Mars", 302.       "Jupiter", 303.       "Saturn", 304.       "Uranus", 305.       "Neptune", 306.       "Pluto", 307.    }; 308. 309.    private static final int DEFAULT_WIDTH = 600; 310.    private static final int DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 400; 311. } 

 javax.swing.JDesktopPane 1.2 

  • JInternalFrame[] getAllFrames()

    gets all internal frames in this desktop pane.

  • void setDragMode(int mode)

    sets the drag mode to live or outline drag mode.



    One of JDesktopPane.LIVE_DRAG_MODE or JDesktopPane.OUTLINE_DRAG_MODE

 javax.swing.JInternalFrame 1.2 

  • JInternalFrame()

  • JInternalFrame(String title)

  • JInternalFrame(String title, boolean resizable)

  • JInternalFrame(String title, boolean resizable, boolean closable)

  • JInternalFrame(String title, boolean resizable, boolean closable, boolean maximizable)

  • JInternalFrame(String title, boolean resizable, boolean closable, boolean maximizable, boolean iconifiable)

    construct a new internal frame.



    The string to display in the title bar



    TRue if the frame can be resized



    true if the frame can be closed



    true if the frame can be maximized



    true if the frame can be iconified

  • boolean isResizable()

  • void setResizable(boolean b)

  • boolean isClosable()

  • void setClosable(boolean b)

  • boolean isMaximizable()

  • void setMaximizable(boolean b)

  • boolean isIconifiable()

  • void setIconifiable(boolean b)

    get and set the resizable, closable, maximizable, and iconifiable properties. When the property is true, an icon appears in the frame title to resize, close, maximize, or iconify the internal frame.

  • boolean isIcon()

  • void setIcon(boolean b)

  • boolean isMaximum()

  • void setMaximum(boolean b)

  • boolean isClosed()

  • void setClosed(boolean b)

    get or set the icon, maximum, or closed property. When this property is TRue, the internal frame is iconified, maximized, or closed.

  • boolean isSelected()

  • void setSelected(boolean b)

    get or set the selected property. When this property is true, the current internal frame becomes the selected frame on the desktop.

  • void moveToFront()

  • void moveToBack()

    move this internal frame to the front or the back of the desktop.

  • void reshape(int x, int y, int width, int height)

    moves and resizes this internal frame.


    x, y

    The top-left corner of the frame


    width, height

    The width and height of the frame

  • Container getContentPane()

  • void setContentPane(Container c)

    get and set the content pane of this internal frame.

  • JDesktopPane getDesktopPane()

    gets the desktop pane of this internal frame.

  • Icon getFrameIcon()

  • void setFrameIcon(Icon anIcon)

    get and set the frame icon that is displayed in the title bar.

  • boolean isVisible()

  • void setVisible(boolean b)

    get and set the "visible" property.

  • void show()

    makes this internal frame visible and brings it to the front.

 javax.swing.JComponent 1.2 

  • void addVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener listener)

    adds a vetoable change listener that is notified when an attempt is made to change a constrained property.

 java.beans.VetoableChangeListener 1.1 

  • void vetoableChange(PropertyChangeEvent event)

    is called when the set method of a constrained property notifies the vetoable change listeners.

 java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent 1.1 

  • String getPropertyName()

    returns the name of the property that is about to be changed.

  • Object getNewValue()

    returns the proposed new value for the property.

 java.beans.PropertyVetoException 1.1 

  • PropertyVetoException(String reason, PropertyChangeEvent event)

    constructs a property veto exception.



    The reason for the veto



    The vetoed event

    Core JavaT 2 Volume II - Advanced Features
    Building an On Demand Computing Environment with IBM: How to Optimize Your Current Infrastructure for Today and Tomorrow (MaxFacts Guidebook series)
    ISBN: 193164411X
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2003
    Pages: 156
    Authors: Jim Hoskins © 2008-2017.
    If you may any questions please contact us: