

Validate method
BaseValidator class, 203
Page class, 127
ValidateLogin method, UsersDB Business object, 1236
validateRequest attribute, <pages> element, 628
ValidateRequest attribute, Page directive, 145
ValidateRequest method, HttpRequest class, 129
validation attribute, <machineKey> element, 675
validation controls, 14, 175, 201
BaseValidator class, 203
canceling page validation, 210
checking page validity, 210
implementation example, 204
spoofed values, handling, 202
Validation controls, mobile controls, 1105
implementation example, 1106
ValidationEventHandler object
XML data management, validation using, 543, 544
XML document validation, 538
ValidationExpression property, RegularExpressionValidator control, 203, 207
validationKey attribute, <machineKey> element, 675, 715
ValidationSummary control, 202
client-side validation, 202
DisplayMode, 203, 209
ShowHeaderText, 203
ShowMessageBox, 203, 209
ShowSummary, 203, 209
validation controls, implementation example, 209
ValidationType property, XMLValidatingReader class, 538
Validators property, Page class, 127
Value property
DataItem class, 271
ListItem class, 193
Unit class, 222, 223
value types
allocated on the stack, 42
boxing/unboxing, 43
example, 42
ValueType class, derived from, 42
ValueToCompare property, CompareValidator control, 203, 206
ValueType class
CLR value types, basis for, 42
variable declarations, 109
Variant data type, VBScript, 1171
VaryByControl attribute, OutputCache directive, 149
page caching by browser, 154
VaryByHeader attribute, OutputCache directive, 149
VaryByParam attribute, OutputCache directive, 149, 154, 165
VBScript, 16, 70
verb attribute
<add> element, 663
assemblies, 879
metadata, assembly manifests , 880
ViewState, 14, 933
ArrayList objects, storing, 765
data store example, 122
HTML server controls, 181
implementation example, 134
list controls, use with
persisting values automatically, 314
preventing persisting values, 314
ViewState size control, 313
optimization tips, 1251
Page directive, enabling/disabling using, 134
postback, viewing, 927
server controls, 926
data type support, 933
information persistence, 142
TextBox control, use with, 928
Web forms, use with, 133
ViewState property, Control class, 927
virtual directories, 562
see also physical directories.
definition, 562
IIS, within
creation, 563
folders list, 563
MMC snap-in, use of, 563
sample ASP.NET page example, 19
Visible attribute,
Form mobile controls, 1077
HtmlControl class, 176
HtmlInputHidden control, 190
WebControl class, 216
VisibleDate property, Calendar mobile controls, 1102
Visual Basic
disadvantages, 71
Visual Basic .NET, 71
C#, compared to, 861, 890
CLR, use with, 71
CLS, support for, 71
common types, 39
compiler, 100
data type conversions, 114
feature changes, 80
backward compatibility, 85
data types & structures, 83
debugging, 85
parameter handling, 84
references, 82
structured exception handling, 82
For...Each...Next statement, 760
functions/procedures, declaring, 110
looping, 111
language changes, 1170
default properties, not allowed, 1173
explicit type conversion, 1172
method arguments, 1173
methods , 1172
Set/Let keywords, lack of support for, 1173
single & multiple lines, 1173
variables & strong typing, 1171
variant & data type conversion, 1171
.NET Framework, supplied with, 70
object orientated programming features,72, 890
classes, 72
constructors, 76
destructors, 77
inheritance, 78
interfaces, 79
methods, 73
properties, 75
OptionExplicit statement, 855, 1254
OptionStrict statement, 855, 1254
P/Invoke syntax, parameters, 1188
sample business object, 853859
testing, 864
serviced components , creation example, 873, 874
simple control example, 890
variable declarations, 109
VBScript, replacement for, 70
Visual InterDev, editing/debugging with, 61
Visual J#, 70, 99
Visual Studio .NET
Visual Studio.NET, 6, 71
.NET Framework, creating applications for, 71
Add Web Reference dialog, 1010
ASP.NET, creating applications with, 8
Codebehind attribute, 962
code-behind, use of, 150
COM objects, using from .NET, 1178
debugging, 1141
Edit-and-Continue, 1141
remote debugging, 1142
good tool support, 62
Imports keyword, 38
installation, 68
Component Updates, 7
MDAC, requirement of, 2
Service Releases, 8
languages, choosing, 8
proxy classes, creation of, 10091013
component referencing, 1009
VolumeSeperatorChar constant, Path class, 818

Professional ASP. NET 1.1
Professional ASP.NET MVC 1.0 (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0470384611
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 243 © 2008-2017.
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