

UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery & Integration), 954, 955, 1000
credit card validation web service example, 955
<globalization> element, 652
Microsoft UDDI node, 1001
node mirroring, 1001
web service discovery, 1002
Web-based registry, 1000
XML schema for business description, 1000
UnauthorizedAccessException class, System.IO namespace, 808
Unboxing, 43
implementation example, 44
performance considerations, 44
Unchanged value
DataRowState enumeration, 430
DataViewRowState enumeration, 444
Unicode encoding, 831
unique names , controls, 917
Unit class, Web Form controls
example, 223
methods , 222
properties, 222
Unload event
Control class, 930
Page class, 125
UnLock method, Application object, 583
unmanaged code, 36
unmanaged/managed code boundary, crossing , 1174
UnmanagedType enumeration, values, 1193
unsafe code, C#, 97
Update method, DataAdapter class
updating relational data source examples, 350
concurrency errors, 492
concurrent updates with RowUpdated event, 502
DataSet object with stored procedures, 483
DataSet/~Adapter objects, 475, 476
UPDATE statement, SQL
connection based transactions, updating data source example, 465
DataGrid list control, editing data, 323, 324
updating data sources example, 453
UpdateCommand event
DataGrid control, editing data, 324
DataList control, selecting & editing data, 329
UpdateCommand property, DataAdapter class, 348
DataSet object, data updates, 469
updating relational data source examples, DataSet
object with stored procedures, 481
UpdateRule property, ForeignKeyConstraint object, 424
UpdateShoppingCartItem function, CartDB Business object, 1228, 1233
UpdateStatus enumeration, 507
updating relational data source examples, 451, 452
see also advanced relational data source examples.
see also relational data access example. Command objects, with SQL statements, 453455
displaying updated source, 454
executing SQL statement, 454
specifying SQL statement to update data, 453
Command objects with stored procedures, 455-459
creating Command parameters, 457
creating stored procedure, 456
executing stored procedure, 458
concurrency errors, catching, 490492
error trapping, 492
perform concurrent updates on source table, 491
perform updates, 492
concurrent updates to individual columns , 493499
building SQL statements, 496
checking value of DataSet column, 497
DataSet object, use of, 495
executing SQL statement, 498
getting modified rows into new DataSet, 495
handling concurrency errors, 498
marshalling changed rows in DataSet, 495
matching DateTime column, SQL server, 497
concurrent updates with RowUpdated event, 499
creating & displaying errors DataSet, 502
declaring variables , 501
errors page, 501
event handling, 504
getting current value from database table, 503
handling columns for deleted rows, 504
handling columns for inserted rows, 506
handling columns for modified rows, 505
returning UpdateStatus value, 507
connection-based transactions, 462467
creating SQL statements to update data, 464
executing SQL statements, 465
starting transactions, 465
transaction commit/roll back, 466
DataSet object with stored procedures, 477484
creating & filling DataSet object, 480
creating DeleteCommand dynamic parameters, 482
creating stored procedures, 479
creating UpdateCommand dynamic parameters, 481, 482
displaying Command properties, 483
executing the update, 483
NOCOUNT statement, using, 484
page view, 479
using dynamic parameters, 481
DataSet/~Adapter objects, 472477
automatically updating default tables, 477
checking rows for updation, 476
creating and filling DataSet object, 473
creating auto-generated commands, 474
fixing current state of DataSet object, 473
pushing changes back to data source, 475
specifying tables when updating data, 476
updating rows in DataSet object, 474
updating subsets of rows from table, 477
viewing auto-generated commands, 475
files, obtaining, 452
locating errors after update, 508512
checking for row errors, 510
extracting underlying row values, 511
preventing exceptions due to concurrency errors, 510
RowUpdating/RowUpdated event handling, 484489
accepting changes after updates, 489
attaching event handlers, 486
displaying page after updates, 487
displaying page during updates, 487
transacted stored procedures, 460462
creating stored procedure, 459
defining Command & Connection objects, 461
displaying results, 461
executing stored procedure, 461
specifying stored procedure name , 461
Url property
HttpRequest class, 128, 1164
proxy class, 1020
UrlDecode method, HttpServerUtility class, 1168
UrlEncode overloaded method, HttpServerUtility class, 1168
UrlPathEncode method, HttpServerUtility object, 1168
UrlReferrer property, HttpRequest class, 128, 1164
URLs, proxies, setting with, 1020
useFullyQualifiedRedirectUrl attribute, <httpRuntime> element, 626
user accounts, ASP.NET, security examples, 726
user controls
DataSet class, multiple table DataSet example, 370
IBuyAdventure.NET, 1210
application user interface, 1209
Sample applications, ASP.NET, use within, 5
user groups
advantages, 690
ASP.NET, security examples, 726
authentication, 689
programmatic security, 690
Windows Authentication, within, 706
user identity, 722
user interface, IBuyAdventure.NET, 1208
user list XML document, Forms-based authentication
custom user credentials example
creation within, 738
validation, 740
User object
Identity object, 722
IsInRole method, 723, 730
obtaining user identity, 722
User property
Page class, 126
WebService class, 966
user role checking, 723
built-in account groups, 724
IsInRole method, User object, 723
UserAgent property, HttpRequest class, 128, 1164
UserControl class, System.Web.UI namespace, 907
userControlBaseType attribute, <pages> element, 628
UserHostAddress property, HttpRequest class, 128, 1164
UserHostName property, HttpRequest class, 128, 1164
UserIdentity object, Forms-based authentication, 735
UserLanguages property, HttpRequest class, 128, 1164
userName attribute
<identity> element, 659
<processModel> element, 672
UsersDB Business object
IBuyAdventure.NET, 1236
ValidateLogin method, 1235
using keyword, C#, 38, 92, 342, 832
UTF-8 encoding, 831

Professional ASP. NET 1.1
Professional ASP.NET MVC 1.0 (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0470384611
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 243 © 2008-2017.
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