Some Important Manuals

This section describes some of the manuals IBM has published many important manuals for the eServer i5, . There are far too many to provide a complete listing. For your convenience, the following list is broken down into two major categories: programming and operations/administration. Note that some of the titles include the identification codes for the operating system version and release (for example, V4R3).

Programming Manuals

Title: ILE C/400 Migration Guide for System C/400 PRPQ Users
Document Number: SC09-1896-00
A must for C programmers on the AS/400. It provides a comprehensive description of the implementation of C on the AS/400.

Title: OS/400 CL Programming
Document Number: SC41-5721-01
All programmers should have this book because all programmers have to use CL at one point or another. This book also explains a great deal more than just CL.

Title: ILE COBOL for AS/400 Reference
Document Number: SC09-2539-00
A must for COBOL programmers. It has complete syntax diagrams for all the COBOL verbs, divisions, sections, and paragraphs.

Title: COBOL/400 User's Guide
Document Number: SC09-1812-00
If you program in COBOL, you must have this book, which shows you all the features of the language, with examples.

Title: OS/400 DB2 for AS/400 Database Programming V4R3
Document Number: SC41-5701-02
This manual contains a great deal of information about the structure of database files, as well as how to design and use them.

Title: OS/400 DDS Reference V4R2
Document Number: SC41-5712-01
This book is a must for any programmer, because DDS is used to describe all files and devices on the AS/400. This manual contains all the necessary information to code Data Description Specifications (DDS) with accuracy.

Title: Data File Utility (DFU)
Document Number: SC09-1773-00
Teaches you how to use the Database File Utility (DFU) on the AS/400.

Title: Application Display Programming V4R1
Document Number: SC41-5715-00
Shows you how to design application programs that communicate with the user through the display station.

Title: OS/400 Printer Device Programming V4R3
Document Number: SC41-5713-02
Shows you how to design application programs that produce printed output.

Title: Programming Development Manager (PDM)
Document Number: SC09-1771-00
Teaches you how to use the Program Development Manager (PDM) on the AS/400.

Title: REXX/400 Programmer's Guide V4R1
Document Number: SC41-5728-00
REXX is a "procedures language" you can use oin many platforms, including the AS/400. REXX has many features you can put to good use, and it is part of OS/400. This book teaches you about the language and its AS/400 implementation.

Title: AS/400 REXX/400 Reference V4R1
Document Number: SC41-5729-00
If you plan to do any programming in REXX, you should get this book. It describes all the features of the language in great detail.

Title: DB2 for AS/400 Query Management Programming V4R1
Document Number: SC41-5703-00
A descriptive book about Query Management/400. You should be able to learn about the product with this book. Required if you have Query Management/400.

Title: Report Layout Utility (RLU)
Document Number: SC09-2635-00
Teaches you how to use the Report Layout Utility (RLU) on the AS/400.

Title: ILE RPG for AS/400 Reference
Document Number: SC09-2508-01
Another must for every RPG IV programmer. It contains reference material such as the syntax for each operation code and the rules that govern each RPG IV specification.

Title: ILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide
Document Number: SC09-2507-01
This book is a must if you program in RPG. It shows you the features of the language, with plenty of examples.

Title: Screen Design Aid (SDA)
Document Number: SC09-2604-00
Teaches you how to use the Screen Design Aid (SDA) on the AS/400.

Title: Source Entry Utility (SEU)
Document Number: SC09-2605-00
Teaches you how to use the Source Entry Utility (SEU) on the AS/400.

Title: DB2 for AS/400 SQL Programming V4R3
Document Number: SC41-5611-02

Required if you have SQL/400. This book contains basic information about the product.

Title: DB2 for AS/400 SQL Reference V4R3
Document Number: SC41-5612-02
Required if you have SQL/400. This book is a reference manual that includes the complete syntax of each SQL statement.

Operations and Administration Manuals

Title: OS/400 Backup and Recovery V4R3
Document Number: SC41-5304-02
This book should be required reading. It shows you, in depth, how to perform efficient backups and what to do to recover from data loss.

Title: OS/400 CL Reference V4R3
Document Number: SC41-5722-02
Be sure to read this book. It explains everything you need to know about each of the commands (over 1,000) provided with OS/400. The book might be as boring as a telephone directory, but it can be just as useful if you need it.

Title: AS/400 Local Device Configuration V4R1
Document Number: SC41-5121-00
This book shows you how to configure any device to your system. You should get this book even if you plan to use automatic configuration.

Title: AS/400 Software Installation V4R3
Document Number: SC41-5120-02
This book can help you through the process of installing software products and new releases of the operating system.

Title: AS/400 System Operation for New Users V3R1
Document Number: SC41-3200-00
This book describes very basic operations, such as how to sign on and the use of function keys and menus. It has plenty of illustrations.

Title: AS/400 Physical Planning Reference V4R3
Document Number: SA41-5109-02
Use this manual to plan the physical installation of the AS/400. This manual contains a great deal of information about the physical aspect of the AS/400 machinery.

Title: OS/400 Security Reference V4R3
Document Number: SC41-5302-02
This book is a must for every AS/400 installation. It explains all the concepts related to system security, and how to implement and maintain security.

Title: AS/400 Basic System Operation, Administration, and Problem Handling V4R3

Document Number: SC41-5206-02
Every AS/400 installation should have this book. It contains invaluable information for the system operator and includes troubleshooting.

Title: OS/400 Work Management V4R3
Document Number: SC41-5306-02
The Work Management Guide shows you how work (each job) is processed by the system. It goes into detail when describing subsystems, system values, and other concepts such as routing. Although it is not light reading, it is important.

In addition to the aforementioned manuals, you will most likely need to review the Client Access (formerly known as PC Support) manuals that are available to you. Which manual you need is predicated upon the PC operating systems in use at your particular location.

IBM i5/iSeries Primer(c) Concepts and Techniques for Programmers, Administrators, and Sys[... ]ators
IBM i5/iSeries Primer(c) Concepts and Techniques for Programmers, Administrators, and Sys[... ]ators
Year: 2004
Pages: 245 © 2008-2017.
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