

e-mail (Bugzilla), 289290
EAR files (Enterprise ARchive files), 2021. See also JAR files
Hello World Model 2 example
creating, 121125
deployment descriptor, 125126
< echo> task (Ant), 493
echo task (Ant), 534
Maven plug-in, 484
with webdoclets, 157167
ejb property (Hello World Model 2 example), 119120
@ ejb.bean tag (XDoclet), 172173
@ ejb.create-method tag (XDoclet), 175
ejbdoclet task, 136140, 141
@ ejb.finder tag (XDoclet), 173174
@ ejb.home tag (XDoclet), 173
@ ejb.interface-method tag (XDoclet), 175176
@ ejb.interface tag (XDoclet), 173
@ ejb.persistence-field tag (XDoclet), 175
@ ejb.persistence tag (XDoclet), 174175
@ tag (XDoclet), 173
@ ejb.relation tag (XDoclet), 176177
EJBs (Enterprise Java Beans)
adding to pet store example, 243
Category class, 251
CategoryDB class, 251
CategorySystem class, 250251
CategoryTest, 252
deployment, 254260
product entity bean, 244246
public interface tests, 251254
test buildfile, 260262
test cases, 246250
test output, 262
JAR files, 1720
deployment descriptors, 1820
directory structure, 20
testing with Cactus
Ant buildfile example, 396397
benefits of, 393
OrderReportBean example, 393396
product entity bean, 397401
ProductTest, 401408
with XDoclet
Ant build script, 182184
database setup, 169170
entity beans, 170176
relations, 176177
session beans, 180181
Student bean example, 177180
Email component (CruiseControl), 501
Email tag library (Jelly), 473
embracing change, 34
EmptyLabelIncrementer component (CruiseControl), 500
Endo-Testing, 343344
Endo-Testing: Unit Testing with Mock Objects , 344
endXXX() method (Cactus), 357, 358359, 363
enterprise applications, 2021. See also deployment; EAR files
Enterprise ARchive files. See EAR files
enterprise beans
assembled , 17
un-assembled, 17
enterprise beans project (Ant), 104
buildfile, 115117
deploy target, 119
EJB JAR file directory, 118
jarring into client file, 118 file, 118
output, 117
output classes, 117
package target, 117
deploying with Web application project, 125126
deployment descriptor, 105, 113115
directory structure, 104105
entity bean, 105107
running Web application with, 120121
session bean, 107110
shadow proxy bean, 110113
Enterprise JavaBeans. See EJBs
entity beans
creating with XDoclet, 170172
bean class tags, 172175
create method tags, 175
getter/setter method tags, 175176
Hello World Model 2 project, 105107, 114
environment variables (CVS repositories), 25
errors, versus failures, 316
example applications, downloading, 675
HttpInternalErrorExceptions, 312
HttpUnit classes, 302
jcoverage handling, 419421
Jemmy handling, 426
ExceptionTestCase class (JUnit), 601602
exec task (Ant), 540541
execon task (Ant), 541542
executable JAR files, 15
Execute component (CruiseControl), 501
execute() method (custom Ant tasks ), 204205
external libraries, classpath setup (Ant), 4446
Extreme Programming. See XP

Professional Java Tools for Extreme Programming
Professional Java Tools for Extreme Programming: Ant, XDoclet, JUnit, Cactus, and Maven (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0764556177
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 228 © 2008-2017.
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