

Sample Data Every area, General tab of Performance Monitor, 646

scalability, IIS 6 architecture, 20

Schedule tab, 647-648, 651

schema, metabase, 17

scope project plan, 578-580

scope, software solutions

defining, 576-577

overview of, 574

scope estimates, 577

scope project plan, 578-580

statement of work, 577


functional test scripts, 600-601

IIS content as, 39

scripting languages, 320

source code for, 35-36

WMI and, 249-251

Scripts permission, 175

searches, newsgroups, 160

secondary zone, DNS, 227

secure channel, NNTP virtual servers, 159

secure communications, 51-56

assigning existing certificates, 52-53

digital certificates and, 281

editing, 55-56

importing certificates, 53

NNTP virtual servers and, 144, 148

processing certificates, 54

Require Secure Channel (SSL) checkbox, 628

setting up server certificates, 51-52

viewing certificate details, 54-55

Secure Sockets Layer. See SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)

Secure Windows Initiative (SWI), 170-171


DNS in Active Directory, 230

dynamic updates in Active Directory, 231

FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions, 67-68

FTP Service, 104

IIS and, 174-178

Internet and, 166-167

NNTP Service, 150-151

patches and, 171-174

Secure Windows Initiative and, 170-171

server hardening, 612

SMTP Service, 128-130

types of attacks, 167-170

user accounts, 181-185

web forms, 441-442

Web Service Extensions and, 185-188

web services, 482-486

Windows Server 2003 policies, 178-181

security identifiers (SIDs), 190

Security log, Event Viewer, 637

Security Options, local security settings, 180

security patches. See patches

security policies, 178-181

SendResponse function, 561-562

serial number, DNS records, 228, 233

Server Administration page, Front Page 2002 Server Extensions, 68-69

Server Administration web site, Front Page 2002 Server Extensions, 65-66

server applications, Component Services, 381-382

server certificates, 260

Server Extensions 2002 tab, web sites, 64-69

Change Configuration Settings page, 66-68

Server Administration page, 68-69

Server Administration web site, 65-66

virtual server administration, 69

server farms, 63

server hardening, 612

server objects, 329, 343-345

Server Options tab, ALT Server Project Wizard, 504-509

server response files. See SRF (server response files)

Server Side Includes, IIS subcomponents, 8

server-side programmatic support, enabling, 538-541

server variables

processing with GetECBElement, 557-558

querying with GetServerVariable function, 550-552

values, 549, 553-554

XML representing values of, 545


ASP, 616

IIS, 178

logging errors and status, 482

preparing for web sites, 612-615

ServerSupportFunction, 538, 561-562

Service field, SRV resource record, 233

Service Locator (SRV) resource record, 233-234

service packs, 169

Service tab, global web site Properties, 70-73

Service1.asmx. See ASMX files

services, IIS 6, 8-9

session layer, OSI protocol model, 208

session maintenance, 88-89, 160-161

session management, ALT Server, 504

session objects, 329, 338-343

session servers, 342-343

Session Timeout settings, web sites, 40

Settings tab, NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol) Service, 148-150

SEUX (Simple Extension Using XML)

HttpExtensionProc function, 542-544

representing server variable values, 545-548

server variable values, 553-554

source code for, 544

SHA algorithm, 262

sHeader string, 555

ShowUserRecordset, ADO, 350-353

.shtm file extension, 177

.shtml file extension, 177

shutdown, Remote Administration site, 257

side-by-side assemblies, 44

SIDs (security identifiers), 190

SIG (Signature) resource record, 233

Simple Extension Using XML. See SEUX (Simple Extension Using XML)

site style, functional specification, 588

Sites tab, Remote administration site, 255-256

Smart Host, SMTP messages, 125-126

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) Service

connections settings, 119-120

domains, 131-134

IIS services, 9

IIS subcomponents, 8

LDAP routing, 130-131

logs, 120-121

message delivery, 123-127

messages, inbound, 121-123

MMC snap-in, 110-111

security, 128-130

starting/stopping/pausing SMTP service, 112-114

starting/stopping/pausing SMTP virtual servers, 111-112

startup options, 114

virtual server configuration, 118-119

virtual server creation, 115-118

virtual server status, 111

SMTP sites, 291

SMTP virtual servers

configuring, 118-119

creating, 115-118

logs, 121

starting/stopping/pausing, 111-112

startup options, 114

subdirectories, 116

viewing status of, 111

SOA (Start of Authority), DNS records, 228, 233, 611-612

Software Restriction Policies, 180

software solutions

building, 601-603

defined, 572

deploying, 604

design. See design, software solutions

functionality. See functional specification

Gannt charts, 578-580

project analyses following completion, 605-606

scope. See scope, software solutions

technical specification. See technical specification

terminology, 572-573

testing, 603-604

Unified Process, 572-576

source machine, DNS records, 228

special characters

edge case strings, 599

XML escape coding, 418-419

SQL commands

displaying data with, 350

ExecuteCommand, 400

update statement, 400

SQL Server 2000

compared with MS Access, 346

SqlClient interface, 443

SQLConnection component, 464-465

SQL (Structured Query Language), 249-251

SqlClient interface, 443

SQLCommand objects, 474-475

SQLConnection component, 464-465

SQLDataAdaptor, 470, 474-475

SQLDataReader, 477-480

SRF (server response files), 514-518

SRV (Service Locator) resource record, 233-234

SSL certificates. See also digital certificates

backing up and restoring, 285

installing, 279-280

mapping to user accounts, 147

requesting, 275-277

settings, 280

x.509 standard and, 263

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)

Basic authentication and, 192

client authentication, 146-147

FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions and, 67

handshake, 265-267

HTML administration site, 253

identities, 29-30

ports, 28, 53

secure communications, 55-56

using for sensitive web sites, 177

web site security and, 628

stage environment, 603

standalone CAs

compared with enterprise CAs, 267-268

issuing/denying certificates from, 277-278

Standalone Root CA, 270-271

Standalone Subordinate CA, 271-272

Standard Server edition, Windows Server 2003, 4

Standard tab, Web Service Extensions, 185

Standard Template Library (STL), 555

Start command, SMTP Service, 113

startup options, 114, 139

stateful configuration, IPv6, 212

stateless configuration, IPv6, 212

statement of work, 577

static files, 72

static IP addresses, 609

stations IDs, MAC addresses, 210

statistics logs, 290

status logs, 482

Status tab, Remote administration site, 255

stdafx files, 531-532

Stencil Processing support, ALT Server, 510

STL (Standard Template Library), 555

.stm file extension, 177

Stop command, 113, 139

string concatenation, 408

stub zone, DNS, 227

subauthentication, 191

subhandler tags, SRF (server response files), 516

subnet masks, 211-212, 214-216

subordinate CAs, 268

substatus error codes, W3C Extended Log File Format, 271

SWI (Secure Windows Initiative), 170-171

symbols. See XML escape values

symmetric-key encryption, 261

System log, Event Viewer, 637

System Monitor, 644

System Properties window, Automatic Updates, 173-174

%systemroot%\System\inetsrv, 9

Systems professionals, 573

system.web element, web.config, 436

IIS 6(c) The Complete Reference
IIS 6: The Complete Reference
ISBN: 0072224959
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 193 © 2008-2017.
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