

calling custom functions, 95–105, 96–98, 103

carets (^) for bitwise XOR, 229–230

Center x-Position parameter, 50

Center y-Position parameter, 50

Centerpoint Offset parameter, 114

Centerpoint Offset Variation parameter, 114

Chance Of Drop parameter, 117

Chance Of Switch parameter, 117

change_color method, 194

change_convergence_point method, 204

change_convergence_radius method, 204

change_frame_delay method, 204

Chapter2_A_Modified.fla file, 17, 28

Chapter2_A_Start.fla file, 16, 17

Chapter3_A_Modified.fla file, 37, 39

Chapter3_A_Start.fla file, 37, 38

character limitations in animation, 128

check_for_new_particle method, 199–200

Circle Radius parameter, 50

classes for components

compatibility of, 236–238

development of, 194–197, 196–197

Click Action Parameters screen, 80–83, 80–81, 92, 92

click actions, editing, 79–83, 79–81, 74

closing Components Parameters panel, 28, 47


assembling, 198–199

basic methods in, 199–203

control methods in, 203–206, 205, 207

for RandomSquares component, 186–189, 187, 189


for buttons, 56–65, 56–58, 60–64

random, 181

Color data type, 184

entering, 111

working with, 25–26, 26

Color dialog box, 26

Color Mixing Chaos parameter

for Pond Ripples, 114–115, 115

for Seeds, 120

Color Points list, 112

Color Points parameter, 108

Color Snap parameter, 108

combo boxes, 212–213

ComboBox component, 213

common multiple animation components, 129–130, 129–130

compatibility of components, 235–240, 236

Component Definition dialog box, 21–22, 21–22

for live previews, 218, 218

for parameters

changing, 234

defining, 183–186, 184–185

for Particles, 235–236, 236

Component Elements folder, 122

component user interface (UI), 4, 5

components, 1

ActionScript with, 74–79, 74–77

animation. See animation components

audio. See audio components

buttons, 55

color and font parameters for, 56–65, 56–58, 60–64

dimensions of, 65–68, 65–68

MXP files for, 68–72, 68–72

compatibility of, 235–240, 236

creating, 179–180

classes in, 194–197, 196–197

code assembly in, 198–206, 205, 207

design in, 180–181

modules for, 191–194

random colors in, 181

RandomSquares, 183–189, 184–187, 189

squares in, 182–183

description of, 3–4


assets, 44, 45

click actions in, 79–83, 79–81

game. See game components

identifying, 4–5, 4–5

interactive sizing of, 231–232

live previews of, 217–218, 218

mode tracking, 227–231

packaging, 218–221, 219–221

power of, 2–3, 2

preloading, 224–227, 224–227

robust, 233

sources of, 11–12

text effect. See text effect components

troubleshooting. See troubleshooting components

user interfaces with

custom, 37–40, 38–40

default, 16–17, 16–17

uses for, 5–11, 6–8, 10

video. See video components

Components Parameters panel, 18–20, 18–20

closing, 28, 47

resizing, 48–50, 48–49

Concentration components

editing, 170–174, 171

images for, 174–178, 174–178

concentration.fla file, 170, 171

concentration game, 9–11, 10

Concentric Path component, 116–117, 116–118

conditional statements, 101–102

constructors, 198

Converge X parameter, 41

Converge Y parameter, 41

Convergence parameter, 41

Convergence Radius parameter, 190, 195

Convergence X parameter, 190, 195

Convergence Y parameter, 190, 195

copying components, 17, 17

CornerAlign.fla file, 232

Correct Sound parameter for Quiz, 166

CorrectSound parameter in Concentration, 173

create_particle method, 200–201, 237

Creation Handler parameter, 191, 195

custom functions, calling, 95–105, 96–98, 103

custom user interfaces, 33

3D Spin Menu component parameters in, 50–53, 51–53

associating actions with graphics in, 213–216, 216

Components Parameters panel resizing, 48–50, 48–49

using components with, 37–40, 38–40

creating, 211–213, 211–213

designing, 210

editing component assets, 44, 44

feel of, 34–35, 34–35

good and bad, 35–37, 36–37

improvements in, 44, 46, 46–47

purpose of, 210

Spikes component parameters, 40–43, 41–43

The Hidden Power of Flash Components
The Hidden Power of Flash Components
ISBN: 0782142109
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 111 © 2008-2017.
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