

OBANOTE statement
DOCUMENT procedure 226
OBBNOTE statement
DOCUMENT procedure 227
OBFOOTN statement
DOCUMENT procedure 228
object footers 226
object headers 227
OBJECT= suboption
FILE PRINT ODS statement 72
OBJECTLABEL= suboption
FILE PRINT ODS statement 72
OBSTITLE statement
DOCUMENT procedure 229
OBTITLE statement
DOCUMENT procedure 230
ODS _ALL_ CLOSE statement 84
ODS argument
FILE PRINT ODS statement 68
ODS CHTML statement 84
ODS column pointer controls 82
ODS CSVALL statement 85
ODS DECIMAL_ALIGN statement 86
ODS destinations
categories of 25
changing default settings 33
closing 84
definition 21
destination-independent input 25
displayin gentries to 232
excluding output objects 90
exclusion lists 34
image file types for 94
running multiple instances 114
SAS formatted destinations 26
selecting output objects for 188
selection lists 34
specifying multiple 125
system resources and 29
tagset keywords as 126
tagset names as 134
third-party formatted destinations 27
two-level tagset names as 126
ODS DOCBOOK statement 86
ODS document icon 239
ODS document path 236
ODS DOCUMENT statement 87
ODS documents 235
Base procedures and 236
closing 219
compatibility 237
Documents window 238
hiding output from display 219
labels 216, 218
librefs for 77
listing 248
name of 215, 218
name of access mode 215, 218
opening 218, 248
persistence 235
Results window 241
titles 230
ODS EXCLUDE statement 90
ODS GRAPHICS statement 93
image file types 94
ODS HTML statement 95
ODS HTML3 statement 106
ODS HTMLCSS statement 105
ODS IMODE statement 106
ODS line pointer controls 83
ODS LISTING statement 107
ODS MARKUP statement 109
actions 109
creating XML files 127
creating XML files and DTD 130
details 125
examples 127
file specification 116
file specification suboptions 116
markup file specification 115
multiple markup output 132
multiple ODS destinations 125
opening/closing MARKUP destination 125
options 110
tagset keywords as ODS destinations 126
tagset names as ODS destinations 134
two-level tagset names as ODS destinations 126
_ODS_ option
PUT statement 81
ODS output
adding new line 565
assigning attributes to columns 48
DATA step enhanced features 41
definition 22
formatting variables 68
listing variables to include 68
multiple formats 87
selected variables in 44
tracking in Results window 180
ODS (Output Delivery System) 3, 13
customized output 34
DATA step and 39
DATA step examples 41
how it works 22
multiple output formats 6
processing 22
quick start 3
registry and 31
reports with DATA step 40
samples 14
summary of 37
terminology 21
ODS OUTPUT statement 135
actions 135
arguments 135
creating datasets 138, 142, 145
examples 138
merging output objects into dataset 137
ODS PATH statement 149
ODS PCL statement 151
ODS PDF statement 153
actions 153
opening/closing PDF destination 155
opening multiple instances of same destination 155
options 153
ODS PHTML statement 159
ODS PRINTER statement 160
actions 160
details 170
host information 172
multiple instances of same destination 165
opening/closing PRINTER destination 170
options 161
output for HTML destination 172
output for PRINTER destination 172
printing output directly to printers 170
Windows and 171
without actions or options 160
ODS PROCLABEL statement 176
ODS PROCTITLE statement 176
ODS PS statement 177
ODS RESULTS statement 180
ODS RTF statement 180
actions 180
details 186
graphics and 187
opening/closing RTF destination 186
options 181
RTF output 187
ODS SELECT statement 188
ODS SHOW statement 197
ODS statements
by category 63
category descriptions 62
DATA step statements 61
definition of 61
global statements 61
Output Control statements 62
procedure statements 62
SAS formatted statements 62
third-party formatted statements 62
ODS styles
graphical style information 321
ODS suboptions
FILE PRINT ODS statement 69
ODS table names
ACECLUS procedure 438
ANOVA procedure 438
ARIMA procedure 490
AUTOREG procedure 492
Base SAS procedures 430
CALENDAR procedure 431
CALIS procedure 440
CANCORR procedure 444
CANDISC procedure 446
CATALOG procedure 431
CATMOD procedure 447
CHART procedure 431
CLUSTER procedure 448
COMPARE procedure 431
CONTENTS procedure 433
CORR procedure 432
CORRESP procedure 449
DATASETS procedure 433
DISCRIM procedure 450
ENTROPY procedure 493
FACTOR procedure 452
FASTCLUS procedure 454
FREQ procedure 434
GAM procedure 455
GENMOD procedure 456
GLM procedure 458
GLMMOD procedure 461
INBREED procedure 461
KDE procedure 462
LATTICE procedure 462
LIFEREG procedure 462
LIFETEST procedure 463
LOAN procedure 494
LOESS procedure 465
LOGISTIC procedure 465
MDC procedure 494
MDS procedure 468
MEANS procedure 435
MI procedure 468
MIANALYZE procedure 469
MODECLUS procedure 470
MODEL procedure 495
MULTTEST procedure 471
NESTED procedure 471
NLIN procedure 471
NLMIXED procedure 472
NPART1WAY procedure 473
ORTHOREG procedure 474
PDLREG procedure 497
PLAN procedure 476
PLOT procedure 436
PLS procedure 476
PPHREG procedure 475
PRINCOMP procedure 477
PRINQUAL procedure 478
PROBIT procedure 478
REG procedure 479
REPORT procedure 436
ROBUSTREG procedure 481
RSREG procedure 482
SAS/ETS procedures 490
SAS/STAT procedures 437
SIMLIN procedure 498
SPECTRA procedure 498
SQL procedure 436
STATESPACE procedure 499
STDIZE procedure 482
STEPDISC procedure 483
SUMMARY procedure 435
SURVEYMEANS procedure 483
SURVEYREG procedure 484
SURVEYSELECT procedure 485
SYSLIN procedure 500
TABULATE procedure 436
TIMEPLOT procedure 437
TIMESERIES procedure 501
TPSPLINE procedure 487
TRANSREG procedure 487
TREE procedure 488
TTEST procedure 489
UNIVARIATE procedure 437
VARCLUS procedure 489
VARCOMP procedure 489
VARMAX procedure 502
X11 procedure 506
X12 procedure 510
ODSTRACE statement 198
contents of trace record 198
example 200
LABEL= option 35, 136
purpose 35, 135
specifying output objects 199
ODS USEGOPT statement 203
ODS VERIFY statement 205
ODS WML statement 206
ODS STYLE tagset 123
ODS XRPCS tagset 123
OPEN statement
TEMPLATE procedure 563
OPERATOR= option
ODS RTF statement 184
OPTIONAL column attribute 385
ORDER= option
LIST statement (DOCUMENT) 222
ORDER_DATA table attribute 419
ORTHOREG procedure
ODS table names 474
OS/3 90
printing output directly to printer 170
Output Control statements 62
OUTPUT destination 26
closing 135
definition 21
exclusion lists 135
selection lists 135
output objects 237
attributes 237
creating 68
customized output for 36
datasets from 135, 142
definition 21
determining destinations for 35, 36, 135
excluding from ODS destinations 90
footnotes 228
hierarchy of 87
labels for 72
librefs 76
listing output 368
merging dissimilar objects into data set 137
names for 72
page breaks 229
records in log 198
renaming 231
RTF output 368
selecting for ODS destinations 188
sequence number of 77
specifying 199
symbolic links to/from 221
tracing 198
output pointer
number of lines for 68
OUTPUTHEIGHT= style attribute 314
OUTPUT_TYPE= tagset attribute 556
OUTPUTWIDTH= style attribute 315
overflow-control option
FILE PRINT ODS statement 68
OVERHANGFACTOR= style attribute 315
OVERLINE column attribute 385
OVERLINE header attribute 402
OVERLINE table attribute 419

SAS 9.1 Output Delivery System. Users Guide
SAS 9.1 Output Delivery System Users Guide
ISBN: 1590472187
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 99
Authors: SAS Institute © 2008-2017.
If you may any questions please contact us: