Chapter 13 Functions


Write a stored function called new_student_id that takes in no parameters and returns a student.student_id%TYPE . The value returned will be used when inserting a new student into the CTA application. It will be derived by using the formula: student_id_seq.NEXTVAL .


Answer: Your answer should look similar to the following:

 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION new_student_id RETURN student.student_id%TYPE AS v_student_id student.student_id%TYPE; BEGIN SELECT student_id_seq.NEXTVAL INTO v_student_id FROM dual; RETURN(v_student_id); END; 

Write a stored function called zip_does_not_exist that takes in a zipcode .zip%TYPE and returns a Boolean. The function will return TRUE if the zipcode passed into it does not exist. It will return a FALSE if the zipcode exists. Hint: An example of how it might be used is as follows :

 DECLARE cons_zip CONSTANT := '&sv_zipcode'; e_zipcode_is_not_valid EXCEPTION; BEGIN IF zipcode_does_not_exist(cons_zip); THEN RAISE e_zipcode_is_not_valid; ELSE -- An insert of an instructor's record which -- makes use of the checked zipcode might go here. NULL; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN e_zipcode_is_not_valid THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (-20003, 'Could not find zipcode ' cons_zip'.'); END; 

Answer: Your answer should look similar to the following:

 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION zipcode_does_not_exist (i_zipcode IN RETURN BOOLEAN AS v_dummy char(1); BEGIN SELECT NULL INTO v_dummy FROM zipcode WHERE zip = i_zipcode; -- meaning the zipcode does exits RETURN FALSE; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN -- the select statement above will cause an exception -- to be raised if the zipcode is not in the database. RETURN TRUE; END zipcode_does_not_exist; 

Create a new function. For a given instructor, determine how many sections he or she is teaching. If the number is greater or equal to 3, return a message saying the instructor needs a vacation. Otherwise, return a message saying how many sections this instructor is teaching.


Answer: Your answer should look similar to the following:

 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION instructor_status (i_first_name IN instructor.first_name%TYPE, i_last_name IN instructor.last_name%TYPE) RETURN VARCHAR2 AS v_instructor_id instructor.instructor_id%TYPE; v_section_count NUMBER; v_status VARCHAR2(100); BEGIN SELECT instructor_id INTO v_instructor_id FROM instructor WHERE first_name = i_first_name AND last_name = i_last_name; SELECT COUNT(*) INTO v_section_count FROM section WHERE instructor_id = v_instructor_id; IF v_section_count >= 3 THEN v_status := 'The instructor 'i_first_name' ' i_last_name' is teaching 'v_section_count ' and needs a vaction.'; ELSE v_status := 'The instructor 'i_first_name' ' i_last_name' is teaching 'v_section_count ' courses.'; END IF; RETURN v_status; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN -- note that either of the SELECT statements can raise -- this exception v_status := 'The instructor 'i_first_name' ' i_last_name' is not shown to be teaching' ' any courses.'; RETURN v_status; WHEN OTHERS THEN v_status := 'There has been in an error in the function.'; RETURN v_status; END; 

Test the function as follows:

 SELECT instructor_status(first_name, last_name) FROM instructor; \ 

Oracle PL[s]SQL by Example
Oracle PL[s]SQL by Example
ISBN: 3642256902
Year: 2003
Pages: 289 © 2008-2017.
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