

daily builds, 67–68

data breakpoints, 277–280

data corruption, 7

data manipulation instructions (x86), 327–329

data truncation assignment checking (/RTCc switch), 708

DBG files, 201

DBGCHOOSER (Debugger Chooser), 166–168

DBGHELP.DLL file, 202

CrashFinder with, 505

MiniDumpWriteDump function, 554–563

DBGPROXY service, 159, 299

DCOM project, uncommitted transactions with, 624

DCRT (debug C run-time) library, 667–676

features of, 668–669

new operator with, 671–674

release CRT library vs., 677–678

turning on, 670

useful functions, 675–676

DeadDetExt (DeadlockDetection extension), 598, 610

deadlines responsible for bugs, 8

DeadlockDetection utility, 595–624

DeadDetExt extension, 598, 610

future of, 624

high-level issues, 596–598

how to use, 598–601

implementing, 601–624

highlights of, 610–624

hooking imported functions, 601–610

requirements for, 595–596

deadlocks and multithreaded programming, 581–626

CreateThread and ExitThread functions, 588–589

DeadlockDetection utility, 595–624

DeadDetExt extension, 598, 610

future of, 624

high-level issues, 596–598

how to use, 598–601

implementing, 601–624

requirements for, 595–596

local storage, accessing, 337, 485

low-level multithreading, 583–587

multiprocessor machines, 592

names of threads, setting in native code, 276

obtaining thread identifiers, 240

TEB (thread environment block), 368

TIB (thread information block), 304, 336, 368

tips and tricks, 581–592

code reviews, 591

deadlock dumps in the field, 590

default memory manager, 589–590

discrete pieces, using, 583

minimizing amount of multithreading, 582

spinning critical sections, 587–588

testing on multiprocessor machines, 592

tracing performance, 718–719

debug builds, 67

installation programs for, 70

testing with, 70

debug C run-time (DCRT) library, 667–676

features of, 668–669

new operator with, 671–674

release CRT library vs., 677–678

turning on, 670

useful functions, 675–676

Debug class (System.Diagnostic), 95–97, 103–104

Debug Interface Access (DIA) SDK, 202

debug registers, 277

debug symbols, 42–46

native debugging, 298. See also native code

SWS utility, enumerating, 738–744

symbol servers, building, 71–81

symbol tables and engines (WDBG), 200–208

SymbolEngine project, 203

Watch window formatting, 280–283

WinDBG debugger, 357, 362–366

debug think, 603–604

DebugBreak function, 168, 573

debuggee, defined, 158

Debugger Chooser (DGBCHOOSER), 166–168

debugger proxy service, 299

Debugger value (AeDebug key), 164, 165

DEBUGGER.CHM help files, 356, 362

DebuggerHiddenAttribute attribute, 245

Debugger.Launch( ), 107–108


automatically starting in, 168–170

debug registers, 277

debug symbols, 42–46

native debugging, 298. See also native code

SWS utility, enumerating, 738–744

symbol servers, building, 71–81

symbol tables and engines (WDBG), 200–208

SymbolEngine project, 203

Watch window formatting, 280–283

WinDBG debugger, 357, 362–366

debuggee, defined, 158

Dr. Watson, 493, 751–760

JIT (just-in-time) debugging, 164–168

crashing into debugger, 166–168

quick break keys, 165

.NET debuggers, 158

NTSD debugger, 354

proxy service for, 299

Visual Studio .NET debugger, 213–234

advanced breakpoints, 214–228

for ASP Web applications, 233

Disassembly window, 341–345

expanding types automatically, 241–243, 283–291

Memory window, 295, 346

native code, 269–291, 350

setting breakpoints in dynamically loaded DLLs, 301

Watch windows, 228–233, 280–283

WDBG debugger, 190–210

breakpoints and single stepping, 195–200

debug symbols, 357, 362–366

future of, 211–212

reading and writing memory, 192–195

stepping functionality, 209–210

symbols and stack walking, 200–208

WinDBG (Windows Debugger), 162, 353–404, 556

basic issues, 356–359

breakpoints, 379–382

command parameters, 362

command-line arguments, changing, 360

commands, types of, 361

control commands, 385–386

dump files, handling, 393–396

evaluating variables, 372–373

exceptions and events, 382–384

executing, stepping, tracing, 373–378

extension commands, 386–393

getting help, 361–362

processes and threads, 366–371

SOS extension support, 396–403

symbol handling, 357, 362–366

Windows debuggers, 159–164

kernel-mode, 161–164

MinDBG, 171–190

user-mode, 159–160

WDBG, 190–210, 211–212

writing your own, 210–211

DebuggerStepThroughAttribute attribute, 245

debugging. See also debuggers

during coding (proactive programming), 83–154

assertions, 85–142

commenting, 149–150

tracing, 142–148

unit testing, 35, 84, 151–153, 627–665

memory, with DCRT library, 667–676. See also memory

features of, 668–669

new operator with, 671–674

release CRT library vs., 677–678

turning on, 670

useful functions, 675–676

memory, with MemDumperValidator extension, 678–694. See also memory

C classes, 686–687

C++ classes, 685–686

deep validations, 687–688

implementing, 691–694

memory, with MemStress extension, 694–697. See also memory

mixed-mode, 246–247

plans for, 18

policies, 41

requirements for, 19–22

server applications with FastTrace, 148, 717–722

implementation, 721–722

merging trace logs, 720–721

step-by-step process of, 22–30

string processing, 713

tools for, 20, 27, 33–40, 354–355

windows services, 568–575

Allow Service To Interact With Desktop, 570

attaching to processes, 571–575

core code, 569

service identity, setting, 571

startup code, 575

Debugging Tools for Windows package, 354–355

DebugView utility, 143, 575

DEC instruction (x86), 328


decorated names, 498

deep validations, MemDumperValidator extension, 687–688

default memory manager, 589–590

default workspace, WinDBG, 358

DefaultTraceListener class, 96–100

defensive (proactive) programming, 83–154

assertions, 85–142

ASP.NET applications and web services, 103–113

how to assert, 88–89

ignoring, 126–127

native C++ applications, 113–142

.NET applications, 95–103

what to assert, 86–87, 89–95

commenting, 149–150

assertions as documentation, 85

tracing, 142–148

ASP.NET applications and web services, 146–148

DCRT library assertion support, 668

Event Tracing system, 66

EventLogTraceListener class, 97

FastTrace utility, 717–722

flow tracing (Profiler API), 479, 484–488

native C++ applications, 148

.NET applications, 144–146

performance of, 718–719

TraceListener class, 96–103, 144

WinDBG debugger, 373–378

unit testing, 35, 84, 151–153, 627–665

implementing, 638–665

manual, 627–628

scripts for, 630–635

scheduling, 634

Delete Alias command (WinDBG), 379

Demeanor for .NET utility, 251, 768

descriptions, bug, 25

.DETACH command (WinDBG), 370

Detach from Process command (WinDBG), 370

detaching from processes

WinDBG, 370

Windows 2000, 299

Detect 64-Bit Portability Issues setting, 60


resources for, 761–769

role of, 84

DevPartner utility, 768

DIA (Debug Interface Access) SDK, 202

Dilascia, Paul, 766

disassembler, writing, 210

Disassembly window (Visual Studio .NET debugger), 341–345

garbage code, 350

walking the stack manually, 346–347

Display Local Variables command (WinDBG), 372–373

Display Stack Backtrace command (WinDBG), 372

Display Type command (WinDBG), 373

Display Variables command (WinDBG), 366

DIV instruction (x86), 328

divide-and-conquer approach, 25

DllMain function, 594


CRT libraries, DLL versions of, 677–678

determining which come into address space, 576

knowing where they load, 52–57

rebasing, 52, 54–57

Do Child Focus Attempt In Scripts option (Tester), 636

DocComment property (code elements), 417

docking tool windows (add-ins), 430


assertions as, 85

commenting code, 149–150

comments, macro for, 415–423

dot (meta) commands, WinDBG, 361, 385–386. See also specific commands by name

Dotfuscator utility, 250

Douglas, Frank, 763

Dr. Watson, 493, 751–760

!dreg extension command (WinDBG), 392

DT command (WinDBG), 373

.DUMP command (WinDBG), 393–394

dump files (core dumps), 71

compressing WinDBG dumps into CAB files, 394, 396

full dumps, 393

MemDumperValidator extension (BUGSLAYERUTIL.DLL), 678–694

C classes, 686–687

C++ classes, 685–686

deep validations, 687–688

dump files (core dumps), MemDumperValidator

implementing, 691–694

initialization and termination in C++, 692–693

minidumps, 71, 300

Create Mini Dump button (SUPERASSERT), 123, 299–301

deadlock dumps in the field, 590

garbage code (disassembled code), 350

MiniDumpFilterMemory function, 555

MiniDumpFilterMemoryPaths function, 555

MiniDumpWithHandleData function, 555

MiniDumpWriteDump function, 554–563

SnapCurrentProcessMiniDump function, 556, 590

WinDBG debugger, 358, 394

writing, 394, 553–563

native code, 299–301

SOS (Son of Strike), 235, 396–403

WinDBG debugger, handling with, 393–396

creating dump files, 393–394

debugging dump files, 396

extension commands, 400–402

opening dump files, 395–396

.DUMPCAB command (WinDBG), 396

!dumpclass extension command (WinDBG), 401

!dumpmodule extension command (WinDBG), 401

!dumpmt extension command (WinDBG), 400

!dumpobj extension command (WinDBG), 401

!dumpstack extension command (WinDBG), 400

!dumpstackobjects extension command (WinDBG), 402

Duncan, Christopher, 762

duplicating bugs, 24

DV command (WinDBG), 366, 372–373

dynamically loaded DLLs, breakpoints in, 301

Debugging Applications for Microsoft. NET and Microsoft Windows
Debugging Applications for MicrosoftВ® .NET and Microsoft WindowsВ® (Pro-Developer)
ISBN: 0735615365
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 177
Authors: John Robbins © 2008-2017.
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