Flow of Control

 <  Day Day Up  >  

Branching, looping, and conditional execution are the fundamental building blocks of programming. Almost every one of the mechanisms listed in Table 1.4 is slightly syntactically different in the two languages, although clearly, you can accomplish the same things in either language.

Table 1.4. Flow of Control


Visual Basic

Visual FoxPro

Call a procedure

Name () or CALL Name

Prog () or DO Prog

Exit a block

Exit Sub , Exit While , Exit <block>


End the program




DO/Loop , For/Next , For Each/Next , While/End While


Conditional branching

Choose , IF/Then/Else , Select Case , Switch


Procedure definitions

Function , Sub , Property procedure

Function , Procedure

Immediate If



Following the table, I've made a few notes on how each construct works. IIF and SWITCH are included here as well because they replace what used to be four or five lines of IF / ENDIF or CASE / ENDCASE code.

Calling a Function, Procedure, or Method

To call a procedure called ProcName in FoxPro, you either type DO ProcName or simply ProcName() . The parentheses are required. The second variant is the way you call a subroutine or function in Visual Basic .NET.

If you instantiate an object named MyObj that has a method called ProcName , you call it using MyObj.ProcName . If it has parameters, you can add parentheses after the name and put the parameters within them. Otherwise , the parentheses are not required.

In Visual Basic .NET the syntax is exactly the same, except that DO ProcName() is not supported.

String handling

The well-known Canadian developer Steven Black has pointed out in several articles that string handling in FoxPro is thousands of times faster than it is in Visual Basic 6. In Visual Basic .NET, the String module contains dozens of methods that are more efficient. Type the word "String" and a period in a code window, and Intellisense will show you what's available.

In addition to the string functions found in FoxPro, String.Format can be used like TextMerge:


 FoxPro:  Name = "Fred"   Age = 32  SET TEXTMERGE ON NOSHOW  TEXT TO X  <<Name>> is <<TRANSFORM(age)>> years old.  ENDTEXT  ? X VB:  Dim Name As String = "Fred"  Dim Age As Integer = 32  Label1.Text = String.Format("{0} is {1} years old", Name, Age) 

Ending Your Program

In FoxPro, RETURN takes you out of the current procedure, THISFORM.Release closes the current form, and QUIT ends the program. RETURN from the MAIN program also ends the application, unless you're running MAIN from inside the FoxPro IDE. So a compiled application can use RETURN to end the program.

In Visual Basic .NET, CLOSE() closes a form; End ends the program. You can't end a program with Return in Visual Basic.

Do...ENDDO and Other Loops in Visual FoxPro

In FoxPro, DO...ENDDO is used to do something repetitively until a condition is satisfied. In the following FoxPro example, we test a printer object, and if its ErrorOccurred property is set to .T. , or if its PrintedOk property is set to True , we exit the loop; otherwise, we keep trying.


 DO WHILE .T.    oPrinter.Test    IF oPrinter.ErrorOccurred or oPrinter.PrintedOk       EXIT    ENDIF ENDDO 

DO WHILE is not as frequently used as its cousin FOR ... ENDFOR or FOR...NEXT . The syntax is either


 FOR  I  = 1 TO  N   - do something -  ENDFOR  NEXT 



 FOR  EACH obj IN Collection   - do something -  ENDFOR  NEXT 

Finally, in FoxPro, where we have tables and cursors , there is a special command pair to traverse the table or cursor from top to bottom:


 SCAN  - do something -  ENDSCAN 

The Visual Basic equivalent is to use a FOR EACH row IN table loop:


 Dim dr as datarow For each dr in dataset.tables(0) ...  End For 

Loops in Visual Basic .NET

In Visual Basic .NET, the equivalent of FOR...NEXT is very similar:


 FOR I = 1 TO N  - do something -  NEXT I 

However, DO...LOOP has four variants. The first two check the expression at the beginning of the loop, whereas the last two check the expression at the end of the first loop:

  • Do While :


     Do While condition    statements Loop 

  • Do Until :


     Do Until condition    statements Loop 

  • Do...Loop While :


     Do    statements Loop While condition 

  • Do...Loop Until :


     Do    statements Loop Until condition 

If that isn't enough, there's a While...Wend construct that's similar to DO...LOOP , except that it doesn't support Exit :


 While condition    statements Wend 

Conditional Execution in Visual FoxPro

In Visual FoxPro you can use either of these two mechanisms to execute only a certain block of code:


 IF Expr    - Execute if true - ELSE    - Execute if not true - ENDIF 



 DO CASE    CASE Expr1    - Execute if Expr1 is true -    CASE Expr2    - Execute if Expr2 is true - ENDCASE 

It's a peculiarity of FoxPro's DO CASE construct that the expressions evaluated in the CASE statements don't have to refer to the same variable. It's very flexible.

Conditional Execution in Visual Basic .NET

As usual, Visual Basic .NET has more constructs. I don't know if that's good or bad: Sometimes although we're offered several ways of doing things, one of them is really the preferred method.

Choose returns the numbered entry from a list of choices, for example:


 Return Choose(idx, "Lions", "Tigers", "Bears") 

Choose is a primitive construct from years ago, and will seldom if ever be the best choice. It has been deprecated.

If Expr Then...Else...End If

If the evaluated expression is true, the first statement is executed; if Else is present and a second statement follows it, the second statement is executed, for example:


 If Salary > 1000000.00 Then    Bonus =  1000000.00  Else    Bonus = 25.00 End If 

Note that a single line implementation is permitted. If it improves readability, use it. When I'm writing code for publication I use the single-line implementation. You can also include several statements separated by colons, but it gets hard to read pretty fast.


 If Salary > 1000000 Then Bonus = 1000000 If Salary > 1000000 Then Bonus = 1000000 Else Bonus = 25 If Salary > 10000 Then Salary = Salary * 2 : Bonus = 10000  Else Salary = Salary / 2: Bonus = 25 

Select Case

This command evaluates a single variable's values, for example:


 Select case StateName        Case "CA"             Governor = "Arnold"        Case Else             Governor = "Someone else" End Select 

Switch( VisualBasic Namespace )

This statement evaluates a series of pairs of expressions and their corresponding return values and returns the first value whose expression evaluates to True , for example:


 Return Microsoft.VisualBasic.Switch( _  CityName = "London", "English", _  CityName = "Rome", "Italian", _  CityName = "Paris", "French") 

Note that the Switch function name is not unique in the .NET namespaces and so must be qualified. This version is from the Visual Basic compatibility namespace provided for people who are inordinately fond of Visual Basic6. I'd be sparing about using this function; it looks a little dated.

In summary, both languages offer very similar capabilities in the flow of control area. I like FoxPro's DO CASE statement, which allows all sorts of expressions, not just different values for the named variable or expression. But the differences are small.

 <  Day Day Up  >  

Visual Fox Pro to Visual Basic.NET
Visual FoxPro to Visual Basic .NET
ISBN: 0672326493
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 130
Authors: Les Pinter

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