Information grows automatically, regardless of human influence.
Anytime, anywhere availability is required.
1.1 Storage Takes Center Stage
Storage was traditionally an afterthought to the server or mainframe purchase.
The storage infrastructure is now paramount to the server and communications infrastructure.
Elements of best-practice storage deployment are
Utilization and efficiency
Storage competence/storage agility
1.2 The Need for Business Continuance
Downtime is no longer an option. Availability is everything.
Demands for business continuity go beyond routine expectations to a measure of corporate competence.
Business continuity as a practice comes loaded with questions that must be identified, outlined, and addressed.
1.3 Driving Towards Operational Agility
Storage investments must extend beyond protection schemes to offensive mechanisms to improve operational agility
While risk-prevention projects may be difficult to justify quantitatively, more agile enterprise storage deployments often have easily measured cost savings.
1.4 Charting a Storage Networking Roadmap
Develop data storage management as a core competence.
Extend corporate culture among business units and technology development.
Deploy storage with appropriate focal points:
Utilization and efficiency ” Create networked storage architectures
Availability ” Make use of business continuity practices
Storage competence/storage agility ” Think defensively and offensively