Chapter Review Questions


From the following list, identify three gateway control protocols.

  1. H.323

  2. SIP

  3. RTP

  4. MGCP


What H.323 component is responsible for performing a "capabilities exchange" between H.323 terminals?

  1. H.225

  2. T.120

  3. H.245

  4. G.711


Which H.323 devices prevent bandwidth oversubscription on the WAN?

  1. Terminals

  2. Gateways

  3. Gatekeepers

  4. MCUs


What message does an H.323 gateway send to an H.323 gatekeeper to request admission to the WAN?

  1. ARQ

  2. ACF

  3. ARC

  4. LRQ


Logical pieces of an MGCP network are called ________.

  1. MGCP terminals

  2. MGCP components

  3. MGCP gateways

  4. MGCP concepts


Which of the following is considered an MGCP component?

  1. Call

  2. Call agent

  3. Event

  4. Signal


In a Cisco IP telephony network, what acts as an MGCP call agent?

  1. Cisco CallManager

  2. Cisco Unity

  3. Cisco voice-enabled router

  4. Cisco voice-enabled switch


Which SIP component initiates a SIP connection by sending an INVITE message?

  1. UAS

  2. UAC

  3. SIP proxy server

  4. SIP redirect server


Identify the SIP server that informs the UA of the next server to contact.

  1. SIP proxy server

  2. SIP redirect server

  3. SIP location server

  4. SIP registrar server


What are the two types of SIP messages?

  1. Event

  2. Request

  3. Signal

  4. Response

Voice over IP First-Step
Voice over IP First-Step
ISBN: 1587201569
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 138
Authors: Kevin Wallace © 2008-2017.
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