AKA | Scatter Analysis, Scatterplot |
Classification | Analyzing/Trending (AT) |
The scatter diagram is an analysis tool that plots related pairs of variables (factors) to display a pattern of relationship or correlation. This tool is extremely useful in detecting possible causes of a problem, the strength of the relationship, and how the change of one variable can affect the other.
To determine if a relationship exists between two sets of data.
To demonstrate that a change in one activity or condition will affect the other.
To verify a possible cause to an observed effect.
To illustrate process improvement.
Select and define problem or opportunity | |
→ | Identify and analyze causes or potential change |
Develop and plan possible solutions or change | |
→ | Implement and evaluate solution or change |
→ | Measure and report solution or change results |
Recognize and reward team efforts |
1 | Research/statistics |
Creativity/innovation | |
Engineering | |
Project management | |
3 | Manufacturing |
5 | Marketing/sales |
Administration/documentation | |
4 | Servicing/support |
2 | Customer/quality metrics |
6 | Change management |
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Data Collection Strategy
Events Log
Defect Map
Cause and Effect Diagram (CED)
Information Needs Analysis
Trend Analysis
Potential Problem Analysis (PPA)
Cost of Quality
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Scatter patterns of correlation:
STEP 1 Select two sets of data (variables) for plotting. See example Errors Made in Document Processing.
STEP 2 Sort or rank the data pairs from low to high for both data sets.
STEP 3 Construct a diagram and scale both axes in accordance with observed data pairs, from low numbers to high numbers of occurrence. For example, the X axis reflects a scale from 0 to 140 documents processed per day, the Y axis shows a scale from 0 to 25 errors made per day.
STEP 4 Plot related data pairs on the grid—the diagram. Be careful in measuring the exact location of the intersecting point.
STEP 5 Label and date the scatter diagram.