Program Listings

Listings 16-1 to 16-19 contain the complete listings for the templates and the main programs.

Listing 16-1:

start example
01: #!/usr/bin/perl -w 02: # 03: use strict; 04: use Image::Info qw(image_info dim); 05: use File::Basename; 06: use File::Find; 07: use File::Copy; 08: use Imager; 09: use DBI; 10: my $info; 11: my $album_name = shift || die "What album name?"; 12: my $album_id   = time(); 13: ### Begin user modifications 14: my $relative_dir = "/photos"; 15: my $album_dir    = "/var/www/html/photos"; 16: my @SIZES        = qw(100 640 800); 17: ### End of user modifications 18: $album_name      =~ s/ /\_/g; 19: $album_dir      .= "/$album_name"; 20: my $rel_dir      = "$relative_dir/$album_name"; 21: mkdir ($album_dir) || die "Can’t mkdir $!" unless –e $album_dir; 22: my $source_dir = shift(@ARGV)|| (‘.’); 23: my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:photoalbum","bookuser","testpass") 24:     or die("Cannot connect: $DBI::errstr"); 25: my @EXIF     = qw(width height resolution Flash Model  26:                   Make MaxApertureValue FNumber DateTime 27:                   ISOSpeedRatings ExposureTime FocalLength); 28: Add_Album(); 29: find({wanted => \&Wanted, follow => 1}, @ARGV); 30: print "\nDone generating new album...\n\n"; 31: sub Add_Album { 32:     my $sql = qq{INSERT INTO album 33:                  (album_id, name, comments) 34:                 VALUES (?,?,?)}; 35:     my $sth_album = $dbh->prepare($sql); 36:     $sth_album->execute($album_id, $album_name, ‘’) 37:         or die("ERROR! $DBI::errstr"); 38: } 39: sub Update_Database { 40:     my $photo = shift; 41:     my $p_dir = "$rel_dir/$photo"; 42:     my $sql1  = qq{INSERT INTO photo 43:                  (img_id, width, height, resolution, flash,  44:           model, make, aperture, fnumber, img_date,  45:                   iso_speed, exposure, focal_length, 46:                   img_title, img_location, album_id, comments) 47:                  VALUES 48:          (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}; 49:     my $sth_photo = $dbh->prepare($sql1); 50:     my $id = $info->{DateTime}; 51:     $id    =~ s/[ \:]//g; 52:     $id   .= time(); 53:     $sth_photo->execute($id, @$info{@EXIF}, ‘untitled’, 54:                         $p_dir, $album_id, ‘’) 55:            or die("ERROR! $DBI::errstr "); 56:     print "Record inserted into database...\n"; 57: } 58: sub Massage_Data { 59:     my @RATIONAL = qw(FNumber FocalLength); 60:     for(@RATIONAL) { 61:         $info->{$_} = Rational($info->{$_},1); 62:     } 63:     $info->{‘MaxApertureValue’}  64:       = sprintf("%.1f", (1.4142 ** $info->{‘MaxApertureValue’})); 65: } 66: sub Rational { 67:   my ($in, $dec)    = @_; 68:   my ($num, $denom) = split(‘/’, $in); 69:   my  $fmt          = ‘%.’ . $dec . ‘f’; 70:   return($denom == 0 ? "Err" : sprintf($fmt, $num/$denom)); 71: } 72: sub Img_Copy { 73:     my $source_file = shift; 74:     $source_file =~ /^([\w\-\/]+)\.(\w{1,4})$/; 75:     my $dest_file = $1 . ‘.’ . $2; 76:     copy($source_file, "$album_dir/" . basename($dest_file)) or die "Cannot copy $!"; 77:     print "Done writing $dest_file...\n"; 78: } 79: sub Resize { 80:     my ($file, $xfac) = @_; 81:     my $extn; 82:     my $img = Imager->new(); 83:     $img->open(file => $file) or die $img->errstr(); 84:     $file =~ /^([\w\-\/]+)\.(\w{1,4})$/; 85:     $file = $1; 86:     $file = basename($file); 87:     $extn = $2; 88:     $xfac =~ /^([\w]+)$/ || die "Oops!"; 89:     $xfac = $1; 90:     my $newimg = $img->copy(); 91:     $newimg    = $img->scale(xpixels => $xfac); 92:     $newimg->write(file => "$album_dir/$file.$xfac.$extn")  93:        or die $img->errstr(); 94:     print "Done writing $file.$xfac.$extn...\n"; 95: } 96: sub Wanted { 97:     if( (/\.jpg|\.jpeg$/i) ) { 98:         my $file      = $_; 99:         $info = undef; 100:         $info = image_info($File::Find::fullname); 101:         die "Can’t parse image info: $info->{error}\n" 102:             if($info->{error}); 103:         for(@SIZES) { 104:             Resize ($File::Find::fullname, $_); 105:         } 106:         Massage_Data    (); 107:         Img_Copy        ($File::Find::fullname); 108: Update_Database ($file); 109: print "\n"; 110:     } 111: } 
end example

Listing 16-2: index.cgi

start example
01: #!/usr/bin/perl -wT 02: # index.cgi  Photo Album Script 03: use strict; 04: use DBI; 05: use CGI qw(:standard); 06: use lib qw(.); 07: use BasicSession; 08: our $sess; 09: my  %item; 10: $sess = Get_Session(); 11: tie %item, ‘BasicSession’; 12: my $album = param(‘album’); 13: my $photo = param(‘photo’); 14: my $size  = param(‘size’); 15: my $sizes = Make_Sizes(qw(640 800 orig)); 16: $size ? ($item{‘size’} = $size) : ($size = $item{‘size’}); 17: my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:photoalbum","bookuser","testpass") 18:     or die("Cannot connect: $DBI::errstr"); 19: if($photo) { 20:     Show_Photo($photo, $album); 21:     exit; 22: } 23: elsif($album) { 24:     Show_Album($album); 25:     exit; 26: } 27: else { 28:     List_Albums(); 29:     exit; 30: } 31: sub Make_Sizes { 32:     my @sizes  = @_; 33:     my $string = ‘’; 34:     for my $size (@sizes) { 35:        $string .=  36:          qq(<a href="?photo=$photo&album=$album&size=$size">$size</a> ); 37:     } 38:     return($string); 39: } 40: sub List_Albums { 41:     my $sql = qq{SELECT * FROM album}; 42:     my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); 43:     $sth->execute(); 44:     Print_Page("./templates", "header.tmpl"); 45:     Print_Page("./templates", "list_top.tmpl"); 46:     while(my $p = $sth->fetchrow_hashref){ 47:         Print_Page("./templates", "list_row.tmpl", $p); 48:     } 49:     Print_Page("./templates", "list_end.tmpl"); 50:     Print_Page("./templates", "footer.tmpl"); 51: } 52: sub Show_Album { 53:     my $cols = 3; 54:     my $sql_p = qq{SELECT * FROM photo WHERE album_id = ?}; 55:     my $sql_a = qq{SELECT * FROM album WHERE album_id = ?}; 56:     my $sth_p = $dbh->prepare($sql_p); 57:     my $sth_a = $dbh->prepare($sql_a); 58:     $sth_p->execute($album); 59:     $sth_a->execute($album); 60:     Print_Page("./templates", "header.tmpl"); 61:     while(my $p = $sth_a->fetchrow_hashref){ 62:         $p->{cols} = $cols; 63:         Print_Page("./templates", "album_top.tmpl", $p); 64:     } 65:     my $counter = 1;  66:     while(my $p = $sth_p->fetchrow_hashref){ 67:         $p->{img_location} = get_image($p->{img_location}, 100); 68:         print "<tr>"  if($counter == 1); 69:         Print_Page("./templates", "album_row.tmpl", $p); 70:         print "</tr>" if($counter == $cols);   71:         $counter++; 72: $counter = 1  if($counter > $cols); 73:     } 74:     print "</tr>" unless($counter == 1); 75:     Print_Page("./templates", "album_end.tmpl",{‘cols’ => $cols}); 76:     Print_Page("./templates", "footer.tmpl"); 77: } 78: sub Get_Photo_List { 79:     my ($photo, $album) = @_; 80:     my ($index, @photos); 81:     my $count = 0; 82:     my $sql  = qq{SELECT img_id FROM photo WHERE album_id = ?}; 83:     my $sth  = $dbh->prepare($sql); 84:     my @all; 85:     $sth->execute($album); 86:     while(my @tmp = $sth->fetchrow_array){push @all, $tmp[0];} 87:     for(@all) { 88:         $index = $count if(/$photo/); #Get index of photo we want 89:         $count++; 90:     } 91:     unless($index) { 92:         @photos = @all[0, 1]; 93:         unshift @photos, ‘’; 94:     } 95:     else { 96:         @photos = @all[($index-1)..($index+1)]; # Get photos next to it 97:     } 98:     return (@photos); 99: } 100: sub Show_Photo { 101:     my ($photo, $album) = @_; 102:     my @photos = Get_Photo_List($photo, $album); 103:     my $ptr = Get_Details(@photos); 104:     $ptr->{img_location} = get_image($ptr->{img_location}, $size); 105:     $ptr->{image_sizes}  = $sizes; 106:     Print_Page("./templates", "header.tmpl"); 107:     Print_Page("./templates", "photo_main.tmpl", $ptr); 108:     Print_Page("./templates", "photo_footer.tmpl", $ptr); 109: } 110: sub Get_Details { 111:     my @photos = @_; 112:     my ($p, %tmp); 113:     my %hsh = (‘prev’ => 0, ‘curr’ => 1, ‘next’ => 2); 114:     my $sql1 = qq{SELECT img_id, img_location FROM photo WHERE img_id = ?}; 115:     my $sql2 = qq{SELECT * FROM photo WHERE img_id = ?}; 116:     my $sth1 = $dbh->prepare($sql1); 117:     my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare($sql2); 118:     for(keys %hsh){ 119:         if(/curr/) { 120:             $sth2->execute($photos[$hsh{$_}]); 121:             $p = $sth2->fetchrow_hashref; 122:         } 123:         else { 124:             $sth1->execute($photos[$hsh{$_}]) or die("Error!\n"); 125:             my $data = $sth1->fetch; 126:             $tmp{$_ . "_thumb_id"} = $data->[0]; 127:             $tmp{$_ . "_thumb_location"} = get_image($data->[1], 100); 128:         } 129:     } 130:     while(my($k,$v) = each %tmp) { $p->{$k} = $v; } 131:     return($p); 132: } 133: sub get_image { 134:     my ($photo, $size) = @_; 135:     if(($size ne "orig") and (!$size eq "")){ 136:         $photo =~ s/\.jpg$/\.$size\.jpg/; 137:     } 138:     return($photo); 139: }
end example

Listing 16-3: admin.cgi

start example
01: #!/usr/bin/perl -wT 02: # admin.cgi  Photo Album Admin Script 03: use strict; 04: use DBI; 05: use CGI qw(:standard); 06: use lib qw(.); 07: use BasicSession; 08: our $sess; 09: my  %item; 10: $sess = Get_Session(); 11: tie %item, ‘BasicSession’; 12: my $album = param(‘album’); 13: my $photo = param(‘photo’); 14: my $size  = param(‘size’); 15: my $sizes = Make_Sizes(qw(640 800 orig)); 16: $size ? ($item{‘size’} = $size) : ($size = $item{‘size’}); 17: my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:photoalbum","bookuser","testpass") 18:     or die("Cannot connect: $DBI::errstr"); 19: if($photo) { 20:     Show_Photo($photo, $album); 21:     exit; 22: } 23: elsif($album) { 24:     Show_Album($album); 25:     exit; 26: } 27: else { 28:     List_Albums(); 29:     exit; 30: } 31: sub Make_Sizes { 32:     my @sizes  = @_; 33:     my $string = ‘’; 34:     for my $size (@sizes) { 35:        $string .=  36:          qq(<a href="?photo=$photo&album=$album&size=$size">$size</a> ); 37:     } 38:     return($string); 39: } 40: sub List_Albums { 41:     my $sql = qq{SELECT * FROM album}; 42:     my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); 43:     $sth->execute(); 44:     Print_Page("./templates", "header.tmpl"); 45:     Print_Page("./templates", "list_top.tmpl"); 46:     while(my $p = $sth->fetchrow_hashref){ 47:         Print_Page("./templates", "admin_list_row.tmpl", $p); 48:     } 49:     Print_Page("./templates", "list_end.tmpl"); 50:     Print_Page("./templates", "footer.tmpl"); 51: } 52: sub Update_Data { 53:     my $type = shift; 54:     my ($title, $id, $sql); 55:     if($type eq "photo") { 56:         $title = param(‘img_title’); 57: $id    = $photo; 58:         $sql = qq{UPDATE photo SET img_title=?, comments=? WHERE img_id = ?}; 59:     } 60:     elsif($type eq "album") { 61:         $title = param(‘title’); 62: $id    = $album; 63:         $sql = qq{UPDATE album SET name=?, comments=? WHERE album_id = ?}; 64:     } 65:     else { 66:         return 0; 67:     } 68:     my $comments = param(‘comments’); 69:     return unless($title or $comments); 70:     my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); 71:     $sth->execute($title, $comments, $id); 72: } 73: sub Show_Album { 74:     Update_Data("album"); 75:     my $cols = 3; 76:     my $sql_p = qq{SELECT * FROM photo WHERE album_id = ?}; 77:     my $sql_a = qq{SELECT * FROM album WHERE album_id = ?}; 78:     my $sth_p = $dbh->prepare($sql_p); 79:     my $sth_a = $dbh->prepare($sql_a); 80:     $sth_p->execute($album); 81:     $sth_a->execute($album); 82:     Print_Page("./templates", "header.tmpl"); 83:     my $alb = $sth_a->fetchrow_hashref; 84:     $alb->{cols} = $cols; 85:     Print_Page("./templates", "admin_album_top.tmpl", $alb); 86:     my $counter = 1;  87:     while(my $p = $sth_p->fetchrow_hashref){ 88:         $p->{img_location} = get_image($p->{img_location}, 100); 89:         print "<tr>"  if($counter == 1); 90:         Print_Page("./templates", "admin_album_row.tmpl", $p); 91:         print "</tr>" if($counter == $cols);   92:         $counter++; 93: $counter = 1  if($counter > $cols); 94:     } 95:     print "</tr>" unless($counter == 1); 96:     Print_Page("./templates", "admin_album_end.tmpl", $alb); 97:     Print_Page("./templates", "footer.tmpl"); 98: } 99: sub Get_Photo_List { 100:     my ($photo, $album) = @_; 101:     my ($index, @photos); 102:     my $count = 0; 103:     my $sql  = qq{SELECT img_id FROM photo WHERE album_id = ?}; 104:     my $sth  = $dbh->prepare($sql); 105:     my @all; 106:     $sth->execute($album); 107:     while(my @tmp = $sth->fetchrow_array){push @all, $tmp[0];} 108:     for(@all) { 109:         $index = $count if(/$photo/); # Get index of photo we want 110: $count++; 111:     } 112:     unless($index) { 113:         @photos = @all[0, 1]; 114: unshift @photos, ‘’; 115:     } 116:     else { 117:         @photos = @all[($index-1)..($index+1)]; # Get photos next to it 118:     } 119:     return (@photos); 120: } 121: sub Show_Photo { 122:     my ($photo, $album) = @_; 123:     Update_Data("photo"); 124:     my @photos = Get_Photo_List($photo, $album); 125:     my $ptr = Get_Details(@photos); 126:     $ptr->{img_location} = get_image($ptr->{img_location}, $size); 127:     $ptr->{image_sizes}  = $sizes; 128:     Print_Page("./templates", "header.tmpl"); 129:     Print_Page("./templates", "admin_main.tmpl", $ptr); 130:     Print_Page("./templates", "admin_footer.tmpl", $ptr); 131: } 132: sub Get_Details { 133:     my @photos = @_; 134:     my ($p, %tmp); 135:     my %hsh = (‘prev’ => 0, ‘curr’ => 1, ‘next’ => 2); 136:     my $sql1 = qq{SELECT img_id, img_location FROM photo WHERE img_id = ?}; 137:     my $sql2 = qq{SELECT * FROM photo WHERE img_id = ?}; 138:     my $sth1 = $dbh->prepare($sql1); 139:     my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare($sql2); 140:     for(keys %hsh){ 141:         if(/curr/) { 142:             $sth2->execute($photos[$hsh{$_}]); 143:             $p = $sth2->fetchrow_hashref; 144:         } 145:         else { 146:             $sth1->execute($photos[$hsh{$_}]) or die("Error!"); 147:             my $data = $sth1->fetch; 148:             $tmp{$_ . "_thumb_id"} = $data->[0]; 149:             $tmp{$_ . "_thumb_location"} = get_image($data->[1], 100); 150:         } 151:     } 152:     while(my($key,$val) = each %tmp) { $p->{$key} = $val; } 153:     return($p); 154: } 155: sub get_image { 156:     my ($photo, $size) = @_; 157:     if($size ne "orig") { 158:         $photo =~ s/\.jpg$/\.$size\.jpg/; 159:     } 160:     return($photo); 161: } 
end example

Listing 16-4: admin_album_end.tmpl

start example
01: <!-- Begin admin_album_end.tmpl --> 02: <tr> 03:  <td colspan="%%cols%%" align="center"> 04:   <a href="?">Main Album List</a><br /> 05:  </td> 06: </tr> 07: <tr> 08:  <td colspan="%%cols%%" align="center"> 09:   Album Comments:<br /> 10:   <textarea rows="2" cols="40" wrap="physical" name="comments">%%comments%%</textarea><br /> 11:   <input type="submit" value="Submit Changes"> 12:  </td> 13: </tr> 14: </table> 15: </form> 16: <!-- End admin_album_end.tmpl -->
end example

Listing 16-5: admin_album_row.tmpl

start example
01:   <td align="center" width="200"> 02:    <a href="/cgi-bin/admin.cgi?photo=%%img_id%%&album=%%album_id%%"><img src="/books/2/889/1/html/2/%%img_location%%" border="0"></a> 03:    <br> 04:    %%img_title%% 05:   </td>
end example

Listing 16-6: admin_album_top.tmpl

start example
01: <!-- Begin admin_album_top.tmpl --> 02: <hr width="50%"> 03: <form> 04: <input type="hidden" name="album" value="%%album_id%%"> 05: <table align="center" border="1" cellspacing="0"> 06:  <tr> 07:   <td colspan="%%cols%%" align="center"> 08:    Album Title: <input type="text" name="title" value="%%name%%"> 09:   </td> 10:  </tr> 11: <!-- End admin_album_top.tmpl --> 
end example

Listing 16-7: admin_footer.tmpl

start example
01:  <tr> 02:   <td colspan="3" align="center"> 03:    <a href="?">Main Album List</a>  04:    <input type="submit" value="Submit Data"> 05:    <a href="?album=%%album_id%%">This Album Main</a> 06:   </td> 07:  </tr> 08:  </table> 09:  </form> 10:  </body> 11: </html>
end example

Listing 16-8: admin_list_row.tmpl

start example
01: <!-- Begin admin_list_row.tmpl --> 02:  <tr> 03:   <td> 04:    <a href="/cgi-bin/admin.cgi?album=%%album_id%%">%%name%%</a> 05:   </td> 06:   <td>&nbsp;%%comments%%</td> 07:  </tr> 08: <!-- End admin_list_row.tmpl -->
end example

Listing 16-9: admin_main.tmpl

start example
01: <form>  02: <input type="hidden" name="photo" value="%%img_id%%"> 03: <input type="hidden" name="album" value="%%album_id%%"> 04: <table border="1" cellspacing="0"  align="center"> 05:  <tr> 06:   <td colspan="3" align="center"> 07:    <img src="/books/2/889/1/html/2/%%img_location%%"> 08:   </td> 09:  </tr> 10:  <tr> 11:   <td width="100" valign="top"> 12:    <a href="?photo=%%prev_thumb_id%%&album=%%album_id%%"> 13:     <img src="/books/2/889/1/html/2/%%prev_thumb_location%%" border="0"> 14:    </a> 15:   </td> 16:   <td> 17:    <table border="1" cellspacing="0"  align="center" width="100%"> 18:     <tr> 19:      <td><b>Image Title:</b></td> 20:      <td><input type="text" name="img_title" value="%%img_title%%"></td> 21:     </tr> 22:     <tr> 23:      <td><b>Image Date:</b></td> 24:      <td>%%img_date%%</td> 25:     </tr> 26:     <tr> 27:      <td><b>Flash:</b></td> 28:      <td>%%flash%%</td> 29:     </tr> 30:     <tr> 31:      <td><b>Focal Length:</b></td> 32:      <td>%%focal_length%%mm</td> 33:     </tr> 34:     <tr> 35:      <td><b>Aperture:</b></td> 36:      <td>f/%%aperture%%</td> 37:     </tr> 38:     <tr> 39:      <td><b>ISO Speed:</b></td> 40:      <td>%%iso_speed%%</td> 41:     </tr> 42:     <tr> 43:      <td><b>Shutter Speed:</b></td> 44:      <td>%%exposure%% sec.</td> 45:     </tr> 46:     <tr> 47:      <td><b>Camera Make:</b></td> 48:      <td>%%make%%</td> 49:     </tr> 50:     <tr> 51:      <td><b>Camera Model:</b></td> 52:      <td>%%model%%</td> 53:     </tr> 54:     <tr> 55:      <td><b>Comments:</b></td> 56:      <td> 57:      <textarea name="comments" rows="2" cols="40" wrap="physical">%%comments%%</textarea> 58:      </td> 59:     </tr> 60:     <tr> 61:      <td><b>Image Sizes:</b></td> 62:      <td>%%image_sizes%%</td> 63:     </tr> 64:    </table> 65:   </td> 66:   <td width="100" valign="top"> 67:    <a href="?photo=%%next_thumb_id%%&album=%%album_id%%"> 68:    <img src="/books/2/889/1/html/2/%%next_thumb_location%%" border="0"> 69:    </a> 70:   </td> 71:  </tr>
end example

Listing 16-10: album_end.tmpl

start example
01: <!-- Begin album_end.tmpl --> 02: <tr> 03:  <td colspan="%%cols%%" align="center"> 04:   <a href="?">Main Album List</a> 05:  </td> 06: </tr> 07: </table> 08: <!-- End album_end.tmpl -->
end example

Listing 16-11: album_row.tmpl

start example
01:   <td align="center" width="200"> 02:    <a href="/cgi-bin/index.cgi?photo=%%img_id%%&album=%%album_id%%"><img src="/books/2/889/1/html/2/%%img_location%%" border="0"></a> 03:    <br> 04:    %%img_title%% 05:   </td>
end example

Listing 16-12: album_top.tmpl

start example
01: <!-- Begin album_top.tmpl --> 02: <hr width="50%"> 03: <table align="center" border="1" cellspacing="0"> 04:  <tr> 05:   <td colspan="%%cols%%" align="center"> 06:    <font >%%name%%</font> 07:   </td> 08:  </tr> 09: <!-- End album_top.tmpl -->
end example

Listing 16-13: footer.tmpl

start example
01:  </body> 02: </html>
end example

Listing 16-14: header.tmpl

start example
01: <html><head><title>Perl Photo Album</title> 02: <style type="text/css"> 03: <!--  04: td   { background:  #e0e0e0;  05:        color:       #000000;  06:        font-family: Lucida, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial;  07:        font-size:   12pt} 08: a:link    { color: #4444ff } 09: a:visited { color: #333377 } 10: a:active  { color: #0000dd } 11: b  12: { font-family: Lucida, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial;  13:   font-size:   10pt;  14:   color:       #000000 } 15: .small 16: { font-family: Lucida, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial;  17:   font-size:   10pt;  18:   color:       #000000 } 19: .medium 20: { font-family: Lucida, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial;  21:   font-size:   12pt;  22:   color:       #000000 } 23: .big_error 24: { font-family: Lucida, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial;  25:   font-size:   14pt;  26:   font-weight: bold; 27:   color:       #ff0000 } 28: .big  29: { font-family: Lucida, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial;  30:   font-size:   14pt;  31:   color:       #000000 } 32: .large  33: { font-family: Lucida, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial;  34:   font-size:   20pt;  35:   color:       #000000 } 36: .big2 37: { font-family: Lucida, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial;  38:   font-size:   24pt;  39:   color:       #000000 } 40: --> 41: </style> 42: </head> 43: <body> 44:  <div align="center"> 45:   <img src="/books/2/889/1/html/2//images/album/perl_photo_album.jpg"> 46:  <div>
end example

Listing 16-15: list_end.tmpl

start example
01: <!-- Begin albums_end.tmpl --> 02: </table> 03: <!-- End albums_end.tmpl -->
end example

Listing 16-16: list_row.tmpl

start example
01: <!-- Begin list_row.tmpl --> 02:  <tr> 03:   <td> 04:    <a href="/cgi-bin/index.cgi?album=%%album_id%%">%%name%%</a> 05:   </td> 06:   <td>&nbsp;%%comments%%</td> 07:  </tr> 08: <!-- End list_row.tmpl -->
end example

Listing 16-17: list_top.tmpl

start example
01: <!-- Begin list_top.tmpl --> 02: <hr width="50%"> 03: <table align="center" border="1" cellspacing="0"> 04:  <tr> 05:   <td colspan="2" align="center"> 06:    <font >Available Albums</font> 07:   </td> 08:  </tr> 09:  <tr> 10:   <td><b>Album Name</b></td> 11:   <td><b>Comments</b></td> 12:  </tr> 13: <!-- End list_top.tmpl -->
end example

Listing 16-18: photo_footer.tmpl

start example
01:  <tr> 02:   <td colspan="3" align="center"> 03:    <a href="?">Main Album List</a>  04:    <a href="?album=%%album_id%%">This Album Main</a> 05:   </td> 06:  </tr> 07:  </table> 08:  </body> 09: </html> 
end example

Listing 16-19: photo_main.tmpl

start example
01: <table border="1" cellspacing="0"  align="center"> 02:  <tr> 03:   <td colspan="3" align="center"> 04:    <img src="/books/2/889/1/html/2/%%img_location%%"> 05:   </td> 06:  </tr> 07:  <tr> 08:   <td width="100" valign="top"> 09:    <a href="?photo=%%prev_thumb_id%%&album=%%album_id%%"> 10:     <img src="/books/2/889/1/html/2/%%prev_thumb_location%%" border="0"> 11:    </a> 12:   </td> 13:   <td> 14:    <table border="1" cellspacing="0"  align="center" width="100%"> 15:     <tr> 16:      <td><b>Image Title:</b></td> 17:      <td>%%img_title%%</td> 18:     </tr> 19:     <tr> 20:      <td><b>Image Date:</b></td> 21:      <td>%%img_date%%</td> 22:     </tr> 23:     <tr> 24:      <td><b>Flash:</b></td> 25:      <td>%%flash%%</td> 26:     </tr> 27:     <tr> 28:      <td><b>Focal Length:</b></td> 29:      <td>%%focal_length%%mm</td> 30:     </tr> 31:     <tr> 32:      <td><b>Aperture:</b></td> 33:      <td>f/%%aperture%%</td> 34:     </tr> 35:     <tr> 36:      <td><b>ISO Speed:</b></td> 37:      <td>%%iso_speed%%</td> 38:     </tr> 39:     <tr> 40:      <td><b>Shutter Speed:</b></td> 41:      <td>%%exposure%% sec.</td> 42:     </tr> 43:     <tr> 44:      <td><b>Camera Make:</b></td> 45:      <td>%%make%%</td> 46:     </tr> 47:     <tr> 48:      <td><b>Camera Model:</b></td> 49:      <td>%%model%%</td> 50:     </tr> 51:     <tr> 52:      <td><b>Comments:</b></td> 53:      <td>%%comments%%&nbsp;</td> 54:     </tr> 55:     <tr> 56:      <td><b>Image Sizes:</b></td> 57:      <td>%%image_sizes%%</td> 58:     </tr> 59:    </table> 60:   </td> 61:   <td width="100" valign="top"> 62:    <a href="?photo=%%next_thumb_id%%&album=%%album_id%%"> 63:    <img src="/books/2/889/1/html/2/%%next_thumb_location%%" border="0"> 64:    </a> 65:   </td> 66:  </tr>
end example

Perl Database Programming
Perl Database Programming
ISBN: 0764549561
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 175 © 2008-2017.
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