Changing a Screen Variant

When you navigate to the initial screen of a transaction and find a screen variant there, you can change it in one of two ways.

Procedure: Changing a Screen Variant 1

Step 1.

Follow the menu path Goto > Variant > Save as Variant (Figure 13.7D).

Step 2.

The ABAP: Save as Variant screen appears (Figure 13.8). Change the protect and hide selections for any data entry fields and selection options.

Step 3.

Option 1: Save this revised version of the screen variant with the same name.

  • Click the Save button (Figure 13.8E).

  • The system responds with a popup screen that asks you to confirm the overwrite (or revision) of the variant (Figure 13.10).

    Figure 13.10. Confirm a change of a screen variant on the Overwrite variant screen.

  • Hit the Enter key on your keyboard, or

    Click the Yes button on the popup screen (A).

    Option 2: Save this revision version of the screen variant as a new variant.

  • Enter a name for the new variant in the Variant name field of the ABAP: Save as Variant screen (Figure 13.8A).

  • Click the Save button (Figure 13.8E) to save the new variant and return to the initial screen, where it is now displayed.

Procedure: Changing a Screen Variant 2

Step 1.

Click the All selections button in the application toolbar of the screen variant (Figure 13.9B).

Step 2.

The default version of the initial screen, with all its data entry fields and selection options, is displayed.

SAP R. 3 for Everyone. Step-by-Step Instructions, Practical Advice, and Other Tips and Tricks for Working with SAP
SAP R/3 for Everyone: Step-by-Step Instructions, Practical Advice, and Other Tips and Tricks for Working with SAP
ISBN: 0131860852
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 132 © 2008-2017.
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