How to Restart a Network Server

Sometimes, the only way to flush out a network problem is to restart the network server that's experiencing trouble.


Restarting a network server is an action you should take only as a last resort. Network operating systems are designed to run for months or even years at a time without rebooting. Restarting a server invariably results in a temporary shutdown of the network. If you must restart a server, try to do it during off hours.


Before you restart a server, check to see whether a specific service that's required has been paused or stopped. You may be able to just restart the individual service rather than the entire server. For more information, see the section, "How to Restart Network Services," earlier in this chapter.

Here's the basic procedure for restarting a network server for Windows Server 2003:

  1. Make sure that everyone is logged off the server.

    The easiest way to do that is to restart the server after normal business hours, when everyone has gone home for the day. Then you can just shut down the server and let the shutdown process forcibly log off any remaining users.

    To find out who's logged on, refer to the section, "Who's on First," earlier in this chapter.

  2. After you're sure that all users have logged off, shut down the network server.

    Behave like a good citizen if possible-decently and in order. For Windows servers, choose the Start image from book Shut Down command.


    Windows Server 2003 doesn't let you shut down the server without providing a reason for the shutdown. When you press Ctrl+Alt+Delete, a dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 19-2. In this dialog box, you can choose from the drop-down list one of several predetermined reasons for planned or unplanned shutdowns. You can also provide additional details about the shutdown. This dialog box doesn't let you shut down until you select a reason and type at least one character in the Comment text box. The information you supply is entered into the server's system log, which you can review by using the Event Viewer.

    image from book
    Figure 19-2: Tracking shutdowns in Windows Server 2003.

  3. Reboot the server computer, or turn it off and then on again.

    Watch the server start up, to make sure that no error messages appear.

  4. Tell everyone to log back on and make sure that everyone can now access the network.

Remember this advice when you consider restarting the network server:

  • Restarting the network server is more drastic than restarting a client computer. Make sure that everyone saves their work and logs off the network before you do it! You can cause major problems if you blindly turn off the server computer while users are logged on.

  • Obviously, restarting a network server is a major inconvenience to every network user. Offer treats.

Networking For Dummies
Networking For Dummies
ISBN: 0470534052
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 254
Authors: Doug Lowe © 2008-2017.
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